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FORM 160.81-EG1 (502)
Model YR
Twin-Screw Compressor Liquid Chillers
Design Level A
200 through 430 tons (60 Hz)
700 through 1500 kW (50 Hz) 90.1
170 through 365 tons (50 Hz)
600 through 1280 kW (50 Hz)
Rated in Accordance
Utilizing HFC-134a
with the latest edition of ARI
STANDARD 550/590 Metric Conversions
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FORM 160.81-EG1 Table of Contents PAGE INTRODUCTION.......................................................... 3 LIST OF TABLES RATINGS ..................................................................... 4 TABLE PAGE NO. OPTIVIEW CONTROL CENTER ................................. 5 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS ............................... 13 1 Water Flow Rate Limits ................ 19 ACCESSORIES & MODIFICATIONS .......................... 17 2 Motor Voltage Variations .............. 22 SI METRIC
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FORM 160.81-EG1 Introduction The YORK MAXE YR Chiller offers a complete combina- HIGH-EFFICIENCY HEAT EXCHANGERS tion of features for total owner satisfaction. MAXE chiller heat exchangers offer the latest technology MATCHED COMPONENTS MAXIMIZE EFFICIENCY in heat transfer surface design to give you maximum efficiency and compact design. Waterside and Actual chiller efficiency cannot be determined by ana- refrigerant-side design enhancements minimize both en- lyzing the theoretical efficiency of
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FORM 160.81-EG1 Ratings Rated in accordance with the latest full- and part-load vary significantly with each heat ex- issue of ARI Standard 550/590. changer and pass arrangement. Computerized ratings are available through each YORK sales office. These ratings can be tailored to specific job requirements, and are part of the ARI Certification Program. ARI CERTIFICATION PROGRAM OFF-DESIGN PERFORMANCE The performance of YORK MAXE chillers is certified to the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Insti
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FORM 160.81-EG1 OptiView Control Center 00550VIP OPTIVIEW CONTROL CENTER During the Start Sequence and System Lockout Delay, the system status will include a countdown timer indi- The YORK OptiView Control Center, furnished as stan- cating the time remaining. The control panel is com- dard on each chiller, provides the ultimate in efficiency, patible with the YORK Solid State Starter (optional), monitoring, data recording, chiller protection and oper- Electro-mechanical (E-M) starter, or any cus
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FORM 160.81-EG1 OptiView Control Center (continued) tacts include a Remote Mode Ready To Start, a Cy- When power is applied to the chiller, the HOME screen is cling Shutdown, a Safety Shutdown and a chiller Run displayed. This screen displays a visual representation of Contact. Pressure transducers sense system pressures the chiller and a collection of data detailing important op- and thermistors sense system temperatures. The out- erations and parameters. When the chiller is running, the put of
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FORM 160.81-EG1 The EVAPORATOR screen displays a cutaway view of The CONDENSER screen displays a cutaway view of the chiller evaporator. All setpoints relating to the evapo- the chiller condenser. The liquid flow is animated to in- rator side of the chiller are maintained on this screen. dicate flow through the condenser. All setpoints relat- Animation of the evaporation process indicates whether ing to the condenser side of the chiller are maintained the chiller is presently in RUN condition (b
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FORM 160.81-EG1 OptiView Control Center (continued) • Slide Valve Unload (Manual) • Differential Oil Pressure • Slide Valve Auto • Differential Filter Pressure • Max. Load Temperature • Oil Return Solenoid (LED) • Minimum Load FLA • Evaporator Pressure • Minimum Load Control Source • Condenser Pressure • Condenser Saturation The HOT GAS BYPASS screen, accessed from the COMPRESSOR screen, displays a pictorial of the by- 1. The MOTOR “soft” key on the HOME screen, when pass line and solenoid valve
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FORM 160.81-EG1 Programmable: The SETUP is the top level of the general configura- tion parameters. It allows programming of the time and • Full-load Amps date, along with specifications as to how the time will • Voltage Range be displayed. In addition, the chiller configuration as • Starting Current determined by the Micro Board program jumpers and • Open SCR program switches is displayed. From this screen you can perform the following: • Shorted SCR • kWH Reset Display Only: • Chilled Liquid P
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FORM 160.81-EG1 OptiView Control Center (continued) The USER screen allows definition of the language for The OPERATIONS screen permits definition of param- the chiller to display and defines the unit of measure. eters pertaining to operation of the chiller. What is de- fined is whether the control of the chiller will be Local, Programmable: Digital Remote, Analog Remote, Modem Remote or ISN Remote. • System Language • English/Metric Units Programmable • Control Source The COMMS screen allows th
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FORM 160.81-EG1 collecting the data, but the oldest data drops off the DISPLAY MESSAGES graph from left to right at the next data collection inter- val. For ease of identification, each plotted parameter, The Control Center continuously monitors the operat- title and associated Y-axis labeling is color coordinated. ing system, displaying and recording the cause of any shutdowns (Safety, Cycling or Normal). The condition Display Only: of the chiller is displayed at the System Status line that con
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FORM 160.81-EG1 OptiView Control Center (continued) • Low Discharge Superheat Detected • Phase Locked Loop • Maximum Load – Load Limit • Low Supply Line Voltage • Minimum Load – Load Limit • High Supply Line Voltage • Oil – Dirty Filter • Logic Board Processor • Oil – High Temperature • Logic Board Power Supply • Slide Valve Uncalibrated • Phase Loss Safety Shutdown Messages include: Routine Shutdown Messages Include: • Evaporator – Low Pressure • Remote Stop • Evaporator – Low Pressure – Smart
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FORM 160.81-EG1 Mechanical Specifications GENERAL tion stop valves for ease of servicing. An oil eductor will be provided to automatically remove oil which may have Each YORK MAXE YR Screw Chiller will be completely migrated to the evaporator, and return it to the compres- factory-packaged including evaporator, condenser, com- sor. The oil separator will be of a vertical design with no pressor, motor, OptiView control center and all inter- moving parts, and will provide high-efficiency oil separ
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FORM 160.81-EG1 Mechanical Specifications (continued) sure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1. Tubes shall ing chilled water temperature, and not have nuisance be high-efficiency, internally and externally enhanced trips on low water temperature. The sophisticated pro- type having plain copper lands at all intermediate tube gram and sensor will monitor the chiller water tempera- supports to provide maximum tube wall thickness at ture to prevent freeze up. When needed, Hot Gas By- the support
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FORM 160.81-EG1 3. Status messages indicating: type of restart required. Cycling shutdowns with a fixed speed drive will include: a. system ready to start a. multiunit cycling – contacts open b. system running b. system cycling - contacts open c. system coastdown c. control panel - power failure d. system safety shutdown-manual restart d. leaving chilled liquid - low temperature e. system cycling shutdown-auto restart e. leaving chilled liquid - flow switch open f. start sequence initiated f. co
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FORM 160.81-EG1 Mechanical Specifications (continued) 11. A numbered terminal strip for all required field in- ISOLATION MOUNTING terlock wiring. The unit is provided with four vibration isolation mounts 12. An RS-232 port to output all system operating data, consisting of 1" (25.4 mm) thick neoprene isolation pads shutdown / cycling message, and a record of the for field mounting under the steel mounting pads lo- last 10 cycling or safety shutdowns to a field-sup- cated on the tube sheets. plie
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FORM 160.81-EG1 Accessories and Modifications SOLID STATE STARTER FACTORY INSULATION OF EVAPORATOR The Solid State Starter is a reduced voltage starter that Factory-applied thermal insulation of the flexible, closed- controls and maintains a constant current flow to the cell plastic type, 3/4" (19mm) thick is attached with va- motor during startup. It is compact and mounted on the por-proof cement to the evaporator shell, flow cham- chiller at the motor terminals. Power and control wiring ber, e
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FORM 160.81-EG1 Accessories and Modifications (continued) MARINE WATER BOXES required to rig into tight spaces. This is particularly con- venient for existing buildings where equipment room Marine water boxes allow service access for cleaning access does not allow rigging a factory packaged chiller. of the heat exchanger tubes without the need to break the water piping. Bolted-on covers are arranged for con- REFRIGERANT STORAGE/RECYCLING SYSTEM venient access. Victaulic nozzle connections are st
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FORM 160.81-EG1 Application Data The following is a user’s guide in the application and mum velocity noted above. Variable flow in the condenser installation of MAXE Chillers, and will ensure the reli- is not recommended, as it generally raises the energy con- ability and trouble-free life for which this equipment was sumption of the system by keeping the condenser pres- designed. While this guide is directed towards normal, sure high in the chiller. Additionally, the rate of fouling in water-ch
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FORM 160.81-EG1 Application Data (continued) evaporator and condenser when the pumps are shut off. °F Min ECWT = LCHWT + 16 + [(% load/100) x Piping should be adequately supported and braced inde- (10 - full-load condenser water ∆ T)] pendently of the chiller to avoid the imposition of strain on °C Min ECWT = LCHWT + 8.9 + [(% load/100) x chiller components. Hangers must allow for alignment of (5.6 - full-load condenser water ∆ T)] the pipe. Isolators in the piping and in the hangers are highly