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Wa Automallc Dehumldlflers. Condlttonerr. AM Room Compactors, Trash Ovens. vme
Relrwrator-Free2t Freezers. Dryers Clothes 1ers
Model &IS
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Model Ekctric
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\ It drum a damp dust rial When a z 1. - 2. - k IS IS 2 8 : : : : 3 9 3 9 A ; 10 4 10 6 6 11 6 1. 7 11 7 2. 11 7 3. ’ :u 11 8 4. XI a 11 8 2 xlon Gorpo wnirlpool :ciw4 Times Drying Problem Have ‘, If Loads Mixed Service Need If Setting PRESS” TUMBLE A&i%nce’ Need :lu If’ Setting AIR FLUFF istance As TIPS DRYING for Calling 3re Be Drying Timed NCE ASSIST, Cycles Automatic The OR SERVICE IEED YOU IF INSTRUCTIONS OPERATING Care ‘Ion Vacc DRYER STARTI
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Responsibilities l d l conm l l l a l l 9 l u: ?d l I a o 3 information. cornpIe, weight. the support can that for Instructions” Installation the *See floor on room’ ventilated well properly. it operate unable in leveled and installed properly is weather. the from anyone or children by not is 3s. fur-r sive protected area an rn installed is explo- be may there where rur not is maintained. properly is installer. qualified by installed is dryers. clothes home )f pected ex- nor
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S OF - - - - It - - 11 F - - 1 __ - P P, LOW 3 PI LOW - - . . . . them a HAZARD. FIRE be or damage can materials heat-sensitive other and these Drying NYLON SHEER POLYPROPYLENE, OLEFIN. RUGS RUBBER-BACKED tablecloths curtains, Shower PLASTIC DRYING AIR toys stuffed FLUFF TIMED t,ras, Pillows, RUBBER FOAM FABRICS HEAT-SEN-SITIVE PLASTIC, RUBBER, Gauze,lace,etc. PRESS RMANENT panels) or (2 Curtains Sheer GENTLE FABRICS DELlCAk AND LIGHTWEIGHT KNITS ITOMATI
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a I. c 6 To ‘r WIII tumbling th6 push E?, push a time turntng a 5 use. in not is dryer the wher OFF to point should Knob Control Cycle The setting new to Knob Control the by any at changed be con setting The START setting Changing ond necessary, If cyc select door, the close dryer >e restart To OFF) to Knob Vrol Cc the turn Button START the you (or door the open dryer, stop To when stort dryer The dry the Hutton ST.4RT 3. restart ,znd stop the Push cycles the on infor
Краткое содержание страницы № 6
c When tumbling 5 l item a ;g time 1 a 10 l In. c me a time . number 60. . 5 - a time. handle. to eclsrer load the make helps This cool-down heat without are cycle this of minutes last The to IO -from want you minutes of the to Knob Control the Turn setting) heat AIR FLUFF the Lyith dusted or fluffed be to items items, lbulky large loads, small example For by dry to want you load fol,any Cycle DRY TIMED the Use Timeddrying load. similar dry you next the+the of lefl t
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FLI’FF ,IBLE Items t In a 1. 2. 3. : 1. ,d tumble 5 mir tumble 2. number 0 a a time. Put them 3. them ps. st dryer the as soon as fold or hanger: Button. START Push on at ns it6 few CYCLE. DRYING only PRESS TUMBLE results, it be For TIMED the in want you minutes of minutes. more for load the to Knob Control Turn the to continues drye the and off shuts heat Jtes.The for AIR. FLUFF air heated in will lo The to Selector Temperature Turn Button. [ART Push HIGH HEAVY to
Краткое содержание страницы № 8
mes WIII When a . . 1 nd l c When l l temp l It tumbling l F 6 I, B stops. dryer the as soon as out takei be should that items other and lthetics sy press, permanent drying are you when helpf is signal The adjustable. not IS and off turned be cannot signal The shed. fir is cycle the when sounds aryer Ine know you let to signal signal End-of-cycle information. marl for fabrics. synthetic Guide” your”Dryer in -Ilge See and knits press, permanent for selection. emperature
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A time ma\/ a II missing. 8 a removal c 2 3 morm I l 1. ? - unplug 2. 3. - ’ - - a put 7 ’ 4. e t 9 ‘yer level re- and reconnect panel Repla cool. is dryer sure Make cleaner vacua cabinet. inside hands or brush soft with seear not dc damage or injury Avoid area shaded from lint s? Remo lgnlter or funnel mosta power. electrical 0 Iher- wires, iamaglng Avold off turn or cord supply (gas] rnel r, front power hazard or (electric) panel back Remo shc,ck electrical Av
Краткое содержание страницы № 10
Caring II damp - a damp, put E nuts, PI drum. IS t 10 valve. gas cord. supply screen lint Clean close dryers, gas For power Disconnect care Vacation :r dry your load. next the in items to transferred near or on products ese use not be to dye no there sure make Do finish. and console ~dials. damage to drying after carefully Wipe can products ?treatment Some the stain can items Non-colorfast etc bolts, for ockets Check finish. the damage or dull dryer. the in or on bl neve
Краткое содержание страницы № 11
need service assistance, suggest these steps: 1 E . l . push l a l l l 5 I. l An a c but number Id l l 6 Whirlp 101 Admir 2000 I j-33 49022 number. n mc number, number, . 253-1301 a . . . . . . 632-2243 81 2534121 1 a In C WIII a 11 provide ond warranty product the fulfill to trained are technicians ice serv- TECH-CARE Compa7res. ice :Serv- TECH-CARE@ franchised of work appliance Whirlpool new every Id bl to used net- nationwide speciflcatlons exocl
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a + 691271 A c 1984 Ice Mlcr Ranges. Unlls. Surface and Ovens Bu~ll-In , DIshwash Makers. Aelr~geralar~Fr~erers. Freezers. Dryers. Clothes Washers iat~t Corporation Whirlpool U.S.A in Printed Rev. No. Part 3sler httle world your MakIn<