Руководство по эксплуатации Sea Eagle Boats SE-9

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Sea Eagle Boats SE-9

Устройство: Sea Eagle Boats SE-9
Категория: Лодзь
Производитель: Sea Eagle Boats
Размер: 1 MB
Добавлено: 6/28/2013
Количество страниц: 8
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Краткое содержание страницы № 1

Motormount Fishing Boats
Instructions and Owner’s Manual
SE-6 SE-8 SE-9
October 2003

Краткое содержание страницы № 2

To close, tightly pinch the pipe Introduction section of the valve with your forefinger and thumb while you Thank you for deciding to buy one of our Sea Eagle Motormount remove the pump nozzle from Fishing Boats. We think that you should get many years of use and the valve. Squeeze tightly, and pleasure out of this boat. We have been selling inflatable boats for hold the valve at the very bot- over 30 years, and your boat is the beneficiary of this experience. It tom to prevent the air from is

Краткое содержание страницы № 3

Pumps Inflation Monitor A-4 bellows pump - This pump is included Chambers 1 and 3 feature an inflation monitor diagram to in the Startup Packages of our Sea Eagle help you gauge the correct 6, 8 and 9 Motormount boats. Attach the pressure. hose to the valve on the left side of the pump (as shown in the picture) to inflate. As you inflate your boat, the The two piece nozzle adapters allow you to hull material will stretch so that either inflate our small pipe valves on the the printed diagram wil

Краткое содержание страницы № 4

Floorboard Assembly Motormount Assembly 1. Inflate both chambers in the Your boat should be about 75% inflatable floor fully. If the inflat- inflated to install the motor- able floor is not fully inflated the mount correctly. This gives the floorboards will have a small boat some structure but keeps gap on either side. Inflate it pliable. The MM-3 (left), has chambers 1 & 3 to 60-75% of motormount rods which are maximum pressure. You should bent inward to transfer pressure be able to push 4 to 5

Краткое содержание страницы № 5

5) Clip the front strap of the canopy to the rope lacing going through the 2 grommets just above the handle as shown in the Motormount Support Bench picture at the right. Attach the two The Motormount Support back straps to roping behind the Bench is a comfortable seat blue grommet on the motormount that improves support for heav- inflatable chamber. ier outboard motors. It also transmits the rotational force of 6) Tighten straps so the canopy is the engine and reduces tran- level and tightly

Краткое содержание страницы № 6

Fishing: With a Sea Eagle, most kinds of fishing are possi- ble. Because it can be easily car-topped or packed conve- Disassembly and deflation niently in a car trunk, you can If you are planning on storing your boat for a long period, you should take your boat almost anywhere wipe it down with a towel to remove any moisture to prevent any there is fish. In many cases, mildew forming on your boat. you will have a big edge over other fishermen because you First remove the knurled nuts and the

Краткое содержание страницы № 7

Starting from the bow, roll for a leak. Below are the three best methods toward the stern of the boat 1) Visual inspection. Get a good look at your boat from just a few tightly to force out any remain- feet away. Flip it over and closely check over the outside. Any large ing air. leaks should be clearly visible. 2) Listening. If you have a rough idea where your leak is, you can sometimes hear it in a quiet room. 3) Soapy water. Use a mix of dishwashing liquid and water in a spray bottle, and spr

Краткое содержание страницы № 8

19 N. Columbia St. Port Jefferson, NY 11777 Phone #: (631) 473-7308 Fax#: (631) 473-7398 staff@seaeagle.com 8

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