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Shown with
Optional Skegs
Sea Eagle FoldCat 325fc & 375fc
Instructions and
Owner’s Manual
October 2006
19 N. Columbia St., Suite 1, Port Jefferson, NY 11777
(631) 473 7308
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- A-41 bellows foot pump INTRODUCTION *Note: The repair kit includes 2 patches, tube of glue, Halkey Roberts Valve Adapter & Halkey Roberts valve tool. Sea Eagle FoldCat 325fc & 375fc Congratulations, you just bought the finest 1 or 2-person ASSEMBLY fold up fishing boat on the planet. Before proceeding with assembly and inflation, please check to see that you have The FoldCat 325fc & 375fc requires only one time all necessary parts: assembly of optional aluminum step bench (SE 375fc Sea Eagle
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Feed the 2 fabric beads in the bow of the 375fc FoldCat hull through the 2 nylon slotted fittings under the aluminum step bench as shown. STERN Stabilizer Underbars The SE 375fc, has 4 aluminum stabilizer underbars - 2 short and 2 long. The SE 325fc has 4 stabilizer bars all short. From the bow of the FoldCat slide the short aluminum underbars under the first and the second aluminum slats Also make sure that the long and the short underbars are between the fabric beads holding the slats along t
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3 2 1 If the stem is not in the up position, turn the yellow stem Make sure your pump is off and hook the red positive counterclockwise with your thumb to bring it in the up alligator clip to the positive terminal of your battery. Hook position. the negative clip to the negative terminal of your battery. A41 Bellows Foot Pump Adjust the pressure dial on the MB-100 pump to 220 milibar, or This pump is used for all our 3.2 PSI as shown, and plug the products and is one of the best hose into the v
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Attach the other end of the hose to adapter # 1 from the cluster. Push the adapter in the Halkey-Roberts valve on the boat and switch on the pump. The pump will go through the two stage pumping system - a high speed fan to quickly inflate your hull, and a piston pump to achieve the desired pressure our FoldCats needs. It will automatically stop once the pontoon is fully inflated at desired pressure of 3.2 PSI. Deflation To deflate a chamber, simply turn the yellow valve stem Now slide the swive
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Please note, for disassembly it is very easy to detach the Now place the rod holders in the adapters as shown. swivel seat or the pedestal from the quick release seatmount by sliding them out while lifting up the spring loaded quick release lever mechanism on the swivel seat mount with your finger as shown below. For disassembly, you only need to detach the rod holders from the flush mount adapters. On the 325fc, install the rod holders at the end of the middle aluminum slat. Oar Locks & Oars Ro
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Fully assembled Deluxe Package looks like this: Motormount Parts for the motormount SE 375fc include wooden shown motormount plate, 2 aluminum L-brackets, four bolts, 4 washers and 4 knurled nuts. This rearmost slat has 2 pre-drilled 3/8" holes for Fully assembled FoldCat 375fc Pro Angler’s Package placement of motormount. Bolt the aluminum L-brackets looks like this: through these 2 holes by inserting the 2 bolts down SE 375fc through the front holes in the L-brackets and securing with knurled
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Insert the canopy rods with (2) Now insert the preassembled pins snaplock bracket at this into the raised oar end as shown. lock rod bases as shown. (3) Push the snaplock The center black bracket so that the pin strap on the canopy is snapped in position. should be attached to the sea tie on the Attach the base to the aluminum step rod other side of the in the bow. FoldCat in the same way. (4) Now raise the other ends in the vertical position so that the Attach the other two snaplock pin at t
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going. Please remember to give way to both sailboats and Basic Motoring Instructions motorboats, as they have the right of way. Before getting in, you should adjust the oarlock pins so the handles of the oars almost touch as they come together. Please note, at some point in the future, when you become more proficient with rowing, you may want to use longer oars which will crossover each other and give you greater reach and coverage. You also may want to switch to traditional oarlocks that allow
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department to get a replacement valve. Let the glue sit for 2-4 minutes until it appears tacky. Repairs Through use you may occasionally puncture your boat. Most leaks only take a few minutes to repair. Your boat comes with a repair kit, and additional repair supplies can be ordered from our website. Place the patch on the damaged area and press down firmly. Place Small Repairs: Deflate your boat. Thoroughly clean and a 3-5 pound weight over the patch dry area to be repaired. For a small punct