Руководство по эксплуатации Elgato Systems2

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Elgato Systems2

Устройство: Elgato Systems2
Категория: Водная система
Производитель: Elgato
Размер: 1.9 MB
Добавлено: 6/29/2014
Количество страниц: 63
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Краткое содержание страницы № 1

Elgato Systems
EyeTV 2
Software Manual
© 2006
Elgato Systems LLC
900 Kearny Street • Suite 750
San Francisco, CA 94133
United States of America
Elgato Systems GmbH
Nymphenburgerstr. 86
80636 München

Краткое содержание страницы № 2

Table of Contents Installation 3 Chapter 1 Welcome to EyeTV! 3 Viewer Window 6 Chapter 2 Watching Live Television 6 Watching Multiple Programs 6 Using Multiple Digital Channels 7 Using Digital Multifeeds 8 Changing the Size of the EyeTV Viewer Window 8 Changing the Aspect Ratio of the Viewer Window 9 Adjusting the Display Options 9 Teletext Subtitles 10 DVB Subtitles 10 Overlay Window 10 Snapshots from the EyeTV Viewer Window

Краткое содержание страницы № 3

EyeTV Manual Tuning to Live Television 38 Automatically Recording Programs 38 Remote Scheduling Programs 38 EyeTV Program Guide in Europe: Powered by tvtv 40 New User Registration 40 Navigating through the Program Guide 43 View by Date 43 View by Filter 44 Searching for Programs 44 Automatically Recording 45 Programs 45 Preferences 46 Chapter 7 General Preferences 46 Recording Preferences 47 Controls Preferenc

Краткое содержание страницы № 4

EyeTV Software Manual Chapter 1 Installation Installation This chapter will show you how to install EyeTV software and launch EyeTV for the first time. Welcome to EyeTV! This guide shows you how to begin watching and recording television programs on your Macintosh. It covers installing and configuring EyeTV software and in- cludes instructions for using the most common features of EyeTV. This chapter contains installation instructions for the software. Installation instructions for compatible

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EyeTV Software Manual Installation Step One: Installing EyeTV Software • Insert the EyeTV software CD-ROM into your CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive. • Drag and drop the EyeTV application where you would like to install it. We recommend your Mac’s Applications folder. Step Two: Launching EyeTV for the First Time • Navigate to the folder where you installed the EyeTV Soft- ware and double-click the EyeTV icon. • The first time you launch EyeTV, a Setup Assistant will guide you through the complete s

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EyeTV Software Manual Registering EyeTV Online Registering EyeTV entitles you to the following benefits: • Notification of product updates • Technical support • Special offers To register: • Open your web browser and go to www.elgato.com/registration.html • Enter the requested information and click the “Register” button. Chapter 1 · Installation 5

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EyeTV Software Manual Chapter 2 V Viewer iewer Window Window The EyeTV Viewer window displays live or pre-recorded programs on your Macintosh. This chapter describes how to use the EyeTV Viewer window. Watching Live Television With EyeTV you can watch live television in several different window sizes or in full screen mode. A live television window usually appears immediately after EyeTV is started. Live television can be manipulated (i.e. paused, instant-re- played, fast-forwarded) at any

Краткое содержание страницы № 8

EyeTV Software Manual how to watch multiple pre-recorded programs, please see Chapter 4, The EyeTV Programs Window). Using Multiple Digital Channels With digital television products EyeTV can play and record two or more TV channels that reside on the same transponder/multiplex simultaneously. A simple explanation is that digital TV channels are often subdivided into mul- tiple subchannels. That means there could be multiple channels of related con- tent available, instead of just one. For e

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EyeTV Software Manual (like 11-1 for regular programming, and 11-2 for weather). Look on your channel list, and note these subchannels. You cannot watch content from two differ- ent transponders at once (CBS and NBC), unless you had two separate tuners. That would require two separate EyeTV units. Looking for identical frequencies would be the way to determine if channels are on the same multiplex. Look in the frequency column of the Channels section of the Programs window, to see the fr

Краткое содержание страницы № 10

EyeTV Software Manual The following pre-selected sizes are also available from the View menu. To watch full screen: Select Enter Full Screen from the View menu, press z- 0, or double click on the viewer window To exit full screen mode, press the Escape key press z- 0 again, or double click on the viewer window To watch in a small size window: • Select Small Size from the View menu or press z-1. To watch in a half size window: • Select Half Size from the View menu or press z-2. To watch in a n

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EyeTV Software Manual Closed Captions Most programs in the US have embedded subtitles, known as Closed Captions. These are designed for the hearing impaired, with extra features that normal subtitles don’t have. To turn on the display of Closed Captions, go to View – Closed Captions. All EyeTV units in the US and Canada support Closed Captioning. Teletext Subtitles For all EyeTV models that support the PAL broadcast standard, EyeTV has sub- titling support via Teletext pages. To access sub

Краткое содержание страницы № 12

EyeTV Software Manual the EyeTV infrared control. Pressing the return key on the keyboard forces it to display for a few seconds. You can control how long it will display, by using the General Preferences (“Display program information after channel changes”). Please note that the amount of information available varies. Full information (program title, start, duration, rating, genre, next program) is typically available for digital broadcasts. Generally the amount of information available de

Краткое содержание страницы № 13

EyeTV Software Manual Chapter 3 Controller Controller This chapter will show you how to use the EyeTV Controller. The Control- ler enables you to fully manage your TV viewing experience. You can use the Controller while watching either live or pre-recorded programs. The picture and table on the next page describes the function of each of the buttons on the Controller. Note that some additional functions are available through the Controls menu and keyboard shortcuts. Chapter 3 · Controller 12

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EyeTV Software Manual Controller Button Descriptions EyeTV Information Display This blue area displays the name of the program currently being watched or recorded, the elapsed time, and the channel on which the program is playing. Clicking the time display toggles between elapsed time, total time, and time re- maining. EyeTV Programs - Click this button to bring up the EyeTV Programs window, which displays all of the Recordings, Scheduels, Playlists, Favorite Channels, and the Program Guide

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EyeTV Software Manual cord a longer program, please highlight the recording in the Recording section of the EyeTV Programs window, press the Info button, and edit the schedule there. Because EyeTV has only one tuner, and can only handle one video source at a time, channels and inputs cannot be changed while recording. Once a record- ing has started, the cache is flushed so you cannot skip backwards beyond the start time of the recording. Instant Replay - Clicking this button will rewind

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EyeTV Software Manual Chapter 4 Programs Programs Window Window This section describes the functions of the EyeTV Programs window. Programs Window Sections The EyeTV Programs window is organized into a number of sections, accessible from the Categories column on the left. Recordings, Schedules, Channels and Program Guide are the default sections, and Favorites and Playlists can also be added to the Categories column. There are contextual buttons at the top of the Programs Window (Info, Play

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EyeTV Software Manual those items from the File menu, with New Playlist or New Favorite Channels. At the bottom right corner of the Programs Window there is a slider. Move it to the left, and items displayed in the Programs Window will shrink. Move it to the right, and they will be magnified. Recordings Each time you record something using EyeTV, a new entry will be added to the list in the Recordings section of the EyeTV Programs window. New recordings are indicated by a blue icon pictur

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EyeTV Software Manual on the remote, a new recording is automatically added to the EyeTV Programs window. If you are recording from the tuner, then it should be named as per the Program Guide information. Otherwise, it is displayed as a “Live Recording”, with the date and time listed. You can enter the program information for this recording, or change the stop time, by highlighting it in the Programs Window and clicking the Info button. By default, the manually started recording’s duration

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EyeTV Software Manual of the EyeTV Programs window. The listing will become more restrictive with each additional character entered. Recordings are sorted by Title, Duration, Date and Size. To sort the Recordings section, click on one of the columns, like the Date column, and the sort will happen. Click again to reverse the order. You can change the order of the col- umns, by clicking on the label, and then dragging it to the left or right. To export a recording to Toast, select it, and th

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EyeTV Software Manual The total amount of schedules is listed in the Categories column, next to the Schedules section. Managing Schedules To add a manually scheduled program, select the Schedules section, click the New button at the top of the window and fill in the program’s parameters, in- cluding Title, Episode, Description, Date and Time (When), Duration, Repeats and what channel or input (Where). You can also set a schedule to add its recording to a particular Playlist, and to export to

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