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Hermetic Absorption Liquid
Installation Instructions
Absorption liquid chiller/heaters provide safe and reliable DONOTperformanyweldingorflamecuttingtoamachine
service when operated within design specifications. When while it is under a vacuum or pressurized condition.
cautions to avoid damage to equipment and property or in-
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CONTENTS RECEIVING THE MACHINE AND BURNER Page NOTE:Thechiller/heatermachineandtheburnerareshipped separately from different sources. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS................ 1 INTRODUCTION .......................... 2 IdentifyMachineandBurner— The machine and General .................................. 2 burner model numbers and serial numbers are stamped on Job Data.................................. 2 machineidentificationplates.Checkthisinformationagainst RECEIVING THE MACHINE AND BURNER..2 shippi
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234 1 11 10 9876 5 1— Condenser 7— Burner Control Panel 2— Low-Stage Generator 8— Solution Heat Exchanger 3— Flue Stack 9— Chiller/Heater Control Panel 4— Separator 10 — Absorber 5— High-Stage Generator 11 — Evaporator 6— Burner Fig. 1 — Machine Components (Front View) RIGGING AND POSITIONING Rigging 2-Piece Units PREPARATION — Two-piece units must be prepared for Rigging procedures vary depending on whether the ma- installation before they can be rigged. chine is shipped in one or 2 pieces. 1.
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Fig. 2 — 16DF Views (Typical) V — Lifting Holes Fig. 3 — Rigging One-Piece Units, Typical, Top View 4
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Fig. 4 — Rigging One-Piece Units, Typical, Side and End Views Table 1 — Rigging Weights English SHIPPING WEIGHT (lb) Absorber- High- OPERATING UNIT Evaporator Temperature WEIGHT Total 16DF Low-Temperature Generator- (lb) Weight Generator Separator Assembly Assembly 013* — — 13,230 17,200 015* — — 13,450 17,420 018* — — 15,220 20,290 020* — — 15,440 20,510 023 14,560 3,970 18,530 24,920 025 14,780 3,970 18,750 25,140 028 16,100 8,600 24,700 32,640 032 16,540 8,600 25,140 33,080 036 18,530 8,820 2
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Table 2 — Overall Dimensions, 16DF013-025 English OVERALL DIMENSIONS (ft-in.) UNIT 16DF 013 015 018 020 023 025 LENGTH 11-10 11-10 11-10 11-10 11-10 11-10 WIDTH 6- 7 6- 7 7- 8 7- 8 8- 3 8- 3 HEIGHT 7- 9 7- 9 7- 9 7- 9 8- 3 8- 3 SI OVERALL DIMENSIONS (mm) UNIT 16DF 013 015 018 020 023 025 LENGTH 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 WIDTH 1995 1995 2330 2330 2520 2520 HEIGHT 2350 2350 2350 2350 2500 2500 Table 3 — Overall Dimensions, 16DF028-050 English Absorber-Evaporator Low-Temperature GeneratorAssemb
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MACHINE ASSEMBLY Machine Leak Test — All field-welded joints on the chillermustbeleaktestedpriortostartingthemachine.Leak No assembly is required for one-piece units (16DF013- test as follows: 020)otherthaninstallingtheburner.SeeMountingtheBurner section. 1. Close all external service valves. 2. If machine is under vacuum, bring to atmospheric pres- Assemble 2-Piece Units (Fig. 8 and 9) sure with dry air or dry nitrogen. 1. Weld piping connections and make sure weld connec- 3. Pressurizeto6psig(4
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4. Close auxiliary evacuation valve and shut off auxiliary FrontplateandBurnerInstallation Topreventleak- evacuation device. age of high-temperature combustion gases with this type of forced draft burner, a high-temperature insulating gasket or 5. Note and record absolute pressure gage reading. 1/2-in.Fiberfrax®ropesealisrequiredbetweenthegenera- 6. Coat all machine field-welded joints with weld sealant. torandthefrontplateassembly,andbetweenthefrontplate and the burner assembly. Either the gaske
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FuelSystemInstallation— SeeFig.12-14fortypi- IMPORTANT: Do not use copper tubing for the gas cal gas train and oil supply system arrangements. Refer to pilot supply. burner manual supplied with the burner for installation in- structions on the particular version of gas train and/or oil Gas supply and vent connections are discussed under Con- supplysystemusedwithyourapplication.Thesesystemsare nect Fuel Piping in the Field Piping section of this manual. suppliedpre-assembled,andwithpre-installedi
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NOTES: 1. Oilsystemschematicshowninhighfire position. 2. Supplypressuremustnotexceed3psi (20 kPa) or pump seals may be dam- aged. Fig. 13 — Mechanical Pressure Atomizing, Light Oil (Pump with External Regulating Relief Valve) NOTES: 1. Oilsystemschematicshowninhighfire position. 2. Supplypressuremustnotexceed3psi (20 kPa) or pump seals may be dam- aged. Fig. 14 — Mechanical Pressure Atomizing, Light Oil (Pump with Integral Regulating Relief Valve) 10
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4. Waterflowdirectionmustbeasspecifiedinjobflowdia- 2. Do not loosen or disconnect fusible plug while connect- grams or water flow markings on water boxes, and con- ing relief pipe to it. nections must be to the correct entering and leaving wa- 3. Make sure connections to fusible plug are threaded and ter box nozzles. alloweasypipingremovalforleaktestandmaintenance. 5. Installwaterboxventanddrainpipinginaccordancewith 4. Installpipehangerswhereneededtobesurenoweightor individualjobdata.Airventsshoul
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Mostofthemachinesurfacesbecomehotduringtheheat- ConnectRuptureDiscPiping— Ventrupturedisc ing cycle and those areas should be insulated with heat- to the outside of the building for safety. Model 16DF ma- resistant material. High-temperature, fire resistant material chines sometimes are factory equipped with a rupture disc shouldbeusedinareasneartheburner,refractorydoor,and assembly on the generator-vapor transfer area. exhaust.All wiring should be external to the finished insu- 1. Add a flexible c