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WaRnIng: pHoToSenSITIVITy/
A very small percentage of individuals may experience epileptic seizures or blackouts when exposed to certain
geTTIng STaRTe D .......................................................................................... 2
light patterns or flashing lights. Exposure to certain patterns or backgrounds on a television screen or when
playing video games may trigger epileptic seizures or blackouts in these individuals. These conditions may
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noTICeS CoMpleTe ConTRolS Video output in HD requires cables and an HD- compatible display, both sold separately. Move character left stick Lock target B button geTTIng STaRTeD Rotate camera right stick Center camera N button PLAYSTATION®3 system Change target directional buttons Starting a game: Before use, carefully read the instructions supplied with the PS3™ computer entertainment Take default action (attack, talk, open, etc.) S button system. The documentation contains information on setti
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baTTle Menu DoWnloaDable ConTenT The battle menu is comprised of six icons (in two layers) displayed in the bottom-right corner of the screen. To This screen displays new content made available after the release of Dragon Age II and also lets you manage activate the primary shortcuts, press the F button, the D button, or the A button. To activate the second layer the content you’ve already downloaded. of shortcuts, press and hold the R button and then press the F button, the D button, or the A b
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Rogue ConVeRSaTIonS Rogues are crafty combatants who wield a dagger in each hand or rain arrows from a distance. They are When it’s Hawke’s turn to speak in a conversation, you see a dialogue wheel that offers several options for what particularly adept at tearing down individual opponents and are the only class that can pick locks or Hawke can say. The options presented often vary based on your choices earlier in the game. disarm traps. The text you see is a short paraphrase of the longer lin
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Indicates that Hawke will permanently end a romance or turn down a proposition. fRIenDSHIp anD RIValRy Hawke’s companions have their own agendas and will react to major decisions. When they support Indicates that Hawke agrees or consents. Hawke’s decisions, they move toward friendship; when they disagree, they move toward rivalry. Rivalry is not necessarily bad; it still indicates that Hawke’s relationship with the companion is deepening, albeit in a confrontational direction. Indicates that H
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Strength Talen TS/Spell S Strength increases damage and attack values for warriors. For all classes, it increases fortitude, which Talents (for warriors and rogues) and spells (for mages) are special abilities that can be used in combat instead measures resistance to effects like being knocked back or set aflame. of a basic attack. Talents or spells usually draw from the character’s pool of stamina or mana, although some are passive, providing permanent advantages without stamina or mana expen
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upgrades DIffICulTy In each school of abilities, a number of small icons indicate possible upgrades to activated abilities or sustained Dragon Age II offers four levels of combat difficulty, which can be changed at any time in the Gameplay Options modes. These upgrades are not abilities in themselves but instead improve an existing ability. Although it may screen. Higher settings are meant not to punish, but to challenge you; with sufficient tactical planning and seem as if an upgrade is less
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Heal TH aTTa Ck Whenever a character takes damage, points are subtracted from a pool of total health points. Maximum health Attack is usually represented as a percentage that indicates a character’s chance to hit an opponent with a is initially determined by the character’s class (see p. 6); it increases with each point spent on the constitution basic attack. This percentage is based on a flat attack score, which is visible alongside the percentage in the attribute. Lost health regenerates slo
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Dodging elemental Damage A few abilities and effects provide a percentage chance to dodge attacks. Dodging is similar to defense, except There are five types of elemental damage—fire, cold, electricity, nature, and spirit. Most offensive spells produce that it is absolute. Whereas defense can be overcome with a high attack score, a chance to dodge applies one of the types of elemental damage, and some weapons inflict elemental damage instead of physical damage. regardless of the aggressor’s at
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l la abe bel l e eX Xpl pla an na aT TI Io on n l la abe bel l e eX Xpl pla an na aT TI Io on n Information notification Information notification 11 11 Ground ring to identify characters (if enabled in Gameplay Ground ring to identify characters (if enabled in Gameplay 1 1 Options screen) Options screen) Character taking damage (red fog) 2 12 Current target’s name/health 3 Currently controlled character 13 Mini-map of area 4 Fallen character (p. 14) 14 Sustained modes affecting character Level-
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Magic Resistance f o RCe an D f o RTITu De Whenever an attack’s source is magical, the victim’s magic resistance score is added to their elemental or Basic attacks and many spells or talents produce physical or elemental force. Every combatant has a specific physical resistance. Just like physical or elemental resistances, magic resistance counteracts a percentage level of force they can withstand, based on fortitude, which is determined by a character’s strength attribute, of the damage that
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THReaT Dual Weapon Enemies choose their targets based on which character they perceive to be the greatest threat. Each enemy Rogues who choose to fight at close range can wield a dagger in each hand. This is the fastest of the weapon considers three factors—which character is wearing the heaviest armor, who has inflicted the most damage styles, more than making up for the relatively limited damage of each hit. In particular, because rogues regain to them personally, and which character is clos
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CRo SS-Cla SS Co Mbo S STaT u S e ffe CTS Each class has a special status effect that can set up a cross-class combo, in which a character of one class Many talents, spells, and items produce effects beyond simple damage. Sometimes these effects are as simple uses a talent or spell to hinder an enemy with the effect before a character of another class exploits it using as knocking opponents to the ground, but the more complex effects described below persist for a time. All of another talent
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Stealth basic Tactics Stealth prevents a combatant from being seen by enemies. Generally, stealth is lost as soon as the stealthed As your characters learn new spells and talents, the preset tactics (like Supporter, Damager, or Healer) character takes any action beyond moving. Stealthed characters can still be hit by attacks that affect a whole automatically populate with combinations of conditions and actions. For example, the Healer preset might area. If stealthed enemies take damage, they l
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Junk ITeMS When you find an item in the inventory that you don’t think you’ll use, press the D button to send it to the junk There are hundreds of unique items in Dragon Age II, corresponding to five major groups—equippable items like tab. Some items that have no use, only value, are moved to the junk tab as soon as you pick them up. Junk weapons, armor, or accessories, usable items like health potions, runes that can enchant weapons or armor, items still count toward your inventory capacity
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CoMpanIon aRMoR upgRaDeS play onlIne Although Hawke’s companions choose their own attire, a few improvements are available for their armor or ONLINE PASS SERIAL CODE EXPIRES MARCH 31, 2012. EA ACCOUNT, INTERNET CONNECTION AND/ robes. When you find one of these upgrades, the companion applies it automatically. If you examine their armor OR REGISTRATION WITH ENCLOSED SINGLE-USE SERIAL CODE MAY BE REQUIRED TO ACCESS ONLINE in the inventory afterwards, you see the upgrade listed in green. FEATURE
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programming Marketing CReDITS Audio Programmers: Andrew Butcher, Carson Fee, Worldwide Director of Marketing: David S. Silverman David Streat Senior Director of Marketing, Europe: Maria Sayans audio, localization, bIoWaRe Graphics Programmers: Andreas Papathanasis (Lead), Advertising: Dana Marineau, Dustin Shekell, Leslie Shinn and external Resources Chris Michael Smith, Cody Watts, Keith Yerex Dragon age II Senior leadership Online: Derek Larke (Manager), Jeff Marvin, Jesse Reid, Audio Designer
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Additional Voices: Jocelyn Ahlf, Robin Atkin Downes, Coordination: Marcel Elsner, Marco Nicolino, Nadine Wagner Information Systems and f acilities Corporate l eadership Rachel Atkins, April Banigan, Mark Bazeley, Riley Beach, Mastering: Rubén Del Pozo Moreno, Tomas Pedreño Application Support: Julian Karst (Lead), Chris Hoban, Chief Executive Officer: John Riccitiello Oliver Bee, Tim Bentinck, Kate Binchy, Shannon Blanchet, Recording: Bruno Dos Santos Pereira, Daniel Harty Robert McKenna Chie
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Quality assurance audio and localization lIMITeD 90-Day WaRRanTy EA Canada: Matthew McGillivray (Lead), Aaron Adams, Geopolitical Evaluation: Englobe Inc. Scott Balmer, Corey Bussey, Joel Cappelletto, David Coleman, Original Score: Inon Zur electronic arts limited Warranty Toby Copithorne, Steve Coscarella, Jessica Docherty, Music Performance: Aubrey Ashburn, Chris Bleth, Electronic Arts warrants to the original purchaser of this product that the recording medium on which the software program(s