Руководство по эксплуатации Olympus PT 033

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Olympus PT 033

Устройство: Olympus PT 033
Категория: Футляр
Производитель: Olympus
Размер: 2.4 MB
Добавлено: 6/7/2014
Количество страниц: 44
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Краткое содержание страницы № 1

Instruction Manual
Underwater Case
For the digital camera
Stylus 720 SW, µ 720 SW
■ Thank you for buying the Underwater Case PT-033.
■ Please read this instruction manual carefully and use the product safely
and correctly.
■ Please keep this instruction manual for reference after reading it.
■ Wrong use may cause damage to the camera on the inside from water
leakage, and repair may not be possible.
■ Before use, perform an advance check as described in this manual.

Краткое содержание страницы № 2

Introduction ● Unauthorized copying of this manual in part or in full, except for private use, is prohibited. Unauthorized reproduction is strictly prohibited. ● OLYMPUS IMAGING CORP. shall not be responsible in any way for lost profits or any claims by third parties in case of any damage occurring from unsuitable use of this product. ● OLYMPUS IMAGING CORP. shall not be responsible for damage, lost profits, etc. caused by loss of image data because of defects, disassembly, repair or modificati

Краткое содержание страницы № 3

WARNING 1. Keep this product out of the reach of babies, infants, and children. There is the possibility of occurrence of the following types of accidents.  Injury by dropping onto the body from a height.  Injury from parts of the body getting caught in parts which open and close.  Swallowing of small parts. Please consult a physician immediately if any parts have been swallowed.  Triggering of the flash in front of the eyes may cause permanent vision impairment etc. 2. Do not store with a b

Краткое содержание страницы № 4

5. Jumping into the water with the Case in your pocket or in your hand, throwing the Case from a boat or ship into the water, and other rough handling may cause water leakage. Please handle with sufficient care, when handing it over from hand to hand etc. 6. If the camera on the inside should become wet because of water leakage etc., immediately wipe off all moisture and confirm the operation. 7. Please remove the O-ring when traveling by air. Otherwise air pressure may make it impossible to ope

Краткое содержание страницы № 5

For Prevention of Water Leakage Accidents When water leakage occurs while this product is being used, repair of the camera housed in this product may become impossible. Please observe the following cautions for use. 1. When sealing this product, make sure that no hairs, fibers, sand particles or other foreign matter stick not only to the O-ring, but also to the contact surface (flat part of the front cover). Even a single hair or a single grain of sand may cause water leakage. Please check with

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8. When the O-ring contact surface is pressed strongly from the outside of the Case, or when the Case is twisted, the waterproof function may be lost. Take care not to exert excessive force. 9. Please use the Case after performing the advance test and the final check. 10.If you should notice drops of water or other signs of water leakage while taking pictures, immediately stop the dive, remove any water from the camera and the product, test according to the item "Final check", and confirm whethe

Краткое содержание страницы № 7

● Do not use the following chemicals for cleaning, corrosion prevention, prevention of fogging, repair or other purposes. When these are used for the Case directly or indirectly (with the chemicals in vaporized state), they may cause cracking under high pressure or other problems. Chemicals which cannot be used Explanation Do not clean the Case with alcohol, gasoline, Volatile organic solvents, thinner or other volatile organic solvents or with chemical detergents chemical detergents etc. Pure w

Краткое содержание страницы № 8

Contents Introduction ................................................................................E-1 Please read the following items before use ..............................E-1 For safe use ..............................................................................E-1 Batteries ....................................................................................E-3 Setting the underwater shooting scene mode............................E-3 For Prevention of Water Leakage Accidents.........

Краткое содержание страницы № 9

Installation and Removal of the LCD Hood ..............................E-21 Installation ............................................................................E-21 Removal................................................................................E-21 Mounting and Removing the Lens Cap....................................E-22 Perform the final checks. ........................................................E-22 Visual Inspection ..........................................................

Краткое содержание страницы № 10

1. Preparations Check the contents of the package. Check that all accessories are in the box. Contact your dealer if accessories should be missing or damaged. Instruction manual Authorised distributors list/ Authorised service centres list (this manual) PT-033 Instruction Manual Underwater Case For the digital camera Stylus 720 SW, µ 720 SW Mode d'emploi Caisson étanche Pour l'appareil photo numérique Stylus 720 SW, µ 720 SW Bedienungsanleitung Unterwassergehäuse Für die Digitalkame

Краткое содержание страницы № 11

Names of the parts Palm grip Loading guide rails ❈ (Note 1)/ Diffuser plate and LCD inner hood cross-cursor button (Note 1) The Down cross-cursor diffuser plate cover O-ring button functions as the AF lock button ❈ Shutter lever Tripod seat in Underwater Wide 1 or Underwater ❈ POWER button Light shield Macro mode. Accessory mount LCD hood ❈ MENU button Front lid ❈ / /SCN button ❈ button/ Buckle hook ❈ Zoom button cross-cursor button Buckle open/close lever ❈ button LCD monitor window Lens ca

Краткое содержание страницы № 12

Install the strap. Install the strap on the Case body. Installation explanation Finished installation Hand strap ring Hand strap : Please install the strap correctly as shown above. OLYMPUS CAUTION IMAGING CORP. shall bear no responsibility for damage etc. caused by dropping the Case because of incorrect installation of the strap. Master the basic operation. Please master the basic operation of the Case before taking pictures. Holding the Case Hold the Case securely with both hands, keep your e

Краткое содержание страницы № 13

How to Press the Shutter When pressing the shutter lever, press it gently, so that there will be no movement of the camera. Note: • For detailed operation of the shutter, refer to the instruction manual for the digital camera. How to Switch Between the , and SCN Modes You can switch between the , and SCN modes by pressing the / /SCN button on the Case. Each time you press the / /SCN button on the Case, the mode changes, cycling through the mode, mode and SCN mode. The

Краткое содержание страницы № 14

2. Advance Check of the Case Advance test before use This Case has been the subject of thorough quality control for the parts during the manufacturing process and thorough function inspections during the assembly. In addition, a water pressure test is performed with a water pressure tester for all products to confirm that the performance conforms to the specifications. However, depending on the carrying and storage conditions, the maintenance status, etc., the waterproof function may be damaged.

Краткое содержание страницы № 15

3. Install the digital camera. Check the digital camera. Check the digital camera before loading it in the Case. Battery Confirmation The flash is used very frequently during underwater shooting. Make sure that you have enough remaining battery power. Note: • In order to avoid losing shutter chances due to an exhausted battery, you should always replace a battery with a fully charged battery before each dive. Confirmation of the Remaining Number of Pictures to be Taken Confirm that the image st

Краткое содержание страницы № 16

Prepare the camera. Applicable Digital Cameras This product (PT-033) is designed exclusively for use with the Stylus 720 SW and µ 720 SW digital cameras. Turn the digital camera ON. The digital camera can be switched ON by pressing the camera’s POWER button once. Pressing the button again turns the camera OFF. If the digital camera is not operated for about 3 minutes with the power ON, it automatically enters the standby status. Normal operation is resumed as soon as a control such as the zoom b

Краткое содержание страницы № 17

Load the digital camera. Confirm that the digital camera is OFF and insert the digital camera gently into the Case. :• If the digital camera is not inserted properly, it may not CAUTION be possible to seal the case so that it is airtight. Alternatively, some controls may become inoperable. Note that imperfect sealing may result in water penetration. E-16

Краткое содержание страницы № 18

Insertion of silica gel Before sealing the Case, insert the accessory silica gel bag for prevention of fogging between the bottom of the camera and the Case. Pay attention to the orientation. :•Insert the silica gel all the way at the specified location CAUTION and with the specified orientation. When the orientation is not correct, the silica gel bag will be caught when the Case is sealed and water leakage will be caused. •When it is tried to seal the Case with the bag inserted only part of th

Краткое содержание страницы № 19

Make sure the camera is loaded properly. Check the following points before sealing the Case.  Is the digital camera loaded properly?  Is silica gel inserted deep in the specified location?  Is the O-ring attached properly to the opening on the Case?  Is there any dirt or foreign matter on the O-ring or the O-ring contact surface on the front lid? Seal the Case. Gently close the rear lid (so that the O-ring does not slip out of the groove). Hook the buckle on the edge of the rear lid, and til

Краткое содержание страницы № 20

Check the operation of the loaded camera. After sealing the Case, make sure the camera is functioning properly. 1. Press the POWER button on the Case and confirm that the camera turns ON/OFF. 2. Press the / /SCN button on the Case and confirm that the camera modes switch properly. 3. Press the shutter lever on the Case and confirm that the camera shutter releases.  Check the other control buttons on the Case to confirm that the camera functions properly as intended. :• If the camera does not

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