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CPC Commer Cial
7½- ot 12½-t on t hree -p hase
p a Cgedka a ir Conditioners
Cooling Caap City : 90,000 — 118,000 BU/ t h
up ot 11.5 EER
Standard Features
• R-410A chlor ine -fr ee r efr igerant
• H igh- efficienc y scr oll compr essor
• C opper tube / aluminum fin coils
• C ontac t or with lugs
• H igh- and lo w-pr essur e swit ches
• H igh- capacit y , st eel- cased filt er dr y er
• Heat er k its with single -point entr y
• 24- v olt t er minal str ip
• C on v er
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Poductr SPS tionecifica Poductr SPtionS ecifica n tureomencla
C P C 150 045 3 B X X X 1 2 3 4,5,6 7,8,9 10 11 12 13 14 B r a n d F ac t or y -‐ In s t alled
O p; on s C Commer cial X N o
Op:ons A N on-‐po w er ed
c on v enience
outle t Co n figu r a ;o n B P o w er ed
c on v eni ence
outl e t P P ack ag ed
Unit C Lo w -‐ambien t
kit F N on-‐po w er ed
c on v enience
outle t;
Applic a;on Lo w -‐ambien t
kit C Cooling M P o w er ed
c on v eni ence
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p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa — 7½ t ons A Models B Models CPC090 CPC090 CPC090 CPC090 CPC090 XXX3BXXX XXX4BXXX XXX3BXXX XXX4BXXX XXX7BXXX Cooling Capacity Total BTU/h 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 Sensible BTU/h 65,700 65,700 64,000 64,000 64,000 EER / IEER 11.5 / 11.5 11.5 / 11.5 11.5 / 11.5 11.5 / 11.5 11.5 / 11.5 Decibels 82.0 82.0 82.0 82.0 82.0 AHRI Reference #s 3000986 3000986 3620223 3620223 3620223 Evaporator Motor / C
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p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa p odUC r t s C pe C ifi tionsa — 8½ t ons CPC102 CPC102 CPC102 XXX3BXXX XXX4BXXX XXX7BXXX Cooling Capacity Total, BTU/h 102,000 102,000 102,000 Sensible BTU/h 70,380 70,380 70,380 EER / IEER 11.3 / 11.2 11.3 / 11.2 11.3 / 11.2 Decibels 83 83 83 ARI Reference #s 3620220 3620220 3620220 Evapoartor Motor / Coil Motor Type Belt Drive Belt Drive Belt Drive Indoor Nominal CFM 3,400 3,400 3,400 Indoor Motor FLA (Cooling) 7.8 3.9 2.3 Horsepow
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p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa — 10 t ons CPC120 CPC120 CPC120 XXX3BXXX XXX4BXXX XXX7BXXX Cooling Capacity Total BTU/h 118,000 118,000 118,000 Sensible BTU/h 87,300 87,300 87,300 EER / IEER 11.5 / 11.2 11.5 / 11.2 11.5 / 11.2 Decibels 83.0 83.0 83.0 ARI Reference #s 3023833 3023833 3023833 Evaporator Motor / Coil Motor Type Belt Drive Belt Drive Belt Drive Indoor Nominal CFM 4,000 4,000 4,000 Indoor motor FLA (Cooling) 7.8 3.9 2.7 Ho
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p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa p odUC r t s C pe C ifi tionsa — 12½ t ons CPC150XXX CPC150XXX CPC150XXX 3BXXX 4BXXX 7BXXX Cooling Capacity Total, BTU/h 146,000 146,000 146,000 Sensible BTU/h 102,200 102,200 102,200 EER / IPLV 11.0 / 11.2 11.0 / 11.2 11.0 / 11.2 Decibels 83 83 83 ARI Reference #s 3542680 3542680 3542680 Evapoartor Motor / Coil Motor Type Belt Drive Belt Drive Belt Drive Indoor Nominal CFM 5,000 5,000 5,000 Indoor Motor FLA (Cooling) 9.4 4.7 4.2 Hors
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p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa a woirfl d ata — 7½ t ons Standard Belt Drive — Down Shot Turns Open ESP 0 1 2 3 4 5 (“ W.C.) CFM RPM BHP CFM RPM BHP CFM RPM BHP CFM RPM BHP CFM RPM BHP CFM RPM BHP 0.1 3617 704 1.07 3293 653 0.84 0.3 3541 749 1.15 3179 704 0.88 2757 656 0.66 0.5 3447 798 1.23 3049 754 0.94 2606 710 0.71 0.7 3400 848 1.33 2950 798 1.01 2474 754 0.75 0.9 3303 890 1.41 2871 848 1.11 2408 804 0.82 1.1 2838 897 1.23 High-Static Belt Drive — Down Shot
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p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa a woirfl d ata — 8½ t ons Standard Belt Drive — Down Shot Turns Open ESP 0 1 2 3 4 5 (“ W.C.) CFM RPM BHP CFM RPM BHP CFM RPM BHP CFM RPM BHP CFM RPM BHP CFM RPM BHP 0.1 3467 701 1.04 3143 650 0.81 0.3 3391 746 1.12 3029 701 0.85 2607 653 0.63 0.5 3297 795 1.20 2899 751 0.91 2456 707 0.68 0.7 3250 845 1.30 2800 795 0.98 0.9 3153 887 1.38 2721 845 1.08 1.1 2688 894 1.20 High-Static Belt-Drive — Down Shot Turns Open ESP 0 1 2 3 4 5
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p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa a woirfl d ata — 10 t ons Standard Belt-Drive — Down Shot Turns Open ESP 0 1 2 3 4 5 (“ W.C.) CFM RPM BHP CFM RPM BHP CFM RPM BHP CFM RPM BHP CFM RPM BHP CFM RPM BHP 0.2 4632 781 1.76 4203 742 1.41 3927 691 1.17 3510 658 0.9 0.4 4488 825 1.85 4183 783 1.54 3733 748 1.23 3512 693 1 0.6 4442 880 2.02 4066 830 1.63 3717 786 1.31 0.8 4001 885 1.77 3622 835 1.41 1 3603 890 1.55 1.2 High-Static Belt-Drive — Down Shot Turns Open ESP 0 1
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p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa a woirfl d ata — 12½ t ons Standard Belt Drive --- Down Shot Turns Open ESP 0 1 2 3 4 5 (" W.C.) CFM BHP CFM BHP CFM BHP CFM BHP CFM BHP CFM BHP 0.2 5378 2.35 4967 1.92 4710 1.59 4512 1.33 0.4 5514 2.92 5349 2.56 4750 1.97 4583 1.71 4319 1.40 4030 1.13 0.6 5204 2.69 4919 2.27 4488 1.81 4258 1.54 0.8 4830 2.42 4649 2.09 4019 1.55 1.0 4497 2.19 4264 1.86 High-Static Belt Drive --- Down Shot Turns Open ESP 0 1
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p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa h tea k it e C le C tri al d ata (Bwerol o ynl , h tea m ode ) — 7½ t ons (a m odles ) Model and MCA¹ MOP² (amps) Actual kW Recommended Heat Kit Usage at 208 / 240V at 208 / 240V at 240V Airflow Range CPC090XXX3BXXX 40 50 EHK3-16 48 / 55 50 / 60 15 3000 - 3375 CFM EHK3-30 87 / 100 90 / 100 30 3000 - 3375 CFM EHK3-45 121 / 139 125 / 150 43 3000 - 3375 CFM Model and MCA¹ MOP² (amps) Actual kW Recommended Heat Kit Usage at 480V at 480V a
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p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa h tea k it e leCC tri al d ata (Bwerol o ynl , h tea m ode ) — 7½ t ons (B m odles ) Model and MCA¹ MOP² (amps) Actual kW Recommended Heat Kit Usage at 240V at 240V at 240V Airflow Range CPC090XXX3BXXX 37 50 EHK3-16 51 60 15 3000 - 3375 CFM EHK3-30 97 100 30 3000 - 3375 CFM EHK3-45 136 150 43 3000 - 3375 CFM Model and MCA¹ MOP² (amps) Actual kW Recommended Heat Kit Usage at 480V at 480V at 480V Airflow Range CPC090XXX4BXXX 18 20 EHK4-
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p UC odr t s peCC ifi tionsa p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa h tea k it e C le C tri al d ata (Bwerol o ynl , h tea m ode ) — 8½ t ons Recommended Recommended Model and MCA¹ MOP² (amps) Actual kW Airflow Range Airflow Range Heat Kit Usage at 208 / 240V at 208 / 240V at 240V (Downshot) (Horizontal) CPC102XXX3BXXX 43 50 EHK3-16 55 60 15 3400 - 3825 CFM 3400 - 3825 CFM EHK3-30 100 100 30 3400 - 3825 CFM 3400 - 3825 CFM EHK3-45 139 150 43 3400 - 3825 CFM 3400 - 3825 CFM Recommended Recommended Model
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p UC odr t s peCC ifi tionsa p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa h tea k it e C le C tri al d ata (Bwerol o ynl , h tea m ode ) — 10 t ons Model and MCA¹ MOP² (amps) Actual kW Recommended Heat Kit Usage at 208 / 240V at 208 / 240V at 240V Airflow Range CPC120XXX3BXXX 49 60 EHK3-16 48 / 55 50 / 60 15 3500 - 4500 CFM EHK3-30 87 / 100 90 / 100 30 3500 - 4500 CFM EHK3-45 121 / 139 125 / 150 43 4000 - 4500 CFM Model and MCA¹ MOP² (amps) Actual kW Recommended Heat Kit Usage at 208 / 240V at 208 / 240V at 2
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p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa h tea k it e C le C tri al d ata (Bwerol o ynl , h tea m ode ) — 12½ t ons 1 2 Model and MCA at MOP (amps) Actual kW Recommended Heat Kit Usage 208 / 240V at 208 / 240V at 240V Airflow Range CPC150***3B*** 65 80 EHK3-16 65 80 15 4000 - 5600 EHK3-30 102 110 30 4300 - 5600 EHK3-45 141 150 43 4500 - 5600 1 2 Model and MCA at MOP (amps) Actual kW Recommended Heat Kit Usage
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p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa e andedxp Cooling d ata — 7½ t ons ( a m odels ) 16 www.goodmanmfg.com SS-CPC90-150 Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65 75 85 95 105 115 Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB Airflow 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 MBh 88.2 91.4 100.2 - 86.1 89.3 97.8 - 84.1 87.2 95.5 - 82.0 85.0 93.2 - 77.9 80.8 88.5 - 72.2 74.8 82.0 - S/T 0.73 0.61 0.42 - 0.76 0.63 0.44 - 0.78 0.65 0.45 - 0.80 0.67 0.47 - 0.83 0
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p UC odr t s peCC ifi tionsa p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa e andedxp Cooling d ata — 7½ t ons (a m odels Cont .) SS-CPC90-150 www.goodmanmfg.com 17 Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65 75 85 95 105 115 Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB Airflow 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 MBh 91.3 93.3 99.7 106.5 89.2 91.1 97.3 104.1 87.0 88.9 95.0 101.6 84.9 86.8 92.7 99.1 80.7 82.4 88.1 94.1 74.7 76.4 81.6 87.2 S/T 0.91 0.86 0.70 0.52 0.95 0.89 0.72 0.54 1.00 0.91
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p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa e andedxp Cooling d ata — 7½ t ons (B m odels ) 18 www.goodmanmfg.com SS-CPC90-150 Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65 75 85 95 105 115 Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB Airflow 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 MBh 86.2 89.4 97.9 - 84.2 87.3 95.6 - 82.2 85.2 93.4 - 80.2 83.1 91.1 - 76.2 79.0 86.5 - 70.6 73.2 80.2 - S/T 0.72 0.60 0.42 - 0.75 0.63 0.43 - 0.77 0.64 0.44 - 0.79 0.66 0.46 - 0.82 0.6
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p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa e andedxp Cooling d ata — 7½ t ons (B m odels Cont .) SS-CPC90-150 www.goodmanmfg.com 19 Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65 75 85 95 105 115 Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB Airflow 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 MBh 89.3 91.2 97.4 104.2 87.2 89.1 95.2 101.7 85.1 87.0 92.9 99.3 83.0 84.8 90.6 96.9 78.9 80.6 86.1 92.0 73.1 74.7 79.8 85.3 S/T 0.90 0.85 0.69 0.51 0.93 0.88 0.71 0.53 0.96 0.90
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p UC odr t s C pe ifiCtionsa p UC odr t s C pe C ifi tionsa e andedxp Cooling d ata — 8½ t ons 20 www.goodmanmfg.com SS-CPC90-150 Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65 75 85 95 105 115 Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB Airflow 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 MBh 100.0 103.6 113.5 - 97.6 101.2 110.9 - 95.3 98.8 108.2 - 93.0 96.4 105.6 - 88.3 91.6 100.3 - 81.8 84.8 92.9 - S/T 0.69 0.58 0.40 - 0.72 0.60 0.42 - 0.74 0.62 0.43 - 0.76 0.64 0.44 - 0.79 0.66 0.46