Руководство по эксплуатации Orion Car Audio CO500.1

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Orion Car Audio CO500.1

Устройство: Orion Car Audio CO500.1
Категория: Автомобильный усилитель
Производитель: Orion Car Audio
Размер: 2.87 MB
Добавлено: 8/15/2013
Количество страниц: 66
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Краткое содержание
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NOTES _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________

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FRANÇAIS AGENCEMENT DES PANNEAUX D'EXTRÉMITÉ Panneau d'entrée (figure  )  . DEL d'alimentation - Allumée, indique que l'amplificateur est en marche . 2 . Entrée haut niveau - Raccorde la sortie du haut-parleur de la radio d'origine à l'amplificateur, détecte le signal de la radio et allume l'amplificateur au besoin, l'éteint après une minute sans signal . 3 . Sorties RCA - Pour un signal à gamme étendue facilitant le raccord à des amplifica- teurs supplémentaires . 4 . Entrées RCA - Accepten

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SPÉCIFICATIONS DE L'ACE CO500 . Sortie: 75 Watts RMS x  à 4 ohms, taux d'harmoniques et bruit < %  Rapport signal/bruit: -80 dBA (référence  Watt dans 4 ohms) Sortie additionnelle: 250 Watts RMS x  à 2 ohms, taux d'harmoniques et bruit < %  CO800 . Sortie: 300 Watts RMS x à 4 ohms, taux d'harmoniques et bruit <  % Rapport signal/bruit: -75 dBA (référence W  att dans 4 ohms) Sortie additionnelle: 400 Watts RMS x à 2 ohms, taux  d'harmoniques et bruit < %  FAISCEAUX À HAUT NIVEAU

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Commutateurs de phase ● 0° - ne change pas la sortie, qui reste en phase avec le signal d'entrée . ● 180° - inverse la sortie . La sortie du canal est déphasée de 80°  . Cette configuration sert à inverser la phase des caissons de basses pour améliorer l'activation dans un véhi- cule . Elle permet aussi de brancher en pont deux amplificateurs dans un haut-parleur . Configurations des sorties auxiliaires Les sorties auxiliaires des amplificateurs Orion Cobalt permettent une expansion facile et

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● Raccordez la borne REM à la borne d'allumage à distance du récepteur pour fournir l'alimentation +2V requise pour allumer l'amplificateur . ● Mettez du câble de mise à la masse supplémentaire entre la borne négative de la bat- terie et le châssis . Câblage des haut-parleurs CO500.1/CO800.1 Les amplificateurs Orion Cobalt CO500.1 and CO800.1 disposent de deux bornes positives et deux bornes négatives de sortie pour le raccord des haut-parleurs à l'amplificateur. Ces amplificateurs étant mono

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un refroidissement adéquat . Coffre Le montage dans le coffre produira d'excellents résultats pourvu que vous ne limitiez pas la circulation d'air autour du dissipateur thermique de l'amplificateur . Pour de meilleurs résultats, donnez à l'amplificateur autant d'espace libre que possible . L'effet de convection du châssis de l'amplificateur assurera un refroidissement optimal pour ce type de montage . Précautions générales et conseils d'installation ATTENTION! Faites attention à ne pas couper

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Vista, CA 92801
d i r e c t e d . c o m

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TABLE OF CONTENTS English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Français . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Español . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deutsche . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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INTRODUCTION Thank you for your purchase of a Orion Cobalt power amplifier . Each Orion Cobalt amplifier is designed to be the leader in its class offering the most power, advanced features, and extreme ease of use . In high-end sound systems or high SPL systems, Orion Cobalt amplifiers will give you years of trouble-free performance . ● CO500.1 - 250 Watt - single-channel Class A/B amplifier with built-in fully variable low-pass crossover . Equipped with remote gain, the CO500 . is capable

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TOOLS OF THE TRADE Listed next are the majority of the tools required to perform an installation . Having the proper tools will make the installation that much easier . Some of these tools are necessities; some will 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 2 3 4 5 just make the job easier . ● Allen Wrenches (2mm, 3mm & 4mm) ● DMM or VOM ● Electric drill with assorted drill bits ● Grommets ● Heat shrink tubing ● Marking pen CO600.4 ● Phillips and flat blade screw drivers ● Nylon tie straps ● Pli

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 2 3 4 5 CO600.4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 2 3 4 5 9 . Lo-Pass Crossover Frequency Control - adjusts the frequency of the crossover . 0 . Remote Bass Gain Jack - connects RGC-2 (remote bass control) . CO600.2  . Status LED - Will indicate any fault condition in amplifier, also lights briefly during muting phase of turn-on . Output Plate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 2 3 4 5 CO800.1 CO500.1 Figure 2 Figura 2 Abbildung 2  . Speaker Connections - accepts up to 2 

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HIGH LEVEL HARNESSES Do not connect the high level input connections to power, signal, or chassis ground as damage to the head-unit outputs may result . The high-level inputs are designed to work with either grounded or BTL speaker level outputs (found on most head units) . HIGH LEVEL CONNECTIONS WIRE COLOR INPUT CONNECTION Black Ground White/Black - Left channel White + Left channel Gray/Black - Right channel Gray + Right channel AMPLIFIER SETTINGS Signal Input and Output Configurations The

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loudspeaker owner's manual for assistance in choosing the proper crossover frequencies for your system . Low-Pass Crossover The low-pass crossover is active with a 2nd order (2dB  per octave) slope . The low-pass crossover is continuously variable from 50Hz to 500Hz . Remote Bass Operation The remote bass port provides easy remote access to the internal bass gain structure of the power amplifier . The bass gain is centered at 44Hz . The RGC-2 plugs into the amplifier via the /8" mini jack

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Bridging For bridging into a single speaker load, the Orion Cobalt CO500 . and CO800 . have the ability to be bridged with another amplifier of the same model . To do this you must set the PHASE switch on the (slave) amp, move the phase switch from 0 to 80, exactly opposite of the master amp . Refer to the Phase Switch section of this guide . Be sure to set all adjustment on both amplifiers exactly the same except for the phase switch . The phase switch on the master amplifier should be

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Trunk Compartment Mounting your amplifier in the trunk provides excellent performance as long as you do not restrict the airflow around the heatsink of the amplifier . For optimal results, mount the amplifier with as much clearance as possible . This type of mounting will yield the best cooling due to the convection effect of the amplifier chassis . General Precautions and Installation Tips WARNING! Be careful not to cut or drill into gas tanks, fuel lines, brake lines, hydraulic lines, vacu

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results use a marking pen to mark the mounting holes and pre-drill these holes with a standard /8" drill bit . Step 5 Mount the amplifier . Make sure the amplifier is mounted on a flat surface . If this is not possible, do not over tighten the screws so that the chassis of the amplifier is twisted or bent . Step 6 Turn the vehicle's key switch to the off position . Step 7 Disconnect the vehicle's battery ground terminal . Step 8 Connect power wires to the amplifier (ground first, then 2 V(+

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System section of this manual . Adjusting the Sound of the System Once you have checked the system's operation, adjust the sound of the system . Adjusting the sound of the system is accomplished by setting the level controls and adjusting the internal crossovers . Step  Turn the signal source volume control all the way down . Set any tone controls to their flat or defeated positions . This includes the loudness control . Step 2 Turn the level controls of the amplifier to their minimum positi

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Troubleshooting Tips Symptom Probable Cause Action To Take No output Low or no remote turn-on Check remote turn-on voltage at voltage amplifier and repair as needed . Fuse blown Check power wire's integrity and check for speaker shorts . Fix as needed and replace fuse . Power wires not connected Check power wire and ground connections and repair or replace as needed . Audio input not connected . Check RCA connections and repair or replace as needed . Speaker wires not connected Check speake

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Symptom Probable Cause Action To Take Poor bass response Crossover set incorrectly Reset crossovers . Refer to the Internal Cross- over Configuration section of this manual for detailed instructions . Impedance load at amplifier is Check speaker impedance load if below 2Ω, too low . rewire speakers to achieve higher impedance . Battery fuse blowing Short in power wire or incor- Check power wires and ground connections rect wiring . and repair or replace as needed . Fuse used is smaller than

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SPECIFICATIONS Amplifier Section CO500.1 CO800.1 Power Output in Watts RMS, 4 Ohms 75 x  300 x  Power Output in Watts RMS, 2 Ohms 250 x  400 x Externally Bridgeable yes yes Remote Gain Function yes yes Distortion at Rated Power < 0 .9% THD+N < 0 .9% THD+N Frequency Response 20Hz to 30kHz 20Hz to 30kHz +0, -dB  +0, -dB  Linear Bandwidth 20Hz to 20kHz 20Hz to 20kHz ±3dB ±3dB Damping Factor > 50  > 50 Input Sensitivity rms rms Input Impedance 80kΩ 80kΩ Fuse Type (2) 20 Amp ATC (2) 30 Amp

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