Руководство по эксплуатации NARDA 8718B

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства NARDA 8718B

Устройство: NARDA 8718B
Категория: Детектор кабелей и проводов
Производитель: NARDA
Размер: 1.37 MB
Добавлено: 6/25/2014
Количество страниц: 137
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Model 8718B
Survey Meter
Safety Test Solutions
P/N 42983600 RevB
an comm 3 unications company

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Introduction 1 About the Model 8718B Your Model 8718B is a hand-held, battery-powered meter designed to simplify the measurement of electromagnetic fields. It can be used with any Narda 8700 Series probe. The 8718B is an upgraded version of the original Model 8718. Although there are many enhancements, the 8718B is most easily distinguished from its predecessor by the quick-release style probe connector. The meter enables you to perform both simple measurements and more demanding ones that requi

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User’s Guide Updates This User’s Guide was thoroughly reviewed for accuracy prior to publication. Corrections to this guide necessitated by errors or omissions or by minor revisions to the meter firmware will be covered in the README file enclosed with the User's Software. The README file is available at any time from the HELP menu within the User's Software. Equipment Supplied Your Model 8718B is supplied with: • Meter  Battery Charger/Power Supply  Power Cord (230 volt chargers only)  Stora

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Understanding Your Model 8718B 2 General Description It is important to be familiar with the Model 8718B before you use it. This section includes descriptive data keyed to highlighted illustrations to help you locate the various features of the meter. The descriptions not only identify the features but tell you how they are used. Battery Charger and Power Cord The battery charger and power cord are used to recharge the battery within the Model 8718B. To recharge the meter, first connect the cabl

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Probe Connection To make measurements, you must use your Model 8718B with a compatible probe. Connect the cable of the probe to the probe connector located at the top of the unit. If you use a fiber optic link, the probe connects to a fiber optic transmitter. A fiber optic cable connects the transmitter to the rectangular fiber optic jack on the left side of the meter. Audio Alarm Your Model 8718B is equipped with an audible alarm that emits sound through a tiny hole on the bottom of the meter.

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Strap and Tripod Mount A strap is provided on the underside of the Model 8718B. It has a hook and loop closure to permit easy adjustment, around your hand. Behind the strap is a threaded connector used to secure the meter to a tripod. Loosen the strap to access this connector. Operation With a Computer To update probe calibration information or retrieve stored measurements, you must connect your Model 8718B to a personal computer and use the User's Software provided by Narda. See Chapter 18, Use

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Keypad The Model 8718B has four groups of keys distinguished by their color. Note Function keys (green) The keys on the Numeric keys (yellow) 8718B must be firmly depressed to per- Special Function keys (white) form their function and give a tactile Power keys (blue, green) feedback when prop- erly depressed. Power Keys Two power keys are used to turn the Model 8718B On and Off. Function Keys Use the four function keys (F1-F4) to select the options displayed on the bottom line of the display scr

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Numeric Keypad Use the numeric keypad to enter number data into the Model 8718B. You also use the numeric keypad to select a numbered option listed on the display screen. Special Function Keys Six special function keys enable you to perform specific functions. Esc Returns you to the previous menu. In a few cases you must enter a selection rather than use the Esc key. Auto Enables you to automatically zero the meter Zero and probe. Help Displays a help screen that explains your options. Test Turn

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8 Operating the Meter

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Probe Selection 3 Introduction The 8700 series RF measurement system offers a very broad selection of probes. The factors that you should consider in selecting the probe, or probes, best suited for your task are described in this section. Key Factors in Selecting a Probe The probe frequency range should include the frequencies of all FREQUENCY the emitters to be surveyed at one time. RANGE The measurement range of the probe should be adequate for POWER the field levels that you anticipate, i.e.,

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Flat response probes are the most common. Narda’s patented FLAT RESPONSE shaped frequency response probes read out in Percent of Standard and are particularly useful in complex, multi-signal OR SHAPED environments where exposure limits are different for the various FREQUENCY emitter frequencies and in classified environments. RESPONSE The majority of the 8700 series probes have four-inch (10 cm) SIZE AND MINIMUM diameter heads. The minimum measurement distance for these probes is about 4 inches

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The readout on the 8718B is shown in terms of Percent of Standard. The full scale of Narda’s shaped probes is typically Note either 300% or 600% of a standard. This permits measurements of exposure environments where the weighted field strengths It is important to un- range from as high as three to six times the maximum derstand that each permissible exposure (MPE) level to environments where the shaped frequency re- levels are less than one percent of the MPE. sponse probe model is designed to

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Probe Identification Narda 8700D series probes use the following labels and indicators:  Certified Calibration Date Label  Model Identification Label Field Type (E or H) Full Scale Measurement Range Model Number Standards (Shaped Probes Only) Frequency Range Serial Number  Color Band to Indicate the Full Scale 2 Measurement Range (20 mW/cm probes do not have a colored band)  Calibration Label With Frequency Correction Factors Correction Factor Listed for Every Calibration Frequency Model Num

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Making a Measurement 4 Introduction This chapter will help you make measurements with your Model 8718B. Information is included for turning the meter on, selecting, zeroing, and testing a probe, plus an explanation of the main measurement screen of the meter. Some general information is also included about measurement surveys, precautions you should observe, and the use of probe correction factors. Getting Started Press the On power key. The meter model, serial, and firmware version will be disp

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Entering the Probe Model Narda's 8700 Series system is completely modular — all 8700 series meters work with all 8700 series probes. The single most important thing you must do is tell the 8718B meter which probe Note you are using. The single most im- portant thing you The Model 8718B has the basic characteristics of every 8700 must do is tell the Series probe stored in its internal memory. All you have to do is 8718B meter which select the correct model number and the meter automatically probe

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To select from the PROBES IN MEMORY... 1. If you haven’t already, press F1 (MEASURE). 2. The model number and the serial number of the last probe used will be displayed on the second line of the display. If you want to use the same probe, press Enter. SE L E CT P ROB E MODE L A 8722 D SN XXXXX OR S E L E C T F ROM L I S T 87 XX 87 XX 87 XX MORE F1 F2 F3 F4 3. If you want to use a different probe, look for the model number in the positions above the F1, F2, or F3 legends. If more than three probe

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To use a PROBE that is NOT IN MEMORY... 1. If you haven't already, press F1 (MEASURE). 2. The model number of the last probe used will be displayed on the second line of the display. If you want to use the same model probe, press Enter. S ELEC T PROB E MODE L A 8722 D SN XXXXX OR SE L E CT FROM L I S T 87 XX 87 XX 87 XX PROBE F1 F2 F3 F4 3. If you want to use a different model probe, select PROBE by pressing F4. If more than three probes are in memory, you will have to press F4 twice (MORE, then

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A 8722 D SN XXXXX 300kE H z - 50GH z-FLD 300 % S TD SHAPED YES NO MENU F1 F2 F3 F4 7. Proceed with the probe zeroing process. Zeroing the Probe The probe and meter must be “zeroed” together. It is important that the probe is not exposed to radiated fields during the zeroing process. The storage case is shielded and provides a convenient “zero density” environment. To zero the probe... Note 1. Place the probe in the storage case. Be careful not to move the probe while zeroing takes place (on Posi

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 The field strength is not low enough. Move away from the RF field source, use the storage case to zero the Note probe. See Chapter 12,  The probe is damaged. Try another probe. Probe Zero, for additional infor- mation on the char- To reconfirm the zero while the instrument is in use... acteristics of 1. Establish a zero density environment for the probe as the survey system including the causes before. of zero drift. 2. Press the Auto Zero key. This will automatically “touch up” the zero and

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Main Measurement Display Screen (Shaped Probes) FIELD STRENGTH BAR GRAPH • Indicates actual measured value  Indicates approximate  Unit of measure is always % STD field strength for shaped frequency response  100 segment, three probes 10:1 (10 dB) ranges MAXIMUM VALUE PROBE FREQUENCY  Indicates the 12 . 1 % S TD CORRECTION maximum value that 2 7 .5 MAX CF 1 .0 0 has occurred since  CF = 1.00 indicates you began making no correction factor is AL T MA XR ME NU F REQ measurements or being appl

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