Руководство по эксплуатации Numark Industries SA3000

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Numark Industries SA3000

Устройство: Numark Industries SA3000
Категория: Усилитель стерео
Производитель: Numark Industries
Размер: 0.3 MB
Добавлено: 7/16/2014
Количество страниц: 16
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Owner’s Manual

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©1997 Numark Industries 2 http://www.numark.com

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SAFETY FIRST! WARNING - TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS APPLIANCE TO RAIN OR MOISTURE. WATER AND ELECTRICITY DO NOT MIX. Keep this unit away from water. If water or other liquids are spilled on or into this unit, unplug the power cord immediately from the wall socket (with DRY HANDS) and get a qualified service technician to check it out before using. Keep this unit away from heaters, radiators and other heat producing devices. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SERVICE THIS UNIT

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©1997 Numark Industries 4 http://www.numark.com

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Contents Warning and Safety Instructions 3 Introduction 6 Front-Panel Description 7 Back-Panel Description 8 Audio Terms 10 Hook-up #1: Home Studio Reference Amp 12 Hook-up #2: Mobile DJ Stereo PA 12 Hook-up #3: Monitor Amplifier 13 Hook-up #4: Stereo PA System 13 Specifications 14 Block Diagram 15 Warranty and Service Information 16 ©1997 Numark Industries 5 http://www.numark.com

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Introduction Thank you for choosing a Performance Series power amplifier from Numark. These units are designed to provide a good combination of power, audio clarity, and reliable operation. The basic circuit has been kept as simple as possible to reduce the amount of components, thereby shortening the signal path, coloration and the chance of component failure. However, we opted to add what we regard as essential protection against overheating, short circuits and power on transients. An efficien

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Front Panel Description 1. Gain Controls The protect light will also come on if the speaker terminals These two knobs are the level controls for each channel are short circuited, or the impedance of the load between of the amplifier. The gain increases as the knob is turned them is too low. In these circumstances, the protect LED clockwise. The SA5500 features detented gain controls will stay lit until the fault condition is rectified. with dB calibrations to simplify set up. The amplifier’s l

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Back Panel Description 6. Neutrick Connector Inputs 8. Binding Post Outputs a. Balanced XLR Inputs BRIDGED MONO These combined inputs are commonly used for both + mobile and installation set ups. The XLR provide a good speaker speaker combination of ease of connection and resistance to corrosion. They are wired as per the following - convention: These are suitable for banana plugs, spade lugs or bare wires. Spade lugs and bare wires should both be screwed down tightly to exclude oxygen, and car

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3. ensure that there is only one input signal connected IMPORTANT: NEVER SWITCH BETWEEN to channel 1 of the amplifier - channel 2 input must be STEREO AND BRIDGED MONO OPERATION vacant WHEN THE AMPLIFIER POWER IS ON. 4. switch the amplifier to bridged mono (back panel 11. Limiter On / Off Switch switch) In cases where a dedicated compressor / limit unit precedes the SA5500, some users may seek to disable 5. turn the gain down and turn on the amp the on board limiting. Sliding the switch to the o

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Audio Terms Gain Hum and Buzz This is the factor by which an input signal is amplified Hum typically is a lower pitched sound of around 50 or (increased) or attenuated (reduced) when passing through 60Hz, depending on the AC supply. If the hum or buzz an amplifier. Gain is generally measured in decibels (dB) is very loud, this is generally caused by bad connections which is a logarithmic ratio of input to output. Unity or - check cables and plugs for faults. zero gain means that the signal comes

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The variable resistor is to ensure an impedance balance damping factor of 67. Increasing the cable length to 320ft between the positive and negative inputs, and should be of 8 gauge, the losses are 5% and the damping factor is adjusted until any hum is at a minimum. just 18.2. Balanced lines are also the most effective means of reducing or eliminating RF or ‘radio frequency Overload interference’. Long unbalanced cable runs are likely to It may seem an obvious point to make, but overloading pick

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Hook up #1 Home Studio Reference Amplifier mixer outputs AMPLIFIER INPUTS AMPLIFIER OUTPUTS CH-2 CH-1 + CH-2 CH-1 CH-2 CH-1 - + - - + GND Numark amplifier power reference monitors Hook up #2 Mobile DJ Stereo PA Numark mixer main outputs AMPLIFIER OUTPUTS AMPLIFIER INPUTS CH-2 CH-1 + CH-2 CH-1 CH-2 CH-1 - + - - + GND Numark amplifier power speakers ©1997 Numark Industries 12 http://www.numark.com

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Hook up #3 Monitor Amplifier (in bridged mono) mixer Zone/Booth send AMPLIFIER INPUTS AMPLIFIER OUTPUTS CH-2 CH-1 + CH-2 CH-1 CH-2 CH-1 - + - - + GND Numark amplifier power monitor speaker Hook up #4 Stereo PA System mixer outputs compressor or equalizer inputs outputs AMPLIFIER OUTPUTS AMPLIFIER INPUTS CH-2 CH-1 + CH-2 CH-1 CH-2 CH-1 - + - - + GND Numark amplifier power speakers ©1997 Numark Industries 13 http://www.numark.com

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Specifications SA9500 SA5500 SA3000 Frequency response (8 ohms , 20Hz - 20kHz @ 1 W) +0, -1dB +0, -1dB +0, -1dB Total harmonic distortion 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% Signal to noise ratio 102dB 102dB 102dB Slew rate 20V/uS 20V/uS 20V/uS Damping factor >200 >200 >200 Crosstalk 80dB 80dB 80dB Rated power (per channel RMS Watts, both channels driven) 2 ohms,1kHz,1% THD 1000W 550W 300W 4 ohms, 1kHz, 1%THD 650W 480W 240W 8 ohms,1kHz,1% THD 400W 270W 150W (bridged mono operation) 4 ohms,1kHz,1% THD 2000W 1100W 540

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Block Diagrams clip/limit short circuit + + SA5500 limiting - detector protection - clip/limit attenuation protect GS level voltage current ch1 inputs amp amp DC fault + + thermal ch1 outputs - - power on/off protection + limiter on/off GC - bridged mono gnd ch1 sig - + stereo protect clip/limit short circuit detector protection clip/limit DC fault ch2 outputs ch2 inputs thermal power on/off level voltage current protection limiting + amp amp + + + attenuation - - - - ch2 sig ©1997 Numark Indust

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Professional Disc Jockey Products LIMITED WARRANTY Numark Industries, LLC and Numark International, Inc. (hereafter “Numark”) warrants each new amplifier manufactured and/or supplied by it to be free from defects in material or workmanship under conditions of normal use and service for 3 years, beginning on the date of purchase from an authorized Numark Dealer, but not to exceed 4 years from date of shipment by Numark. The Numark obligation under this warranty is limited to repairing or replacin

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