Руководство по эксплуатации SV Sound 16-46PC

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства SV Sound 16-46PC

Устройство: SV Sound 16-46PC
Категория: Динамик
Производитель: SV Sound
Размер: 0.32 MB
Добавлено: 5/26/2013
Количество страниц: 12
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Краткое содержание страницы № 1

SV Subwoofers
SVS “Powered Cylinders”™
16-46PC 20-39PC 25-31PC
SVS Models
• Contents:
• Page 1 Welcome
• Page 2 About your new SV Subwoofer
• Pages 4-7 Setup, integration, and calibration
• Page 7-8 Powered Cylinder amp features
• Pages 9-10 Bass demos for your home theater
• Page 11 Home theater terms
• Page 12 Warranty
Last update 25 February 2001

Краткое содержание страницы № 2

For technical assistance e-mail us at “Custsupport@SVSubwoofers.com” Page 2 Welcome. From the entire SVS team, congratulations on your purchase of a new standard in home theater bass! Your SVS isn’t some generic black box built someplace you can’t even find on a map. It’s made in Ohio, (as in USA), by home audio fanatics, like you. Designed, tested and assembled by hand, this new subwoofer is without a doubt one of the best investments you’ll ever make in bringing theater hom

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Page 3 SV Subwoofers About your SV Subwoofer No powered subwoofers look anything like them, and virtually none work like them either. SV Subwoofers are decidedly different. The best part? You could have spent much more and still not come close to the same bass performance our Powered Cylinder line gives you. But what makes a subwoofer an SVS??? Quality components, sane prices. You might be surprised at how inexpensive the components in some not-so-inexpensive subwoofers are. Make

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For technical assistance e-mail us at “Support@SVSubwoofers.com” Page 4 Setup, calibrating and integration What’s to know? Well, first of all, setting up an SV Subwoofer is pretty darn easy. There are a few key things to get right though, if you want to get the most out of your sub… Unpacking. You’re probably eager to fire up your sub (we’re the same way), but take time to carefully unpack your sub. Set the box and other protective shipping coverings aside, just in case you need

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Page 5 SV Subwoofers More Setup, calibrating and integration If you are running a pair of SV Subwoofers (fig. 2), you will need to use a standard “Y” cable adapter (c.) The best adaptor to use for this task has one male RCA connection and two female RCA outputs. (Radio Shack ® stocks them.) From the “Y” cable you can run a stan- dard 75 Ohm signal cable (d.) to each sub thus “splitting” the Low Fre- quency Effects (LFE) and other bass signals from your receiver, thus feeding both subw

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SV Subwoofers Page 6 “Large”. Selecting the size accordingly will ensure bass goes to most appropriate speakers, and use the subwoofer correctly too. Also, is your subwoofer turned “ON”? We don’t mean “is your subwoofer amplifier on?” (that’ll be important later too!) but rather, is your receiver send- ing a bass signal to your sub amp? This can only happen if you say “Yes” (or “ON”) to the “Subwoofer” setting of any typical Dolby Digi- tal/DTS capable receiver. • Is your receiver co

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Page 7 SV Subwoofers significantly lower your sub’s volume control. This helps keep input distor- tion to a minimum, however you should not be set much lower than –5 dB recommended earlier, some adjustment room is needed to tweak down the road. If your subwoofer reading is still too high then turn down the sub’s amp volume a little with each run. But what’s “too high”?? Tastes vary, and so do movie soundtracks, but your SV Subwoofer is capable of tremendous levels of low distortion,

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SV Subwoofers Page 8 Phase. Think of bass waves as conflicting or enhancing each other, depending on the timing of their arrival at your listening location (either together, or not). Since some of your HT bass might come from main, center and/or surround speakers, as well as your sub, getting these bass wave forms to arrive in a com- plementary, enhancing fashion is the difficult job of the phase knob. Essen- tially this control varies the timing of the bass waves coming from the sub.

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SV Subwoofers Page 9 Bassy demo scenes to die for. So now what?? You’ve got one of the best HT bass sub-systems on the planet, you’re calibrated...want to see what she’ll do? Sure you do! Since finding those scenes can be a bit trying, we’ve compiled a list of our favorites below. After all, calibration with test tones is important, but it’s the movies (and music) this sub is itching to show off. Chapter stops for DVDs are shown, with movie time in hours: minutes: seconds. What are

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SV Subwoofers Page 10 More Bassy demo scenes. • “Titanic” You love it...or you hate it. Regardless of which side of the ship you sit, this flick does some serious rumbling for you: 1. 1. “We can’t leave him” Scene 22 (2:21:50) 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. “Ship Splitting” (2:41:30) 3. 3. 3. 3. “Last Gasp” (2:42:05) • “Blade” Not one for the kiddies, but loaded with deep bass. 1. “Footstep”, Scene 4 (7:15) 2. “Door blown” Scene 20 (50:05) • “Aliens” Not just another modern sci-fi

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SV Subwoofers Page 11 A Glossary of Home Theater Terms Frankly, don’t feel guilty if you want to skip over the below. But if you are curious about just what some of the terms and abbreviations stand for, read on: dB - Short for “deci-Bell” a unit of sound, a 3dB increase takes twice the acoustic power to attain! DD - “Dolby Digital”, the most popular form of digital surround sound, usually found on DVD soundtracks. Actually a compression algorithm that can provide 1 to 6 channels o

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Warranty: 45 day money back warranty. If you are not completely satis- fied with the performance of your subwoofer, return it to us for a full refund of the purchase price. Just a few minor stipula- tions should you choose to do this: • Subwoofer must be returned in original shipping box. • E-mail for return of merchandise number (RMA) and dis- play this on the outside of the box. • Subwoofer must be insured during shipping, • Shipping costs are not refundable. 3 year

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