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Solitaire 10
Solitaire 10
True Subwoofer
Solitaire 10
and Solitaire 12
User's Manual
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9. Power Cord Protection Power-supply Safety In struc tions cords should be routed so that they are 1. Read In struc tions - All the safe ty and not likely to be walked upon or pinched by op er a tion instructions should be read before items placed upon or against them, paying the SunÞ re Com po nent is operated. particular at ten tion to cords at plugs, con- 2. Retain Instructions The safety and ve nience re cep tacles, and the point where operating in struc tions should be kept f
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15. To Prevent Electric Shock, do not This apparatus does not exceed the Class use this polarized plug with an extension A/Class B (which ev er is ap pli ca ble) limits cord, re cep ta cle or other outlet unless the for radio noise emis sions from digital ap- blades can be fully inserted to prevent paratus as set out in the radio interference blade ex po sure. regulations of the Canadian De part ment of Pour préevenir les chocs électriques ne Com mu ni ca ti
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Introduction Features High efÞ ciency ampliÞ er (Solitaire 12 is Dear Friend: 1,500 watt, Solitaire 10 is 1,250 watt) Thank you for purchasing my SunÞ re High gloss, black lacquer Þ nish, with True Subwoofer EQ Solitaire. I hope you removable fabric grill enjoy it and the music it makes as much as I have enjoyed creating it for you. Automatic Room Equalization mode Measurement Microphone included The big breakthrough features of Very low distortion the subwoofer are its
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Overview Your SunÞ re True Subwoofer EQ Soli- The AmpliÞ er tiare is designed to give you the best pos- The large movement range of the sible low-fre quen cy sound quality for your driver creates greater air pressure inside Home Theater ex pe ri ence. It in cor po rates the box than a con ven tion al subwoofer. a tre men dous ly powerful built-in am pli Þ er There fore, the drive am pli Þ er must be and a single long-throw driver to produce much more powerful than an or di nary tight,
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Control Panel Features 15 14 1 13 2 12 3 DIM - STANDBY BRIGHT - ON 4 5 6 11 Solitaire 10 7 10 8 9 1. Volume 3. Phase Control This control lets you match the output This control changes the relative phase level of the subwoofer to the level of the sub woof er with respect to your of your sat el lite/main speak ers. The other speakers. Use this control to help subwoofer output will increase as this blend the sub woof er with the rest of control is rotated clockwise. When you your sys tem. This
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passive network with a Þ xed crossover 8. Speaker Level Inputs frequency of 70 Hz and a 6 dB per Under normal conditions, the preferred octave slope. connection is through the line level We rec om mend using this high-pass inputs. If this is difÞ cult or not possible function with main/satellite speak ers in your system, then you can use the that are small and not designed to speaker level inputs. Also, if you ex pe - reproduce low fre quen cies. If your main ri ence ex ces sive noise or h
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Control Panel Features continued 15 14 13 12 DIM - STANDBY BRIGHT - ON 11 Solitaire 10 EURO (230 VAC) MODEL: Connect several seconds to enter the Manual the linecord to the subwoofer before EQ mode. See page 12 for more connecting the other end to a 230 Volt, details on this and the following EQ 50/60 Hz AC outlet. The outlet must controls. have a cir cuit rating of 8 amps or more. 13.Microphone Input Never plug the Euro (230 VAC) This is where you plug in the supplied model subwoofer direc
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Installation Observe the following general pre cau - To move the subwoofer along the tions and read the safety in struc tions on ß oor, rotate it onto one edge onto a pages 2 and 3 before using your SunÞ re plastic sheet or bag, and it will slide Subwoofer. along easier. Never open the cabinet or remove Heat rise the metal control panel as this might result in an electrical shock to Allow adequate ventilation around the metal control panel of the you, or dam age to the u
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Connections Please consider the following when set- Whenever possible, keep the ting up your new system : power cords away from the signal cables or speaker wires to pre vent Before making or changing any any hum or in ter fer ence being connec tions, ALWAYS make sure heard in the speak ers. that the subwoofer and your other components are turned OFF. Also Choose reliable, high quality in ter - turn down the volume control of the con nect cables, also called patch sub w
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Location Placing your subwoofer in a corner The Auto EQ mode will let you adjust will produce optimum performance. for the room effects, but you should Þ nd Ex per i ment with at least two corners and the best location Þ rst. decide which is the best, or you can try Remember to keep the subwoofer the following procedure: at least two or three feet away from 1. Start by placing the subwoofer right any TV screen, computer, VCR or on the seat of your favorite couch mag net ic tapes and disc
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Solitaire 10 DIM - STANDBY BRIGHT - ON D BR MG -H ST TA - N OD NBY I I Room Equalization (EQ) Procedure Subwoofer performance is greatly af- 4. Plug the microphone into the subwoof- fected by the room in which it is situated, er's microphone jack. and the positioning within the room. The room effects will boost and cut the output levels reaching your listening position. This gives a "Room EQ" effect which can often be far from wonderful. The SunÞ re True Sub EQ can automati- 5. Set the
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9. The sub automatically calculates the adjust for the room effects. Then follow best equalization, based on the mea- this manual procedure if you think the sured frequency response at your listen- equalization might still need a tweak: ing position. This will be saved, before 1. Set these controls: returning to the normal listening mode. Volume to 0 dB. 10. In normal listening, you can adjust the Crossover to "Bypass." overall effect of the saved EQ settings Phase to "Normal." with
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INPUTS AMPLIFIER PREAMPLIFIER L R MAIN OUTPUTS SUB/LFE OUT L R TO F Solitaire 10 DIM - STANDBY BRIGHT - ON System ConÞ gurations The following pages show some typical con nec tions that you might make in your in stal la tion. They show how the inputs and outputs of the SunÞ re Subwoofer are con nected to your pream pli Þ er or receiver. Connections to a preampliÞ ers subwoofer output If your preampliÞ er has a subwoofer output (often labeled LFE for Low Fre quen cy Effects), it can be
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INPUTS AMPLIFIER PREAMPLIFIER R L MAIN OUTPUTS SUB/LFE OUT L R TO Solitaire 10 DIM - STANDBY BRIGHT - ON Connections to a preampliÞ er using Y cables If your preampliÞ er does not have a sub/LFE output, you can use Y cables to send its main outputs to both the sub woof er and your am pli Þ er. The subwoofer will play the low frequency range and your front speak ers will play the full range. Although bass is com mon ly dis- trib ut ed evenly between left and right chan nels (L+R bass),
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INPUTS AMPLIFIER PREAMPLIFIER L R MAIN OUTPUTS L R TO FRONT SPEAKERS Solitaire 10 D M - STANDBY BR GHT - ON I I Using the line level high-pass outputs If you are using a pream pli Þ er which does not have a sub/LFE output, you can send its left and right front output into the sub woof ers Line Level inputs and then connect the sub woof - ers High-Pass outputs to the inputs of your ampliÞ er. The subwoofer will play the low frequencies and your ampliÞ er and front speakers will pl
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R L TO FRONT SPEAKERS RECEIVER MAIN OUTPUTS Solitaire 10 D M - TANDB BR GHT - ON I S Y I Using the speaker level inputs If you are using a receiver which does not have a sub- woof er output or line level outputs (pre-outs), you can connect its speak er outputs to the subwoofers speaker- level inputs. The front speak ers can still be con nect ed to your receiver. The subwoofers internal ampliÞ er supplies the power to reproduce the low fre quen cy range. It receives a sample
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Adjusting the controls There are two main methods for adjust- Step 4. Use the phase control to make ing the level, crossover frequency and the response even smoother. It has its phase of the SunÞ re Subwoofer to match biggest effect at the crossover fre quen cy. a sys tem: You can iterate between the crossover and the phase controls. Keep your hands Bob Carvers preferred method: off the level control! It was set correctly By listening and making the in step 2. adj
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SpeciÞ cations (Solitaire 12) 0.75 Vrms from right input with volume AmpliÞ er Output control at 0 dB, 200 mVrms volume 1,500 watts rms (3.3 Ω impedance) control fully clockwise * High Cut Filter Input Impedance: 30 Hz - 100 Hz adjustable, with a 30 kΩ for Line-Level inputs "Bypass" position. 56 kΩ for Hi-Level inputs Frequency Response 40 kΩ for XLR input, each leg balanced to ground 16 Hz - 100 Hz XLR Input Power Line Voltage Pin 1 Ground US model
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SpeciÞ cations (Solitaire 10) 0.75 Vrms from right input with volume AmpliÞ er Output control at 0 dB, 200 mVrms volume 1,250 watts rms (3.3 Ω impedance) control fully clockwise * High Cut Filter Input Impedance: 30 Hz - 100 Hz adjustable, with a 30 kΩ for Line-Level inputs "Bypass" position. 56 kΩ for Hi-Level inputs Frequency Response 40 kΩ for XLR input, each leg balanced to ground 18 Hz - 100 Hz XLR Input Power Line Voltage Pin 1 Ground US model