Руководство по эксплуатации Canon MLT (F)

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Canon MLT (F)

Устройство: Canon MLT (F)
Категория: Видео аксессуары
Производитель: Canon
Размер: 2.04 MB
Добавлено: 11/26/2013
Количество страниц: 40
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Краткое содержание страницы № 1

CXDI Image Processing Software
User’s Manual
Before using the instrument, be sure to read this manual thoroughly.
Also, read the manuals of other instruments in this system.
Keep the manual where it is easily accessible.

Краткое содержание страницы № 2

Please Note 1. In no event will Canon be liable for direct or indirect consequential damage arising out of the use of this product. Canon will not be liable for loss of image data due to any reason. 2. Please have this product installed by Canon representative or distributor. 3. Canon reserves the right to change the specifications of the product without prior notice. © CANON INC. 2008 All rights reserved. Under copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the wri

Краткое содержание страницы № 3

Contents 1. Overview ......................................................................................1 1.1 About MLT (F) .......................................................................................1 1.2 Available Functions of MLT (F) .............................................................2 2. Edit Exposure Mode Settings ......................................................3 2.1 Procedures to Edit Exposure Mode .......................................................3 2.2 S

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Краткое содержание страницы № 5

Notation Conventions Notation 1 In this manual, the name of button is enclosed with a pair of brackets [ ], and the buttons that are selected in succession are connected with > to indicate the order. Example: On the Exposure screen, touch the followings: [SYSTEM] > [SETUP MENU] Operation: Touch the SYSTEM button on the first screen, and then touch the SETUP MENU button on the second screen. Touch the SYSTEM button (left), and then touch the SETUP MENU button (right) Notation 2 If any detailed

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1. Overview 1.1 About MLT (F) NOTE: MLT (F) is supported by CXDI System Software Version 4.3 or later. The CXDI Image Processing Software MLT (F) (called “MLT (F)” in this manual) is designed to extend the image processing functions provided with the CXDI series of Canon dig- ital radiography system (called “CXDI” in this manual). By installing MLT (F) on the Control PC, the advanced image processing features of MLT (F) are brought into full scope both in the Edit Exposure Mode and QA Mode. Th

Краткое содержание страницы № 8

1.Overview 1.2 Available Functions of MLT (F) This manual describes the operating procedures of the following three image processing func- tions that are available with MLT (F). For details and information on other image processing functions, please refer to Operation Manual and Setup Guide. DWT*1 Edge Enhancement (→ P.7) The DWT ENHANCE. tab provides the function to accentuate edge details of the expo- sure image by specifying the three parameters; the degree of enhancement (EFFECT), type of

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2. Edit Exposure Mode Settings The examples used in this chapter are the screens of CXDI System Software version 6.3. 2.1 Procedures to Edit Exposure Mode Display the Edit Exposure Mode screen 1 On the Exposure screen, touch the followings: [SYSTEM] > [EDIT EXPOSURE MODE]. Button Sensor Unit Button Exposure Mode Category Tab Button Edit Exposure Mode Screen Select the Sensor Unit 2 If two or more sensor units are being used in the system, touch the Sensor Unit button, then select the Sensor Uni

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2.Edit Exposure Mode Settings Select the Exposure Mode 4 Make sure that [EDIT PARA.] at the top-left is highlighted, and select the desired Expo- sure Mode. The EDIT PARA. screen appears. EDIT PARA. Screen (first page) Display the next page 5 Touch [NEXT PAGE]. EDIT PARA. Screen (second page) Availability of Frequency Processing Mode If your CXDI System Software is the version 5.0 or before, there is no need to select the frequency processing mode as described in the next step (step 6). Skip th

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2.Edit Exposure Mode Settings Select MLT (F) FREQUENCY 6 If MLT (F) FREQUENCY is not currently selected (in this case, the DWT ENHANCE., DWT DEP, and DWT NOISE R. tabs are not displayed), touch the Frequency Pro- cessing Mode button to open the window, then touch [MLT (F) FREQUECY]. Frequency Processing Mode Button Frequency Processing Mode Window Select the tab 7 Touch the desired tab from among three tabs: DWT ENHANCE., DWT DEP, DWT NOISE R. DWT ENHANCE. Screen Set the parameters 8 Set the p

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2.Edit Exposure Mode Settings Save the parameters 9 Touch [OK]. The window displaying the following message appears: Save the changed parameter. Then, touch [OK]. When Password is required If the password is specified, a different message is displayed in the window as follows: Administrator’s authority is needed. Enter system password. In this case, touch anywhere within the frame to display On-Screen-Keyboard, and type your password, then touch [OK]. – 6 –

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2.Edit Exposure Mode Settings 2.2 Setting DWT ENHANCE. Tab Set the DWT Edge Enhancement effective 1 Touch [EDGE ENHANCE.] to display the parameters. The appearance of the button switches over between the highlight (in white outline characters against a colored back- ground) and normal display each time you touch the button. The parameters are available when the button is highlighted. FREQUENCY BASE Button DENSITY BASE Button DWT ENHANCE. Screen with Parameters Set the EFFECT parameter 2 Touch

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2.Edit Exposure Mode Settings Display the FREQUENCY BASE window 3 Touch the FREQUENCY BASE button to open the window. FREQUENCY BASE Window The types of Frequency Bases are classified into two kinds, and are indicated with the buttons in different colors respectively as follows: Display of Button Remarks Enhances the signals smoothly ranging from the low frequency area to the high frequency area. Blue Bar Graph The results of enhancement appear natural with smooth frequent response characteri

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2.Edit Exposure Mode Settings Display the DENSITY BASE window 5 Touch the DENSITY BASE button to open the window. DENSITY BASE Window If granularity is too coarse on the Low-Density Field as the result of the enhancement, the quality can be improved by selecting the Density Base that applies weaker density enhancement to the area where the degradation of quality is obvious. Set the DENSITY BASE parameter 6 Touch the desired Density Base button. The parameter is set for the Density Base selecte

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2.Edit Exposure Mode Settings 2.3 Setting DWT DEP Tab 2.3.1 Setting DWT DEP for High-Density Field Set the DWT DEP for the High-Density Field effective 1 Touch [HIGH DENS.] to display the parameters. The appearance of the button switches over between the highlight (in white outline characters against a colored background) and normal display each time you touch the button. The parameters are available when the button is highlighted. DWT DEP Screen with Parameters of HIGH DENS. Set the STARTING

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2.Edit Exposure Mode Settings Set the DEP EFFECT parameter of the High-Density Field 4 Touch the or button, and set the value within the range between 0 to 10. The value on the left is the setting saved previously, and the value on the right is the cur- rent setting. The value indicates the intensity of restoration in high frequency component that reflects the starting density and compression ratio of the High-Density Field. Select a larger value for higher degree of intensity, and select a s

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2.Edit Exposure Mode Settings Set the STARTING DENSITY parameter of the Low-Density Field 2 Touch the or button, and set the value within the range between 0 to 30. If the parameters of the High-Density Field are effective, this value cannot be set lower than the value of STARTING DENSITY of the High-Density Field (→ P.10). The value on the left is the setting saved previously, and the value on the right is the cur- rent setting. The value indicates the upper limit of density to start compres

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2.Edit Exposure Mode Settings 2.4 Setting DWT NOISE R. Tab Set the DWT Noise Reduction effective 1 Touch [NOISE REDUCTION] to display the parameters. The appearance of the button switches over between the highlight (in white outline characters against a colored back- ground) and normal display each time you touch the button. The parameters are available when the button is displayed in highlight. DWT NOISE R. Screen with Parameters Set the EFFECT parameter 2 Touch the or button, and set the v

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3. QA Mode Settings The examples used in this chapter are the screens of CXDI System Software version 6.3. 3.1 Procedures to Change Parameters Image processing of the exposure images with CXDI is called QA (Quality Assurance) Process- ing, and can be performed by adjusting the parameters on the QA Mode screen to optimize the exposure image. Display the QA Mode screen 1 Display the QA Mode screen by one of the following methods: QA Mode Screen To display the QA Mode screen automatically right af

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