Руководство по эксплуатации Dell PowerEdge M710

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Dell PowerEdge M710

Устройство: Dell PowerEdge M710
Категория: Сервер
Производитель: Dell
Размер: 0.79 MB
Добавлено: 9/8/2014
Количество страниц: 31
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technical GuiDebOOk
insiDe the POWeReDGe M710

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ M710 Technical Guidebook TABLE OF CONTENTS intRODuctiOn 5 sectiOn 1. systeM O veR vieW 6 A. Overview / Description 6 B. Product Features Summary 6 sectiOn 2: Mechanical 7 A. Dimensions and Weight (blade only) 7 B. Front Panel View and Features 7 C. Side Views and Features 9 D. Security 9 Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 9 Power Off Security 9 Intrusion Alert 9 Secure Mode 9 E. USB Key 10 F. Battery 10 G. Field Replacable Units (FRU) 10 sectiOn 3. enviROnMental sPecificatiOns an

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ M710 Technical Guidebook sectiOn 7. chiPset 20 A. Overview / Description 20 The Intel 5520 Chipset (code named Tylersburg) I/O Hub (IOH) 20 IOH QuickPath Interconnect (QPI) 20 Intel Direct Media Interface (DMI) 20 PCI Express Generation 2 21 Intel I/O Controller Hub 9 (ICH9) 21 sectiOn 8. biO s 21 A. Overview / Description 21 2 B. I C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) 22 sectiOn 9. eMbeDDeD nics/l OMs 22 A. Overview / Description 22 sectiOn 10. Mezzanine caRD sl Ots 22 A. Overview

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ M710 Technical Guidebook Dell Management Console DVD 27 Server Update Utility 27 C. Embedded Server Management 27 I. Unmanaged Persistent Storage 27 II. Lifecycle Controller/Unified Server Configurator 27 III. iDRAC6 Express/Enterprise 28 sectiOn 16. PeRiPheR als 30 A. USB Peripherals 30 sectiOn 17. DOcuMentatiOn 30 A. Overview, Description, and List 30 sectiOn 18. P acka GinG OPtiOns 31

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ M710 Technical Guidebook the Dell™ POWeReDGe™ M710 The Dell PowerEdge M-Series blade servers help cut operating expenses through energy efficiency, product flexibility, and efficient use of data center space. When combined with Dell’s world-class storage, management, and support offerings, the result is a total enterprise solution that can help you simplify and save on IT expenses. strong it f oundation To build the most efficient data center solutions, Dell sought input from

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ M710 Technical Guidebook sectiOn 1. s ysteM OveR vieW a. Overview / Description The PowerEdge M710 is the next generation of Intel single slot blades with enhanced processors, RAM, and management while still taking advantage of the M1000e chassis architecture. Along with the M1000e, it leads the industry in high speed, redundant IO throughput and power consumption. b. Product f eatures summary featuRe Details Processor Nehalem EP - 2 Socket Intel Xeon 5500 Series Front Side B

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ M710 Technical Guidebook sectiOn 2. Mechanical a. Dimensions and Weight (blade only) Height 38.5cm (15.2in) Width 5cm (2in) Depth 48.6cm (19.2in) Weight 11.1kg (24.5lbs.) - Maximum configuration b. front Panel view and f eatures 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 2 6 5 2 1. Blade Handle Release Button 4. Blade Power Indicator 2. Hard Drives (4) 5. USB Connectors (3) 3. Blade Power Button 6. Blade Status / Indentification Indicator Figure: Front Panel Features PowerEdge M710 7

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ M710 Technical Guidebook featuRe ic On DescRiPtiOn Off – Power is not available to the blade, the blade is in standby mode, the blade is not turned on, or the blade is installed incorrectly. For detailed information on installing a blade, see "Installing a Blade." Blade Power Indicator Green increasing from low brightness to full brightness – Blade power on request is pending. Green on – The blade is turned on. Off – The blade power is off. Blue – Normal operating state.

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ M710 Technical Guidebook c. side views and f eatures D. security Trusted Platform Module (TPM) The TPM is used to generate/store keys, protect/authenticate passwords, and create/store digital certificates. TPM can also be used to enable the BitLocker™ hard drive encryption feature in Windows ® Server 2008. TPM is enabled through a BIOS option and uses HMAC-SHA1-160 for binding. There will be different planar PWA part numbers to accommodate the different TPM solutions. There

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ M710 Technical Guidebook e. usb k ey The M710 supports the following USB devices: • D VD (bootable; r equir es tw o USB ports ) • USB K e y (bootable ) • K e yboar d ( only one USB k e yboar d is support ed) • Mouse ( only one USB mouse is support ed) f . battery A replaceable coin cell CR2032 3V battery is mounted on the planar to provide backup power for the Real-Time Clock and CMOS RAM on the ICH9 chip. G. field Replaceable units (fRu) The planar contains

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ M710 Technical Guidebook b. a coustics The acoustical design of the PowerEdge M710 reflects the following: • A dher enc e t o Dell’ s high sound quality s tandar ds. Sound quality is diff er ent fr om sound po w er level and sound pressure level in that it describes how humans respond to annoyances in sound, like whistles, hums, etc. One of the sound quality metrics in the Dell specification is prominence ratio of a tone, and this is listed in the table below. • Har d

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ M710 Technical Guidebook 8 7 1 2 3 6 4 5 Figure: PowerEdge M710 Main Components 1. 2 Processor Sockets 5. Chipset 2. Internal USB 6. High speed Mezz Card Slots (On-board 3. 4 2.5" Hard Drives (Hard drive controller NICs underneath) underneath) 7. Persistent Storage (underneath iDRAC6) 4. 18 DDR3 DIMM Slots 8. iDRAC6 Enterprise 12

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ M710 Technical Guidebook sectiOn 5. PROcessORs A. Overview / Description ® The Intel 5500 series 2S processor (Nehalem - Efficient Processor (EP)), is the microprocessor designed specifically for servers and workstation applications. The processor features quad-core processing to maximize performance and performance/watt for data center infrastructures and highly dense deployments. The Nehalem-EP 2S processor also features Intel’s Core™ micro-architecture and Intel 64 arch

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ M710 Technical Guidebook C. Supported Processors MODel sPeeD POWeR cache c ORes X5570 2.93GHz 95W 8M 4 X5560 2.80GHz 95W 8M 4 X5550 2.66GHz 95W 8M 4 E5540 2.53GHz 80W 8M 4 E5530 2.40GHz 80W 8M 4 E5520 2.26GHz 80W 8M 4 L5520 2.26GHz 60W 8M 4 E5506 2.13GHz 80W 4M 4 L5506 2.13GHz 60W 4M 4 E5504 2.00GHz 80W 4M 4 E5502 1.86GHz 80W 4M 2 D. Processor Configurations Single CPU Configuration The PowerEdge M710 is designed such that a single processor placed in the CPU1 socket will funct

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ M710 Technical Guidebook ® Intel Turbo Boost Technology TURBO Freq Cores / Threads BASE Freq Benefit † Core Core 3.20 GHz up to 6% 0 1 Core Core 0 1 Core Core 16 for 16 concurrent 2 3 Core Core 2 3 2.93 GHz (2 socket/HT on) software threads OR Core IDLE 0 3.33 GHz Core up to 10% IDLE 0 IDLE IDLE 2 for 2 software IDLE IDLE 2.93 GHz (2 socket/HT on) threads Improves application responsiveness Delivers higher processor frequency on demand MODel sPeeD POWeR cache c ORes X5

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ M710 Technical Guidebook sectiOn 6. MeMOR y a. Overview / Description The PowerEdge M710 utilizes DDR3 memory providing a high performance, high-speed memory interface capable of low latency response and high throughput. The PE M710 supports Registered ECC DDR3 DIMMs (RDIMM) or Unbuffered ECC DDR3 DIMMs (UDIMM). K e y f ea tur es of the P o w erE dge M7 10 memory s y s t em include: • R egis t er ed (RDIMM) and Unbuff er ed (UDIMM) EC C DDR3 t echnology • Each chann

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ M710 Technical Guidebook b. DiMMs supported The DDR3 memory interface consists of three channels, with up to two RDIMMs or UDIMMs per chan- nel for single-/dua- rank and up to two RDIMMs per channel for quad rank. The interface uses 2GB, 4GB, or 8GB RDIMMs. 1GB or 2GB UDIMMs are also supported. The memory mode is dependent on how the memory is populated in the system: Three channels per CPU populated identically • T ypically , the s y s t em will be set t o run in Memory O

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ M710 Technical Guidebook The table below shows the memory populations and the maximum frequency achievable for that configuration. nuMbeR DiMM tyPe DiMM 0 DiMM 1 DiMM 2 800 1066 1333 Of DiMMs SR 1 DR 1 UDIMM SR SR 2 SR DR 2 DR DR 2 SR 1 DR 1 QR 1 SR SR 2 SR DR 2 DR DR 2 RDIMM QR SR 2 QR DR 2 QR QR 2 SR SR SR 3 SR SR DR 3 SR DR DR 3 DR DR DR 3 Note: For QR mixed with a SR/DR DIMM, the QR needs to be in the white DIMM connector. There is no requirement in the order of SR and D

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ M710 Technical Guidebook NHM-EP Platform Memory Overview • Platform capability (18 DIMMs): 1 – Up to 3 channels per CPU – Up to 3 DIMMS per channel Up to 3 channels NHM-EP NHM-EP 2 per CPU • Memory T ypes Supported: – DDR 1333, 1066, and 800 3 – Registered (RDIMM) and unbuffered (UDIMM) – Single-rank (SR), dual-rank (DR), quad-rank (QR) 1 2 3 Up to 3 • S ystem memory Speed (i.e. the speed at which the memory is DIMMs per actually running) is set by BIOS depending o

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Dell™ PowerEdge™ M710 Technical Guidebook sectiOn 7. chiPset a. Overview / Description The PowerEdge M710 planar incorporated the Intel 5520 chipset (code named Tylersburg) for I/O and processor interfacing. Tylersburg is designed to support Intel's 5500 series processors (code named Nehalem-EP), QPI int er c onnect, DDR3 memory t echnology , and PCI Expr es s Gener a tion 2. T he Tylersburg chipset consists of the Tylersburg-36D IOH and ICH9. The Intel 5520 chipset (code named Tylersburg)

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