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Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/
Service Manual
Manual Code: C120-E682-06EN
December 2013
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Copyright © 2007, 2013, Fujitsu Limited. All rights reserved. Oracle and/or its affiliates provided technical input and review on portions of this material. Oracle and/or its affiliates and Fujitsu Limited each own or control intellectual property rights relating to products and technology described in this document, and such products, technology and this document are protected by copyright laws, patents, and other intellectual property laws and international treaties. This document and the prod
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Contents Preface xxi Chapter1 BeforeStartingMaintenanceWork 1 1.1 Warning/CautionIndications 1 1.2 WarningLabels 2 1.3 Labels/Tags 2 1.4 SafetyPrecautions 5 1.5 Notes RegardingStaticElectricity 6 1.6 Other Precautions 7 1.7 EmergencyPowerOff 8 Chapter2 UnderstandingtheSystemComponents 11 2.1 IdentifyingtheNamesandLocationsofComponents 11 2.2 ConfirmingtheFunctionsoftheOperationPanel 16 2.2.1 Displayfunctionoftheoperationpanel 19 2.2.2 Controlfunctionoftheoperationpanel 20 2.3 CheckingtheLEDIndic
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Chapter3 Troubleshooting 33 3.1 SuspectedFailureConditions 33 3.2 DeterminingtheCausesofIndividualFailures 33 3.3 IdentifyingaFailure 34 3.3.1 CheckingtheLEDindications 35 3.3.2 Checkingerrormessages 35 3.3.3 Checkingthestatusofacomponent 35 3.3.4 CheckingthestatusofaPCIexpansionunit 37 3.3.5 Checkingloginformation 38 3.3.6 Checkingthemessagesoutputbythepredictiveself-repairing tool 39 3.3.7 Identifyingthelocationofthechassisrequiringmaintenance 40 3.4 DownloadingErrorLogInformation 40 Chapter4
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6.1 IncorporatinganFRUintotheSystemwiththereplacefruCommand 69 6.2 IncorporatingaChassisintoaPhysicalPartition 71 6.3 PoweringOnthePhysicalPartitionRequiringMaintenance 73 6.4 StartingtheEntireSystem 74 6.4.1 StartingthesystemwithanXSCFcommand 75 6.4.2 Startingthesystemfromtheoperationpanel 75 6.5 RestoringtheChassis 76 6.5.1 Installingthepowercord 76 6.5.2 Fixingthecablesupport 78 6.5.3 Installingthefrontcover 79 Chapter7 MaintainingtheCPUMemoryUnits 83 7.1 ConfigurationoftheCPUMemoryUnits 83 7
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7.5.3 InstallingtheCPUmemoryunitlower 146 7.5.4 Restoringthechassis 146 7.6 RestoringtheSystem 147 7.6.1 Active/Coldmaintenance 148 7.6.2 Inactive/Coldmaintenance 149 7.6.3 System-stoppedmaintenance 152 Chapter8 MaintainingtheMemory 159 8.1 MemoryConfiguration 159 8.2 MemoryConfigurationRules 163 8.2.1 Memorymountingrules 164 8.2.2 Checkingmemoryinformation 167 8.3 BeforeMaintainingMemory 168 8.3.1 Types ofmaintenance 168 8.3.2 Maintenanceflow 169 8.3.3 Precautionsforreplacement 169 8.3.4 Precau
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Chapter9 MaintainingtheCrossbarUnits 179 9.1 ConfigurationoftheCrossbarUnits 179 9.2 BeforeMaintainingaCrossbarUnit 180 9.2.1 Types ofmaintenance 180 9.2.2 Maintenanceflow 181 9.3 EnablingtheRemovalofaCrossbarUnit 181 9.3.1 Active/Coldmaintenance 182 9.3.2 Inactive/Coldmaintenance 182 9.3.3 System-stoppedmaintenance 183 9.4 RemovingaCrossbarUnit 184 9.4.1 Accessingacrossbarunit 184 9.4.2 Removingacrossbarunit 184 9.5 InstallingaCrossbarUnit 186 9.5.1 Installingacrossbarunit 187 9.5.2 Restoringth
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10.4 RemovingaPowerSupplyUnit 198 10.4.1 Accessingapowersupplyunit 199 10.4.2 Removingapowersupplyunit 199 10.5 InstallingaPowerSupplyUnit 200 10.5.1 Installingapowersupplyunit 200 10.5.2 Restoringthechassis 200 10.6 RestoringtheSystem 200 10.6.1 Active/Hotmaintenance 201 10.6.2 Active/Coldmaintenance 201 10.6.3 Inactive/Hotmaintenance 202 10.6.4 Inactive/Coldmaintenance 202 10.6.5 System-stoppedmaintenance 203 Chapter11 MaintainingtheFanUnits 205 11.1 ConfigurationoftheFanUnits 205 11.2 BeforeM
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11.6.1 Active/Hotmaintenance 215 11.6.2 Active/Coldmaintenance 215 11.6.3 Inactive/Hotmaintenance 216 11.6.4 Inactive/Coldmaintenance 216 11.6.5 System-stoppedmaintenance 217 Chapter12 MaintainingtheInternalDisks 219 12.1 ConfigurationoftheInternalDisks 219 12.1.1 Identificationofdiskslot 220 12.2 BeforeMaintaininganInternalDisk 226 12.2.1 Types ofmaintenance 226 12.2.2 Maintenanceflow 226 12.2.3 Precautionsforinstallation 227 12.2.4 Precautionsforremoval 227 12.3 EnablingtheRemovalofanInternalD
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Chapter13 MaintainingthePCIExpressCards 239 13.1 ConfigurationofthePCIExpressCards 239 13.2 BeforeMaintainingaPCIExpressCard 241 13.2.1 Types ofmaintenance 241 13.2.2 Maintenanceflow 241 13.2.3 Precautionsforreplacement 242 13.2.4 Precautionsforinstallation 242 13.2.5 Precautionsforremoval 242 13.3 CheckingIfPCIHotPlug(PHP)CanBeUsed 243 13.4 EnablingtheRemovalofaPCIExpressCard 246 13.4.1 Active/Hotmaintenance(withPHP) 246 13.4.2 Active/Hotmaintenance(withDR) 250 13.4.3 Inactive/Hotmaintenance 25
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14.2.2 Maintenanceflow 267 14.3 EnablingtheRemovalofthePSUBackplaneUnit 267 14.3.1 Active/Coldmaintenance 268 14.3.2 Inactive/Coldmaintenance 269 14.3.3 System-stoppedmaintenance 269 14.4 RemovingthePSUBackplaneUnit 270 14.4.1 AccessingthePSUbackplaneunit 271 14.4.2 RemovingthePSUbackplaneunit 273 14.5 InstallingthePSUBackplaneUnit 274 14.5.1 InstallingthePSUbackplaneunit 274 14.5.2 Restoringthechassis 275 14.6 RestoringtheSystem 276 14.6.1 Active/Coldmaintenance 276 14.6.2 Inactive/Coldmaintena
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15.6 RestoringtheSystem 292 15.6.1 Active/Coldmaintenance 292 15.6.2 Inactive/Coldmaintenance 293 15.6.3 System-stoppedmaintenance 294 Chapter16 MaintainingtheCrossbarUnitsoftheCrossbarBox 297 16.1 ConfigurationoftheCrossbarUnits 297 16.2 BeforeMaintainingaCrossbarUnit 298 16.2.1 Types ofmaintenance 298 16.2.2 Maintenanceflow 299 16.3 EnablingtheRemovalofaCrossbarUnit 299 16.3.1 Active/Coldmaintenance 299 16.3.2 Inactive/Coldmaintenance 300 16.3.3 System-stoppedmaintenance 301 16.4 RemovingaCros
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17.6.1 Active/Hotmaintenance 315 17.6.2 Inactive/Hotmaintenance 315 17.6.3 System-stoppedmaintenance 316 Chapter18 MaintainingthePowerSupplyUnitsoftheCrossbarBox 317 18.1 ConfigurationofthePowerSupplyUnits 317 18.2 BeforeMaintainingaPowerSupplyUnit 318 18.2.1 Types ofmaintenance 318 18.2.2 Maintenanceflow 319 18.2.3 Precautionsforreplacement 319 18.3 EnablingtheRemovalofaPowerSupplyUnit 319 18.3.1 Active/Hotmaintenance 320 18.3.2 Inactive/Hotmaintenance 320 18.3.3 System-stoppedmaintenance 321 1
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19.4.2 Removingafanunit 332 19.5 InstallingaFanUnit 333 19.5.1 Installingafanunit 333 19.5.2 Restoringthechassis 333 19.6 RestoringtheSystem 333 19.6.1 Active/Hotmaintenance 334 19.6.2 Inactive/Hotmaintenance 334 19.6.3 System-stoppedmaintenance 334 Chapter20 MaintainingtheXSCFInterfaceUnitoftheCrossbarBox 337 20.1 LocationoftheXSCFInterfaceUnit 337 20.2 BeforeMaintainingtheXSCFInterfaceUnit 338 20.2.1 Types ofmaintenance 338 20.2.2 Maintenanceflow 339 20.3 EnablingtheRemovaloftheXSCFInterfaceUn
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22.2.2 Maintenanceflow 359 22.3 EnablingtheRemovaloftheFanBackplane 359 22.4 RemovingtheFanBackplane 360 22.4.1 Accessingthefanbackplane 360 22.4.2 Removingthefanbackplane 361 22.5 InstallingtheFanBackplane 365 22.5.1 Installingthefanbackplane 365 22.5.2 Restoringthechassis 366 22.6 RestoringtheSystem 366 Chapter23 MaintainingtheOperationPaneloftheCrossbarBox 367 23.1 LocationoftheOperationPanel 367 23.2 BeforeMaintainingtheOperationPanel 368 23.2.1 Types ofmaintenance 368 23.2.2 Maintenanceflow
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24.3.2 System-stoppedmaintenance 383 24.4 RemovingaCrossbarCable(Electrical) 384 24.5 InstallingaCrossbarCable(Electrical) 385 24.6 RestoringtheSystem 386 24.6.1 Inactive/Coldmaintenance 386 24.6.2 System-stoppedmaintenance 387 Chapter25 MaintainingtheCrossbarCables(Optical) 389 25.1 ConfigurationofthePortsfortheCrossbarCables(Optical) 389 25.2 BeforeMaintainingaCrossbarCable(Optical) 392 25.2.1 Types ofmaintenance 392 25.2.2 Maintenanceflow 392 25.2.3 Precautionsforreplacement 392 25.3 Enabling
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26.4 RemovinganXSCFBBControlCable 407 26.5 InstallinganXSCFBBControlCable 409 26.6 RestoringtheSystem 410 26.6.1 Active/Hotmaintenance 410 26.6.2 Active/Coldmaintenance 410 26.6.3 Inactive/Hotmaintenance 411 26.6.4 Inactive/Coldmaintenance 411 26.6.5 System-stoppedmaintenance 411 Chapter27 MaintainingtheXSCFDUALControlCables 413 27.1 ConfigurationoftheXSCFDUALControlPorts 413 27.2 BeforeMaintaininganXSCFDUALControlCable 415 27.2.1 Types ofmaintenance 415 27.2.2 Maintenanceflow 415 27.3 Enablingt
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28.1.2 Cablesfortheconnectionbetweentheterminalboardandfan backplane 427 28.1.3 Locationsforthecablekit 428 28.2 BeforeMaintainingtheCableKit 429 28.2.1 Types ofmaintenance 429 28.2.2 Maintenanceflow 430 28.3 EnablingtheRemovaloftheCableKit 430 28.4 RemovingtheCableKit 431 28.4.1 Removingthecablesfortheconnectionbetweenthecrossbar backplaneunitandterminalboard 431 28.4.2 Removingthecablesfortheconnectionbetweentheterminal boardandfanbackplane 436 28.5 InstallingtheCableKit 444 28.5.1 Installinga
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29.6.1 Active/Coldmaintenance 462 29.6.2 System-stoppedmaintenance 462 AppendixA ComponentList 463 AppendixB ComponentSpecifications 467 B.1 CPU MemoryUnit 467 B.2 CrossbarUnit 468 B.3 XSCF Unit 469 B.4 Power SupplyUnit 470 B.5 Fan Unit 471 B.6 InternalDiskDrive 471 B.7 PCI ExpressCard 472 B.8 XSCF InterfaceUnit 472 B.9 Backplanes 473 B.10 OperationPanel 476 AppendixC OracleSolarisTroubleshootingCommands 477 C.1 iostat(1M)Command 477 C.2 prtdiag(1M)Command 479 C.3 prtconf(1M)Command 482 C.4 nets
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xx FujitsuM10-4/FujitsuM10-4S/SPARCM10-4/SPARCM10-4SServiceManual�December2013