Руководство по эксплуатации FieldServer SIEMENS TIWAY I FS-8700-31

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства FieldServer SIEMENS TIWAY I FS-8700-31

Устройство: FieldServer SIEMENS TIWAY I FS-8700-31
Категория: Сервер
Производитель: FieldServer
Размер: 0.19 MB
Добавлено: 11/5/2013
Количество страниц: 26
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FieldServer SIEMENS TIWAY I FS-8700-31 Руководство по эксплуатации - Online PDF
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A Sierra Monitor Company

Driver Manual
(Supplement to the FieldServer Instruction Manual)

FS-8700-31 Siemens TIWAY I

Effective for all systems manufactured after Ma y 1, 2001
Driver Version 1.01b
Document revision Rev 1

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FS-8700-31 Siemens TIWAY I Index TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Siemens TIWAY I Driver Description...............................................................................1 2. Driver Scope of Supply.....................................................................................................2 2.1. Supplied by FieldServer Technologies for this driver ...................................................2 rd 2.2. Provided by the Supplier of 3 Party Equipment..........................

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FS-8700-31 Siemens TIWAY I Index 5.3. Server Side Map Descriptors......................................................................................19 5.3.1. FieldServer Specific Map Descriptor Parameters ...................................................19 5.3.2. Driver Specific Map Descriptor Parameters ............................................................19 5.3.3. Serving TIWAY data map descriptor example ........................................................21 5.3.4.

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FS-8700-31 Siemens TIWAY I Page 1 of 23 1. Siemens TIWAY I Driver Description The Siemens TIWAY I driver allows the FieldServer to transfer data to and from devices over RS-232C using TIWAY BDLC “Host Adapter Command” protocol. The FieldServer can emulate either a Server or Client. Max Nodes Supported FieldServer Mode Nodes Comments Client 1 Only 1 client node allowed Server 254 Up to 254 secondary PLCs The FieldServer Siemens TIWAY I driver, hereafter simply referred to as th

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FS-8700-31 Siemens TIWAY I Page 2 of 23 listed under the Supported Host Adaptor Commands and Primitives section of the driver factsheet. 2. Driver Scope of Supply 2.1. Supplied by FieldServer Technologies for this driver FieldServer Technologies Description PART # FS-8915-10 UTP cable (7 foot) for Ethernet connection FS-8915-10 UTP cable (7 foot) for RS232 use FS-8917-02 RJ45 to DB9F connector adapter FS-8917-01 RJ45 to DB25M connection adapter - Driver Manual. rd 2.2. Provi

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FS-8700-31 Siemens TIWAY I Page 3 of 23 3. Hardware Connections The FieldServer is connected to the SCADA system as shown below. Configure the SCADA system according to manufacturer’s instructions. 3.1. Hardware Connection Tips / Hints To be updated from testing feedback. 4. Configuring the FieldServer as a TIWAY Client For a detailed discussion on FieldServer configuration, please refer to the FieldServer instruction Configuration mManual. The information that follows descri

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FS-8700-31 Siemens TIWAY I Page 4 of 23 the data required from the servers needs to be mapped in the “Client Side Map Descriptors” section. Details on how to do this can be found below. Note that in the tables, * indicates an optional parameter, with the bold legal value being the default. Section Title Data_Arrays Column Title Function Legal Values Up to 15 alphanumeric Data_Array_Name Provide name for Data Array characters Float, Bit, UInt16, SInt16, Provide data format. Eac

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FS-8700-31 Siemens TIWAY I Page 5 of 23 Example // Client Side Connections Connections Port, Protocol, Baud, Parity, Handshaking, Poll_Delay P1, TIWAY_BDLC, 9600, None, None, 0.100s 4.3. Client Side Node Descriptors Section Title Nodes Column Title Function Legal Values Up to 32 alphanumeric Node_Name Provide name for node characters Secondary PLC station address to Node_ID 1-254 communicate with Protocol Specify protocol used TIWAY, TIWAY_BDLC Specify which port th

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FS-8700-31 Siemens TIWAY I Page 6 of 23 4.4.2. Driver Related Map Descriptor Parameters Section Title Map Descriptors Column Title Function Legal Values One of the node names Name of Node to fetch Node_Name specified in “Client Node data from Descriptor” above 16-bit word datatypes IE_Ladder Variable Constant Word_Input Word_Output Timer_Cnt_Preset Timer_Cnt_Current Drum_Count_Preset Loop_Status Status_Primitive 8-bit byte datatypes Discrete_Input Discrete_Output

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FS-8700-31 Siemens TIWAY I Page 7 of 23 Loop_Output 24-bit datatypes Word_Force Packed-bit datatypes Discrete_Input_Packed Discrete_Output_Packed Control_Register_Packed Read_Secondary_Log Report_HIU_Config Report_Adapter_Config Specifies a host adapter Report_NM_Config TIWAY_Host_Adapter_Cmd command to execute Soft_Reset Reset_Adapter Disconnect_Secondaries Connect_Secondaries 0-65535 A list of PLC memory 0-255 for loop datatypes and addresses that may be TIWAY_Ad

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FS-8700-31 Siemens TIWAY I Page 8 of 23 4.4.4. Reading TIWAY data map descriptor examples Reading data from contiguous PLC data memory locations Map_Descriptor_Name, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, Node_name, TIWAY_Data_Type, Address, Length, C01_RAW16_PLC01, RAW16_Data, 0, RDBC, PLC_01, IE_Ladder, 0, 10, Scan_Interval 0s The above map descriptor will continuously read 10 data elements starting from address 0 of type “IE_Ladder” from PLC_01. The data

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FS-8700-31 Siemens TIWAY I Page 9 of 23 Preset_Step_List, Scan_Interval 5 8 9 33 49, 0s The above map descriptor will continuously read 5 data elements from addresses 0-4 of type “Drum_Count_Preset” from PLC_01. The Preset Steps associated with addresses are (address 0):5, (address 1):8, (address 2):9, (address 3):33, and (address 4):49. The data will be stored contiguously in the data array from offset 70. Reading Drum_Count_Preset data from random PLC data

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FS-8700-31 Siemens TIWAY I Page 10 of 23 The above map descriptor will continuously read the three status values from PLC_01. The status values are defined as follows and will be stored in the data array contiguously from an offset of zero: Status element 1 (DD) : Operational Status Status element 2 (EE) : Auxiliary power source status Status element 3 (FF) : NIM Operational Status Please refer to the TIWAY systems manual for operational values and their meanings.

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FS-8700-31 Siemens TIWAY I Page 11 of 23 The above map descriptor will continuously write data of type “Loop_Gain” to 2 PLC data memory addresses of 5 and 9. The data to write will be collected from the data array “FLOAT_Data” from offsets 0 and 1. Writing the same value to a block of contiguous PLC data memory locations Map_Descriptor_Name, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, Node_name, TIWAY_Data_Type, Address, Length, C18_FLOAT_PLC254, FLOAT_Data, 10,

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FS-8700-31 Siemens TIWAY I Page 12 of 23 2, 33 49, 0s The above map descriptor will continuously write data of type “Drum_Count_Preset” to 2 PLC data memory addresses. The data to write will be collected from the data array “RAW16_Data” from an offset of 70 and 71. The Preset Steps associated with the addresses are (address 5):33 and (address 9):49. 4.4.6. TIWAY host adapter command map descriptor examples A number of map descriptors that send specific host adapter commands

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FS-8700-31 Siemens TIWAY I Page 13 of 23 The above map descriptor will continuously execute the indicated host adapter command and will store the following parameter values in the data array “HIU_Config”: Offset Parameter 0 Dipswitch 1 and 2 settings 1 Config flag ( 0 = HIU not configured, 1 = HIU configured ) 2 Option 01 configuration value 3 Option 02 configuration value 4 Option 03 configuration value Report Adapter Configuration Reports the Adapter Configu

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FS-8700-31 Siemens TIWAY I Page 14 of 23 C40_REP_NM_CONFIG, Nm_Config, 0, RDBC, PLC_01, Report_NM_Config, 16, Scan_Interval 0s The above map descriptor will continuously execute the indicated host adapter command and will store the following parameter values in the data array “Nm_Config”: Offset Parameter 0 Dipswitch 1 and 2 settings 1 Config flag ( 0 = Network Manager not configured, 1 = Network Manager configured ) 2 Option 01 configuration value 3 Option 02 configur

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FS-8700-31 Siemens TIWAY I Page 15 of 23 Reset Adapter Forces the UNILINK Host Adapter to do a hardware reset. Map_Descriptor_Name, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, Node_name, TIWAY_Host_Adapter_Cmd, Length C42_RESET_ADAPTER, Cmd_Triggers, 1, AWT, PLC_01, Reset_Adapter, 1 The above map descriptor will execute the indicated host adapter command once every time a value is written to the data array “Cmd_Triggers” at offset 1. Disconnect Secondari

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FS-8700-31 Siemens TIWAY I Page 16 of 23 The above map descriptor will execute the indicated host adapter command once every time a value is written to the data array “Cmd_Triggers” at offset 4. Secondaries 1 9 147 and 254 will be connected to the network. To connect all secondaries, use only one value of 255 in the Secondaries_List field. FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 2

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FS-8700-931 Siemens TIWAY I Page 17 of 23 5. Configuring the FieldServer as a TIWAY Server For a detailed discussion on FieldServer configuration, please refer to the FieldServer instruction Configuration mManual (Virtual PLC). The information that follows describes how to expand upon the factory defaults provided in the configuration files included with the FieldServer (See “.csv” files on the driver diskette). This section documents and describes the parameters necessary for config

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