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Walking Electronic
Ramsey Electronics Model No. WEB1
Watch the little bug scoot across the table and turn to avoid
obstacles in this fun and very unique kit! Buy two bug kits and
have your own “bug wars”!
• Easy to build and fun to play with.
• Runs for a long time.
• Runs on 2 ‘N” batteries.
• Avoids obstacles or runs away from a flashlight.
• Adjustable sensitivity and speed.
WEB1• 1
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PARTIAL LIST OF AVAILABLE KITS: RAMSEY TRANSMITTER KITS • FM10A, FM25B FM Stereo Transmitters • AM1, AM25 Transmitter RAMSEY RECEIVER KITS • FR1 FM Broadcast Receiver • AR1 Aircraft Band Receiver • SR2 Shortwave Receiver • AA7 Active Antenna • SC1 Shortwave Converter RAMSEY HOBBY KITS • SG7 Personal Speed Radar • SS70A Speech Scrambler/ Descrambler • TT1 Telephone Recorder • SP1 Speakerphone
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Ramsey Publication No. WEB1 Manual Price Only $5.00 KIT ASSEMBLY AND INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR Walking Electronic Bug TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction to the WEB1 .................................. 4 WEB1 Circuit Description .................................. 4 “Learn-As-You-Build” Kit Assembly ................... 5 Parts List ...........................................................
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INTRODUCTION Here is a very unique little kit that’s great for kids. The WEB1 is a little robot made completely out of electronic parts and wire. It’s pretty easy to build, and once it’s adjusted properly, it will entertain for hours. It has little pager motors in it that vibrate and propel it on its little wire feet. How fast it goes is adjustable by bending its feet and also by a pot that controls motor speed. When it approaches an obstacle such as a wall, it turns to avoid it. It doe
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RAMSEY Learn-As-You-Build KIT ASSEMBLY There aren’t that many solder connections on the WEB1 printed circuit board, but you should still practice good soldering techniques. • Use a 25-watt soldering pencil with a clean, sharp tip. • Use only rosin-core solder intended for electronics use. • Use bright lighting; a magnifying lamp or bench-style magnifier may be helpful. • Do your work in stages, taking breaks to check your work. Carefully brush away wire cuttings so they don't lodge
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WEB1 PARTS LIST Sort and “check off” the components in the boxes provided. We do our best to pack all our kits correctly but it is possible that a mistake has occurred and we missed a part. Please note that physical descriptions of parts are for those currently being shipped. Sometimes the parts in your kit may have a different appearance but still have the same values. RESISTORS 1 1K ohm resistor [brown-black-red] (R4) 1 68 ohm resistor [blue-gray-black] (R3) 1 33
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WEB1 PC BOARD ASSEMBLY STEPS 1. Let’s start with U1, the TS555 timer. The TS555 sits on the left side of the PC board, in the middle. Be sure the notch at one end lines up with the notch in the board diagram. 2. Next, install R4, 1K ohm resistor [brown-black-red], below U1. 3. Install switch S1 to the right of R4. It goes in either way. 4. Install R3, 68 ohm resistor [blue-gray-black]. 5. Install C2, 1 uF electrolytic capacitor, right above S1. Electrolytic caps have a polarity an
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15. Install Q2, infrared phototransistor [black T1 case], to the left of D2. Make sure the flat spot faces the inside of the board. Let Q2 stick up 3/8” above the board. Total Length: 2 1/4" Total Length: 2 1/4" Feet Feet Runner Runner Top of Board Runner Total Length 1 3/4" 16. Now we need to cut up little pieces of wire that will be the WEB1’s feet. Use the tinned 20AWG wire. Cut 20, 3/4 inch pieces. 17. Solder the feet in the holes on the sides of
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Cut three pieces of wire that will be the runners that the WEB1 slides on. The two side runners are 2 1/4” long. The back runner is 1 3/4” long. The side runners need to be bent into a “U” shape with the front part about 1/2” long and the back part should be about 1/4” long. These act kind of like a sled that the WEB1 slides across the floor on. The back runner is sort of like a big foot that pushes the WEB1 from behind. It should be bent into a square shape and soldered into the holes as
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WEB1• 11
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the motor is tightly held in place. I found that pulling the wire taut with my needle nose pliers helped me snug it up into its proper position. Repeat this procedure for the other motor using the other outline on the top of the board as a guide. 20. It’s time to solder the wires to the little pads at the end of the motor. The motor should be held still by the hold-down wires you just installed so it shouldn’t roll while you solder the power wires on. Cut 2 pieces of the red/black twiste
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the red wire goes here. Now tape the battery pack to the top of the board using the double-sided foam tape provided. WEB1• 13
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SETUP AND TESTING If you would like, you can go ahead and put the batteries in their holders and flip on the switch. The little flashing LEDs should blink, and at least one of the motors should be buzzing away. At this point you can bend the flashing LEDs in a way that you think is cute. I bent mine kind of off to the side, so they look like eyeball stalks or something. It is possible that you have skillz and your WEB1 will not need any adjustment. Go ahead and place it on a hard smooth
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2. Steering adjust: A. The first step in adjusting the steering is to get the steering motor, (the one that’s mounted at an angle) to come on when the bug approaches an obstacle, or when someone shines a flashlight at it. The first thing is to bend the Infrared phototransistor Q2, and Infrared LED D3 as shown in the picture. Bend them down and inward towards each other so they kind of look like the bug’s man- dibles or something, ha ha. These two components are how the WEB1 detects an
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D3 Q2 Top of Board TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE If your WEB1 isn’t working correctly just refer to the steps below: Problem Solution No blinking, no buzzing Check parts placement, specifically U1 and transistor orientation. Motor buzzes, but bug just sits there Readjust wire runners, especially the or drifts back one. See page 14. Bug keeps turning even though only Readjust the side runners. See page one motor is on. 13. Both motors are always on Turn R5 counter-clockwise and/o
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Bug moves forward, turning motor Some tweaking of the side runners comes on at obstacle, but bug does is needed. Adjust R2 up and down. not turn Try a different surface Bug jumps up and attacks Unforeseen emergent property. Call tech support immediately! WEB1• 17
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CONCLUSION We sincerely hope that you will enjoy the use of this Ramsey product. As al- ways, we have tried to compose our manual in the easiest, most “user friendly” format that is possible. As our customers, we value your opinions, comments, and additions that you would like to see in future publications. Please submit comments or ideas to: Ramsey Electronics Inc. Attn. Hobby Kit Department 590 Fishers Station Drive Victor, NY 14564 or email us at:
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The Ramsey Kit Warranty Please read carefully BEFORE calling or writing in about your kit. Most problems can be solved without contacting the factory. Notice that this is not a "fine print" warranty. We want you to understand your rights and ours too! All Ramsey kits will work if assembled properly. The very fact that your kit includes this new manual is your assurance that a team of knowledgeable people have field-tested several "copies" of this kit straight from the Ramsey Inventory.
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TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction to the WEB1 ................................... 4 WEB1 Circuit Description .................................. 4 “Learn-As-You-Build” Kit Assembly ....................5 Parts List ............................................................ 6 Assembly Steps ..................................................7 WEB1 Part