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How@get thebest from
Appliance Registration
2 RepairService
IS-20 Safety Instructions
gas model
ClockandMinute Timer
10 Surface Cooking
Control Panel
15 AirAdjustment
Flooring UnderRange
5 BurnerGrates
5 Control Settings
Lift-Up/Off Cooktop
16 Cookware Tips 8
ModelandSerialNumbers 2 DripPans
9 FlameSize
Baking, Baking Guide
11,12 Lighting Instructions
Broiler PanandRack 16
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Red!thisbookCareftily, Ifvoureceived FORYOUR SAETY a&xlagedrange. * ● Itisintended tohelpyouoperate and maintain yournewrangeproperly. Immediately contactthedealer(or buikhx)thatsoldyoutherange. Keepithandyforanswers toyour questions. save time and money. Before you request Ifyoudon’tunderstandsomething orneedmorehelp,write(include Servkx?.•• yourphonenumber): ChecktheProblemSolveron ConsumerAffairs page21.Itiistscausesofminor GeneralElectricCompany operatingproblemsthatyoucan AppliancePark corr
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. A@%. whimMME G&limp&Ege . Usb Yourmge @Donotstoreflmlmabie —.- ----- materialsinamovenm’near a ~~~y ~gi~v~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~Q~+ (-)~ ‘-w*lFLRw the imtaller showyou f,he Cookfop. the iaestion Mthe FaRge!gas unattended wherea rangeishot lx.it-d’f %&%? and !hDw to shut it w h operation. They cow be e DonotM cookhggrwe en-if necessary. seriouslyburned. m’other’ flanamable mateFials atewmulate inQrim-ar themgee * Haveyfxwrangeinstalledand s Don’tallowmyonetoClimb$ Stind or hangonthe dooror propriy ~ou~ld
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e uw pFoper pansin—-Avoid @Fk5%5r blosiitheWmts (air pansthatareunstable oreasily opstings) ofthemngtiThey tipped.Select utensils having flat provide theairinletandoutlet @mlnotw% ovenfor’aStmage bottoms largeeno~gh toproperly whichis necessaryfortherange 2NW3. contain foodavoiding boilovers tooperateproperlywithcorrect andspillovers, andlargeenough @Shnd awayfromthe Irmge Conlbustion. .- tocover burnergrate.Thiswill Whmo~ning thedoord ahot e~@~Q~ ~~~Qw~~Q~~~~ bothsavecleaning andprevent oven.Th
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Flooriw under theRawe YourHinge, me somarry other householditems,is heavyand ca~~ settleintosdt floormwerings suchas cushionedvinyl.When movingtherangeonthistypeof flooring,usecare. Donothstdl therangeover kitchencarpetingunlessyou placeaninsulating padorsheetof l/4-inch-thick plywood between therange andcarpeting. * Removethebroilerpm and When thefloorcoveringendsatthe othercookwarebefore self- frontoftherange,theareathatthe rangewillrestonshouldbebuiltup cieaning tie oven. withplywoodor simila
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FeaturesofYourRange , , 0 . : 42) . . \ IVkddJG13P24GEF Explained Explained FeatureIndex on page FeatureIndex I on Dafze 1 ModelandSerialNumbers 2 I 10OvenVent 9 I [ (inbmnerbox undercocdaop) I 11 OvenInteriorLight 9 I I 2 SurfaceBurnerControls 7 I 12 OvenLightSwitch I 3 SurfaceBurners t 7>8 i (letsyouturninteriorlight 9 onandoff) ~ 4 BurnerGratesandDripPans 15 I I 13OvenShelves 9, 16 I I I 5 SELECTOR Knob 9 I I 14OvenShelfSupports 9 I 6 OVEN TEMPKnob 9 I 15BroilerPanandRack 16 7 Automatic OvenT
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.- lb Lighta SurfaceBurner HowtoSelect FlameSize The flamesizeona gasburner Surfaceburnersonthis rangeare —= lightedbyelectricignition,ending shouldmatchthecookwareyou —.. - Iheneedfor standingpilotlights are using. — — withconstantlyburningflames. - - ——— k3wm?- —. In case of a poweroutage,youcan mf- Iighithe pilotlessignitionsurface burnerswitha match.Holda lightedmatchto theburner,then turntheknobtotheLITEposition. i Toavoidgettbg burned,use Pushthecontrolknobinandturn extremecautionwhenlight
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Tbp-dx’kmge ckdm’are AirAdj@ment Ah.uninm: Medium-weight Anair adjustmentshutterforeach cookwareis recommended because surfaceburnerregulatestheflowof it heatsquicklyandevenly.Most air tothe flame. foodsbrownevenlyinan aluminum When the rightammmtofair skillet.Mineralsin fd andwater flowsintotheburner,theflame willstainbutwillnotharm willbe steady,relativelyquietand aluminum.A quickscourwitha haveapproximately1/2”sharpblue soap-filkdsteelwoolpadafter cones.Thisis usuallythe casewith eachusekeeps
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using Youroven Automatic Ignition OvenControls oven shelves Tlm ovenburnerandbroii Therearetwocontrolsforyour oven,markedSELECIORand burneronyourrangearelighted byelectricignition. OVENTEMP. Tolightthe burners,turn the BAKE OVENTEMPknobto thedesired OR8R0/L temperature.Theburnershould ignitewithin60seconds. CLEANOR , TIMEEAKE THEOVENANDBROILER @ CANFKYI’ BEIOPERATED IN THEEVENTOFA POWER Theshelvesaredesignedwith FAILURE. stop-locksso whenplacedcorrectly TheSELEC’IOR knobhas onthe shelfsupports,t
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B4KE cmBROIL CLEAN(M TMI?E BAKE 4. SettheSELECZOR knobto Automatic OvenT’imer C1OCIK CLEANORTIMEBAKEandthe OVENTEMPknobtothedesired Tosettheclock,pushtheknob ThisTimerwillautomatically start oventemperature. in andturntheclockhandstothe andstopyourovenforyou. Here’s Theovenwillturnitselfon righttothecorrecttime.Thenlet whatyoudo: immediately, or at a laterSTART theknoboutandcontinueturning L Makesurebothyourrangeclock timethatyousetif youhaveset to OFF. andt.heSTART dialshowthecorrect the STARTc
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A#E#2h -........ @Ifmoistureisnoticeableonthe 04K.Es HowtoSetYour Range -“ Cakeriseshigherononeside frontoftheovenorontheblackglass fix Baking @Batter spreadunevenlyinpan. doorwhenfirstturningontheoven, L Posi~ion theshelfor shelvesin @ Rangenotlevel. leavetheovendoorajarfora few theoven. @ Usingwarpedpans. minutesor untiltheoveniswarm. ~Incorrectpansize. ~Donotopentheovendoorduring 2. Closeovendoor.Turnthe abakingoperation-heatwillbelost SELECIQRknobtO BAKEOR Cakescrackingontop andthebakingtime
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BatingGuide L Preheating is very important 2. Aluminum pansconduct heat 3, Darkornon-shiny finishes, also whenusingtemperatures below glassandPyroceram” cookware, quickly. Formostconventional baking, 225*E. and when baking fimdssuch light,shinyfinishes givebestresults generally absorbheatwhichmayresult asbiscuits, cookies, cakes and indry,crispcrusts.Reduce ovenheat becausetheyhelpprevent over- other pastries. Preheat theovenfor browning inthetimeittakesforheatto 25”F. iflighter crustsare desire
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Roasting —- Roastingis cooking bydryheat. Step2: Checkweightofroast. Step4: Mostmeatscontinueto ; .- = -- ._ Tendermeator poultrycanbe Placemeatfat-side-upor poultry cookslightlywhilestandingafter roasteduncoveredinyouroven. breast-side-up onroastingrackina beingremovedfromtheoven.For Roastingtemperatures,which shallowpan. Themeltingfatwill rareor mediuminternaldoneness, shouldbe lowandsteady,keep bastethemeat.Selecta panas youmaywishtoremovemeatfrom spatteringto a minimum.When closetothesizeofm
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@ Usetongsto turnmeatover— Broilingis cookingfoodbydirect Broi@ Tips heatfromabovethe food.Your piercedmeatlosesjuices. e~rom iSUSUWydonewithoven rangeis designedforwaist-high ~Steaksandchopsshouldbeat doorclosed.However,ifyoulike broiling.A speciallydesigned least1 inchthickforbestbroiling yoursteaksveryrareinsideand broilerpan andrackallows results.Panbroilthinnerones. charredontheoutside,leavethe drippingfatto drainawayfromthe ovendoor slightlyajar. fbodsandbe keptawayfromthe highheatofthe ga
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care andcleating Proper care and cleaning are BrushedChromeFinish BurnerGrates important so yourrangewillgive Cleanthebrushedchrometop Gmtesshouldbew~shed regularly youefficientandsatisfactory withwarm,soapywateror an all- and,ofcourse,afterspillcwers. Wmh service.Followthesedirections purposehouseholdcleanerand theminhot,soapywaterandrinse carefullyin caringfor it to help immediately dry it witha clean, withcleanwater.Drythegrateswith assuresafeandpropermaintenance. a cloth-don’tputthembackonth
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Lift-up/oflcook@p DripPans Wge TopBurnem Cleantheareaunderthecooktop Removethegratesandliftoutthe The holesintheburnersmustbe often.Built-upsoil,especially chromedrip pans.Washthemin keptcleanat alltimesforproper grease,maycatchfire. hot, soapywater.Rinsethemwith ignitionandaneven,unhampered clean,hotwaterandpolishthem flame. dry witha cloth. Neveruse Cleantheburnersroutinelyand abrasivecleaneror steelwool— especiallyafterbadspillovers they’llscratchthe surface.Instead, whichcouldclogtheseholes.
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Removable OvenDOQr ‘- oven shelves Removable OvenBottom Youcan removetheovenbottom Theovendooris removable to Oven shelvesmaybe cleaned with a mild abrasive cleanser following tocleananyexcessivespillovers makethe interiormoreaccessible manufacturer’sdirections. After beforestartingtheself-cleaning duringreplacementof thelamp cleaning, rinse the shelveswith cycle. bulb. clean water and dry with a clean Toremovetheovenbottom: cloth. Toremoveheavy,burned-on L Removethe ovenshelves. soil, soapymeta
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Ca~~ ad Cl~tiW (continued) Opemting the SeIf=CIeaniNOven Step3: Step4: ReemmmmdedCleaningTime: PushtheSelf-CleanLatchLever Closetheovendoorandmakesure ModerateSoil—2hmm to therightto lockthe ovendoor. theovenlightis off. (thinspillsandlightspatter) HeavySoil—3hours Caution:Chromedrippansfrom (heavygreasespillsandspatter) thetopofyourrangeshoukl neverbecleanedin theself- ckxmingoven. PreparetheOvenBefore SettingtheControls Howto Setthe Step1: OvenforCleaning Remove thebroilerpan, broiler rack,oth
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EkNv toset a QueSiomandAnswers cIeaEhgcycletostart Q. Whywon’tmyovenclean Q.1sthe “crackling” soundI ataL@&Time immediately eventhoughI set hearduringcleaningnormal? thetimeknobcorrectly? Ifyouwish tO Start andstopcka.ning A.Y=. Thisisthe soundofthe metal atalatertimethanshownonclock, A. Checktobe sureyourSTART heatingandcoolingduringboththe dialissetto thesametimeas the pushinandturnSTART dialtotime cookingandckxmingfimctions. youwishtostart.Addthehours rangeclock.Alsochecktobe sure Q.Shouldthe
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cleaning Guide PART MATERIALSTO USE GENERALDIRECTIONS BroilerI%rI andRack * SoapandWater Drainfat,coolpan and rack slightly. (DonotM soiledpanandmckstandin ~ Soap-FilledScouringPad oventocool.) Sprinkledetergenton rackandpan.Fillpanwithwamlwaterand * PlasticScouringPad spreadclothor papertoweloverrack.Letpanandrackstandfora fewminutes. Wash;scourif necessary.Rinseanddry.OFTION:Cleanpanandrackin dishwasher. DO N@i” CLEANIN SELF-CLEANING OVEN. o MildSoapandWater Pulloffknobs.Washgentlybutdo notsoa