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Owner´s manual
TDAI 2200
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Table of Contents Input Name 24 Operating Voltage 4 Input Sensitivity 24 Unpacking the TDAI 2200 4 Advanced setup 25 Serial Number Registration 4 - Communication 25 - Comm Address 25 Introduction 5 - Comm Speed 25 - Master/Slave 25 Accessories 6 - Line Out 26 - Line Out Control 26 Front Panel 7 - Line Out Level 26 - Routing 26 Rear Panel 8 - Crossover frequency 27 - Filter type 27 Display Indicators
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Operating Voltage The TDAI 2200 is available in two versions: one for 115V mains voltage and another for 230V mains volt- age. Check the label on the TDAI 2200 rear panel and verify you have the version with the proper voltage for your area. The 115V version requires a mains voltage of 110V-120V at 50-60Hz with a current rating of 8A. The 230V version requires a mains voltage of 220V-240V at 50-60Hz with a current rating of 4A. The mains voltage setting for your TDAI 2200 can be changed ONLY BY
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Introduction Congratulations on your investment in the Lyngdorf Audio TDAI 2200 with RoomPerfect™ The TDAI 2200 is more than just a very good high-end amplifi er, one that’s exceptionally pure and natu- ral sounding with even the most ‘demanding’ speaker loads. It also happens to be a completely unique Digital Control Centre. In fact we believe it to be the most versatile amplifi er on the market today, a true state-of-the-art device that sets new standards for what’s sonically possible to achie
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Accessories You should fi nd the following accessories included: Mains cord 8 m (26.25 feet) XLR – XLR cable Microphone 200 mm (7.9 in) Microphone adaptor cable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 digital 0 info analog menu AMP RCS CD TUNER channel volume ENTER A/B random repeat Programming cable Remote control Microphone stand with Mic clamp (delivered in a separate carton) 6
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Front Panel TDAI 2200 I Digital Amplifier Controls The buttons/controls on the front panel of the TDAI 2200 can all be operated either with direct presses or by operating the corresponding keys on the supplied remote control. All the keys on the front panel [except the Mains switch (1)] are duplicated on the remote control as well. 1. Mains switch Powers the TDAI 2200 on/off. Stand-by mode is selected by pressing the mute button (2) for 3 seconds or with the stand-by button on the remote
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Rear Panel MIC TRIGGER OUT 1. Digital Input 1-3 RCA connectors for SPDIF input 2. Digital Output Selected digital input is sent – full range or fi ltered via the DSP - to the Digital Output connector for daisy- chaining more than one TDAI 2200. The sample rate is fi xed at 96 kHz. This output is also active when Analog input is selected. 3. Digital input 4 XLR Connector for AES input 4. Optical Digital input 5 Connector for Toslink input 5. Analog output D
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12. Mic. In (left) / Trigger out (right) DC Trigger out for remote start of SDA 2175 power amplifi ers or similar equipment. Mic. in for connection of RoomPerfect™ microphone. 13. RS232 Input/Aux RS232 communication connectors for communication with a PC, remote control from Lyngdorf equip- ment with broadcast commands or linked control between amplifi ers. Input is looped to Aux out for daisy-chaining of amplifi ers. The ‘INPUT’ is used for connection to a PC for software update, or as a co
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Remote Control The remote control is used to access the menu system and replicate the buttons directly accessible on the front panel. To control the TDAI 2200 the AMP key should be pressed [please note the amplifi er’s volume and mute buttons still work when in CD mode]. The functionality of the buttons when AMP is pressed are as follows: 1 1. Standby The standby button puts the TDAI 2200 in stand-by mode. 1 2 3 2 4 5 6 2. Numerical buttons 1-8 7 8 9 3 Select focus listening mode (up to 8 diff
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13. Tuner No function. 14. Channel -/+ Toggles down/up between inputs. 15. Volume Up/down Changes volume in the chosen direction. 16. Up / Down / Left / Right In normal operation mode the Up/Down toggles between bypass and the available Focus and Global fi lters whereas the Left/Right toggles between neutral and the available voicings. In menu mode they are used for navigation in the menu system. Pressing and holding down a key changes selected values fast. 17. Enter Turns the TDAI 2200 On
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Menu Tree This is an overview of the entire TDAI 2200 menu in software version 3.0. TDAI 2200 Main Menu RoomPerfect Guided setup Advanced options Measure Focus Pos Measure Room Pos RoomKnowledge RoomCorrection TDAI 2200 Main Menu Display Volume Input Name Input Sensitivity Def. Volume Max. Volume Display Timeout Disp. Brightness Volume Disp.Timeo. 12
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TDAI 2200 Main Menu Advanced setup Communication Master /Slave Line Out Routing Crossover freq . Theater Setup Comm Address Comm Speed Line Out Control Line Out Level Advanced setup Delay Remote Control Factory Reset Filter Type Firmware versions 13
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Introduction to RoomPerfect™ Once the guided set-up has been successfully completed you have the option to listen to music through two listening settings; Focus 1 and Global room correction fi lters. The RoomPerfect™ fi lters are stored on the numerical buttons from 1 to 9 on the remote control. To change from one fi lter to the other you simply press the numerical button corresponding to the desired fi lter, or toggle between them by press- ing the Up/Down buttons on the remote or front panel. G
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RoomPerfect™ The sub menus accessible in the RoomPerfect™ menu are: RoomPerfect Guided setup Advanced options Advanced options is available when Guided set-up has been performed. Guided Setup When you enter the RoomPerfect™ Main Menu for the fi rst time, only the Guided setup is available. Press Enter to initiate the guided set-up. The main steps in the guided set-up procedure are: � Setting the measurement volume level � Taking one Focus (listening position) measurement � Taking a
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Setting the Measurement Volume Level The calibration volume is a recommended maximum volume. It is important that you always judge whether the calibration volume is too loud. The calibration volume should not be so loud that it causes: � uncomfortably loud sounds that are inconvenient to you or your environment, or � damage to your loudspeakers. When the message ‘Connect and place mic. in focus pos.’ appears, connect the microphone to the mi- crophone input found on the back panel. Th
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Focus Measurement When the calibration is OK, press Enter to start the measuring process and ‘Measuring Focus position …’ will be displayed. Each measurement comprises four steps: � A low and a high frequency measuring signal fi rst in the left and then in the right channel. The length of each measurement depends on a combination of the measurement volume, set in the calibration process, and the background noise in your local environment. Typical measuring times for the low and high freq
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When a random measuring position and microphone orientation has been chosen press Enter. The measur- ing process will start and the display will show ‘Measuring room position 1’. The measurement will stop prematurely if an error occurs during the measuring process. In this case, the error message ‘Retry room measurement – press Enter’ is displayed. Press Enter to continue. If it is an error that needs correcting, then correct the error (see ‘RoomPerfect™ trouble-shooting’ chapter) and proceed
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Calculation of Focus 1 and Global Filters When RoomPerfect™ calculates the fi lters the display shows the following, ‘Calculating fi lters - Please wait’. The fi lter calculation process can be expected to take anywhere between 5 seconds and a minute de- pending on the specifi c task. When RoomPerfect™ has calculated the room correction fi lters, they are automatically saved. The Focus fi lter is saved as setting 1 and Global is saved as setting 9 out of the possible 9 fi lter settings. You have no
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Advanced Options This section describes the options in the advanced menu, which is available after Guided Setup has been completed. Here you can add new listening positions and room measurements, check the RoomKnowl- edge of your current set-up, and check the RoomCorrection for the different fi lters. Advanced options Measure Focus Pos Measure Room Pos RoomKnowledge RoomCorrection Measure Focus Pos. As mentioned, it is possible to add 7 different listening/focus positions. Place the microphon