Руководство по эксплуатации Star Micronics Multi-Font ZA-200

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Star Micronics Multi-Font ZA-200

Устройство: Star Micronics Multi-Font ZA-200
Категория: Принтер
Производитель: Star Micronics
Размер: 5.7 MB
Добавлено: 4/8/2013
Количество страниц: 176
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ZR 80825018

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VDE Statement This device carries the VDE RFI protection mark to certify that it meets the radio interference requirements of the Postal Ordinance No. 243/1991. The additional marking “Vfg. 243/P” expresses in short form that this is a peripheral device (not operable alone) which only individually meets the Class B RFI requirements in accordance with the DIN VDE 0878 part 3/11.89and the PostaI Ordinance 243/ 1991, If this device is operated in conjunction with other devices within a set-up, in o

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I HOWTO USETHIS MANUAL Thismanualisorganizedintoelevenchapters.Toleamhow tomakethebest useof yourprinteryou areurgedto readthroughchapters2 through6.The remainingchaptemmay be treatedas a ~ference guide for programming operations,etc. It assumesa degnx of acknowledgeof the opemtionof computers(forinstance,it assumesyouknowabouthexadecimalnumbers). The chaptersare as follows: Chapter1 — Introduction Thischapterindicatesthe somefeatwesof theprinter,thenamesandthose functionsof the printercomponent

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Chapter6— Settingthe MemorySwitches This chapter explainshow to set the Memory Switchesto make system settingson the printer. — Printercontrolcommands Chapter7 Thischapterexplainsthedifferentemulationsprovidedbyyourprinter,and the softwarecommandsused to drive it. This sectionis of use if you are writingor modifyingprogramsto take advantageof the ptiter’s featunx. Chapter8— Downloadcharacters This chapterexplainsthe pmcedunx to cmte yourowncharactem. Chapter9 — MS-DOSandyourprinter Sincethe PS/2

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I TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1 Features oftheprinter 2 Printercomponents 4 Fontstyleexample 5 Chapter2 SETTING UP THE PRINTER 5 Locating theprinter 6 Unpacking andinspection 8 Settingup 8 Mounting theplatenknob 9 Installtheribboncartridge 10 Connecting theinterfaee cable 13 Chapter3 OPTIONALACCESSORIES 13 Automatic SheetFeeder 13 Single-Bin Automatic SheetFeeder 18 Dual-Bin AutomatiC SheetFeeder 20 PullTractorUnit 22 Interface Cartridges 23 DIPswitchfunctions ontheSerialInterfaee

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41 Chapter5 CONTROLPANELOPERATIONS 41 Buttons andindiators 42 ONLINEbutton 42 PAPERFEEDbutton 43 SET/EJECT/PARK button 43 PrKH butten 44 MODE button 44 FONTbutton 45 Power-up functions 45 Shorttestmode 46 Longtestmode 47 Printareatestmale 47 Pitchlak mode 47 Fontlockmode 47 PitchamiFontlockmode 48 Hexadecimal dump 50 Switchcombination fimdons 50 Formfeed 50 Topofform 51 Fonvsrdmicro-feed 51 Reveme micro-feed 51 Chsnging theSutoIoading Vshle 52 clearingtheIxIffer/All reset 52 selecting theprintC&

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65 Chapter7 PRINTERCONTROLCOMMANDS 66 Fontcontrolcommands 71 character set commands 74 Character sizeandpitchcommands 79 Vertical position commands 85 Horizontal position commands 90 Graphics commands 93 Download character commands 98 Colorselection commands 99 Otherprintercommands 103 Chapter8 DOWNLOADCHARACTERS 103 Defining yourowndraftcharacters 104 Defining theattribute data 105 Assigning thecharacter data 106 Sample program 108 Defining yourownNLQcharacters 108 Assigning thecharacter datawi

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137 Chapter11 REFERENCE 137 specifications 141 PinOut ofinterface ~tor 141 Parallel interface 142 serialintexke 143 Charwter sets 144 standardclumwta Saw 146 Intematkd Cbaractasets 147 IBMCtiiUiW* set #2 154 km set #l 155 IBMqecid CiMtWkX * 157 INDEX 161 COMMAND SUMMARY

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I chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Thisprinterhasafidlcomplementoffeatures,makingit anexcellentptier for a personalcomputer.It suppo~ the Epson/IBMprintercommmds ~d charactersets, enablingit to printjust about anythingyour computercan generate,bothtextandgraphics. FEATURESOFTHE PRINTER Someof mainfeaturesmethe following: ● Versatilepaperhandling Singlesheets,fanfoldforms, and multi-partfor& (up to 5-ply) are all accepted,andyoucanuseeitherpush/pti tractororfiictionfeed.(Youcan load fanfold forms fmm the m

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I ● Easy careandmaintenance The ribboncatidge can be replacedin secondsthe printhead in a few minutes. PRINTERCOMPONENTS Togetacquaintedwiththeprinter’scomponentsandcapabilities,mfertothe informationon the followingpages. Tractor - Paper guide Release lever Adjustment lever [or \ lever lever knob Control panel Tear assist 2

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Paper guide Alignssingle sheets(cut forms)to help theprinterdetectwhenpaperis insexted. ● Releaselever Releasespressweonthepaper.Thislever mustbe backfor fanfoldfoxms,and for- ward for singlesheets. ‘Front cover Protectstheprintheadandotherinternal componentsof yourprinter. Rear cover Protectsthe tractor feed unit and sepa- rates incoming and outgoing fanfold forms. Entry slot For insertingsinglesheetsof paper. Tear assist Assistswhentearingfanfoldformsatthe perforation. CAUTION:Sincethe tear as

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FONTSTYLEEXAMPLE The followingexampleshowsthe manyfontstylesyourprintercan print. 4

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chapter2 SEWING UP THEPRINTER This chapterdescribesthe followingproceduresto setup yournewprinter. Ifyouhaveoptionalaccessories,mfertochapter3aftersettinguptheprinter. ● Locatingthe printer ● Unpackingthe cartonbox ● Mountingthe platenknob ● Installingthe ribboncamidge Connectingthe printerto yourcomputer LOCATINGTHE PRINTER Beforeyou startunpackingandsettingup yourprinter,makesumthat you havea suitableplaceon whichto locateit. By“a suitableplace”,we mean: ● A firm,level surfacewhichis fairlyvib

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UNPACKINGAND INSPECTION Nowunpackthe contentsofthe shippingcarton,andcheckeachiteminthe boxagainstFigwe 2-1tomakesumthatyouhaveeverything(the~ should be fiveitems). If anyof theseitemsammissing,contactyoursupplier. F@We?l.Chedtbmake aumyouhavedltiveitenw:1)Pdntw,2) Papof3uido,3)Plat9nknob,4)Ribbon cwW3e, d 5) user’sInanlld. NOTE :The platenknobis mountedon theprinterforthe Normalcarriage Drinter.

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Theoptionalaccessorieswhichyoumayhaveorde~d withyourprinteranx ● Colorribboncartridge(X9CL) ● Serialinterfacecartridge(IS-8XL) s Bufferedparallelinterfacecartridge(IP-128XL) ● Automaticsheetfeeder(SF-10DMII/15DMII, SF-1ORIVW15RMII) ● Pull tractorunit (PT-1OXIW5XM) For detailsof the optionalaccessories,referto Chapter3. 7

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SEIllNG UP Placethe printer in the desiredlocation,and removeall packingmaterial ilom insidethe printercover.This packingmaterialis intended&prevent damageto theprinterwhileintransit.Youwillwantto keepallthepacking material,alongwiththeprintercarton,in caseyouhaveto movetheprinter to a new locatiom Mountingthep~atenknob The platenknobis packedintoa recessof the whitefoampackingmaterial whichheld yourprinterinsidethe carton.Be sureto xemovethe knobfrom the packaging. Mounttheknobon the platen sha

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Install the ribboncartridge openthefiuntcover byliftingup thebackusingthetwo gripsoneitherside, then swingdownthe transparentpart (seeFigure2-3). Transparent part / f@wMOIMM dwfmtcover,andswho downthetronqwenrpsm Now install& ribbonwiththe followingprocedure.(If you wantto print with color,installthe optionalcolorribboncartridge,X9CL.) 1. Turn the tensionknob clockwiseon the ribboncartridgeto tightenthe ribbonif it is slack. 2. Guidethe ribbonbetweentheprintheadandti silverprintheadshield, makin

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Figum24. Installingthe ribboncartridge. Afteryouhave installedthe ribboncartridge,closethe frontcover. Leavethe frontcoverclosedduringnormaloperation.The coverkeepsout dustanddirtandreducestheprinter’soperatingsounds.Openthecoveronly to changethe ribbonor makean adjustment. Connectingthe interfacecable Connectthe printerto yourcomputerusinga standardCentronicsparallel interfacecable.On aPS/2orPC/AT-typecomputer,thismeansthatyouuse the25-pinD-typecomectoratthecomputerend,andtheAmphenol-type 36- p

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I 3. Movebothclipsinsidetheextendedpmngsonthesidesof thepluguntil you hear a click. F@wu24 MOW tha dips untilyou haar adick. 4. Connecttheotherendofthe interfacecabletoyourcomput.er.Useyour computerinstructionsto attachthe interfacecable. NOTE: Becauseyouneedyourcomputerwhenyoustartprinting,ensure that it is completelyinstalled. Plugtheprinterintoa suitableoutlet.However,DONOTturnonthepower switchat the frontof the printerye~ NOTE :To disconnectthe printerthe plughas to be disconnectedfmm the wa

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