Руководство по эксплуатации TOA Electronics SR-RF12

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства TOA Electronics SR-RF12

Устройство: TOA Electronics SR-RF12
Категория: Переносной динамик
Производитель: TOA Electronics
Размер: 3.73 MB
Добавлено: 7/31/2013
Количество страниц: 24
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Краткое содержание страницы № 1

SR-A12L, SR-A12S, SR-A18B,
Note that casters must be prepared separately.
Thank you for purchasing TOA’s Line Array speaker system, Rigging Frame and Tilt Joint Frame.
Please carefully follow the instructions in this manual to ensure long, trouble-free use of your equipment.

Краткое содержание страницы № 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ............................................................................... 3 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ............................................................................. 5 3. FEATURES .......................................................................................................... 5 4. DIMENSIONS ...................................................................................................... 5 5. INPUT CONNECTORS ...............

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1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS • Before installation or use, be sure to carefully read all the instructions in this section for correct and safe operation. • Be sure to follow all the precautionary instructions in this section, which contain important warnings and/or cautions regarding safety. • After reading, keep this manual handy for future reference. Safety Symbol and Message Conventions Safety symbols and messages described below are used in this manual to prevent bodily injury and property damage

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• Do not operate the unit for an extended period of time with the sound distorting. This is an indication CAUTION of a malfunction, which in turn can cause heat to generate and result in a fire. • When unpacking or moving the unit, be sure to handle it with two or more persons. Falling or • Do not stand or sit on, nor hang down from the unit dropping the unit may cause personal injury and/or as this may cause it to fall down or drop, resulting property damage. in personal injury and/or property

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2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION TOA’s SR-A series Line Array speaker employ unique wave front control technology to create a sound field with high sound clarity and uniform sound pressure. The lineup features types with vertical directivity angles of 5 degrees and 15 degrees, as well as subwoofers. Optional components include the Rigging Frame required for installation and the Tilt Joint Plates that allow stacked speakers to be tilted downward, permitting speaker systems to be customized for a wide varie

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SR-A12S Unit: mm Input panel (Rear) Joint plate (accessory) 740 716 Flying plate (Front) 467 Flying plate (Rear) (Left Side) (Front) (Right side) SR-A18B Unit: mm Input panel Joint plate (accessory) (Rear) 740 716 Flying plate (Front) 698 Flying plate (Rear) (Left Side) (Front) (Right side) 6 282 15˚ 433 573 399 540

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SR-A12LWP Input panel Unit: mm Joint plate (accessory) (Rear) 740 716 Flying plate (Front) Green LOW (+) 469 Flying plate (Rear) Black LOW (-) Red HIGH (+) (Left Side) (Front) (Right side) White HIGH (-) Air Hole (Bottom only) (Bottom) SR-A12SWP Input panel Unit: mm Joint plate (accessory) (Rear) 740 716 Flying plate (Front) Green LOW (+) 467 Flying plate (Rear) Black LOW (-) Red HIGH (+) (Left Side) (Front) (Right side) White HIGH (-) Air Hole (Bottom only) (Bottom) 7 282 360 15˚ 5˚ 433 433 399

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15˚ (1˚x15steps) SR-RF12, SR-RF12WP Caster Mounting Plate Unit: mm 16-M10 105 164 595 21-ø20 71 180 95 140 (Left side) (Top) (Right side) 6 716 6 (Front) 728 (Bottom) SR-TP12 Unit: mm 484 8 6 15 36 35 4.5 95 50 71 695 800 50

Краткое содержание страницы № 9

5. INPUT CONNECTORS SR-A12L, SR-A12S and SR-A18B (for Indoor use) Figures below show the input connector arrangements of each speaker system. Since connector and screw terminal are internally connected in parallel, either connector can be used for connection. SR-A12L, SR-A12S SR-A18B The NEUTRIK NL4MP connector’s pins are wired as shown below. Pin No. SR-A12L, SR-A12S SR-A18B 1+ LOW + INPUT + 1- LOW - INPUT - 2+ HIGH + THROUGH 2- HIGH - THROUGH The connector (connection cable side) suited to the

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6. INTERNAL WIRING DIAGRAM Figures below show the internal wirings of each speaker system. SR-A12L, SR-A12S LOW + 1+ 1+ LOW - 2- 1- 2- 1- HIGH + 2+ 2+ HIGH - SR-A12LWP, SR-A12SWP Green LOW + Black LOW - Red HIGH + White HIGH - Speaker cable SR-A18B INPUT + 1+ 1+ INPUT - 2- 1- 2- 1- THROUGH 2+ 2+ THROUGH 7. CONNECTIONS System using the SR-A12L, SR-A12S, SR-A12LWP or SR-A12SWP SR-A12L, SR-A12S, SR-A12LWP, SR-A12SWP Mixer/Pre-amplifier Digital Processor Power Amplifier LOW LOW HIGH HIGH System whic

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8. DIGITAL PROCESSOR SETTINGS Recommended setting parameters are as follows. System using the SR-A12L, SR-A12S, SR-A12LWP or SR-A12SWP Filter Gain Delay Channel Polarity (dB) (msec) TYPE Freq.. (Hz) Gain (dB) Q HPF (12 dB) 40 0.900 LOW 0 Normal 0.708 LPF (12 dB) 1.0k 0.707 LPF (12 dB) 1.0k 0.707 PEQ 300 -5.0 2.549 PEQ 530 -4.5 2.549 HPF (12 dB) 1.2k 0.707 HIGH 0 Inverse 0 PEQ 2.5k -10.0 1.011 PEQ 5.0k -2.0 1.414 PEQ 14.0k 9.0 1.160 System which combines the SR-A12L or SR-A12S with the SR-A18B Fi

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9. FLYING 9.1. General Description Use the SR-RF12(WP) Rigging Frame for flying the Line Array speaker. With the use of the SR-RF12(WP), up to 8 Line Array speakers can be arranged in flying configuration. The SR-A18B Subwoofer system is counted as 1.5 pieces. When joining two or more speakers, or joining the rigging frame and the speaker, use the Joint Plate supplied with the speaker. Basic flying system is shown below. Rigging frame SR-A18B Joint plate (supplied with the SR-A18B) Joint plate

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This flying system is made up of four SR-A12L speakers, two SR-A12S speakers, and one SR-A18B speaker. To transmit sound over long distances, the four SR-A12Ls are given overlapping angles of 4, 2, and 1 degree, resulting in a total vertical directivity angle of 43 degrees. The overlapping angle can be adjusted by means of the Joint Plates used to join the speakers. The horizontal directivity angle is fixed at 90 degrees. SR-A18B SR-A12L Enclosure opening angle: Overlapping angle: 4 degrees 5

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9.3. Joining the Enclosure to the Rigging Frame Flying Plates are mounted at both the front and rear of the enclosure’s sides. Follow the procedure below to mount the enclosure to the Rigging Frame, as shown in the assembly diagrams. Fix a supplied Joint Plate securely to the left side of the Rigging Frame and another to the right side of the enclosure, each using 4 supplied bolts with plain washers and spring washers. Before securing the Joint Plate, determine whether the enclosure’s horn will

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9.4. Joining Enclosures Use the supplied Joint Plate to join the enclosures by way of the enclosure's flying plate. As shown in the figure, mount a Joint Plate securely to the upper enclosure's lower left side, using 4 supplied bolts with plain washers and spring washers. Similarly, attach another Joint Plate to the lower enclosure's upper right side. Joint Plate Joint Plate Join the enclosures securely, using 4 supplied bolts with plain washers and spring washers on each side. Because the Joint

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9.5. Notes on Flying • Check to confirm that the suspension wires, belts, construction of the ceiling, etc are strong enough to withstand the speaker load. • Tighten each joint bolt to 300-350 kg·cm of torque securely.Be sure to use the joint bolts supplied with the speaker and the Rigging Frame. WARNING • Up to 8 Line Array speakers can be arranged in flying configuration per one Rigging Frame. The Subwoofer is counted as 1.5 pieces. No more than 8 speakers can be arranged in flying configurati

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Notes on Outdoor Installation • In case of outdoor installation, follow the notes mentioned below. WARNING • Only the SR-A12SWP or SR-A12LWP Line Array speaker can be installed outdoors. There is no Subwoofer available to be installed outdoors. • WP type speaker features the water protection construction (IPX4), however install it under roofs, eaves, or other locations not directly exposed to rain or snow. • Install the speaker so that its air hole is positioned downward, causing the horn face t

Краткое содержание страницы № 18

10. STACKING 10.1. General Description Line Array speakers can be stacked using the SR-RF12 Rigging Frame. Up to 5.5 speakers can be stacked, counting each Line Array speaker as 1 piece and each SR-A18B Subwoofer as 1.5 pieces. Shown below is a basic stacked system. Note that casters must be prepared separately. SR-A12L Joint Plate SR-A18B Rigging Frame Caster (required by the user) This stacking system is made up of four SR-A12L speakers, and one SR-A18B speaker. The directivity characteristic

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10.3. Mounting the Enclosure to the Rigging Frame Flying Plates are mounted to the front and rear of the enclosure’s sides. Follow the procedures below to mount the enclosure to the Rigging Frame, as shown in the assembly diagrams. Fix a supplied Joint Plate securely to the right side of the Rigging Frame, and another Joint Plate to the left side of the enclosure, each using 4 supplied bolts with plain washers and spring washers. Before securing the Joint Plate, determine whether the enclosure

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10.4. Joining Enclosures For joining enclosures, refer to “9 Flying, 9-4. Joining Enclosures”. 10.5. Notes on Stacking • Prepare casters and caster mounting bolts separately, as the Rigging Frame’s leg. • When stacked, the Line Array speaker’s front or rear deviation from the Rigging Frame must be within 10cm. Also, whenever possible, select mounting plate positions that allow the system’s center of gravity to be situated near the center of the Rigging Frame. • Tighten each joint bolt to 300-3

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