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Victor 900 Calculator
Teacher’s Guide
Краткое содержание страницы № 2
Lesson 1: Learning the Victor 900 Calculator TEACHER’S GUIDE Lesson 1: Learning the Victor 900 Calculator Overview Familiarize students with the calculator. Teacher Materials “Learning the Victor 900 Calculator” transparency, red transparency markers. Student Materials Pencil, red crayons, “Victor 900 Calculator” worksheet, calculator Key Introduced .ON/AC. Teaching Notes Distribute the calculators. Use the transparency to discuss the keys and display of the Victor 900. Ask stud
Краткое содержание страницы № 3
Lesson 1: Learning the Victor 900 Calculator TRANSPARENCY Learning the Victor 900 Calculator 900 2 AntiMicrobial 1 4 3 3 Victor 900 Calculator Teacher’s Guide
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Lesson 1: Learning the Victor 900 Calculator TRANSPARENCY Victor 900 Calculator 900 AntiMicrobial CE MRC M+ M- ON/AC % ÷ X 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 + 0 = 4 Victor 900 Calculator Teacher’s Guide
Краткое содержание страницы № 5
Lesson 1: Learning the Victor 900 Calculator STUDENT WORKSHEET Learning the Victor 900 Calculator 900 2 AntiMicrobial 1 4 3 5 Victor 900 Calculator Teacher’s Guide
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Lesson 2: Using the Victor 900 Calculator TEACHER’S GUIDE Lesson 2: Using the Victor 900 Calculator Overview Use the calculator to enter and view numbers. Teacher Materials “Victor 900 Calculator” transparency. Student Materials Calculator, “Calculator Battle” worksheet, “Calculator Battle Score Sheet”, pencil. Keys Used 1 – 9, .ON/AC. Teaching Notes Distribute the calculators. Ask the students to press the .ON/AC. key. Ask the students to press the “1” and “9” keys to ente
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Lesson 2: Using the Victor 900 Calculator STUDENT WORKSHEET Calculator Battle 2 5 1 7 6 9 8 4 3 7 Victor 900 Calculator Teacher’s Guide
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Lesson 2: Using the Victor 900 Calculator STUDENT WORKSHEET Calculator Battle Score Sheet Student A Name: Student B Name: Hits Hits 8 Victor 900 Calculator Teacher’s Guide
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Lesson 3: Addition TEACHER’S GUIDE Lesson 3: Addition Overview Use the calculator to add numbers. Teacher Materials “Addition” and “Correcting Wrong Entries” transparencies. Student Materials Pencil, Calculator, and “Calculator Connections” worksheet. Keys Introduced +, CE Teaching Notes Display the “Addition” transparency. Ask the students to press the buttons as illustrated. Display the “Correcting Wrong Entries” transparency. Ask the students to press the buttons as illustra
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Lesson 3: Addition TRANSPARENCY Addition 1 + 2 = ? 1 + 3 + 5 = ? Press these buttons: The calculator shows: .ON/AC. 0. 1 +. 1. 2. 2. =. 3. ----------------------------- ------------------------------ .ON/AC. 0. 1 +. 1. 3. 3. +. 4. 5. 5. =. 9. 10 Victor 900 Calculator Teacher’s Guide
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Lesson 3: Addition TRANSPARENCY Correcting Wrong Entries 6 + 3 = ? Press these buttons: The calculator shows: .ON/AC. 0. 6 +. 6. 2. 2. .CE. 0. 3. 3. =. 9. 11 Victor 900 Calculator Teacher’s Guide
Краткое содержание страницы № 12
Lesson 3: Addition STUDENT WORKSHEET Calculator Connections Add the numbers in the boxes on the left side of the page. Draw a line to the box on the right side with the correct answer. 34 76 + 41 13 93 + 12 1 75 + 19 72 77 + 21 67 33 + 9 47 80 + 33 3 25 + 74 11 20 + 22 12 Victor 900 Calculator Teacher’s Guide
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Lesson 4: Subtraction TEACHER’S GUIDE Lesson 4: Subtraction Overview Use the calculator to subtract numbers. Teacher Materials “Subtraction” transparency. Student Materials Pencil, Calculator, and “Calculator Connections II”, and “Big Number Math” worksheets. Keys Introduced - (minus key) Teaching Notes Display the “Subtraction” transparency. The “Calculator Connections” worksheet provides additional practice. Ask students to solve each subtraction problem with the calculator and
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Lesson 4: Subtraction TRANSPARENCY Subtraction 9 - 5 = ? 8 - 1 - 2 = ? Press these buttons: The calculator shows: .ON/C. 0. 9 -. 9. 5. 5. =. 4. ----------------------------- ------------------------------ .ON/C. 0. 8 -. 8. 1. 1. -. 7. 2. 2. =. 5. 14 Victor 900 Calculator Teacher’s Guide
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Lesson 4: Subtraction STUDENT WORKSHEET Calculator Connections II Subtract the numbers in the boxes on the left side of the page. Draw a line to the box on the right side with the correct answer. 186 121 - 22 54 88 - 51 99 164 - 11 222 211 - 11 677 3 - 556 69 27 - 42 32 26 - 18 55 14 - 29 15 Victor 900 Calculator Teacher’s Guide
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Lesson 4: Subtraction STUDENT WORKSHEET Big Number Math Use your calculator to subtract the big numbers in the boxes and write down the answers. Circle the biggest answer. 72,456 98,744 -51,432 -10,221 189,456 -10,432 5,687 984,300 -3,216 -213,498 676,345 -99,999 780,780 54,893 -175,175 -55,221 16 Victor 900 Calculator Teacher’s Guide
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Lesson 5: Repetitive Subtraction and Addition TEACHER’S GUIDE Lesson 5: Repetitive Subtraction and Addition Overview Use the calculator to subtract or add repetitive numbers using the constant function. Teacher Materials “Repetitive Subtraction and Addition” and “Fastest Fingers” transparencies. Student Materials Pencil, Calculator, and “Constant Calculations” worksheet. Keys Introduced Constant function using the =. Key. Teaching Notes Ask your students to enter 10 on the calcul
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Lesson 5: Repetitive Subtraction and Addition TRANSPARENCY Repetitive Subtraction and Addition 15 - 3 - 3 - 3 = ? 6 + 2 + 2 + 2 = ? Press these buttons: The calculator shows: .ON/AC. 0. 15 -. 15. 3. =. 12. =. 9. =. 6. ----------------------------- ------------------------------ .ON/AC. 0. 6 +. 6. 2. =. 8. =. 10. =. 12. 18 Victor 900 Calculator Teacher’s Guide
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Lesson 5: Repetitive Subtraction and Addition TRANSPARENCY Fast Fingers Enter 500 + 5 = on your calculator. When the teacher says “Go” add one to your calculator as many times as you can until the teacher says “stop”. The student with the largest number has the fastest fingers. Winning total: ________________________ Name of Student with the Fastest Fingers _________________________________ 19 Victor 900 Calculator Teacher’s Guide
Краткое содержание страницы № 20
Lesson 5: Repetitive Subtraction and Addition STUDENT WORKSHEET Constant Calculations Use the =. key to work these constant calculations. 1. 94 – 6 – 6 – 6 = ________ 2. 945 + 12 + 12 + 12 = ________ 3. 543 – 10 – 10 – 10 – 10 = ________ 4. 345 + 22 + 22 + 22 + 22 = ________ 5. 27 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 = ________ 6. 45 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = ________ 7. 1000 – 100 – 100 – 100 – 100 = ________ 8. 2000 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 = ________ 9. 948 – 8 – 8 – 8 – 8 – 8 – 8 = ______