Руководство по эксплуатации Texas Instruments solar TI-36X

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Texas Instruments solar TI-36X

Устройство: Texas Instruments solar TI-36X
Категория: Калькулятор
Производитель: Texas Instruments
Размер: 0.24 MB
Добавлено: 3/19/2013
Количество страниц: 48
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TI-36X ý
Scientific Calculator
 2000, 2003 Texas Instruments Incorporated
Ti36eng1.doc TI-36X II Manual Linda Bower Revised:
01/10/03 10:47 AM Printed: 01/10/03 10:47 AM Page 0 of

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Table of Contents Turning the Calculator On and Off............................1 Alternate Functions...................................................1 Display......................................................................2 Scrolling....................................................................2 Menus.......................................................................3 Fix.............................................................................3 Clearing, Correcting, and Res

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Turning the Calculator On and Off The TI-36X ü is battery powered. • To turn on the TI-36X ü, press T. • To turn off the TI-36X ü, press %r. All data in memory is retained. APDé (Automatic Power Downé) turns off the TI-36X ü automatically if no key is pressed for about five minutes. Press T after APD to power up again; the display, pending operations, settings, and memory are retained. Alternate Functions Most keys can perform two functions. The first function is marked on the key, and the secon

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Display The TI-36X ü has a two-line display. The first line (Entry Line) displays an entry of up to 88 digits or items (47 for Stat or Stored Operations). Entries begin on the left; those with more than 11 digits scroll to the left. You can have as many as 23 levels of parentheses and up to 8 mathematical operations pending. The second line (Result Line) displays a result of up to 10 digits, plus a decimal point, a negative sign, a x10 indicator, and a 2-digit positive or negative exponent. Resu

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Menus Some key presses access menus: S, R, e, -, 8, &, /, ., %q, %p, %d, %^, %m, %], %6, %f, %h, %Z, %t, %\, and %s. The menu choices are displayed on the screen. Press " or ! to scroll through the menu and underline an item. To select an underlined item: • Press V while the item is underlined. Or, • For menu items followed by an argument value, enter the argument value while the item is underlined. The item and the argument value are transferred to the current entry. However, if the argument i

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Clearing, Correcting, and Resetting Key Action 4 Action depends on position of the cursor. • If cursor is in the middle of an entry, clears character under the cursor and all characters to the right of the cursor. • If cursor is at the end of an entry, clears the entire entry. • If an Error message is displayed, clears the error message and moves the cursor to last entry in history. • If a menu is displayed, exits menu. ' • If the cursor is on a character, deletes the character under the cursor.

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Display Indicators Special indicators may appear in the display to provide additional information about functions or results. Indicator Meaning 2nd 2nd function is active. FIX Calculator is rounding results to specified number of places. SCI or ENG Scientific or engineering notation is active. STAT Calculator is in Statistics mode. DEG, RAD, Specifies angle-unit setting (degrees, or GRAD radians, or grads). The default is the degree setting. HEX or OCT Calculator is in hexadecimal or octal mode.

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Order of Operations The TI-36X ü uses EOSè (Equation Operating System) to evaluate expressions. Order Evaluation 1st Expressions inside parentheses. 2nd Functions which need a ) and precede the argument, such as sin, log, and all R/P menu items; Boolean Logic NOT and 2’s complement. 3rd Fractions. 4th Functions that are entered after the argument, 2 r g such as x and angle unit modifiers (é ê ë ); metric conversions. x 5th Exponentiation (^) and roots (‡). 6th Negation (L). 7th Permutations (n

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Basic Operations As you press keys, numerals, operators, and results appear on the display. H, ?, @, A, B, Enters numerals 0 through 9. C, D, E, F, G :, ;, <, = Adds, subtracts, multiplies, divides. N, O Opens, closes a parenthetical expression. I Inserts the decimal point. J Enters a negative sign. V Completes all operations. Last Answer %u recalls the value of the most recently calculated result and enters it into the current entry as Ans. If you press an operator key immediately after complet

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³ Examples ß 5è9+6-2 5< 9: 6; 2V 49. DEG ß 5è(9+6)-2 5

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Percent To calculate a percent, press %l after entering a value. ³ Problem A mining company mines 5000 tons of ore having a 3-percent concentration of metal, 7300 tons having a 2.3-percent concentration, and 8400 tons having a 3.1-percent concentration. How much metal does the company get in total from the three quantities of ore? If the metal is worth $280 per ton, what is the value of the total amount of metal present in the three quantities of ore? ß 5000è3% 5000< 3%lV 150. DEG Þß Ans+7300è2.

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Fractions Fractional calculations can display fractional or decimal results. Results are automatically simplified. 1 Enters a fraction. Press 1 after entering whole number, and between numerator and denominator, both of which must be positive integers. To negate a fraction or a mixed number, press J before entering the first argument. %` Converts from mixed number to simple fraction, and vice versa. %_ Converts from fraction to decimal format and vice versa. Note: Due to display size, not all de

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Exponents, Roots, and Reciprocals P Calculates the square of a value. K Raises a value to any power within the range of the calculator. If the number is negative, the power must be an integer. If you include an operation in the exponent, you must use parentheses. %n Calculates the square root of a positive value. %j Calculates any root of any positive value (within the range of the calculator) and any odd-numbered integer root of a negative value. %k Yields the reciprocal of a value. ³ Examples

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Notation %Z displays the Numeric Notation mode menu. • FLO (default): Displays results in floating notation, with digits to the left and right of the decimal point. • SCI: Displays results in scientific notation. The format of scientific notation is n x 10^p, where 1{n<10 and p is an integer. • ENG: Engineering notation (exponent is a multiple of 3). These modes affect only the display of results, and not the internally stored results. M lets you enter a value in scientific notation, regardless

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Pi 5 enters the value of p. It is stored internally to 13 digits (3.141592653590) and displayed to 10 digits (3.141592654). When multiplying p by a number, you do not need to press <; multiplication is implicit. ³ Examples Find the circumference and the area of a circle having a radius of 5 centimeters. Find the surface area of a sphere having a radius of 5 centimeters. (Remember: 2 2 circumference=2pr; area =pr ; surface area=(4p)r .) Use the Fix function to display results rounded to the neare

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Memory The TI-36X ü has five memory variables. You can store a real number or an expression that results in a real number to a memory variable. For storing complex numbers to memory, see page 31. S Lets you store values to variables. %q Recalls the values of variables. R Recalls variables by letter designation. %p Displays menu: CLR VAR: Y N. Select Y (yes) and press V to clear all memory variables and re-initialize seed in E. When you press S, a menu of variables displays: A, B, C, D, and E.

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In addition to serving as a memory variable, E stores a seed value to generate a random number when you are using the Probability function (see page 32). ³ Problem A gravel quarry is opening two new pits: one is 350 meters by 560 meters, and the other is 340 meters by 610 meters. What volume of gravel would the company remove from each if they excavated to a depth of 150 meters? To a depth of 210 meters? Display results in engineering notation. ß 350è560"A %Z""V350< 196. 03 560SV x10 ENG DEG ß 3

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Stored Operations The TI-36X ü stores two operations, Op1 and Op2. To store an operation to Op1 or Op2 and recall it: 1. Press %b or %c. 2. Enter the operation, beginning with an operator (such as +, M, Q, P, or ^). You can store any combination of numbers, operators, and menu items and their arguments, to a limit of 47 characters or items. 3. Press V to save the operation to memory. 4. Each subsequent time you press 2 or 3, the TI-36X ü recalls the stored operation and applies it to the last an

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³ Examples OP1=è2 %b< 2V DEG ß 3è2 32 16. DEG ß 6è2 2 2 12. DEG ß 12è2 2 3 24. DEG OP2=+5 %c: 5V DEG ß 10+5 103 1 15. DEG ß 15+5 3 2 20. DEG ß 20+5 3 3 25. DEG ß 25è2 2 1 50. DEG ß 50+5 3 1 55. DEG 17 Ti36eng1.doc TI-36X II Manual Linda Bower Revised: 01/10/03 10:47 AM Printed: 01/10/03 10:47 AM Page 17 of 48

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Logarithms %d displays a menu of log functions. log Yields the common logarithm of a number. ^ 10 Raises 10 to the power you specify. ln Yields the logarithm of a number to the base e (e=2.718281828495). ^ e Raises e to the power you specify. Select the function on the menu, then enter the value and complete the expression with O. ³ Examples ^ Þ log 10 %d DEG ß log(100) 100OV 2. DEG ß 10^(3.2) %d" 3I 2OV 1584.893192 DEG ß ln(9.453) %d"" 9I453O 2.246332151 V DEG ß e^(4.7) %d! 4I 7OV 109.9471

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