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HP 6S Scientific Calculator
English.PM6 1 3/3/99, 3:45 PM
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NOTICE This manual and any examples contained herein are provided as is and are subject to change without notice. Except to the extent prohibited by law, Hewlett-Packard Company makes no express or implied warranty of any kind with regard to this manual and specifically disclaims the implied warranties and conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and Hewlett-Packard Company shall not be liable for any errors or for incidental or consequential damage in connection with t
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Contents 1. Keyboard 5 General keys 5 Memory keys 5 Special keys 5 Base-n keys 5 Function keys 6 Statistical keys 6 2. The display 7 Exponent displays 7 3. Basic functions 8 Entering numbers 8 Entering negative numbers 8 Entering exponential numbers 8 Arithmetic operator 8 Equals 8 Making corrections 9 Clearing errors 9 Fixing the number of decimal places displayed 9 Setting the display to scientific notation 9 4. Calculations 10 Precision 10 Order of operations 10 Simple calculations 10 Specify
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6. Binary, octal and hexadecimal values 16 Binary/octal/decimal/hexadecimal conversions 16 Binary/octal/decimal/hexadecimal calculations 16 Logical operations 17 Radix complement 18 7. Using statistics 19 Entering a list of data items to analyse 19 Using statistical functions on your data 19 8. Specifications 20 9. Changing the battery 21 4 English.PM6 4 3/3/99, 3:45 PM
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1. Keyboard General keys Key Functions Page Key Functions Page 0 to9:. Data entry 8 ØÅ Sexagesimal/decimal 13 notation conversion +-* Basic calculation 8 ¯ Mode of angle 13 d= DEGfi RADfi GRADfi DEG ¡ Reset the calculator 9 Ù Angular conversion of data 13 and clear the memory DEGfi RADfi GRADfi DEG Ô Clear/clear error 9 ² Register exchange 11 Ó Change sign 8 Õ Clearing the last 9 entered digit Memory keys ¼ Fix the number of digits 9 after the decimal point Key Functions Page » Floating notation 9 r
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Function keys K e y Functions Page K e y Functions Page s Sine 13 É Power 8 c Cosine 13 Ê Root 14 t Tangent 13 Ä Rectangle to polar 15 S Arc sine 13 Ã Polar to rectangular 15 ¨ Arc cosine 13 % Percent 12 T Arc tangent 13 ª Hyperbolic 14 Statistical keys L Common logarithm 14 Key Functions Page Û Common antilogarithm 14 ¿ Statistical data mode 19 È Natural logarithm 14 À Data entry 19 Ð Natural antilogarithm 14 Á Data delete 19 Â Square root 14 Ñ Sample standard deviation 19 º Square 14 Ò Populat
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2. The display M 1 . 2 3 4 5 E INV HYP BIN OCT HEX Mantissa LCD Diagram The display shows input data, interim results and answers to calculations. The mantissa section displays up to 10 digits. The exponent section displays up to – 99. Display Meaning Page -E- Indicates an error 9 INV I has been pressed to enable inverse key functions 9 M Indicates that data is stored in the memory 11 HYP ª has been pressed for hyperbolic functions 14 BIN, OCT, HEX BASE-N mode has been selected 16 SD Statisti
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3. Basic functions Entering numbers 123 Press the number keys to enter numbers. etc Press . for a decimal point. . Entering negative numbers Ó Press after a number to make it negative. 5.08Ó -5.08 Entering exponential numbers ¹ Press to enter an exponential number. 9 09 3.08×10 3.08¹9 3.08 Arithmetic operator Press to perform an arithmetic operation on the value displayed. +-* You must enter a number after the arithmetic operator. dÉ If you press more than one arithmetic operator in sequence, t
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Making corrections Õ Press to delete the last number entered. Ô Press to remove the displayed value, but retain the calculation being performed. Press after the arithmetic operator to cancel the entire calculation. 5+5+5+6Ô5= 20. 5+5+5+Ô= 0. Clearing errors Ô Press to clear an error (indicated by -E- in the display)eg, an overflow errorand retain data in the memory. ¡ Press to reset the calculator and clear the memory (solar model only). Fixing the number of decimal places displayed I¼ Press
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4. Calculations Precision The HP 6S scientific calculator calculates answers to 12-digit accuracy, but rounds answers to 10 digits in the display. When it performs a calculation using the result of a previous calculation, it uses the stored 12-digit value and not the 10-digit value displayed. Order of operations The HP 6S scientific calculator performs operations in the following order: º, Ê, Ä, Ã *, d +, - & o, x, X Simple calculations Perform calculations in the same way that you write them o
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Re-using arithmetic operations Press the arithmetic operator key twice to re-use an arithmetic operation on a new number. The ++ calculator stores the operation and applies it when you enter another number and press =. or Store a calculation for re-use by enclosing it in brackets. ** Clear the stored arithmetic operation by pressing Ô. etc 3+2.3 3++2.3= 5.3 6+2.3 6= 8.3 9+2.3 9= 11.3 4(3×6) 4**(3*6= 72. -5(3×6) 5Ó= -90. Using memory ´ The HP 6S scientific calculator has one independent memory. m
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7 6 3 (1.5×10 ) [(2.5×10 ) × /100] = 1.5¹7-2.5¹6*3Ë100= 149250000. 456 11 3 /78 = 8 /13 3Ë456Ë78 3Ö456×78. = 8Ö11×13. I¬ Press these keys to switch between proper and improper fractions. 11 115 8 /13 = /13 8Ö11×13. I¬ 115×13. I¬ 8Ö11×13. The answer to a calculation involving both fractions and decimals is displayed as a decimal. 41 /52 × 78.9 41Ë52*78.9= 62.20961538 Percentage calculations I% Press to perform percentage calculations. 12% of 1500 1500*12I%= 180. 660 as a percentage of 880 660d8
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5. Other functions Converting minutes and seconds to decimal format Ø Press to convert minutes and seconds (sexagesimal figure) to decimal format. When you enter the sexagesimal figure, enter the degrees to the left of the decimal point, and minutes and seconds to the rightthe first and second digits to the left of decimal point are minutes and the third and subsequent digits seconds. IÅ Press to convert decimal format to sexagesimal format. 14 25¢ 36† 14.2536Ø 14.42666667 IÅ 14 25¢ 36† Conve
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Hyperbolic functions sinh 3.6 = 3.6ªs 18.28545536 tanh 2.5 = 2.5ªt 0.986614298 M cosh 1.5 sinh 1.5 = 1.5´ªc- 2.352409615 M rªs= 0.22313016 1 sinh 30 = 30IªS 4.094622224 solve tanh 4x = 0.88 1 tan 0.88 x = = .88IªTd4= 0.343941914 4 Logarithmic functions log 1.23 (=log10 1.23) = 1.23L 0.089905111 x solve 4 = 64 log 64 4 x = log 64Ld4L= 3. M log 456 ÷ In 456 = 456´LdrÈ= 0.434294481 0.4 .3 10 + 5 • e = .4IÛ+5*3ÓIÐ= 2.760821773 2.3 5.6 = 5.6É2.3= 52.58143837 1 7 123
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Miscellaneous functions 1.234 + 1.234 = I¼21.234+ 1.23 1.234= 2.47 I¼. 2.468 1 ‚ 3 + 1 ‚ 3 = I¼21d3+ 0.33 I½ 3.33-01 1d3= 6.67-01 I» 0.67 I¼. 0.666666666 123m x 456m = 56088m 123*456= 56088. = 56.088km I¾ 56.088 03 7.8g ‚ 96 = 0.08125g 7.8d96= 0.08125 = 81.25mg I¾ 81.25 - 03 Polar to rectangular coordinates conversions Formula: x = r • cosq y = r • sinq eg, find the value of x and y when the point P is shown as q =60 and the length r=2 in the polar co
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6. Binary, octal and hexadecimal values Use the M key to set the number base. When you use bases other than 10, you can only M enter numbers valid for the baseeg, in binary mode you can only enter 1 and 0. ¦§ M¦ sets the mode to hexadecimal. In hexadecimal mode, A to F keys are enabled. ¥¤ Note that b and d in hexadecimal mode are shown in lower case to distinguish them from numbers. M§ sets the mode to octal. M¥ sets the mode to binary. M¤ sets the mode to decimal. Note: When using a number
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7654 ÷ 12 8 10 = 334.33
M§7654dM¤12= 334.3333333 .10 = 516 M§ OCT 516. 8 Fractional parts of calculation results are truncated. 110 +456 x78 ÷1A M¥110+M§456* 2 8 10 16 =390 M¤78dM¦1A= HEX 390. 16 =912 M¤ 912. 10 Multiplication and division are given priority over addition and subtraction in mixed calculations. BC x (14 + 69 16 10 10 =15604 10 =3CF4 16 M¦BC*(M¤14+69)= 15604. M¦ HEX 3CF4. Logical operations You
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19 AND 1A = 18 16 16 16 M¦19&1A= HEX 18. 120 OR 1101 = 12D 16 2 16 M¦120oM¥1101= BIN 100101101. M¦ HEX 12d. 5 XOR 3 = 6 16 16 16 M¦5X3= HEX 6. 2A XNOR 5D = FFFFFFFF88 16 16 16 M¦2AX5D= HEX FFFFFFFF88. 1A AND 2F = A 16 16 16 M¦1A&&2F= HEX A. NOT of 1010 2 M¥10110Ì BIN 1111101001. Radix complement IN Press to calculate and display the radix complement of the hexadecimal, octal or binary number currently displayedie, 10000000000-the binary version of the number. Binary, octal and hexadecimal value
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7. Using statistics M¿ Press to use statistics mode. Statistics mode allows you to enter data and apply the statistics functions to analyse the data. Entering a list of data items to analyse À Press after each data element. When you press À, the calculator displays the number of data elements entered. For example, to enter a list of data consisting of 5, 8 and -3, use the following keystrokes: 5 À 8 À3 Ó À To enter the results of a calculation as a data item, perform the calculation as you would
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8. Specifications Scientific functions/input range 10 degrees sinx / cosx / tanx |x|<4.5x10 7 10 (<25x10 p rad,<5x10 grad -1 -1 sin x / cos x |x|‡ 1 -1 100 tan x |x|<10 sinhx / coshx |x|‡ 230.2585092 100 tanhx |x|<10 -1 99 sinh x |x|<5x10 -1 99 cosh x |x|‡ x<5x10 -1 tanh x |x|<1 -99 100 logx / Inx 10 ‡ x<10 x 100 e -10 0fi 10 0 1 y<0fi x : integer or /2n +1 (n : integer) x 100 1 y y>0fi x„ 0 : -10 < /x•logy<230.2582092 y=0fi x>0 1 y