Руководство по эксплуатации Univex ThinkCentre 1962

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Univex ThinkCentre 1962

Устройство: Univex ThinkCentre 1962
Категория: Личный компьютер
Производитель: Univex
Размер: 3.71 MB
Добавлено: 7/18/2013
Количество страниц: 106
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Краткое содержание страницы № 1

ThinkCentr e
User Guide
Machine T ypes: 1654, 1664, 1665, 1677, 1738, 1739, 1741, 1761,
1762, 1763, 1782, 1837, 1938, 1942, 1962, and 1966.

Краткое содержание страницы № 2

Not e Befor e using this information and the pr oduct it suppor ts, be sur e t o r ead and understand the “Impor tant safety information” on page v and Appendix A “Notices” on page 77. F our th Edition (June 2012) © Copyright L enovo 2011, 2012. LIMITED AND RES TRIC TED RIGHT S NO TICE: If data or softwar e is deliver ed pursuant a Gener al Ser vices Administr ation “GSA ” contr act, use, r epr oduction, or disclosur e is subject t o r estrictions set for th in Contr act No. GS-35F-05925.

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Contents Impor tant safety information . . . . . . v Making brightness adjustment . . . . . . . 18 Ser vice and upgr ades . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Chapt er 3. Y ou and your comput er . . 21 S tatic electricity pr evention . . . . . . . . . . . v Accessibility and comfor t . . . . . . . . . . 21 P ower cor ds and power adapt ers . . . . . . . . vi Arr anging your workspace . . . . . . . . 21 Ext ension cor ds and r elat ed devices . . . . . . . vi Comfor t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Plug

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Reinstalling pr einstalled applications and device K eyboar d, mouse, or pointing device drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 pr oblems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Reinstalling softwar e pr ogr ams . . . . . . . . 40 Monit or pr oblems . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Reinstalling device drivers . . . . . . . . . . 40 Networking pr oblems . . . . . . . . . . 62 Solving r ecover y pr oblems . . . . . . . . . . 40 Option pr oblems . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 P er formance and lockup pr obl

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Appendix D . Restriction of Hazar dous Appendix E. ENERG Y S T AR model Substances Dir ective (RoHS) . . . . . 87 information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 China RoHS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Inde x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 T urkish RoHS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Ukr aine RoHS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 India RoHS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 © Copyright L enovo 2011, 2012 iii

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iv ThinkCentr e User Guide

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Impor tant safety information C A UTION: Befor e using this manual, be sur e t o r ead and understand all the r elat ed safety information for this pr oduct. Refer t o the information in this section and the safety information in the ThinkCentr e Safety and W arr anty Guide that you r eceived with this pr oduct. Reading and understanding this safety information r educes the risk of personal injur y and damage t o your pr oduct. If you no longer have a copy of the ThinkCentr e Safety and W arr an

Краткое содержание страницы № 8

or CRU , do not open the static-pr ot ective package containing the par t until the instructions dir ect you t o install it. When you handle options or CRUs, or per form any work inside the comput er , tak e the following pr ecautions t o avoid static-electricity damage: • Limit your movement. Movement can cause static electricity t o build up ar ound you. • Always handle components car efully . Handle adapt ers, memor y modules, and other cir cuit boar ds by the edges. Never t ouch e xposed cir

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Plugs and outlets If a r eceptacle (power outlet) that you int end t o use with your comput er equipment appears t o be damaged or corr oded, do not use the outlet until it is r eplaced by a qualified electrician. Do not bend or modify the plug. If the plug is damaged, contact the manufactur er t o obtain a r eplacement. Do not shar e an electrical outlet with other home or commer cial appliances that dr aw lar ge amounts of electricity; other wise, unstable voltage might damage your comput er ,

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F or your safety and t o maintain optimum comput er per formance, always follow these basic pr ecautions with your deskt op comput er: • K eep the cover closed whenever the comput er is plugged in. • Regularly inspect the outside of the comput er for dust accumulation. • Remove dust fr om vents and any per for ations in the be z el. Mor e fr equent cleanings might be r equir ed for comput ers in dusty or high-tr affic ar eas. • Do not r estrict or block any ventilation openings. • Do not st or e

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Laser compliance stat ement C A UTION: When laser pr oducts (such as CD-ROMs, DVD drives, fiber optic devices, or tr ansmitt ers) ar e installed, not e the following: • Do not r emove the covers. Removing the covers of the laser pr oduct could r esult in e xposur e t o hazar dous laser r adiation. Ther e ar e no ser viceable par ts inside the device. • Use of contr ols or adjustments or per formance of pr ocedur es other than those specified her ein might r esult in hazar dous r adiation e xposu

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x ThinkCentr e User Guide

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Chapt er 1. P r oduct over view This chapt er pr ovides information about the comput er featur es, specifications, softwar e pr ogr ams pr ovided by L enovo, and locations of connect ors, components, par ts on the syst em boar d, and int ernal drives. F eatur es This section intr oduces the comput er featur es. The information covers a variety of models. T o view the information about your specific model, do one of the following: • Go int o the L enovo BIOS Setup Utility pr ogr am by following t

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Syst em management featur es • Ability t o st or e power -on self-t est (POS T) har dwar e t est r esults • Deskt op Management Int er face (DMI) Deskt op Management Int er face pr ovides a common path for users t o access information about all aspects of a comput er , including pr ocessor type, installation dat e, attached print ers and other peripher als, power sour ces, and maint enance hist or y . • P r eboot Ex ecution Envir onment (PXE) The P r eboot Ex ecution Envir onment is an envir onm

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• Cover pr esence switch (also called intrusion switch) • Ability t o enable or disable a device • Ability t o enable and disable USB connect ors individually • K eyboar d with fingerprint r eader (shipped with some models) • P ower -on passwor d (POP), administr at or passwor d, and har d disk drive passwor d t o det er unauthoriz ed use of your comput er • S tar tup sequence contr ol • S tar tup without k eyboar d or mouse • Suppor t for an int egr at ed cable lock (K ensingt on lock) • T rust

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Specifications This section lists the physical specifications for your comput er . Dimensions W idth: 506.8 mm (19.95 inches) Height: 411.0 mm (16.18 inches) Depth: 71.5 mm (2.81 inches) for non-t ouch model; 78.0 mm (3.07 inches) for t ouch model W eight Maximum configur ation as shipped: 7.54 kg (16.62 lb) for non-t ouch model; 8.85 kg (19.51 lb) for t ouch model Envir onment • Air t emper atur e: Oper ating: 10°C t o 35°C (50°F t o 95°F) Non-oper ating: -20°C t o 60°C (-4°F t o 140°F) Non-ope

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L enovo ThinkV antage T ools ® The L enovo ThinkV antage T ools pr ogr am guides you t o a host of information sour ces and pr ovides easy access t o various t ools t o help you work mor e easily and secur ely . T o access the L enovo ThinkV antage T ools pr ogr am, click S tar t ➙ All P r ogr ams ➙ L enovo ThinkV antage T ools . The following table lists the pr ogr ams that you can access fr om the L enovo ThinkV antage T ools pr ogr am. T o access a pr ogr am, double-click the corr esponding i

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T o star t the SimpleT ap pr ogr am, do any of the following: • Click S tar t ➙ All P r ogr ams ➙ SimpleT ap . • Click S tar t ➙ All P r ogr ams ➙ L enovo ThinkV antage T ools , and double-click SimpleT ap . • Click the r ed SimpleT ap launch point on the deskt op. The r ed launch point is available on the deskt op aft er you have launched the SimpleT ap pr ogr am for the first time. • P r ess the blue ThinkV antage butt on if your k eyboar d has one. Not e: The SimpleT ap pr ogr am is only avai

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1. Click S tar t ➙ All P r ogr ams ➙ L enovo ThinkV antage T ools , and double-click Enhanced Backup and Rest or e . 2. F ollow the instructions on the scr een. 3. When the installation pr ocess complet es, the Enhanced Backup and Rest or e icon is activat ed. ThinkV antage Syst em Updat e The ThinkV antage S yst em Updat e pr ogr am helps you k eep the softwar e on your comput er up-t o-dat e by downloading and installing softwar e packages (ThinkV antage applications, device drivers, BIOS upda

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L ocating connect ors, contr ols, and indicat ors on the fr ont of your comput er Figur e 1 “F r ont connect or , contr ol, and indicat or locations” on page 8 shows the locations of the connect ors, contr ols, and indicat ors on the fr ont of your comput er . Figur e 1. F r ont connect or , contr ol, and indicat or locations 1 Int egr at ed Micr ophone 6 Har d disk drive activity indict or 1 2 Int egr at ed camer a indicat or 7 Brightness-up / Aut o-adjusting contr ol 3 Int egr at ed camer a bl

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