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Built-i Electric Oven n
Problem Soiver...............................26
Safetyinstructions,., ..................3. 4
Thermostat Adjustment-
Do It Yourself .....
More questions?...call ~
OperatingInstructions, lips
GEAnswar Center” 800.626,2000
Aluminum Foil ..................................4. 12417
Automatic Oven Shut Off .............................9
Features............................................O....• .....OO..5
CareandCleaning., ..............
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HELPUSHELPYOU... Beforeusingyour oven,read this Write downthe modeland guidecarefully. serial numbers. It is intendedto helpyouoper~teand maintainyour You’llfindthemon a labelon thefrontof the newovenproperly. ovenbehindthe ovendoor. Keepit handyfor answersto yourquestions. Thesenumbersarealsoon the ConsumerProduct OwnershipRegistrationCardthat camewithyour Ifyoudon’tunderstand something orneedmorehelp,call: oven.Beforesendingin this card,pleasewritethese GE Answer Center” numbershere: 800.626.2
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mORTAN’T SAFETYWSTRUCTIONS Readallhtmctiombefore wingthisapp~mw. *Teachchddrennot to play withthe controls APORTANT SAFETYNOTICE or anyotherpartoftheoven. *TheCaliforniaSafeDrinkingWaterand Toxic cAlways keep combustible wall coverings? EnforcementAct requires theGovernor of curtains or drapes a safe distance from your California topublisha listofsubstances knownto oven. thestateto causebirthdefectsorotherreproductive harm,andrequires businesses towarncustomers of ● Never wear loose-fitting or h
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IMPORTANT SAFETYINSTRUCTIONS (continued) ● Donot touchthe heatingelementsor the ● Do not use your oven to dry newspapers. interior surfaceof the oven.Thesesurfacesmay If overheated, theycancatchfire. be hotenoughtoburneventhoughtheyaredark ● Donot leave paper products,cooking in color.Duringandafteruse,donottouch,orlet utensils,or foodin the ovenwhennot in use. clothingorotherflammable materialscontactany interiorareaoftheoven;allowsufficient timefor *Donot use oven for storage area. Items cooli
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FEATURES OFYOUROVEN (Appearance mayvarybetween models.) Q? m m H r’ — IIf I JKP26 JKP27 JKP13 JKP14 JKP15 JRP14 JRP15 JRP24 Explained Explained on page on page Feature Index Feature Index 4,22 9 Bake Element 10,14 1 Oven Temp Knob Operates the Maybe liftedgentlyfor wiping standardcleanloweroven. ovenfloor. (on somemodels) 3,4, 17, 10 Lift-Off Oven Door 2 Oven Set Knob Operatesthe 10 19,24 with Broil Stop Position standardcleanloweroven. Easilyremovedforovencleaning. (on somemodels) 4, 17,23 11 B
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FEATURES OFYOUROVENCONTROL Yourmodelwillincludeone of thesecontrols, Q 8. BROIL. Pressthispad to selectthebroilfunction. 1. TIMER ON/OFF.Pressthispad to selectthe timer function. 9. DECREASE. Shorttapsto thispad decreasethe timeor temperatureby smallamounts.Pressand Toset timer,firstpresstheTIMERON/OFFpad. holdthe pad to decreasethe timeor temperature Thenpressthe INCREASEor DECREASEpad to by largeramounts. changethe time. 10.AUTO SELF CLEAN. Pressthis pad to select Tocancelthe timer,pressandhol
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OVENCONTROL,CLOCKANDTIMER ToSet the Clock :lock 1. Pressthe CLOCKpad. The clockmustbe set for the automaticoventiming functionsto workproperly,The timeof daycannotbe CLOCK ! changedduringa TimedBakeor Self-Cleancycle. A c1 2. Pressthe INCREASEor DECREASE pad to setthetimeof day. @ A ToSet the Timer Timer The timerwill startautomatically The timeris a minutetimer; 1. Pressthe TIMER withina fewsecondsofreleasingthe it doesnotcontrolovenoperations. ON/OPFpad. ;~vlAE~ INCREASE orDECREASE pad,The The
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USINGYOUROVEN BeforeUsing#h@ ~VP~ 1.Lookat the cqn~ols.~~ sumyouunderstandhow to NOTE: set themproperly, ● A fan may automaticallyturnon and off to cool internalparts.This is normal,andthe fan may 2. Checkthe ovenjflterior,@ok at (heshelves. continueto run evenaftertheovenis turnedoff. Takea practicerun at re~oving andreplacingthem properlyto givesure,sturdyspp~rt, ● Youmaynoticea “burning”or “oily”smellthe first few timesyouturnyourovenon. This is normalin a 3. Readoverthe i~formatjoqandtips th
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9ven Shelves Theshelvesaredesignedwithstop-locksso when Bump II placedcorrectlyon the shelfsupports,theywill stopbeforecomingcompletelyout of the ovenand will nottilt whenyou areremovingfoodfromthem or placingfoodon them. Whenplacingcookwareon a shelf,pullthe shelfout to the bumpon the shelfsupport,Placethe cookware on the shelf,thenslidethe shelfbackintothe oven. I 1 This willeliminatereachingintothe hotoven. , 1 To remove a shelf from the oven,pullthe shelf towardyou,tilt the frontendupwardand
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BAKING Youroventemperatureis controlledveryaccurately If youthinkan adjustmentis necessary,seethe Adjus~ usingan ovencontrolsystem.It is recommendedthat the OvenThermostatsection.It giveseasyDo It you operatethe ovenfor a numberof weeksto Yourse~instructions on howto adjustthe thermostat. becomefamiliarwithyournewoven’sperformance. NOTE: Whenthe ovengetshot, the top andoutside surfacesof the ovenget hot too, Howto Set the Ovenfor Baking Ovens ControlledwithTouchPads OvensControlledwithKnobs(onso
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‘reheating Preheatingis necessaryfor goodresultswhenbaking Preheattheovenif therecipecallsforit. Preheatmeans cakes,cookies,pastryandbreads.For mostcasseroles bringingtheovenup to the specifiedtemperature androasts,preheating isnotnecessary. Forovenswithout beforeputtingthefoodin theoven.Topreheat,setthe a preheatindicatorlightor tone,preheat10minutes. ovenat thecorrecttemperature—selecting a higher Afterthe ovenis preheated,placethe foodin the oven temperaturedoesnotshortenpreheattime. as quick
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BA~G (continued) Don’tPeek AluminumFoil Neverentirelycover Setthe timerforthe estimatedcookingtimeanddo a shelfwithaluminum not openthedoorto lookat yourfood.Mostrecipes foil.Thiswilldisturb provideminimumandmaximumbakingtimessuch theheatcirculation as “bake30-40minutes.” andresultin poor DO NOTopenthedoorto checkuntilthe minimum baking.A smaller time.Openingthe ovendoorfrequentlyduring sheetof foilmaybe cookingallowsheatto escapeand makesbaking usedto catcha timeslonger.Yourbakingresultsmayalso
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low to Set DelayStart and AutomaticStop 5. Pressthe BAKEpad, QuickReminder: BAKE 1.Pressthe COOKTIMEpad. A c1 2. Pressthe INCREASE/DECREASE pad to set 6. Pressthe INCREASEor thelengthof cookingtime. DECREASEpaduntilthe desired temperatureis displayed. 3. Pressthe STOPTIMEpad. @ A The ovenwillturnon automatically. The 4. PresstheINCREASE/DECREASE paduntil word“ON’ and“100°”willbe displayed. the desiredStopTimeappearsin the display. e TheCookTimewillbeginto countdown. 5. Pressthe BAKEpad. ,V Asthe
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ADJUSTTHEOVENTHERMOSTAT— DOIT YOURSELF! Youmay find that your new oven cooksdifferently Wedo not recommend the use of inexpensive than the one it replaced. Werecommendthatyou thermometers, suchas thosefoundin grocerystore.,, useyournewovenfor a few weeksto becomemore to checkthe temperaturesettingof your newoven. familiarwithit, followingthe timesgivenin your Thesethermometersmayvary20-40 degrees. recipesas a guide. If you think your new oven is too hot or too cool, you can adjust the thermostat
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ROASTING I Roasting is cooking by dry heat.Tendermeator Mostmeatscontinueto cookslightlywhilestanding, poultrycan be roasteduncoveredin youroven. afterbeingremovedfromthe oven,The standingtime Roastingtemperatures, whichshouldbe lowand recommendedfor roastsis 10to 20 minutes.This steady,keepspatteringto a minimum. allowsroaststo firm up andmakesthemeasierto carve.The internaltemperaturewillrise about5° to Roastingis reallya bakingprocedureusedfor meats. 10°F.;to compensatefor the temperaturerise
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ROASTING (continued) Questionsand Answers Q. Is it necessaryto checkfor donenesswith Q. DoI needto preheatmy oveneachtimeI cook a meatthermometer? a roastor poultry? A. Checkingthe finishedinternaltemperatureat A. It is not necessaryto preheatyouroven. the completionof cookingtimeis recommended. Q. Whenbuyinga roast,arethereany specialtips Temperaturesare shownin the RoastingGuide.For that wouldhelpmecookit moreevenly? roastsover8 pounds,checkwiththermometerat half- A. Yes.Buya roastas evenin th
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BROILING lroilingiscookingfoodbyintenseradiantheatfromthe 4. Leavethe dooropento \ II ~pperbroilelementintheoven.Mostfishandtender the broilstopposition. .’ - cutsofmeatcanbebroiled,Followthesedirections to The doorstaysopenby itself, ‘“..,.,, keepspattering andsmokingto a minimum. yet the propertemperatureis ““”< .._ ..- maintainedin the oven. \m 1. If the meathas fat or gristlearoundthe edge,cut verticalslashesthroughbothabout2 inchesapart. 5. Turnthe foodonlyonceduringbroiling. If desired,the
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. . BROILINGGUIDE m ● Whenarrartgingfoodon thepan,do not let fatty ● Alwaysusethe broilerpan and rackthatcomes edgeshangoverthe sidesbecausethedrippingfat withyouroven.It is designedto minimizesmoking and spatteringby trappingthejuices in the shielded willsoilthe oven. lowerpart of thepan. ● Thebroilerdoesnot needto be preheated,However, for verythin foods,or to increasebrowning,preheat ● Theovendoorshouldbe opento the broil stopposition. if desired. ● For steaksandchops,slashfat evenlyaroundthe
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OPERATING THESELF-CLEANING OVEN NormalCleaningTime:3 hours ~nmodelswithdoubleovens,onlythe upperovenis self-cleaning. . he bottomovenis standardclean.Seethe PorcelainOvenInteriorsection. Singleovenmodelsare self-cleaning. Beforea Clean Cycle Werecommendventingwithan openwindow 3. Cleanspattersor soilon the ovenfrontframeand or usinga ventilationfan or hoodduringthe first the ovendooroutsidethe gasketwitha dampened self-cleaningcycle. cloth.Theovenfrontframeandtheovendoor outsidethe gasketdo notg
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OPERATING THESELF-CLEANING OVEN (continued) Howto Set Ovenfor Cleaning The self-cleancyclewillautomatically beginafter QuickReminder: “CLEAN’is displayedandthetimeforthecleancycle is set.Thewords“ON’ and“LOCK”willappearinthe 1.PresstheAUTOSELFCLEANpad. displaywhenthedoorautomatically locks.It willnot 2. Pressthe INCREASEor DECREASEpad be possibleto opentheovendooruntilthetemperature untilthe desiredCleanTimeappears. dropsbelowthelocktemperatureandtheLOCKlight goesoff. “ If the ovenis toohot andy