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Introduction This page is intentionally blank. 1-6 Supported Equipment Manual • January, 2006
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Chapter 2 • Terminal Setup Downloading from the WEB The PowerNet Twin Client software package can be downloaded from the Connect web site at http://www.connectrf.com. Click on Partner Services and then click on Software Downloads. Select the file named PowerNet Twin Client for Hand Held Products. Running Setup from a Download File The downloaded file is a compressed archive. After extraction using a utility such as WinZip or PKWARE, folders are created on the hard disk as shown in the f
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Terminal Setup Installation The InstallShield wizard runs and presents the following screen. Click on Next to begin the installation process. To change the default Destination Location, click on Browse and select a location. Then click on Next. 2-2 Supported Equipment Manual • January, 2006
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Terminal Setup The default folder is PowerNet. This default may be changed either by selecting an existing program group or by typing in a new name at the prompt. Then click on Next. When the installation is complete, reboot the system to initialize the Twin Client software. a. To reboot the system immediately, click on Finish. b. To reboot later, click on the option to restart the computer later, and click on Finish. Supported Equipment Manual • January, 2006 2-3
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Terminal Setup Running the Manager The PowerNet Twin Client Manager is the utility that manages the terminal software and configurations. Select Start, Programs, PowerNet, and Twin Client Manager. The PowerNet Twin Client Manager screen appears as shown in the following figure. This is the administrator's main screen, and all functions are accessed from its menu bar, toolbar, and tabs. Menu Bar The menu bar provides access to the functions used to configure the terminals and manage th
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Terminal Setup Quick Start This section describes how to prepare the Twin Client Manager and the Hand Held Products terminal for a Telnet session with the host. Following an initial serial download, the terminal software and configuration are managed automatically over the wireless network. Note: Hand Held Products terminals are normally delivered with Hand Held Products files pre-installed. However, if the terminal does not have those files installed, refer to instructions at the end
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Supported Equipment Manual
for the 7400 and 9500 Computers Manufactured by Hand Held Products
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Copyright © 1996 - 2006 by Connect, Inc. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in full or in part, in any form, without prior written permission of Connect Inc., 1701 Quincy Avenue, Suites 5 & 6, Naperville, IL 60540. Connect, Inc. makes no representation or warranties with respect to the contents of this document and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Further, Connect, Inc. reserves the right to re
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Chapter 1 • Introduction…………............................................................................................1-1 Descriptions………………............................................................................................1-1 Pictures………..…………………. ..................................................................................1-2 Setup Requirements…….. ...........................................................................................1-3 Accessories……………….............
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Terminal Setup Setting the Servers The Servers are the Telnet host systems the terminals will access. To set these addresses from the Settings menu, click on Servers and then click on Add. Enter the name of each server, its IP address and IP port (normally 23 for Telnet servers), and emulation type. Then click on OK. Repeat this step for each Telnet server the terminals are required to access. If an error is made in the name, IP address, IP port number, or terminal emulation type, c
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Terminal Setup The option of Run Airloader on terminal can be selected. The Windows CE options of Run application at startup and Hide task bar can be selected. Also, there is a CE option Use GUI menus and screens that makes the terminal program act more "Windows-like". The Code page setting determines the Windows font code page that will be used on the terminal. The default is zero, which means that the terminal will use the standard Unicode code page. This option is necessary to tur
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Terminal Setup Setting Terminal Model and COM Port To select a specific Hand Held Products terminal model, radio type, or COM port assignment, click on the Options menu as shown. To maintain compatibility with existing Hand Held Products Telnet client keyboard layouts, a specific terminal model must be selected from the Terminal Model window. Saving the Configuration Click on File and Save As. Enter a name for this configuration. For the purposes of this example, the name is
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Terminal Setup Setting Airloader Auto-Configuration The configuration download and IP address assignment for each terminal will take place automatically by setting the Airloader Auto-Configuration options. Click on the Airloader option in the Tools menu. Note: If the Airloader Auto-Configuration window does not display the options, click on Advanced<< button. the If multiple network adapters are installed on the PC, ensure that the desired network adapter is selected. The adapt
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Terminal Setup This powerful software management tool is described in detail in Airloader Auto- Configuration. For now, it is sufficient simply to use it for assignment of the initial terminal configuration and IP address, both of which can be easily changed later. Ensure that all of the check boxes are checked as shown above. To assign terminal IP addresses automatically over the wireless network, check all of the boxes as shown above. Then click on the Addresses button and enter the des
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Dolphin 9500 43-key Terminal ..............................................................................................3-22 Keypad Figures ............................................................................................................3-22 Keypad Table ...............................................................................................................3-26 Dolphin 9500 56-key Terminal ...................................................................................
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Chapter 1 • Introduction Descriptions 7400 TM The Dolphin 7400’s case houses a 206MHz RISC processor and Windows CE operating system that is programmable with standard programming tools, like Microsoft TM ® Windows CE eMbedded Visual Tools,which includes embedded Visual C/C++ and ® eMbedded Visual Basic . The Dolphin 7400 computer is known for its ergonomic shape, lightweight, and single- handed data collection features. It is designed to withstand repeated five-foot drops onto co
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Introduction Pictures 7400 9500 1-2 Supported Equipment Manual • January, 2006
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Setup Requirements Setup Requirements Installation of PowerNet Twin Client requires, at a minimum, the following: • A Pentium-class processor • 32 MB of RAM • 10 MB of free hard disk space available • for the 7400: Microsoft Windows Pocket PC or Windows CE • for the 9500: Microsoft Windows Pocket PC or Windows Mobile Accessories The following accessories are available to use with the Dolphin terminals: TM : • Dolphin HomeBase Dolphin terminal charging andcommunication station, i
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Introduction Release Notes 10/26/2004 The following describes how to disable the native scanner support built into TwinClient for the Hand Held Products CE terminals. The most common use of this would be to allow you to use the Hand Held Products "Scan Wedge" instead of the scanner support built into TwinClient. Note: Using this method will cause the following scan features not to work in TwinClient: Scanner Send Key Scanner Decoder Control Scan Data Editing Scan Data Mapping Scanne
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Release Notes 3. Do a program load and test by hitting the Scan Trigger. If you did this right, the scan trigger WILL NOT turn on the scan beam. 01-31-2005 Release 7.5.1 solves a problem on 95xx's where the default printer may not be COM1. The printer on the 95xx's has been changed from Default to Com1. Supported Equipment Manual • January, 2006 1-5