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Point to Point
Wireless Ethernet Bridge
June, 2007
Revision E 3.0
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Table of Contents Trango Table of Contents Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................................. ii Preface...................................................................................................................................................................iv FCC Information...............................................................................................
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Table of Figures Trango Table of Figures Figure 1: Components of a TrangoLINK-10 System ............................................................................1 Figure 2: Back of Radio (Shows where MAC address can be found)...................................................2 Figure 3: Bottom of Radio.....................................................................................................................2 Figure 4: Wiring Diagram .....................................
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Preface FCC Information Preface This manual covers the basic configuration and installation of the TrangoLINK-10 Wireless Broadband System, and applies to the following radio part numbers: P5830S-MU Master Unit with internal sectoral patch antenna P5830S-RU Remote Unit with internal patch antenna Also available is the TrangoLINK-10-EXT, which does not include an internal antenna. The TrangoLINK-10-EXT consists of a P5830S-MU-EXT and a P5830S-RU-EXT, and must be used in conjunctio
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Overview Warranty Information Chapter 1 Overview Your TrangoLINK-10 system provides the latest innovations in high-speed fixed wireless broadband. TrangoLINK-10 is a point-to-point (PtP) system, which provides network connectivity at speeds up to 10 Mbps with a range of 40 miles depending on the antenna configuration. TrangoLINK-10 operates in the 5.8 GHz ISM In this document, and within the radio configuration itself, the designators of “ISM” and “U-NII” are used to distinguish betw
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Overview Operational Overview The only way to tell MUs and RUs apart is by the model number printed on the backside product label. This label also contains the MAC address and serial number of the radio. Trango Broadband Wireless P5830S-MU Rev. A S/N: 000001421 MAC: 00 01 DE 00 02 F3 FCC ID: NCYM5830SM Canada: XXXXXXXXXX This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC R
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Getting Started Connections and Power Chapter 2 Getting Started First unpack your MU and RU. It is recommended that you first provision and test your the radios on the bench before deploying them in the field. This is a particularly useful exercise for the novice user. Connections and Power Connection and powering of the radios is the same for MUs and RUs. • Connect a Cat-5 (straight through) Ethernet cable (we recommend shielded twisted pair) between the ODU (out door unit) port of t
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Getting Started Basic Configuration - Concepts and Tools Basic Configuration - Concepts and Tools The TrangoLINK-10 can be configured using either the Command Line Interface (CLI), or the Web Browser (HTTP) interface. Although both methods are comprehensive and powerful, the CLI method provides slightly more functionality. Both methods of radio configuration require an understanding of the concept of Operation Mode (Opmode). Opmode Concept Before logging into a radio, it is import
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Getting Started Log into the MU, and the System Information page with info and status appears. The equivalent command for the CLI is sysinfo. This particular System Information page is for a Master Unit, which is evidenced by the model number P5830S-M in the top left. To navigate through the various screens simply click on the underlined hyperlinks on the left hand side of the page. The following describes the primary features and pages of the HTTP Browser interface: Navig
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Getting Started Command Console Page: Runs any console command that is not interactive (i.e. ipconfig). The results are reported back on the HTTP screen. For a complete list of console commands, type "help" in the entry field. Logout Link: This will end the current HTTP session with the radio. Help Page: The Browser Interface features useful Help pages that explain all listed parameters. To access the help pages click on the Help link. For a complete description on the use of
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Getting Started Serial Port TrangoLINK-10 Master Units and remote Units feature a serial port. The serial port is useful in the event that the radio cannot be accessed via TCP/IP (HTTP or Telnet). A Terminal Emulation program (such as HyperTerminal on the Windows operating system) can be used to access the radio’s CLI using the radio’s serial port, which is located behind the RJ- 11 access cover on the bottom of the radio. A serial programming cable has been provided with each
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Configuration Essentials to Establish a Wireless Link Chapter 3 Configuration This section describes how to establish a basic wireless link between the MU and the RU, using the Browser (HTTP) Interface. This section addresses only the most basic steps in establishing a link in the lab, or a bench-top environment. It is highly recommended that you read the other sections of this manual to gain an understanding of all important configuration parameters and procedures prior to deploying
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Configuration Essentials to Establish a Wireless Link Settings IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway: The IP configuration of the radio for configuration and network management purposes. Note that the IP settings in the TrangoLINK-10 are for radio management purposes only. Default Opmode: Operation mode of the radio after a power cycle or reboot. When the radio enters Opmode "ON," it will be transmitting. When the radio enters Opmode "OFF," the radio is not transmitting, but can be
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Configuration Essentials to Establish a Wireless Link Remote Unit Configuration Screen Establish a browser session with the RU. Click on the configuration link and set the following parameters: 1. Set IP, subnet, and gateway. (This is only necessary to manage the radios via TCP/IP.) 2. Set default Opmode to “ON” in the RU. 3. Leave “Auto Scan Master Unit” switch on, or set Active Channel to match MU. 4. Update system setting flash memory by clicking Save and Activate Settings butto
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Configuration Basic Diagnostics Basic Diagnostics Several tools are available on the Link Control page for diagnosing the quality of the wireless link. RF Link Loopback Test: Sends 1600 byte packets to the RU at 50 millisecond intervals over the time specified and reports a bandwidth measure in kbps. Ranging/RSSI Test: Reports the distance of the link, and the RSSI. Power Level Remote Radios: Adjusts the transmit power of the RU to attempt to bring the MU RSSI as close as
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Configuration Basic Diagnostics Master Unit’s System Information An example of the MU’s system information screen along with a description of each of the most important changeable parameters as well as related commands for the CLI are shown in the tables below. Save and Activate Settings Note: When changing settings, it is necessary to click in order to update the radio’s flash memory. If you do not, the setting will be lost the next time the radio is rebooted. Trang
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Configuration Basic Diagnostics Table 1: Reference Table of Master Unit System Information Parameters Parameter Description Associated Page and Notes Hardware Version Hardware version is factory-set and cannot be Permanent with Hardware changed by user. See website for latest FPGA firmware and FPGA Version and This parameter provides information about the release notes. Checksum current FPGA firmware loaded in the radio. Firmware Version The Firmware version is the initial four See
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Configuration Basic Diagnostics Parameter Description Associated Page and Notes set mir [ ] Downstream Current throughput from Master Unit to Informational Parameter Throughput Remote Unit. Informational Parameter Upstream Current throughput from Remote Unit to Throughput Master Unit. Active Channel Current RF channel and polarization (v)ertical or Configuration page (h)orizontal. CLI Command: freq RF RX Threshold
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Configuration Remote Unit System Information Remote Unit System Information Log into the RU and the System Information page will appear. The user can change many of these parameters. Note: When changing settings, it is usually necessary to click the Save and Activate Settings Button in order to update the radio’s flash memory. If you do not, the setting will be lost the next time the radio is rebooted or power cycled. Table 2: Reference Table of Remote Unit System Information
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Configuration Remote Unit System Information Parameter Description Associated Page and Notes match the RU’s RSSI Target setting. The user does not manually set the RU’s transmit power. RF RX Threshold Specifies the receiver sensitivity of the radio. Advanced page This user-changeable parameter is a powerful CLI Command: tool that is useful for mitigating the effects of rfrxth <-90|-85|-80|-75|-70|-65> interference. The radio will not process any signals receieved that are w