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Octal T1-10/100 RIOP
Installation Guide
Compatible Systems Corporation
4730 Walnut Street
Suite 102
Boulder, Colorado 80301
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Octal T1-10/100 RIOP Installation Guide, Version 1.0 Copyright© 1999, Compatible Systems Corporation All rights reserved. VSR, VSR-2, MicroRouter and CompatiView are trademarks of Compatible Systems Corporation. Other trademarks are the property of their respective holders. FCC Notice: This product has been certified to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device, pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules. It is designed to provide reasonable protection against radio or tele
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Table of Contents Introduction to the Octal T1-10/100 RIOP 1 Chapter 1 - Network Installation 2 Connecting the Octal T1-10/100 to the Ethernet 2 Connecting the Octal T1-10/100 to a T1 Line 2 Connecting a Management Console 3 Powering Up the Router 3 Chapter 2 - Quickstart Instructions 4 ETHERNET INTERFACE CONFIGURATION 4 IP Protocol 4 Required for IP 4 Suggested for IP 4 IPX Protocol 5 Required for IPX 5 Suggested for IPX 5 AppleTalk Protocol 5 Required for AppleTalk 5 Suggested for AppleTalk 5
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Table of Contents IP Protocol 8 Required for IP Numbered Interface 8 Required for IP Unnumbered Interface 8 Suggested for IP 8 IPX Protocol 9 Required for IPX 9 Suggested for IPX 9 AppleTalk Protocol 9 Required for AppleTalk 9 Suggested for AppleTalk 9 DECnet Protocol 9 Required for DECnet 9 SMDS Configuration 10 WAN Link Configuration 10 SMDS Addressing 10 SAVING A CONFIGURATION FILE TO FLASH ROM 10 Chapter 3 - Shipping Defaults 11 Ethernet Interface 11 IP Routing Defaults 11 IPX Routing Defaul
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Introduction to the Octal T1-10/100 RIOP 1 Introduction to the Octal T1-10/100 RIOP The Octal T1-10/100 Routing Input/Output Processor (RIOP), as part of the VSR multigigabit switching router, allows you to connect a local Ethernet and up to eight remote corporate networks. Each of the T1 interfaces has a data capacity of 1.544 Mbps, while the Ethernet interface can operate at either 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps. This section of the manual contains information specific to the Octal T1-10/100 RIOP.
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Chapter 1 - Network Installation 2 Chapter 1 - Network Installation Octal T1-10/100 RIOP Front Panel This section of the manual will help you install the Octal T1-10/100 RIOP to connect a local Ethernet and up to eight remote corporate networks. These connections can be made to other Compatible Systems devices or internetworking equipment from other vendors. In summary, the steps for installation are: 1. After mounting the router or placing on a desktop, make sure it is not connected to any
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Chapter 1 - Network Installation 3 Note: The Octal T1-10/100 RIOP includes loopback features which can be used to check the functionality of your T1 lines. Before attempting to route network traffic, use these features to check each line’s basic integrity. Connecting a Management Console If you wish to connect an out-of-band management console, use the supplied DB-25 male to DB-25 female console cable and connect to the Console interface on the Octal T1-10/100 RIOP. You can use a dumb
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Chapter 2 - Quickstart Instructions 4 Chapter 2 - Quickstart Instructions This Quickstart chapter briefly discusses the major parameters that must be set in order to use the Octal T1-10/100 RIOP as part of your VSR multigigabit switching router. Detailed information on the meaning of the router’s parameters is provided in the Compa- tiView Management Software Reference Guide and the Text-Based Configuration and Command Line Management Reference Guide. You should use this list as a starting
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Chapter 2 - Quickstart Instructions 5 IP static routes CV: Use the TCP/IP Routing: Ethernet 0 Dialog Box to set RIP, and the IP Static Routing Dialog Box (under Global/IP Static Routes) to set static routes. OSPF can only be configured using text-based configuration. TB: Use configure and set either the RIPVersion keyword or the OSPFEnabled keyword for the IP Ethernet 0 section. Use edit config and add static routes in the IP Static section. IPX Protocol Required for IPX Generally, ther
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Chapter 2 - Quickstart Instructions 6 WAN Interface Configuration The default setting for all WAN interfaces on your Octal T1-10/100 RIOP is Off for all proto- cols and for the link configuration. In order to use a WAN interface, you may first need to set some physical parameters and then set up the link and protocol parameters. T1 Physical Communications Settings Required for Dedicated Line Operation No changes from the default values are required for standard operation over a T1 line. The
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Chapter 2 - Quickstart Instructions 7 TB: Use configure and set either the RIPVersion keyword or the OSPFEnabled keyword in the IP WAN 0 (and/or any other port you wish to configure) section. Add static routes and a default router using the edit config IP Static command. Note: Due to the complexity of BGP, configuration parameters for BGP are not given in this Quickstart. For help with BGP configuration parameters, and other configuration questions, refer to the Tech Support pages on the
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Chapter 2 - Quickstart Instructions 8 TB: Use configure and then set the Mode and ConnectMode keywords in the Link Config WAN 0 (and/or any other port you wish to configure) section. Suggested for Dedicated Line Operation Dedicated line operation generally does not require additional parameters for operation. Frame Relay DLCI Mappings If you are connecting to another Compatible Systems router, this information is not required for Frame Relay operation. Compatible Systems uses IARP (Inverse A
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Chapter 2 - Quickstart Instructions 9 Box (under Global/IP Static Routes) to set static routes. OSPF and BGP can only be config- ured using text-based configuration. TB: Use configure and set either the RIPVersion keyword or the OSPFEnabled keyword in the IP WAN 0 (and/or any other port you wish to configure) section. Add static routes and a default router using the edit config IP Static command. Note: Due to the complexity of BGP, configuration parameters for BGP are not given in this Q
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Chapter 2 - Quickstart Instructions 10 WAN interfaces which are set for Frame Relay operation do not need any additional parame- ters set in order to function. Set DECnet on (globally, and for this port) CV: Use the DECnet Routing Dialog Box (under Global/DECnet Routing) and the DECnet: WAN Dialog Box. TB: Use configure and set the Mode keyword in the DECnet WAN 0 (and/or any other port you wish to configure) section. Note: Setting DECnet on for any port with the command line also sets D
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Chapter 3 - Shipping Defaults 11 Chapter 3 - Shipping Defaults Ethernet Interface IP Routing Defaults On Address: Subnet Mask: Broadcast Address: IP RIP off IPX Routing Defaults 802.3 on, autoseeding 802.2 on, autoseeding Type II on, nonseeding 802.2 SNAP on, nonseeding AppleTalk Routing Defaults Phase 1 off Phase 2 on, autoseeding DECnet Defaults Off WAN 0 Interface IP Defaults On Unnumbered interface RIP off Van Jacobson
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Chapter 3 - Shipping Defaults 12 IPX Defaults On Unnumbered interface AppleTalk Defaults On Unnumbered interface DECnet Defaults Off T1 CSU/DSU Defaults Full T1 Slave clock B8ZS encoding ESF framing PRM transmit Accept V.54 or line loopback commands from remote WAN 1 - 7 Interfaces IP Defaults Off IPX Defaults Off AppleTalk Defaults Off DECnet Defaults Off T1 CSU/DSU Defaults Off
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Chapter 4 - LED Patterns 13 Chapter 4 - LED Patterns Some of the LEDs on the front of the VSR multigigabit switching router serve dual functions. In addition to indicating certain router-wide operating conditions, they may also display port- specific information. Note: Any continuous flashing pattern not noted in this chapter may be caused by a hard- ware failure. Please call Compatible Systems Technical Support if your router shows a hard- ware failure. Router LED Patterns The followin
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Chapter 4 - LED Patterns 14 Octal T1-10/100 RIOP LED Patterns The following LEDs and light patterns provide information about the Octal T1-10/100 RIOP interfaces. Ethernet Traffic Indicators Scan from 1 to 3: Ethernet transmit packet Scan from 5 to 3: Ethernet receive packet T1 Indicators Tx - WAN transmit packet Rx - WAN receive packet Alarm L - An internal T1 CSU/DSU is detecting a line error and sending a yellow alarm. Alarm R - An internal T1 CSU/DSU is receiving a telephone company yel