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Twin WAN DNS IP VPN Gateway
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Table of Contents Introduction 4 Features 5 Physical Details 7 Basic Setup 9 Configuring your LAN 10 Connecting Broadband Modems 12 XC-DPG603 Configuring for Interent Access 13 → Twin WAN DNS IP Configuring your LAN PCs 14 VPN Gateway Advanced Port 16 Port Options 17 Load Balance 18 Advanced PPPoE 19 Advanced PPTP 20 Advanced Setup 21 Host IP Setup 22 Virtual Server 23 Custom Virtual Server 24 Special Applications 25 Dynamic DNS 26 Multi DMZ 27 UPnP 27 Advanced Features 28 Security Management
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Table of Contents QoS Configuration 33 VPN Configuration 34 IPSec Global Setting 35 Policy Setup 36 DNS Configuration 38 Domain Name Server Configuration 40 Map Host URL 42 Management Assistant 43 SNMP 43 Email Alert 43 Syslog 44 Upgrade Firmware 45 Operation & Status 47 System Status 47 Restore Factory Defaults 48 WAN Status 48 LAN Status 48 Advanced LAN Configuration 49 Existing DHCP Server 49 Static Routing 50 Appendices 52 Appendix A 52 Appendix B 53 Appendix C 56 3
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Chapter 1 - Introduction The XiNCOM XC-DPG603 is a revolutionary DNS to IP VPN Gateway that provides advanced networking services most commonly found in enterprise class infrastructures at a fraction of the cost. XiNCOM tailors these services with innovative features such as inbound/outbound load balancing, auto-failover, and a built-in VPN endpoint. The XC-DPG603’s primary features are full VPN Load Balancing with Automatic Failover and the Authorative DNS fucntion with Inbound Load Balanci
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Features Built-in VPN Endpoint Figure 1. How it works Full VPN Endpoint with support for up to 50 VPN tunnels using the IPsec encryption protocol. 1 A client computer makes a request to access www.(yourdomain).com. Authoritative DNS to IP Gateway 2 The request goes to the ISP’s DNS The XC-DPG603 is an authoritative DNS to IP gateway that resolves a domain name to its respective IP server and the DNS server replies addresses. This new capability allows for inbound failover and load balancing
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Features Other Features: DNS Configuration DHCP Server Support This sets the inbound load balancing features for the XC-DPG603. Users have to Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol provides a dynamic IP address to PCs and other construct a DNS server in order to enable the inbound load balancing cababilities. devices upon request. The XC-DPG603 can act as a DHCP Server for devices on your local LAN. Map Host URL In addition to the DNS configuration, Map Host URL allows for users to select a URL to
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Physical Details Front Panel: Twin WAN DNS IP VPN Gateway XC-DPG603 Operation of the Front Panel LEDs is as follows: System: Power OFF - No Power. ON - Normal Operation Status OFF - Normal Operation ON - Firmware not loaded or Hardware Error Blinking - Data in/out WAN: LINK/ACT ON - Physical connection to the Broadband modem on WAN port 1/2 established. OFF - No physical connection on WAN port 1/2. 10M/100M ON - Physical connection using 100BaseT on WAN port 1/2 established. OFF - 10BaseT con
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Physical Details Front Panel Status and Error conditions LED Action Condition WAN1 LINK/ACT & 10M/100M LEDs flash alternatively. Firmware Download in progress. WAN1 LINK/ACT & 10M/100M LEDs flash concurrently. MAC address not assigned. WAN1 LINK/ACT & 10M/100M LEDs solid On SDRAM error WAN2 LINK/ACT & 10M/100M LEDs solid On Timer/Interrupt error LAN1 LINK/ACT & 10M/100M LEDs solid On LAN/WAN error Rear Panel: DC 5V WAN2 Reset LAN Ports WAN1 LAN Ports Connect the PCs to these ports. Both 10BaseT an
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Chapter 2 - Basic Setup XC-DPG603 → Twin WAN DNS IP VPN Gateway Overview Chapter Contents Basic setup of your XC-DPG603 wil involve the following steps: • Overview • Procedure 1. Connect the XC-DPG603 to one (1) PC and configure it to your existing LAN. 1. Configuring your LAN 2. Connecting one or two Broadband Modems to your XC-DPG603. 2. Connecting Broadband Modems 3. Configuring the XC-DPG603 for Interent Access. 3. Configuring for Internet Access 4. Configuring all PCs on your LAN to use the
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Configuring the XC-DPG603 for your LAN Figure 1. Password Dialog a Procedure 1. Use a standard LAN cable to connect your PC to any LAN port on the XC-DPG603. 2. Connect the power adapter and power up the XC-DPG603. Only use the power adapter provided with the product; using a different one may cause hardware damage. 3. Start your PC or restart your PC if it is already running. Once restarted, the PC will then obtain an IP address from the XC-DPG603. 4. Start your WEB browser. 5. In the Address
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Configuring the XC-DPG603 for your LAN Figure 3. LAN & DHCP Ensure these settings are suitable for your LAN: • The default settings are suitable for many situations. • See the following table for details of each setting. This is the IP address for the XC-DPG603 when seen from the local LAN. Use the defualt value unless the address is already in use or your LAN is using a different IP addres range. In the latter case, enter an unused IP Address from within the range used by you LAN DPG603 is att
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Connecting two broadband modems Figure 4. Installation Diagram for XC-DPG603 a Procedure DC 5V WAN2 Reset LAN Ports WAN1 1. Ensure the XC-DPG603 and the DSL/Cable modem are powered OFF. Leave the modem or modems connected to their data line. 2. Connect the Broadband modem(s) to the XC-DPG603. If using only one (1) Broadband modem, connect it to the “WAN 1” port. Broadband Modem Broadband Modem 3. Use standard LAN cables to connect PCs to the LAN ports on the XC-DPG603. Both 10BaseT and 100BaseT
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Configuring for Internet Access Figure 5. Primary Setup Screen Select Primary Setup from the menu. 1. Configure WAN 1 and/or WAN 2 as required. 2. For any of the following situations, refer to Chapter 3: Advanced Port Setup for any further configuration which may be required such as: • Using both ports • Multiple IP addresses on either port • Multiple PPPoE sessions • PPTP connection method Settings - Primary Setup Connection Mode Select the appropriate setting: • Enable – Select this if you have
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Configure PCs on your LAN Overview For Windows XP 1. Select Start Menu > Control Panel > Network and Internet Connections. For each PC, the following may need to be configured: 2. Select Set up or change your Internet Connection. TCP/IP network settings 3. Select the Connection tab, and click the Setup button. Internet Access configuration 4. Cancel the pop-up Location Information screen. 5. Click Next on the New Connection Wizard screen. TCP/IP Settings 6. Select Connect to the Internet and click
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Configure PCs on your LAN For Apple Clients 1. Open the TCP/IP Control Panel. 2. Select Ethernet from the Connect via pop-up menu. 3. Select Using DHCP Server from the Configure pop-up menu. The DHCP Client ID field can be left blank. 4. Close the TCP/IP panel, saving your settings. Note: If using manually assigned IP addresses instead of DHCP, the required changes are: • Set the Router Address field to the XC-DPG02’s IP Address. • Ensure your DNS settings are correct. For Linux Clients To acces
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Chapter 3 - Advanced Port XC-DPG603 → Twin WAN DNS IP VPN Gateway Chapter Contents • Overview Overview • Port Options • Load Balance Port Options contains some options which can be set on either or both WAN ports. For most situations, the • Advanced PPPoE default values are satisfactory. • Advanced PPTP Load Balance screen is only functional if you are using both WAN ports. It allows you to determine the proportion of WAN traffic sent through each port. Advanced PPPoE setup is require
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Port Options Figure 6. Port Options Connection Validation PPPoE / PPtP Connection Options Transparent Bridge Mode Health Check Auto Dialup Bridge Mode Use this field to select the type of connection validation When set to Enable a connection will be established When set to Enable, this WAN port does not use NAT & to perform. When set to ICMP, the XC-DPG603 sends whenever outgoing WAN traffic is detected. If not Load Balance function when LAN/WAN IP have the real out ICMP echo requests. When se
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Load Balance Figure 7. Load Balance Console Configuring Load Balancing The Twin WAN line of products uses a session based Load Balancing algorithm by allowing you to manage sessions using several different options: Bytes rx+tx By monitoring real time speed of both WAN connections, the XC-DPG603 will establish new sessions on the WAN port with the lower speed. Use this if there is a fairly even speed on both lines and would like to benefit the most from the speed available. Packets rx+tx Same
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Advanced PPPoE Figure 8. Advanced PPPoE The screen is required in order to use multiple PPPoE sessions on the same WAN port. It can also be used to manually connect or disconnect a PPPoE session. Settings - Advanced PPPoE WAN Port Select the desired Port and Session, then click the “Select” button. The data for the selected Port/Session will then be displayed in the PPPoE Session WAN IP Account section. WAN IP Account • User Name – Enter the PPPoE user name assigned by your ISP. • Password
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Advanced PPTP Figure 9. Advanced PPTP Settings - Advanced PPTP WAN Port Select the desired Port and click the “Select” button. The data for the selected Port will then be displayed in the WAN IP Account section. WAN IP Account • User Name – The PPTP user name (login name) assigned by your ISP. • Password – This field is associated with the User Name above. This is assigned by your ISP and used to login to the PPTP Server. • Verify Password – Re-enter the PPTP password assigned by your ISP. • IP