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Platform Notes: The Sun™
GigabitEthernet Device Driver
Solaris™ 7
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
901 San Antonio Road
Palo Alto, CA 94303-4900
Part No.: 805-7945-10
March 1999, Revision A
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Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, California 94303-4900 U.S.A. All rights reserved. This product or document is protected by copyright and distributed under licenses restricting its use, copying, distribution, and decompilation. No part of this product or document may be reproduced in any form by any means without prior written authorization of Sun and its licensors, if any. Third-party software, including font technology, is copyrighted and licensed from Su
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Contents 1. Installing and Configuring thege Device Driver 1 Installing the Driver Software 1 ▼ To Install the Driver Software 1 ▼ Set Up the Software on Solaris Systems 2 Configuring the Driver Parameters 4 GigabitEthernet MAC 4 Driver Parameter Values and Definitions 5 Defining the Current Status 6 Flow Control Parameters 6 Interpacket Gap Parameters 7 Defining an Additional Delay Before Transmitting a Packet Using lance_mode andipg0 7 Operational Mode Parameters 8 Reporting Local PCS Capabili
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▼ To Use thendd Utility in Non-Interactive Mode 12 ▼ To Use thendd Utility in Interactive Mode 12 ▼ To View thege Driver Parameters 12 Autonegotiation Mode 13 ▼ To Set Autonegotiation to Off (Forced Mode) 13 Setting Parameters Using thege.conf File 14 Understanding thege.conf File 14 ▼ To Set Parameters Using thege.conf File on an SBus adapter 15 ▼ To Set Parameters Using thege.conf File on a PCI adapter 16 Network Configuration 16 ▼ To Configure the Host Files 16 ▼ To Set Up a Diskless Client o
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Installing and Configuring thege Device Driver These Platform Notes include instructions for installing and configuring the software used by the Sun GigabitEthernet adapter. It also contains information for configuring the network. Unless otherwise noted, all instructions apply to both the Sun GigabitEthernet/P adapter and the Sun GigabitEthernet/S adapter. The document is organized as follows: ■ Installing the Driver Software ■ Configuring the Driver Parameters ■ Setting ge Driver Parameters ■
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2. Use the prtconf -pv command to determine if the system already contains a GigabitEthernet (ge) device. For Sun GigabitEthernet/S: # prtconf -pv | grep SUNW,sbus-gem compatible: ’SUNW,sbus-gem’ model: ’SUNW,sbus-gem’ For Sun GigabitEthernet/P: # prtconf -pv | grep SUNW,pci-gem model: ’SUNW,pci-gem’ 3. Install the software. ■ If your system contains a ge device, install the software as described in the Solaris 7 3/99 Sun Hardware Platform Guide. ■ If your system does not contain a ge device, sh
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2. Use the grep command to search the /etc/path_to_inst file for ge instances. For Sun GigabitEthernet/P: # grep ge /etc/path_to_inst “/pci@1f,4000/pci@1/network@1” 1 “ge” For Sun GigabitEthernet/S: # grep ge /etc/path_to_inst “/sbus@1f,0/network@1,100000” 1 “ge” In these examples, the 0 instance is for the first GigabitEthernet adapter installed in each system. 3. Set up each hostname.genum file to correspond with each ge device in the path_to_inst file. The following example shows the /etc/hos
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Configuring the Driver Parameters This section provides an overview of the capabilities of the GigabitEthernet ASIC used in the adapters, lists the available ge driver parameters, and describes how to configure these parameters. The ge driver controls the Sun GigabitEthernet adapter devices. The Sun GigabitEthernet device is identified as network with the model property SUNW,sbus-gem or SUNW,pci-gem node. The ge driver is attached to the device with the compatible propertypci108e,2bad for the Su
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Driver Parameter Values and Definitions TABLE 1 describes the parameters and settings for the ge driver. TABLE 1 ge Driver Parameters, Status, and Descriptions Parameter Status Description link_status Read only Defines the current status link_speed Read only Defines the current status link_mode Read only Defines the current status ipg1 Read and write Interpacket gap parameter ipg2 Read and write Interpacket gap parameter instance Read and write Device instance lance_mode Read and write Enable ad
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Defining the Current Status The read-only parameters described in TABLE 2 explain the operational mode of the interface. Based on the value of these parameters, you can determine the current status of a link. TABLE 2 Read-Only Parameters Defining the Current Status Parameter Values and Description link_status Current link status 0 = Link down 1 = Link up link_speed Valid only if the link is up 0 = Link is not up 1000 = 1000 Mbps link_mode Valid only if the link is up 0 = Half duplex 1 = Full dup
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Interpacket Gap Parameters The GEM ASIC supports the programmable Interpacket Gap (IPG) parameters ipg1 and ipg2. The total IPG is the sum of ipg1 and ipg2: 0.096 microseconds for the link speed of 1000 Mbps. TABLE 4 lists the default values and allowable values for the IPG parameters, ipg1 and ipg2. TABLE 4 Read-Write Interpacket Gap Parameter Values and Descriptions Parameter Values Description (Byte-time) ipg1 0, 255 ipg1 = 8 (default at initialization) ipg2 0, 255 ipg2 = 4 (default at initia
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TABLE 5 defines the lance_mode and ipg0 parameters. TABLE 5 Parameters Defining lance_mode and ipg0 Parameter Values and Descriptions lance_mode 0= lance_mode disabled 1= lance_mode enabled (default) ipg0 0 to 30 = Additional IPG before transmitting a packet (after receiving a packet) Operational Mode Parameters TABLE 6 describes the operational mode parameters and their default values. TABLE 6 Operational Mode Parameters Parameter Values and Description adv_1000autoneg_cap Local PCS capability
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Reporting Local PCS Capabilities TABLE 7 describes the read-only PCS capabilities that GEM PCS supports. These parameters define the capabilities of the hardware. TABLE 7 Read-Only PCS Capabilities Parameter Description (Local PCS Capabilities) 1000autoneg_cap 0 = Not capable of autonegotiation 1 = Autonegotiation capable 1000fdx_cap Local PCS Full Duplex capability 0 = Not 1000 Mbits/sec full-duplex capable 1 = 1000 Mbits/sec full-duplex capable 1000hdx_cap Local PCS Half Duplex capability 0 =
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TABLE 8 Read-Only Link Partner Capabilities (Continued) Parameter Description lp_1000hdx_cap 0 = No 1000 Mbits/sec half duplex transmission 1 = 1000 Mbits/sec half duplex lp_asm_dir_cap 0 = Not Asymmetric Pause capable 1 = Asymmetric Pause toward link partner capability lp_pause_cap 0 = Not Symmetric Pause capable 1 = Symmetric Pause capable If the link partner is not capable of autonegotiation (whenlp_1000autoneg_cap is 0) the remaining information described in TABLE 8 is not relevant and the p
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▼ To Specify the Device Instance for the ndd Utility Before you use the ndd utility to get or set a parameter for a ge device, you must specify the device instance for the utility. 1. Check the /etc/path_to_inst file to identify the instance associated with a particular device. For Sun GigabitEthernet/P: # grep ge /etc/path_to_inst “/pci@4,4000/network@4” 2 “ge” “/pci@6,2000/network@1” 1 “ge” “/pci@4,2000/network@1” 0 “ge” In this example, the three GigabitEthernet instances are from the adapter
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▼ To Use the ndd Utility in Non-Interactive Mode This section describes how to modify and to display parameter values. 1. To modify a parameter value, use the -set option. If you invoke the ndd utility with the -set option, the utility passes value, which must be specified down to the named /dev/ge driver instance, and assigns it to the parameter: # ndd -set /dev/ge parameter value 2. To display the value of a parameter, specify the parameter name (and omit the value). When you omit the -set opt
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● To list all the parameters supported by the ge driver, type ndd /dev/ge \?. (See TABLE 1 through TABLE 8 for parameter descriptions.) # ndd /dev/ge \? ? (read only) link_status (read only) link_speed (read only) link_mode (read only) ipg1 (read and write) ipg2 (read and write) instance (read and write) lance_mode (read an
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2. Set adv_1000autoneg_cap to 0. Setting Parameters Using the ge.conf File You can also specify the properties described in this section on a per-device basis by creating a ge.conf file in the /kernel/drv directory. Use a ge.conf file when you need to set a particular parameter for a device in the system. The parameters you set are read and write parameters that are listed in “Driver Parameter Values and Definitions” on page 5. The man pages for prtconf (1M) and driver.conf (4) include additiona
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Note – The “name” property in the ge.conf file should be the same value as the “compatible” property. In this case, the value is SUNW,sbus-gem. See page 7 for more information about the .properties file. For Sun GigabitEthernet/P: To identify a PCI device unambiguously in the ge.conf file, use the name, parent name, and the unit-address for the device. Refer to the pci(4) man page for more information about the PCI device specification. In the first line of the previous example: ■ Name = pci108e
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▼ To Set Parameters Using the ge.conf File on a PCI adapter 1. Set the ipg1 and ipg2 parameters for the above devices in the kernel/drv/ge.conf file. name=”pci108e,2bad” parent=”/pci@4,4000” unit-address=”4” ipg1=20 ipg2=10; name=”pci108e,2bad” parent=”/pci@6,2000” unit-address=”1” ipg1=20 ipg2=10; name=”pci108e,2bad” parent=”/pci@4,2000” unit-address=”1” ipg1=20 ipg2=10; 2. Save the ge.conf file. 3. Save and close all files and programs, and exit the windowing system. 4. Halt and reboot the sys