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User Guide
AS/400 File Transfer Utility
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PROHIBITED USES ================ You may not: * Make the Software available to any person or entity other than Your employees, who must use the Software as specified above. You may, however, after written notification to NLynx, transfer all (but not a lesser portion) of the Software and related manuals to another person or entity, who in turn will be subject to this Agreement. * Modify the Software or merge it with another program. Any modified or merged portion of the Software is subject to t
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LIMITED WARRANTY ================= NLynx warrants that, upon delivery by NLynx, the diskettes or other media on which the Software is distributed will be free from defects in materials for a period of 90 days. The Software itself IS LICENSED TO YOU ON AN "AS IS" BASIS. If the diskette or other media fails to comply with the warranty set forth above, NLynx will replace the diskette or other media. You must, however, return all copies of the Software; along with a copy of Your paid invoice, to N
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Legal Notices This document is for use with the NLynx Technologies ETU/400 product. No part of this document may be copied in any form or by any means without prior written consent of NLynx Technologies. All software, firmware and downloadable operating code described herein or used by the products described herein are copyrighted by and shall remain the property of NLynx Technologies. All drawings, schematics and artwork used in the manufacture of products described herein are copyrighted. Repr
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PREFACE This manual is intended for users of the ETU 400 Emulator Transfer Utility. It assumes the reader has a basic working knowledge of the IBM AS/400, the IBM Personal Computer or Personal System/2, and the operation of software for emulation of the IBM 5251 Model 11 or Model 12 workstations on the IBM Personal Computer. We recommend the user read, and have available for reference, the following publications: • AS/400 Languages: RPG/400 Reference Manual, SC0 -1089 • AS/400 Programming: Con
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About This Guide Use this guide to install and run ETU 400 on the IBM AS/400 host computer. Who Should Use This Guide? All users of ETU, from the beginning user of the AS/400 to the most advanced user, should refer to this guide. ETU interfaces directly with the 5251 emulation software running on your microcomputer, whether it's an IBM PC, an Apple Mac or a UNIX workstation. This guide assumes that you have a working knowledge of your microcomputer and the emulation software that resides on it.
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Legal Notices v © 2000 NLynx Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. v PREFACE v Trademark Recognition. vi About This Guide vii Who Should Use This Guide? vii How This Guide is Organized vii INTRODUCTION 1-1 Welcome to ETU 1-2 What ETU Can Do for You 1-2 Inventory Checklist 1-3 Security Considerations 1-3 Hardware and Software Requirements 1-4 Hardware Requirements 1-4 Software Requirements 1-4 Features of Version 5.02 1-5 Features of Version 5.041 1-6 Features of Version 5.5 1-7 Features of Ver
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USING ETU 3-1 About This Chapter 3-2 Starting ETU 3-3 A Note About User Authorization 3-3 The ETU Main Menu 3-4 The ETU Utilities Menu 3-5 The ETU Commands 3-6 Main Menu: File Transfer Commands 3-6 Main Menu: ETU Power Commands 6 Utilities Menu: Microcomputer Commands 6 Utilities Menu: File Translation Commands 6 Utilities Menu: Translation Table Commands 6 Running ETU Commands 3-7 Using the Menu 3-7 Entering Commands on the Command Line 3-7 Using the Command Prompts 3-8 Using Mac Directory Dial
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5-1 Transferring Files 3 6-1 Translating Files 3 7-1 Working with PC Functions 3 8-1 Modifying Translation Tables 3 9-1 Advanced ETU Features 3 TRANSFERRING FILES 5-1 About This Chapter 5-2 Transferring Data Files 5-3 Transferring Data Files From Host to a Microcomputer: 5-3 FROM3XB Example 5-3 Transferring Data Files From a Microcomputer to the Host: 5-5 The TO3XB Command 5-5 TO3XB Example 5-6 Transferring Print Files 5-7 Transferring a Host Spool File to a PC Print File: 5-7 About Host Spool F
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RENAMEB Example 7-3 Figure 7-1 The RENAMEB prompt screen 7-3 Allocate a Micro File: 7-4 The ALOCATB Command 7-4 ALOCATB Example 7-4 Delete an Existing File: 7-5 The DELETEB Command 7-5 DELETEB Example 7-6 Test for the Existence of a Micro File: 7-7 The TESTB Command 7-7 TESTB Example 7-7 MODIFYING TRANSLATION TABLES 8-1 About This Chapter 8-2 About Translation Tables 8-3 Modifying a Translation Table 8-4 Make a Copy of the Original Table 8-5 Editing the Translation Table 8-5 Translation Table Re
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Saving Request Definitions 9-20 Re-using Request Definitions 9-20 Performing Batch Transfers 9-22 Batch Transfer – Example 9-23 Time and Date Scheduling 9-24 Time and Date Scheduling – Example 9-25 ETU COMMAND REFERENCE 10-1 ALOCATB Command 10-2 DELETEB Command 10-3 EDITTABLE Command 10-4 EDTUDF Command 10-6 EDTUDF Notes 10-7 FROM3XB Command 10-8 FROM3XB Notes 10-11 PCFROMPC Command 10-12 PCTOPC Command 10-14 PGMFROM3XB Command 10-16 PGMTO3XB Command 10-17 PRTFROM3X Command 10-18 PRTTO3X Command
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TESTB Command 10-47 TO3XB Command 10-48 VWSAVRQS Command 10-52 VWSAVRQS Notes 10-52 XLATEFROM Command 10-54 XLATETO Command 10-57 A-1 Inside ETU 10-61 B-1 ETU Compatibility 10-61 C-1 Creating DDS Specifications 10-61 D-1 Creating F & I Specifications 10-61 E-1 ETU Error Messages 10-61 F-1 EBCDIC/ASCII Printable Characters 10-61 G-1 System/36-mode Commands 10-61 H-1 International Translational Tables 10-61 GLOSSARY 10-61 INDEX 10-61 Appendix A A-1 INSIDE ETU A-1 About This Chapter A-2 Edi
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Creating DDS Specifications C-3 APPENDIX D D-1 CREATING F&I SPECIFICATIONS D-1 About This Appendix D-2 Creating F & I Specifications D-3 Appendix E E-1 ERROR MESSAGES: NATIVE MODE E-1 About This Appendix E-2 USR MESSAGES: E-3 TRANSFER PROBLEMS: E-4 USER MESSAGES: E-5 CPF MESSAGES: E-15 SYS MESSAGES: E-19 OCL PROBLEMS E-21 Appendix F F-1 ASCII-EBCDIC PRINTABLE CHARACTERS F-1 About This Appendix F-2 This appendix lists the ASCII and EBCDIC characters and their hexadecimal equivalents. Use this tab
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FILEFRPC Procedure G-10 FILETOPC Procedure G-13 LIBRFRPC Procedure G-15 LIBRTOPC Procedure G-18 PRNTFRPC Procedure G-21 PRNTTOPC Procedure G-23 RENAME Function G-25 TESTFILE Procedure G-26 XLT36FIL Procedure G-27 XLT36PRT Procedure G-29 XLTPCFIL Procedure G-31 XLTPCPRT Procedure G-33 Appendix H H-1 INTERNATIONAL TRANSLATION TABLES H-1 Installing International Translation Table H-2 Appendix I I-1 ETU AUTOMATION I-1 ETU400 Automation I-1 AUTOMATION MECHANISMS I-2 SBMBATXFER I-2 SBMSCHJOB I-2 ETU T
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Part One Getting Started “Getting Started” is intended for all users of ETU. It describes how to install and how to use ETU. If you are new to ETU, you will be introduced to concepts and terms that will help you master it. 2-1 Installing ETU 3-1 Using ETU 4-1 Learning About ETU 0
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Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Welcome to ETU What ETU Can Do For You Inventory Checklist Security Considerations Hardware and Software Requirements Hardware Requirements Software Requirements Features of Versions Notes to Mac Users Compatibility with Non-NLynx ES32 products Native Mode and System/36 Mode 1-1
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Welcome to ETU ETU is a host software package that allows you to transfer files between an IBM AS/400 host computer and one or more microcomputers that are emulating an IBM 5250 display station. What ETU Can Do for You The purpose of ETU is twofold: to transfer data and to translate data. Data transfer entails the movement of data between two systems. Data translation changes the way the data is represented or stored so that the same data can be used by two different systems. More specificall
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Inventory Checklist In addition to this manual, the following items are included in your ETU package: One of the following sets of storage media containing the ETU software: six 5.25-inch diskettes' one reel-to-reel tape, one tape cartridge, or one CDROM. If this item is missing, contact NLynx Customer Service at 888-NLynx67 from 8:30 to 5:30 Central Standard Time. Security Considerations When you first receive ETU, there are some functions that can only be performed by the system securit
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Hardware and Software Requirements The host and microcomputer hardware and software required by ETU are described below. Hardware Requirements In order to run ETU, you must have the following hardware components: • IBM AS/400 and one of the following: • IBM PC, IBM PS/2, or compatible; • Apple Mac System 8.0 to OSX. Software Requirements The AS/400 requires: • Operating System/400, Version 1 Release 3, or higher; • Source Entry Utility (SEU). NOTE: You must specify if your machine i