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Intelligent Services Access Manager
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The Alcatel-Lucent 7330 Intelligent Services Access Manager (ISAM) Fiber-to-the-Node (FTTN) takes the best of Alcatel-Lucent’s DSL developments, and provides a unique set of capabilities that enables you to deliver the most competitive triple play service offerings. Building on Alcatel-Lucent’s leadership in broadband access, the Alcatel-Lucent 7330 ISAM FTTN addresses your growing requirement for a deep-fiber access solution. This innovative platform enables you to offer IPTV and other ultra-hi
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The Alcatel-Lucent Fiber-to-the-Node Solution for Deep-Fiber Access Power and Flexibility 7330 ISAM FTTN is part of Alcatel- for Your Unique Needs Lucent’s continued worldwide lead - ership in broadband innovation. Alcatel-Lucent has been the world leader in DSL deployments since To meet the challenge of bringing the early development of the tech - more bandwidth closer to the sub- nol ogy. To date, Alcatel-Lucent has scriber, many of you are already shipped more than 143 million DSL deploying
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IP services in the home are the key to winning the battle against your competition. Taking the Battle to a New Level So, if you are a telecom service Halting the Siege provider, you will need to offer bun - If you are a traditional ILEC service dled services that typically include IP provider, you are likely under siege. television (IPTV), as well as other Cable operators have attacked you interactive services - in addition to in the broadband and voice market. high-speed Internet (HSI) and vo
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Increasing Bandwidth to the Subscriber for Deployment of New Interactive Services The good news is that FTTN economically increases the available bandwidth to the subscriber while leveraging the existing copper plant to keep costs down. Technological Hurdles The existing DSL network was engineered to provide HSI access with down stream bandwidth between 0.5 and 2 Mb/s. Competition and increasing usage of the broadband connection have driven HSI bandwidth requirements into the 3 to 8 Mb/s range.
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FTTN Leverages the Existing Copper Infrastructure For many customers, the long-term solution is to deploy fiber-to-the-user (FTTU). This will enable the delivery of virtually unlimited subscriber bandwidth. While this solution is available today and practical in many cases, time-to-market and short-term economic pressures are driving a more incremental access strategy — FTTN. As illustrated in Figure, 1, by leveraging the existing copper infrastruc ture and by deploying fiber deep in the outsi
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Indeed, FTTN networks have several required on the aggregation switch. key advantages, including: The result is a cost-efficient and gradual evolu tion toward deep-fiber � Triple play service capabilities penetration. � Small footprint and minimal power requirements As a service provider, migrating your � An incremental step toward voice services to new VoIP (Voice FTTU enabled by an investment over Internet Protocol)/IMS (Internet in deep fiber Protocol Multimedia Subsystem)- � Seamless inte
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Alcatel-Lucent 7330 ISAM FTTN — World-Class Technology for World-Class Solutions The Alcatel-Lucent 7330 ISAM FTTN builds on Alcatel- Lucent’s world wide DSL expertise by inte grat ing the best technology available from the Alcatel-Lucent 7302 ISAM into a more compact remote digital sub scriber line access multiplexer (DSLAM), which is tailored for the unique requirements of FTTN networks. Figure 2 illustrates an Alcatel-Lucent 7330 ISAM FTTN network layout, depicting a standard service provi
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To meet the challenging requirements of an FTTN � Multiple ADSL line termination (LT) options: network, the Alcatel-Lucent 7330 FTTN has been ¬ ADSL engineered to support: ¬ ADSL2 � A non-blocking Ethernet architecture to enable ¬ ADSL2plus, with bonding 100-percent IPTV take rates ¬ READSL2 � Expansion shelves and sealed expansion modules � VDSL LT options to match network population densities ¬ VDSL � Full Internet group management protocol (IGMP) ¬ VDSL2 with bonding support for multica
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Alcatel-Lucent FTTN: Multiple Options, One Solution At the heart of the Alcatel-Lucent 7330 ISAM FTTN is an Ethernet switch fabric and distributed network processors. The high-capacity Ethernet switch fabric is hardened for outside plant deployments and is leveraged across a four-slot host shelf (the same shelf is used as an expansion shelf) and one or more sealed enclosure modules (SEMs) for a total of up to 768 lines (See Figure 2). Alcatel-Lucent 7330 ISAM FTTN (Host Shelf) The Alcatel-Lucent
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FTTN Expansion for Addition of Subscriber Interfaces The Alcatel-Lucent 7330 ISAM FTTN supports expansion modules that have been designed for the addi tion of subscriber interfaces without the need for additional switching capac ity. As such, the Alcatel-Lucent 7330 ISAM FTTN host serves as your central hub for expansion modules, expansion shelves and sealed enclo sure modules (SEMs) and extends GigE interfaces to these high- density subscriber interfaces. These modules can be either collocated
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Enabling Efficient Growth THE ALCATEL-LUCENT 7330 ISAM FTTN EXPANSION SHELF AND SEALED EXPANSION MODULE The modularity of the Alcatel-Lucent 7330 ISAM FTTN expansion shelf (ES) enables your efficient growth of services and supports up to 192 DSL lines per shelf (as shown in Figure 4). The same shelf, which is used for the host is also used for the ES. The expansion shelves can be collocated with a host shelf at a common site, or remotely located with the host and expansion shelf at separate sit
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Table 1. Alcatel-Lucent 7330 ISAM FTTN Features and Benefits FEATURE BENEFIT Member of ISAM family Flexibility and uniformity lead to simplified operations, minimized OPEX, reduced training needs and faster time-to-market for new services Distributed architecture Multiple deployment options fit very small to large distribution areas with the ability to aggregate GigE traffic within the access network; capability to deliver all services to all customers regardless of population density and rea
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Alcatel-Lucent’s answer to the FTTN challenge is the Alcatel-Lucent 7330 ISAM FTTN. Alcatel-Lucent Fiber-to-the-Node Answers the Challenge The Alcatel-Lucent 7330 ISAM Each Alcatel-Lucent 7330 ISAM FTTN architecture meets your FTTN supports: challenge by delivering ultra-high � A non-blocking, Ethernet bandwidth connectivity to subscribers architecture with a 24-Gb/s over the existing copper plant. switching fabric � Multi-ADSL (ADSL, ADSL2, With the Alcatel-Lucent 7330 ADSL2plus with bonding a
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As you and your competitors worldwide prepare for the next wave of broadband deployment — to offer a full set of user- centric, personalized triple play services — Alcatel-Lucent has the solution to meet your deployment requirements. The Alcatel-Lucent 7330 Intelligent Services Access Manager (ISAM) is a future-safe, multiservice intelligent access platform for the CO or remote cabinet that gives you the flexibility to deploy all services to each subscriber regardless of the subscriber’s acces
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