Руководство по эксплуатации Yamaha CVP-59S

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Yamaha CVP-59S

Устройство: Yamaha CVP-59S
Категория: Музыкальный инструмент
Производитель: Yamaha
Размер: 2.58 MB
Добавлено: 6/6/2013
Количество страниц: 163
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Yamaha CVP-59S Руководство по эксплуатации - Online PDF
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Check Your Power Supply Netzspannung überprüfen Vérifiez la source d’alimentation Compruebe la alimentación de su área
Make sure that your local AC mains Vergewissern Sie sich vor dem An- Vérifiez que la tension spécifiée sur Asegúrese de que tensión de alimen-
voltage matches the voltage speci- schließen an das Stromnetz, daß die le panneau arrière correspond à la tación de CA de su área correspon-
fied on the name plate on the bottom örtliche Netzspannung

Краткое содержание страницы № 2

SPECIAL MESSAGE SECTION PRODUCT SAFETY MARKINGS: Yamaha electronic Battery Notice: This product MAY contain a small non- products may have either labels similar to the graphics rechargeable battery which (if applicable) is soldered in shown below or molded/stamped facsimiles of these place. The average life span of this type of battery is ap- graphics on the enclosure. The explanation of these graph- proximately five years. When replacement becomes neces- ics appears on this page. Please observ

Краткое содержание страницы № 3

aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Introduction Thank you for choosing a Yamaha Clavinova. Your Clavinova is a fine musical instrument that employs advanced Yamaha music technology. With the proper care, your Clavinova will give you many years of musical pleasure. Large LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) panel and a consistent control interface make operation easy and efficient. AWM (Advanced Wave Memory) tone generator system offers an extensive range of rich, realistic voices.

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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa Contents Taking Care of Your Clavinova ............... 2 Other Song Recording Functions ........ 83 Accompaniment 28 Track Mix .............................................. 83 Style Selection ..................................... 28 Preparation 3 Track Delete ......................................... 84 Tempo Control ..................................... 29 The Music Stand .................................... 3 Track Quantize ..............

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aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa a Taking Care of Your Clavinova Your Clavinova will give you years of playing pleasure if you observe the simple rules given below: • To eject a floppy disk, press the eject button slowly as far as it will 1. Avoid Humidity & Heat go. Then when the disk Is fully ejected, remove it by hand. Avoid placing the Clavinova in areas that are subject to excessive • The disk may not be ejected properly if the eject button is pressed humidity or heat. Do not leave the instrument n

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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa Preparation The Music Stand If you will be using sheet music with your Clavinova, raise the mu- sic stand built into it’s top panel by lifting the rear edge of the music stand. Flip down the braces on either side of the rear of the music stand so that they catch inside the protrusions on the top panel. Reverse this operation o lower the stand. The Key Cover (CVP-79A/69/69A) To open the CVP-79A/69/69A key cover lift it just enough to clear the keys (do not lift exces

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Краткое содержание страницы № 8

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa The Panel Controls CVP-59S CVP-79A CVP-69/69A l l l ; ; A A A SONG VOICE I O a CLAVI. TONE/ PLAY RECORD GUIDE PIANO E. PIANO HARPSI. VIBES GUITAR SYNTH DUAL EFFECT h o STRINGS/ SAX/ DRUMS/ ORGAN CHOIR BRASS FLUTE BASS PERC. SPLIT W E R P SONG CONTROL REGISTRATION EXIT – + MEMORY BANK 1 23 45 ABC FREEZE REW FF PAUSE s d f g p Q T Y U k F3 G3 A3 B3 C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 A4 B4 C5 D5 E5 F5 G5 A5 B5 C6 D6 E6 F6 G6 A6 B6 C7 y [DISPLAY HOLD] Button .................

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aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa The Volume Controls The Clavinova has two volume controls on the control panel in addition to several programmable volume levels that give you extra versatility in creating the required sound. VOLUME MASTER ABC/SONG VOLUME VOLUME MAX MAX VOLUME STYLE CONTRAST SONG VOICE DANCE PLAY RECORD GUIDE PIANO E. PIANO HARPSI. VIBES GUITAR CLA S VI. T YNTH ONE/ DUAL EFFECT MA VOL S U TM ER E AVO BC/ LSON UMEG DEMO/HELP POP 16BEAT POP ROCK BALLAD JAZZ HARMONY – TEMPO + BEAT METRONOME

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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa The Volume Controls Other Volume Controls The [MIXER] button provides access to individual volume param- eters for the rhythm, bass, chord, pad, and phrase parts of the auto ac- companiment sound, a keyboard volume parameter, and a volume param- eter for the Clavinova’s harmony function — see page 41 for details. When the Clavinova’s Disk Orchestra Collection playback function is in use the [MIXER] button accesses individual volume parameters for each D

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General Operation: aaaaaaaa a The Display & Related Controls In addition to a range of direct-operation buttons, the CVP-79A/69/ 69A/59S features a large LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) panel and several related controls that comprise a consistent interface that, once understood, can make operation and programming easier than ever. CONTRAST BEAT FUNCTION MIXER PAGE DISPLAY HOLD EXIT – + The Display & LCD Buttons The 5 buttons below the display — we’ll call them “LCD buttons” throughout this text —

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a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaa General Operation: The Display & Related Controls In many cases where and or < and > LCD buttons appear, both buttons can be pressed simultaneously to recall the default setting for that parameter. The panel [+] and [–] buttons can be used in the same way. This applies to most parameters that have a range of possible settings. Parameters of this type are enclosed in a rounded frame in the display. Parameters which are directly executed or simply switched on or off vi

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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a General Operation: The Display & Related Controls The PAGE [<] and [>] Buttons Many functions have several display “pages” that can be selected by using the PAGE [<] and [>] buttons. When more than one page is pro- vided for the selected function or group of functions, a corresponding number of overlapping page icons will appear in the upper right-hand corner of the display, and the number of the currently selected page will appear in the top page icon. PAGE DISPLAY HOLD

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a aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa General Operation: The Display & Related Controls The [CONTRAST] Button The CVP-79A/69/69A/59S display panel is a liquid-crystal type which can be adjusted for optimum legibility. Press the [CONTRAST] button and use the DARK and LIGHT LCD buttons (or data dial or [+]/ [–] buttons) to set the display contrast for optimum legibility. The con- trast setting retained in memory even when the Clavinova power is turned off. CONTRAST Press the [CONTRAST] button again or [EXIT] b

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aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaa General Operation: The Display & Related Controls Use the PAGE [<] and [>] buttons, the [+] and [–] buttons, or the data dial to “flip” through the available pages. PAGE DISPLAY HOLD The [EXIT] or [DEMO/HELP] button will take you back to the topic list if pressed while the help text is showing, or back to the initial play mode display if pressed while the topic list is showing. Memory Backup In addition to the contrast and language settings introduced in this section, the Clav

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aaaaaaaaaaa a Demonstration Playback The Clavinova features 25 demonstration tunes that effectively demonstrate its sound and accompaniment capabilities. Here’s how you can select and play the demo tunes. DEMO/HELP VOLUME STYLE SONG VOICE CONTRAST MASTER ABC/SONG DEMO/HELP POP 16BEAT DA POP NCE ROCK BALLAD JAZZ HARMONY – TEMPO + PLAY RECORD GUIDE PIANO E. PIANO HARPSI. VIBES GUITAR CLA S VI. T YNTH ONE/ DUAL EFFECT VOLUME VOLUME BEAT METRONOME PRESET MAX MAX LATIN TRADI- ONE TOUCH ORGAN ST C R H

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aaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Demonstration Playback Press an LCD button or selector to start playback of the correspond- ing tune. You can also start playback from the first LCD tune by pressing • During voice or style tune playback, the currently playing voice or style the [START/STOP] button when the ALL or SINGLE play mode is name will be shown on the display. selected. The corresponding LCD section will be highlighted during LCD tune playback, and the VOICE or STYLE indicator will fl

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aaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaa Voice Selection The CVP-69/69A/59S has a total of 172 different voices and the CVP- 79A has 192 that can be selected and played via the keyboard. There’s also a “Keyboard Percussion” mode that let’s you play a range of drums and percussion instruments on the keyboard. VOICE CLAVI. TONE/ PIANO E. PIANO HARPSI. VIBES GUITAR SYNTH VOLUME STYLE CONTRAST SONG VOICE DANCE CLAVI. TONE/ MASTER ABC/SONG DEMO/HELP POP 16BEAT POP ROCK BALLAD JAZZ HARMONY – TEMPO + PLAY RECORD GUI

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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa Voice Selection XPlay & Adjust Volume ................................................................................... You can now play the selected voice on the CVP-79A/69/69A/59S keyboard. Use the [MASTER VOLUME] control to adjust the overall volume level. Keyboard Percussion The Clavinova has 8 Drum Kits in the [DRUMS/PERC.] voice group which includes a range of drum and percussion voices as well as sound • When a Drum Kit voice is selected only t

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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa Dual Mode The DUAL mode makes it possible to play two voices simultane- ously across the entire range of the keyboard. This makes it easy to create exceptionally rich, thick tonal textures. DUAL VOLUME STYLE CONTRAST SONG VOICE CLAVI. TONE/ MASTER ABC/SONG DEMO/HELP POP 16BEAT DA POP NCE ROCK BALLAD JAZZ HARMONY – TEMPO + PLAY RECORD GUIDE PIANO E. PIANO HARPSI. VIBES GUITAR SYNTH DUAL EFFECT VOLUME VOLUME BEAT METRONOME PRESET MAX MAX LATIN LPO ATIN P TI TRADI- O

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