Руководство по эксплуатации Altech Auto Security AL7024S

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Altech Auto Security AL7024S

Устройство: Altech Auto Security AL7024S
Категория: Модем
Производитель: Altech Auto Security
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Добавлено: 8/3/2014
Количество страниц: 18
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AL7024S Quick Start Manual 1.2 Initialisation-Steps: The AL7024S can store a set of parameters (please see also command “AT&W” in the “AT command manual”). The RS232 interface parameters can also be stored. Our Socket Modems AL7024S are preset to “AT+IPR=115200” baud rate”. You should think about the initialisation-steps that should be made every time the AL7024S is powered- up. For details see also chapter 5.2 in the “Developer’s Guide”. • Power-up the AL7024S Socket-Modem • Pul

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AL7024S Quick Start Manual 2. Data applications 2.1 Analog V.32 Data Connection Make a data connection from the GSM modem to an Analog modem using the V.32 modulation standard with 9600 bps. Modem A-Side: GSM Modem AL7024S Modem B-Side: Analog Modem AL4094S with V.32 (9600bps) Connection setup from A-side to B-side: Phase A-Side B-Side 0 Hardware Reset Hardware Reset AT&F0 AT+CPIN=”xxxx” AT&F0 Init AT+CBST=7,0,1 ATS0=2 AT&W RING ATDXXXXX Link setup RING CONNECT

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AL7024S Quick Start Manual 2.2 ISDN V.110 Data Connection Make a data connection from the GSM modem to an ISDN modem using the V.110 ISDN standard with 9600 bps. Modem A-Side: GSM Modem AL7024S Modem B-Side: ISDN Modem AL5068S with V.110 (9600bps) Connection setup from A-side to B-side: Phase A-Side B-Side 0 Hardware Reset Hardware Reset AT&F0 AT&F0 AT+CPIN=”xxxx” ATS0=2 Init AT+CBST=71,0,1 ATB0 AT&W ATN4 ATDXXXXXXXX Link setup INCOMING CALL FROM (V.110) CONNECT D

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AL7024S Quick Start Manual 3. Most useful AT-Commands We have selected for you the most useful AT-Commands. They are taken from the “Developer’s Guide/ Motorola G24 AT Commands”, which will serve you as a manual. The selection is not complete, but it gives you an easier startup with the AL7024S socket modem. The page references refer to the “Developer’s Guide” edition July 2006. 3.1 RS-232 Commands Command AT Manual Pages Function Set baud rate, e.g. AT+IPR=9600 Set au

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AL7024S Quick Start Manual 3.2 Data Commands AT Manual Pages Function Command Determines the mode of transmission (protocol) in data connections. Connecting GSM with: ISDN: AT+CBST=71,0,1 9600 baud V.110 AT+CBST=70,0,1 4800 baud V.110 Analog: AT+CBST Bearer type selection p. 86 AT+CBST=7,0,1 V.32 9600 baud AT+CBST=6,0,1 V.32 4800 baud nd 2 parameter: 0: async (default) 1: sync rd 3 parameter: 0: transparent

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AL7024S Quick Start Manual 3.3 General Commands Command AT Manual Pages Function Switch off Tx-circuit or RX or both etc. nd 2 parameter causes Reset. Set phone functionality, AT+CFUN (You can use AT+CFUN=1,1 to force p.27 detection of SIM-Card.) The command is used to dial a number and make a connection. ATD+41764445656 dials this number and makes a data call. To make Dial command, p.60 ATD a voice call, dial ATD….; (semicolon at the end of number). You can also dial t

Краткое содержание страницы № 11

AL7024S Quick Start Manual 3.4 Information Commands Command AT Manual pages Function Display the modem configuration. Display configuration, AT&V (Actual configuration, profile 0, profile 1) p.291 Used to see various types of information Request identification ATI3: Product title ATI information, p.51 ATI5: Software architecture ATI7: product description Request revision Display firmware revision number AT+CGMR identification, p.47 Request model Display supported freque

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AL7024S Quick Start Manual 3.5 Security Commands Command AT Manual pages Function This command is used to enter all types of Passwords (CHV1/CHV2/PUK1/PUK2 etc.) AT+CPIN?: Ask modem, which pin is required. If none is required, response is “READY”, If normal SIM-pin to switch on modem is required, Enter PIN, p.247 AT+CPIN the response is: “SIM PIN” AT+CPIN=”1473” : Enter the SIM PIN 1473. After entering this pin, Modem connects to the network. For use of other pins

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AL7024S Quick Start Manual 3.6 Network Commands Command AT Manual pages Function Command gives information about the network registration status. The registration status can be asked once with AT+CREG? or you can enable a continuous indication of the registration status with Network registration, AT+CREG=1 or AT+CREG=2. AT+CREG p.187 Response: +CREG:,. The status of the registration is 1 if registered to home network, 2 if modem is trying to register and 0 if

Краткое содержание страницы № 14

AL7024S Quick Start Manual 3.7 Audio Commands The AL7024S Module have a Microphone and a Speaker pin which can be connected to an externally headset. You should set AT+MAPATH according your application. (See below) AT Manual pages Function Command For the AL7024S, set AT+MAPATH=1,2 (Headset- Sets analog audio paths. mic.) and AT+MAPATH=2,2,1 (Headset-spkr for AT+MAPATH P. 231 voice.) Set alert, ring etc according your needs. See “developer’s guide” for details. Only audio-outp

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AL7024S Quick Start Manual 3.8 SMS Commands Command AT Manual pages Function Send SMS. Example: AT+CMGS Send message, p.178 AT+CMGS=”0764537865” This is test SMS Example: AT+CNMI=2,1,0,0,0 Now, if an SMS is arriving, the following is displayed: AT+CMTI: “SM”,2 New message Meaning: SMS was stored in location 2 of “SM”- AT+CNMI indication, p.164 memory on SIM-Card. The memory used for receiving SMS can be changed with the AT+CPMS command. (see below) Read messag

Краткое содержание страницы № 16

AL7024S Quick Start Manual 4. Troubleshooting-guide There is never a simple "no connection". There are many causes for this, which can be excluded step-by-step. If you never had a successful data-connection, you should test first with an analog modem at the other side. Also, if possible, avoid problems with local company-exchanges, using a direct phone-line. This applies specially if you call to a digital "modem" (ISDN-TA). You can test these configurations later.

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AL7024S Quick Start Manual Ringing To test this, call first to a normal telephone and look, if it is ringing. (ATDxxx; with semicolon for speech-mode). Call also from telephone to GSM. (Response RING or INCOMING SPEECH CALL) (This is to see, if the GSM-network connects, or if it is a problem with numbering of house-exchange, or bad configured ISDN-phones) Make speech-connection to phone Do the same and pick the phone up, the GSM should show "CONNECT (SPEECH)". In the othe

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AL7024S Quick Start Manual

GSM Socket Modem

AL7024S Quick Start Manual

AT Commands Short Form


No. AL7024S-QSM-101 Altec Electronic AG 1 / 18

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AL7024S Quick Start Manual Information provided by Altec Electronic AG is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Altec Electronic assumes no responsibility for its use, nor any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties, which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent rights of Altec Electronic other than for circuitry embodied in Alt

Краткое содержание страницы № 3

AL7024S Quick Start Manual Table of Contents 1. First steps first ...................................................................................4 1.1 Checklist for first Tests.......................................................................4 1.2 Initialisation-Steps:.............................................................................5 2. Data applications ...............................................................................6 2.1 Analog V.32 Data Connect

Краткое содержание страницы № 4

AL7024S Quick Start Manual 1. First steps first 1.1 Checklist for first Tests STEP Instruction Test SIM-card with a handy, decide if you want to use a PIN-code or not and 1 note it. Connect Hardware 2 (5V-supply, RS-232-interface with 5V-levels, Antenna, SIM-card) Set serial-port baud-rate of DTE to 115200 baud, 8n1, hardware-handshake (Soft-handshake not supported). The module should react already to AT- 3 Commands, even if it is not connected to a network. If it is not reac

Краткое содержание страницы № 18

AL7024S Quick Start Manual Make data-connection Connect a speaker or a phone to the analog-line to obtain more information about the progress of the connection.(hear the ring and the progress of connection build- up.) Make call in data-mode (ATD without semicolon). Control, if it is ringing ("RING" response), ring on phone or speaker. Control, if call is answered (ring stops, data-sounds can be heard. ISDN: connect- response on terminals.) Eventually, connection disconnects ag

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