Руководство по эксплуатации Whirlpool RM973BXP

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Whirlpool RM973BXP

Устройство: Whirlpool RM973BXP
Категория: Микроволновая печь
Производитель: Whirlpool
Размер: 1.58 MB
Добавлено: 2/27/2013
Количество страниц: 32
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Краткое содержание страницы № 1

Relrlgeralor-freeze freezers. Oryers Clothes Washers Automallc Oehumldlflers Condllmners Air Room Compactors. Trash Ovens wave

Краткое содержание страницы № 2

3 21 WARM. 22 4 23 5 26 to 26 to for 27 5 7 27 7 27 8 8 28 9 If or 10 30 10 1. for 11 30 13 2. If 31 15 3. If 31 4. If a 31 18 c 1984 Whirlpool Corporation Probe Temperature Problem Have You the with Cooking Service. Need You Cycles Two in Cooking Assistance Need You Defrosting. Assistance.. Powers. Cook Lower Calling Before Power. Cook High Assistance. Cycle. One in Cooking Service Need You Timer, Minute the Using Precautions Safety Clock the Setting Operating

Краткое содержание страницы № 3

I \ \ If or a 1. (from door). 2. from a no to for service. in-warranty required Number Company/Phone Service is that all is Proof-of-purchase return. registration warranty is There Date Purchase place. handy in together slip sales and warranty your literature, oven other book, this Keep spaces. Number Serfal these in information this Copy slip. sales date Purchase oven microwave the Number Model behind located plate the bers Num- Serial and Model Complete ready: informa

Краткое содержание страницы № 4

out to If of to... Whirlpool 2000 33 49022 if a to carefully follow wifh microwave oven. & for or for future It to l from a 50°F (10°C) for l on a floor to l to l not to l l for of a or & for 4 instructions. operating and safety additional Guide” Care “Use Oven lower Range your See oven. microwave expected jobs only used Is maintained. properly Is properly. it operate unable anyone by used Is Instructions:‘) “Installation (See grounded. and supply electrical connect

Краткое содержание страницы № 5

INSTRUCTIONS Use Microwave Upper Oven TO TO MICROWAW to door if door harmful to micro- for It not to or a door not or front door or or to on if It door no to (I] (2) or (3) page next on continued surfaces. sealing and seals Door loosened), (broken latches and Hinges (bent], Door the damage is there that and properly close oven the that important particularly is damaged. is it oven the operate NOT DO surfaces. ing seal- accumulate residue personnel. service

Краткое содержание страницы № 6

WARNING off, off INSTRUCTIONS 6 THESE SAVE result. may fire cause be- appliance, the on opening any block or cover not Do 9. adjustment or repair examination, for Company Service TECH-CARE” thorized 28. page on starting au- Whirlpool a Call personnel. PRECAUTIONS” SAFETY ING service qualified by only iced “OPERAT- follow and Read 13. serv- be should appliance This 8. panel. breaker result. may ards circuit or fuse the at power haz- other or fire shock, Electric dropped. or damag

Краткое содержание страницы № 7

to : for on When first to 88:88. If 81, off for a When not micro- When While tor (or on to 7 doing. is oven the what show be will lights) Light Indica- an running, is oven the touched. you Pads Number what shows and Lights Indicator Power, Cook Temperature, Time, displays it oven, microwave the using are you clock. digital accurate an is this oven, wave the using are you lights indicator and display/clock Digital Clock. the Reset while. was electricity your means it 8’s, a

Краткое содержание страницы № 8

to to do to do to to on on a to to do, to a a food a a If do not a not or If a a not a not If to If to l door. l door. l l l not for l for When first 88:88. If off, on. or a “0” to first 5 or 8 continue.) and again SET CLOCK Touch blank. go will display the seconds within touched be must Pad Number [The flash. start will colon the and show will Display The SET. CLOCK Touch 1. HAPPENS... THIS THIS... DO cooking after blank be will display the but clock, the s

Краткое содержание страницы № 9

2. for of 3:25. If “Err” on not or It or It a 1. on a “0:’ first 5 or of for 1 45 on to to on When a of 9 day. time the show will Display the and sound will beep up, is time set the Timer. Minute the left is time much how show seconds the down counts Display The running. is Timer Minute the that show stay START. Touch will Light Indicator TIMER MINUTE The seconds. minute, shows example This them. touched you order the in touched you numbers what show will Display

Краткое содержание страницы № 10

to to If first, to door not or door to or to food door. 1. 1 on four 3. for In 1 30 1 on to first 10 cycle. the in ing cook- is oven the that show stay will Light Indicator CYCLE COOK The Power. Cook hlgh at cook automatically will oven The START. Touch 4. seconds. minute, shows example The them. touched you order the touched you numbers the show will Display The want. you time cooklng the Pads Number Touch 0’s. show will Display the and come will Light Indica

Краткое содержание страницы № 11

to first d OWll When on 4 door or on door or of or I, 1 2. for 3. 1 for For for for a different of to or of for, of full 4 of full 9 of full 8 of full 3 of full MED-LOW 2 of full 7 of full 6 of full 1 of full LOW 5 of full 0 no (fan off) I food door. _- -. _ --c__o~s~.l,~-~““s~~ “: 4. 1 on four O’s show will Display the and come will Light Indicator CYCLE COOK The CYCLE COOK Touch 2. ,m,l.p.,.l the close and oven the in Put 1. I. .Y.rf -? ./“_ 1 -a~

Краткое содержание страницы № 12

3. for 7 30 on to full 5. a for 5 for of full 6. 1 on to first a to d 0Wl-l first For 2 of 10 12 selected. you Power Cook the show will Display the seconds, every cycle. the in left is time cooking much how show COUd time the down counts Display The high. than other Power Cook at cycle the in cooking is oven the that show stay will Lights Indicator POWER COOK and CYCLE COOK The START. Touch power. 50% Pad Number touched you shows example This touched. you what sho

Краткое содержание страницы № 13

When on 4 door or on door or of l or a for for if to a to to food For defrost on of door or food door. on four 3. for 2 30 13 seconds. minutes, shows example This them. touched you order the in touched you number the show will Display The want. you time defrosting the Pads Number Touch 0’s. show will Display the and come will Light Indicator DEFROST QUICK The DEFROST. QUICK Touch 2. the close and oven the in frozen Put 1. THIS... DO HAPPENS... THIS Cookbook. MENU

Краткое содержание страницы № 14

on to to When defrost on 4 door or on door or of _,=,,._ _ _.._- -8 -I For food to for a of food to When 1 follows a to for 1 For For a 1. 1. 2. 1. 2. 2. 3. for 3. for 4. (If to to 6.) 4. 5. a for 5. “0” for 6. 6. When off. If not 3 for 2 If not 2 on 4 for -First of full of full of full defrost food com- or for 14 START. Touch - time. new numbers -Touch DEFROST. QUICK -Touch START touching after before time any time defrosting the change can You time def

Краткое содержание страницы № 15

of full to of door. food fork; if to door to if no for For for for a of for of to from to food door. 1. 1 on four I for first 3 25 (if to 6.) on to full 15 power. (HIGH] at cook programmed pre- is oven the shows This “P-HI”. show will Display the and come will Light Indicator POWER COOK The step skip Power, Cook high the want you POWER. COOK Touch 4. .., ., seconds. minutes, shows example This them. touched you order the in touched you numbers the show will D

Краткое содержание страницы № 16

5. a for first 6 for of full 2. 2 four 7. for 4 30 (if to 10.). on to full 9. a for 4 for of full 16 power. 40% Pad Number touched you shows example This touched. you what show will Display The cycle. second the in want you Power Cook the Pad Number Touch power. [HIGH] at cook programmed pre- is oven the shows This “P-HI”. show will Display the and come will Light Indicator POWER COOK The step skip Power, Cook high the want you POWER. COOK Touch 8. seconds. minute

Краткое содержание страницы № 17

When 1 on first on if a off. to first For 2 of 10 if a 2 of 1. door to or turn food, or If do door, door to ri 2 on on if a to For 2 of 10 if a When 2 on door or on door or of or or to or 1 or 2). for if if for or if if 17 START. -Touch desired. time, and cycle new in -Touch desired. is high again POWER COOK touch Power, Cook new number -Touch desired. is change POWER, COOK -Touch desired. time, new numbers -Touch CYCLE (COOK add change wish you CYCLE C

Краткое содержание страницы № 18

out of to turn off for different food. 2. food % of not of food. on door. on “F.” 5. for a of if to . . . . . 2:. I. on to full 18 power. (HIGH] at cook programmed pre- is oven the shows This “P-HI”. show will Display the and come will Light Indicator POWER COOK The power.) high use want you START Touch (Option: POWER COOK Touch 6. aboutl40”F temperature cooked final shows example This them. touched you order the in touched you numbers the show will Display The t

Краткое содержание страницы № 19

7. for on. 9OF” to food 90°F food of food for 5-F For 2 of 10 if a When off, on 4 door or on door or of 90°F 200°F l l l l l l l l l l temperature. simmer. by cooking not when to need that foods for probe use oven the from probe the remove food. frozen into probe force . longer. cook oven. regular in probe use to decide you if foil Remove cooking. after minutes few a stand containers. let and foil with roasts cover plastic or wmp plastic paper, use serving. bef

Краткое содержание страницы № 20

When or for to If of food, off. For For For of of on a of or of food. foods of not touch- of fat or l of from foods. not not l l l do not l for a l If of 1. from hot 2. a hot to foods. 3. of 20 dishwasher. the basket silverware the in placed be may Probe stubborn remove pad scouring plastic Use cloth. sudsy with probe Wipe pads. using oven microwave probe Remove probe the Cleaning soup, mugs as such servings individual cooking are you Probe. Temperature probe. th

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