Руководство по эксплуатации Whirlpool MW8650XR

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Whirlpool MW8650XR

Устройство: Whirlpool MW8650XR
Категория: Микроволновая печь
Производитель: Whirlpool
Размер: 1.68 MB
Добавлено: 2/27/2013
Количество страниц: 28
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Краткое содержание страницы № 1

Dehumidl Conditioners. Air Room Campaclors, Trash Ovens, Microwave Ranges. Surface and Ovens Bulk-in Dishwashers. Makers. Aefrlgeralor-Freezers. Freezers, yers,

Краткое содержание страницы № 2

-2 16 17 3 or 18 18 19 3 19 to 20 to for Works If or I. for 10 2. If WARM 12 3. IfYou 13 4. I 27 01986 Whirlpool Door) 8 Door) If or a 1. (from door on 2. from a product. this with furnished card tration Number Phone Company Service Regis- Owner the mail and complete Please place. handy in Date Purchase together slip sales and warranty your book, this Keep spaces. these in information this Copy Number Serial slip. sales date Purchase frame]. oven the oven microw

Краткое содержание страницы № 3

out to door. If pf to... Whirlpool 2000 33 49022 if a to follow found on 22 of & Guide!’ & for a for future It to l from a 50°F (10°C) for l on a to l to l not to l l for of a TO TO MICROWAm to door if It for door ful to a It not to no to not or (1) or (2) or [3) front door or or to on if door 3 broken. is window surfaces. removed. cabinet outer the the oven microwave sealing accumulate with oven microwave the operate NOT DO residue cleaner soil t

Краткое содержание страницы № 4

WARNING 1. jars 6. 8. INSTRUCTIONS THESE SAVE result. may fire for appliance, the 20. page on starting PRECAUTIONS” on opening any block or cover not Do 10. SAFETY “OPERATING follow and Read 17. adjustment. panel. breaker circuit or fuse the at power or repair examination, for Company off shut or cord, power the disconnect Service TECH-CARE” authorized Whirlpool and off, oven turn closed, door oven keep a Call personnel. service qualified by ignite, should oven the inside materi

Краткое содержание страницы № 5

When first 88:88. If, 6), off for a for on Digital lighfs When not When to micro- to do A to to 18 for on touch- on on While (or on to q q $i;h;!;r$T”ll time, -a m you what oven the pads Number doing. is oven the what show be will lights] Light Indicator an running, is oven the Pad. Command the touch you when comes Light Indicator The display. digital the Light Indicator an lights CANCEL) and START (except Pad Command Each pad. any ing when hear you tone the inform

Краткое содержание страницы № 6

When first 88:88. If off, on. door DO THIS... on. a “01’ for 1. 5 num- 3:25. 2. for of off on off if 3. . DO THIS... 1. food door. on four 2. 1 30 3. for 6 want. you time cooking the Pads Number Touch seconds. minute, shows example This them. touched you order the in touched you numbers the show will Display The COOK. Touch O’s show will Display the and come will Light Indicator COOK The the close and oven the in Put HAPPENS... THIS power cook high at Cookin

Краткое содержание страницы № 7

on to 4. to When 4 door or When of time 1. 2. for 3. for For for on for a different of or of for, of full 4 of full 9 of full 3 of full MED-LOW 8 of full 2 of full 7 of full 1 of full LOW 6 of full 0 no (fan of full off) 5 DO THIS... 1. food door. 2. on 8) page (continued COOK. Touch the close and oven the in Put HAPPENS... THIS = be will MED power 50% light and power = power 60% = power 10% = MED-HIGH power 70% = power 20% = power 80% = power 30% = power

Краткое содержание страницы № 8

7 30 3. for on 4. of full 5. a for Indi- on to a 6. to For 2 of 10 When 4 door or When of l a for for if to a to 8 high. Power Cook lower change want you START, touch then twice, POWER COOK -Touch OR... time. original the Power Cook new the at cook will oven The START. -Touch Power. Cook new the number -Touch POWER. COOK -Touch cycle. cooking the during time any at changed be can Power Cook powers cook Changing day time the show will Display the stops, beeping t

Краткое содержание страницы № 9

to food For defrost on of door or DO THIS... 1. food door. l on I four 2. 2 30 on to to When defrost 4 door or When of -n.~“..~~ -s-m.,. -. Al.?.* ,s. -- m-i--_ -+. *I time For food to for a of food to When follows a to for for -First of full of full of full defrost food on 10) page (continued cooking. less with completely and quickly helps Power Cook in step-down automatic This Power. Cook 20% part. -Third Power; Cook 50% part -Second Power; Cook 80% part part

Краткое содержание страницы № 10

time 1. 2. for 3. of full to of 1. door. 2. food fork; if further defrost food. 3. door to if no 4. Or, if from to DO THIS... 1. food door. on four 2. 2 30 3. for on . . four 4. Cook. Touch m 0’s. show will Display the and come will Light Indicator COOK The want. you time defrosting Pads Number Touch seconds. minutes, shows example This them. touched you order the in touched you numbers the show will Display The DEFROST. QUICK Touch 0’s. show will Display the

Краткое содержание страницы № 11

on 6. to 8 if to of full 7. a for When on. off. 8. to defrost When defrost food for of for defrosf- on fan When 2 on on if a to For 2 of 10 if a When 4 door or When of day. time the show will Display the stops, beeping the CANCEL.) touching oven the opening by beeping the stop can [You beeps. hear will you ends, Cycle Cook the high. than other Power Cook using are you selected you Power Cook the show will play Dis- the seconds, every own d cycle. cooking

Краткое содержание страницы № 12

WARM” foods for to 99 99 1 hour, 40 WARM or follow or DO THIS... 1. hot food door. WARM on. of 2. WARM. WARM on. -fan on. to of WARM for to 99 99 door WARM. door WARM, if WARM Foods WARM. WARM. on a WARM. of WARM hour, 40 not of foods suffer To automatically follow l While WARM l WARM l When 4 WARM on to run. l WARM follow or 12 Cycle. TEMP PROBE the COOK DEFROST, QUICK will KEEP continue will oven the and come will Light Indicator KEEP The beeps. hear will you ov

Краткое содержание страницы № 13

out of to turn off for different of food. on DO THIS... ’ 1. of 2. food not on food. of inferior. door. DO THIS... on 4. 6, or a of (66°C). 0 5. a food for on 6. if to of full 7. fhe for on 14) 1 page (continued want. you Power Cook the Pad Number Touch power. 50% shows example This touched. you what show will Display The power.) high use want you START Touch tion: (Op- POWER. COOK Touch 0’s. two show will Display the and come will Light Indicator POWER CO

Краткое содержание страницы № 14

on. 8. on on food. For 2 of if a When off 4 door or When WIII of I__)__w__c~~.~-l~-*~p_yI.~~~~IyI”u..llx,~~ -.-.-.. Pa ,. I.I__WU,*-w-- for DO... l hot from l or of food or food from l foods l foil [if from tooth- . foil if l or con- . foil a too foil if * to l force food. l for foods to 14 simmer. need that probe use frozen into probe longer. it cook tide oven. regular in probe use de- you Remove cooking. after minutes long. oven the in be will They tainers.

Краткое содержание страницы № 15

l When or for to If of food, off tips For For of For on a of food. or of foods of not of fat or . l l In tlmlngs a . l ml- . mugs In mugs 1. from hot 2. a hot a to foods. 3. of dishwasher. the basket silverware the in placed be may Probe stubborn remove pad scouring plastic Use cloth. sudsy with probe Wipe pads. using oven microwave probe Remove probe the Cleaning rate same the at heat not may the items-all the of eral sev- setting probe the check soup, of as such

Краткое содержание страницы № 16

to fit on of First I not to if l l hot from on of It hot. (First l food on l a l foods on of l l not l not on floor of to l not food finish or of l not l not foods on l Wash a a first. soft or l not or If not a for a or foods a for on... l (832985) 16 Kit Rack Cooking Bi-Level - MK800 details dealer your Ask meal. as together reheat cook you lets kit This kit. accessory an as available is Rack Cooking Bi-Level removable cooking, bi-level rack have does oven mic

Краткое содержание страницы № 17

a “0” for to 99 99 DO THIS... on four 1. 1 45 2. for on 3. for 4. “0” Indi- on to to 5. fan off. For 2 of 10 When 4 door or When of down. count timing the tinue day. time the show will Display the stops, beeping the CANCEL.) touching oven the opening by beeping the stop can (You beeps. hear will you ends, time set the Power. Cook 0% show will play Dis- the seconds, every be will the and dark be will oven the countdown the During left. is time much how START. Tou

Краткое содержание страницы № 18

to to l WARM or WARM. If WARM If to WARM or l for for l or a for for if to a to l When for to If of food, off l l to or l door not WARM door 18 opened. is oven the when cancelled is KEEP however instructrons, cooking cancel does cooking during oven the Opening beeps. instructions all erase CANCEL Touch instructions Cancelling COOK. and DEFROST QUICK between occurs time Standing START. Touch - instructions. Power Cook and time in Touch - COOK. -Touch operating: IS

Краткое содержание страницы № 19

a a If do not a not or If to not a not If to l door. l l not for If to l door. l l for l a of do for first 1. for to for on for 5 to 2. l door. door l 3. If first 4. When a for 2 of 5. When follows a to offer time. standing this begin automatically will Cycle COOK The two. the between occur will time defrosting the equal time standing DEFROST, QUICK COOK cooking. during every10 seconds Power Cook the show will Display the high, than other Power Cook using the era

Краткое содержание страницы № 20

WHOLE to out a or or fore In in- (coffee, to to on door or For a to on a of door or foods to or to It difficult to or for not or hot food or 20 oven. the near in materials does. the but ers. inflammable flammable contain- heat does energy sterilization. safe use store heat, NOT DO Microwave PADS. HOT USE required temperature high the maintain is etc.). bottles, (baby objects sterilize oven the use NOT DO injury. personal possible oven the damage in resulting

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