Руководство по эксплуатации Eventide DIR911

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Eventide DIR911

Устройство: Eventide DIR911
Категория: Записывающее устройство для кассет
Производитель: Eventide
Размер: 0.15 MB
Добавлено: 10/29/2013
Количество страниц: 35
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MAIN Screen - is where all operations begin. From this screen, the user can record, play, cycle through
messages, restore to current message, and check saved messages.

18-May-00 11:45:32 Msg # 001/999
Ready 17 May 00 00:00:00
0000000000000000 Msg Len 00:00:00


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Installation and Operation Eventide Model DIR911 Digital Instant Recall Fifth Edition ©2000 Eventide Inc. One Alsan Way Little Ferry, NJ 07643 USA 201-641-1200 http://www.eventide.com logger@eventide.com

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Table of Contents Introduction to the DIR911....................................................................................................... 1 Initial Setup............................................................................................................................... 2 Connecting the Unit................................................................................................................. 2 Factory Default Settings .....................

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©2000 Eventide Inc. DIR911 Instant Recall Recorder Eventide Model DIR911 - Digital Instant Recall Operator’s Manual Introduction to the DIR911 The Eventide DIR911 is an instant recall recorder that takes telephone and/or auxiliary inputs and stores an incoming or outgoing audio message in digital memory, from which it is then immediately available for playback. The standard unit comes with approximately 64 minutes of audio storage, with an upgrade to 128 minutes of storage easil

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DIR911 Instant Recall Recorder ©2000 Eventide Inc. Initial Setup UNPACKING THE UNIT The Eventide DIR911 is shipped with a power supply (cable attached), an RJ-11 cable, this manual, and the Quick Reference Guide. Connecting the Unit (A) Power Supply WARNING: Improper power supply connection can damage the DIR911 and can cause electric shock. For proper operation, use ONLY the power supply provided with the unit Before applying power to the DIR911, make sure that the

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©2000 Eventide Inc. DIR911 Instant Recall Recorder Factory Default Settings Time Source - Internal Time Code Format - 0 Auxiliary Channel Input Gain - 0.0 dB Auxiliary VOX threshold level - +16 dB Auxiliary VOX hold time - 6 seconds Telephone Channel Input Gain - 0.0 dB Telephone Record Activation - VOX Telephone VOX threshold level - +16 dB Telephone VOX hold time - 6 seconds Record priority - Telephone takes priority Phone line beep tone - Disabled Sampling - 32 kbps

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DIR911 Instant Recall Recorder ©2000 Eventide Inc. Please enter your password: 00000 CURSOR DECREASE INCREASE DONE Simply press DONE to step to the CONFIG screen. NOTE: The ENTER CONFIG/PASSWORD screen is bypassed when the unit security level is LOW. CONFIG Screen - Leads to Clock and System Configuration Configuring the DIR911 CLOCK SYSTEM DONE From this screen, you can con

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©2000 Eventide Inc. DIR911 Instant Recall Recorder TIME SOURCE Screen - Change/View the time source , time code format, and last acquired external time Time Source: INTERNAL Format: 0 Last Acquired Time: 13-May-00 00:00:00 CHANGE FORMAT DONE Here you can set the DIR911 to synchronize to an external time source. The DIR911 accepts NENA Standard Time Code Formats 0, 1, or 2. (See Appendix A for actual d

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DIR911 Instant Recall Recorder ©2000 Eventide Inc. 0.25 seconds; this can be changed. SYSTEM allows you to view system information and/or configure the DIR911. The ‘Ready’ message on the display is the unit status. Unit status can be any of the following messages: Ready - Ready to play/record Recording - Unit is in record mode, recording a new message Playing - Playing current message Paused - Current message paused, play continues Paused End - At the end of the curr

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©2000 Eventide Inc. DIR911 Instant Recall Recorder fastest); 100% is normal speed. Note: If the DIR911 unit is in HEAVY TRAFFIC mode, the PLAY screen allows the user to switch between messages without having to return to the main screen. 16-May-00 11:45:32 Msg # *003/999 Playing 100% 16-May-00 09:11:23 2016411200 ID Msg Len 00:05:11 PAUSE REWIND FAST FWD

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DIR911 Instant Recall Recorder ©2000 Eventide Inc. (ALI) Pin 1 - No connect Pin 2 - RS-232 ALI output (Tx) Pin 3 - RS-232 ALI input (Rx) Pin 4 - No Connect Pin 5 - GND Pin 6 - No Connect Pin 7 - No Connect Pin 8 - No Connect Pin 9 - No Connect Port C (DB9 connector) Serial Input/Output used for Automatic Number Identification (ANI) Pin 1 - No connect Pin 2 - RS-232 ANI output (Tx) Pin 3 - RS-232 ANI input (Rx) Pin 4 - No Connect Pin 5 - GND

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©2000 Eventide Inc. DIR911 Instant Recall Recorder does not want this message to be erased, s/he can “save” the message (indicated by an asterisk * next to the message number). It will be stored in a separate section of memory reserved for this purpose. If the user wants to cancel the save, s/he simply presses the “Save” key again. The * will disappear and the message can now be recorded over as new messages come in. Recall Key Used to play back a given message. At any point in a give

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DIR911 Instant Recall Recorder ©2000 Eventide Inc. Telephone Input Gain: 0.0dB Auxiliary Input Gain: 0.0dB CURSOR DECREASE INCREASE DONE If you want to “boost” the strength of the input signal of either the telephone or auxiliary inputs, the input gain for the appropriate channel can be changed here. As the number is increased from 0.0dB (the default value), it acts like an input volume control; the higher the input gain, the higher the i

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©2000 Eventide Inc. DIR911 Instant Recall Recorder SET RECORD ACTIVATION Screen - Set the record activation to VOX, Off Hook, or External closure Record Activation by: VOX CHANGE DONE From this screen, you can select the type of record activation to use on the telephone line input (the auxiliary input uses VOX activation only). There are three ways of triggering the DIR911 to start recording:

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DIR911 Instant Recall Recorder ©2000 Eventide Inc. TEST/ADJUST OFF HOOK ACTIVATION Screen - Test/adjust the off hook record level Adjustment on back of unit sets on/off hook record level Phone is currently: ON HOOK DONE First, make sure that the phone is on the hook and the display reads “ON HOOK.” If it does not, adjust the trim pot labeled “Off Hook Adjust” (on the back of the unit) until the displa

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©2000 Eventide Inc. DIR911 Instant Recall Recorder “DECREASE” and “INCREASE” keys adjust the VOX level accordingly. Press “DONE” to select the value displayed. SET VOX HOLD TIME Screen - Set the VOX signal hold time Telephone VOX hold time: 6.0 seconds Auxiliary VOX hold time: 6.0 seconds CURSOR DECREASE INCREASE DONE The VOX hold time is the length of time that the unit will continue to record after a loss of input signal. For example,

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DIR911 Instant Recall Recorder ©2000 Eventide Inc. BEEP CONFIGURATION Screen - Enable/Disable beep, set level of beep tone on telephone line The beep is currently: DISABLED CHANGE CONSTANT DONE This is the beep configuration screen. A 1kHz beep tone can be injected on the phone line to let the user and others know that they are being recorded. “CHANGE” steps between enabled and disabled. W

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