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Operating Instructions
C 9.92 H
Order No.: 153 146 Date of Issue: 10.09.2009
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Operating Instructions C 9.92 Foreword We congratulate you on having bought a product from The personnel entrusted with the operation and maintenance HOLDER. We would like you to be able to work safely with of the tractors must be made familiar with the operating and your tractor and without malfunctions, and therefore we rec- maintenance instructions. The owner must ensure that every ommend you follow the instructions in this manual. You will operator has received, read and understood these ins
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Operating Instructions C 9.92 Foreword In case of questions regarding your tractor, please state the Explanation of the cautions used: following data: DANGER Indicates procedures which must be observed Tractor model ..................................................... eg S 990 exactly to prevent danger to the life and limbs Engine serial number ................................... eg 10668874 of persons. Chassis serial number.................................. eg 53400101 Date of sale, CAUTION d
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Operating Instructions C 9.92 Foreword Table of contents Chapter Page Chapter Page Foreword ........................................................................ 1 Maintenance during the initial period of operation ....... 167 Information on the tractor .............................................. 5 Maintenance after the first 50 service hours ...............167 Operating instructions .................................................... 7 Maintenance after the first 500 service hours ......
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Operating Instructions C 9.92 Information on the tractor The tractor, together with its attachments, may only be used, This tractor has received the type approval acc. to 74/150/ serviced and repaired by persons familiar with this equip- EEC after a safety inspection. The tractor conforms to the ment and who have been warned of possible risks. The ap- EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) requirements of direc- plicable safety regulations and any other valid safety, in- tive 89/336/EEC. The regula
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Operating Instructions C 9.92 Information on the tractor Residual hazards and risks Despite careful working and conformance with standards and The hazards can include: regulations, hazards arising from handling the tractor can not - Unexpected movements the attachments and of the be excluded. tractor. The tractor and all other system components conform to - Escape of fuel, fluids and lubricants due to leaks, currently applicable safety regulations. A residual risk, how- broken lines and contain
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Operating Instructions C 9.92 Operating instructions Driver’s licence For the driving of this tractor you require a driver’s licence depending on the maximum ground speed and the permissi- ble total weight of the tractor and combinations. See the tables below. Driver’s licence classes Tractors for farming and forestry (also with attachments) Top speed Maximum total weight Driver's licence class Previous driver's (design-dependent) (minimum requirement) licence class Up to 32 km/h No limitation B
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Operating Instructions C 9.92 Operating instructions Single-axle trailers or two-axle trailers with axle base of up to 1 metre maximum Driver's licence class Previous driver's Maximum total weight (minimum requirement) licence class Trailer weight up to 750 kg B, C1, C, T 1, 1a, 1b, 2, 3, 4, 5 25 L: only with additional sign and type-dependent maximum tractor ground speed of 25 km/h Trailer weight over 750 kg BE, C1E, CE, T 1, 1a, 1b, 2, 3, 4, 5 B, C1, C: only up to 3.5 t of max. total c
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Operating Instructions C 9.92 Operating instructions Multiple-axle trailers and two-axle trailers with an axle base over 1 metre Driver's licence class Previous driver's Maximum total weight (minimum requirement) licence class Trailer weight up to 750 kg B, C1, C, T 2, 3 25 L: only with additional sign and type-dependent maximum tractor ground speed of 25 km/h Trailer weight over 750 kg BE, C1E, CE, T 2, 3 Up to 3.5 t max. total weight B, C1, C: only up to 3.5 t of max. 1, 1a, 1b, 4, 5: t
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Operating Instructions C 9.92 Operating instructions Two trailers behind tractors for farming and forestry Driver's licence class Previous driver's licence Maximum total weight (minimum requirement) class BE, C1E, CE, T 2, 3 25 Up to 3.5 t max. total weight B, C1, C: 1, 1a, 1b, 4, 5, only up to 3.5 t of max. total weight of the combination and max. total weight of the trailer ≤ curb weight of tractor; otherwise: 25 Up to 12 t max. total weight C1E: only up to 12 t max. total weight of the combi
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Operating Instructions C 9.92 Operating instructions Safety Working clothes General notes on safety Observe your national regulations for safety and Only wear snugly fitting clothing when working with health protection. the tractor. Do not allow children under 16 to use the tractor. If necessary, wear suitable headwear to keep loose When using the public highway, respect the highway hairs and pigtails from being caught in rotating parts. code. Do not wear jewellery and similar object
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Operating Instructions C 9.92 Operating instructions The installed equipment must conform to the applica- Safety instructions for handling fuel, fluids ble EMC directive 89/336/EU and carry the CE and lubricants symbol. If you must install a mobile communications system Gear oil, engine oil, diesel fuel (or have it installed) (eg radio, mobile telephone), the following requirements must be met: Do not eat, drink or smoke when handling - Only approved equipment (eg with type approval) may th
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Operating Instructions C 9.92 Operating instructions Observe applicable laws and regulations. Oils Battery acid are inflammable. Do not let them come in Battery acid contains dissolved sulphuric contact with hot engine parts as fire can re- acid. This acid is poisonous and caustic. When sult. working with battery acid, always wear pro- tective clothing and eye protectors. Do not Hydraulic oil, brake fluid allow acid to contact the clothing, skin or eyes; During tractor operation, these fluids ar
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Operating Instructions C 9.92 Operating instructions Particularly the particulates contained in the exhaust gas can cause cancer. For this rea- son the engine should not be operated in en- closed spaces. Heat The exhaust gases are very hot and can ig- nite inflammable material. Therefore keep the exhaust pipe away from inflammable materi- als. Battery During charging the battery emits a mix of oxygen and hydrogen (detonating gas). This gas mix is explosive and must not be ignited. The danger of
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Operating Instructions C 9.92 Technical data Tractor dimensions Dimensional drawing 153 146 15
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Operating Instructions C 9.92 Technical data Table of dimensions for S 990 Tow coupling Tires Type Profile Total Avg. Ground Lowest Highest Dump PTO height height seat clearance position position body height height a b c d d g h i mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 280/80 R18 532-31-08 XMCL 2243 1265 227 572 972 1136 481 327 280/80 R18 S 532-31-09 36x13.50-15 524-31-8 Multi Trac 2236 1258 220 565 965 1129 474 320 10.5-18 MPT 524-31-1 AT 603 2233 1255 217 562 962 1126 471 317 10.5-18 MPT S 524-31-6 425/55
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Operating Instructions C 9.92 Technical data Distance between centreline of tires Small turning With hub spacers Normal track width radius (flange size 1034) to DIN 7020 Type 5234-80 = 45 mm Type 526-34-70 = 80 mm Tires at min. track Track width e Overall width f Track width e Overall width f Track width e Overall width f width (measured at Min.- Max.- Min.- Max.- Min.- Max.- Min.- Max.- Min.- Max.- Min.- Max.- outermost point mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm of truck) 10.5-18 MPT S 7.12 m 96
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Operating Instructions C 9.92 Technical data Weights Weight in kg Auxiliary assemblies Total Front Rear Max. curb weight 4500 kg Inching speed 13 kg 10 kg 3 kg Max. front axle load *2660 kg - 2700 kg Rear lift 77 kg -25 kg 102 kg Max. rear axle load *2660 kg - 2700 kg Dump body 75 kg 0 kg 75 kg 800 kg Max. tongue weight on tow coupling * With 33X12.50 R15 tires 31x15,50-15 10,5-18MPT Tires 33x12,50R15 400/60-15.5 33/18LL-16.1 280/80 R18 425/55 R17 33x12,50-15 33x15.50-15 36x13.50-15 Curb weight