Руководство по эксплуатации Troy-Bilt OG-4605

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Troy-Bilt OG-4605

Устройство: Troy-Bilt OG-4605
Категория: Косилка
Производитель: Troy-Bilt
Размер: 4.8 MB
Добавлено: 10/20/2014
Количество страниц: 40
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Owner’s Man ual
IM POR TANT: Read Safety Rules and In structions Care fully

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CALLING CUSTOMER SUPPORT • LO CATE YOUR MODEL NUMBER AND SE RIAL NUMBER which ap pears on your unit and re cord the in for ma tion in the space pro vided be low. IM P OR TANT: You must have these num bers, along with the date and proof of pur chase to re ceive warran ty or service. • If you are hav ing dif fi culty as sem bling this prod uct or if you have any ques tions re gard - ing the con trols, op er a tion or main te nance of this unit, please call an au tho rized dealer. • Please have y

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This unit has been in spected against the man u fac tur ers qual ity check list. In case of a dis crep - ancy, please call us. We will make ev ery ef fort to ship the part(s) by cou rier within one work ing day of your call. IM POR TAN T SAFE OP ER A TIO N PRAC TICES WARNING: This sym bol points out im por tant safety in struc tions which, if not fol - lowed, could en dan ger the per sonal safety and/or prop erty of your self and oth ers. Read and fol low all in struc tions in this man ual be fo

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tive and may re sult in per sonal in jury DO: through con tact with the ro tat ing blade. The •Mow across the face of slopes; never up blade con trol han dle must op er ate eas ily in and down. Ex er cise ex treme cau tion when both di rec tio ns and au to mat i cally re tur n to chang ing di rec tion on slopes. Watch for the dis en gaged po si tio n when re leased . holes, ruts, bumps, rocks, or other hid den •Never op er ate the mower in wet grass. Al - ob jects which can cause you to slip or

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your clothes which can ig nite. Wash your GEN ERAL SER VICE: skin and change clothes im me di ately. •Never run an en gine in doors or in a poorly a) Use only an ap proved gas o line con tainer. ven ti la ted area. En gine ex haust con ta ins car - bon mon ox ide, an odor less and deadly gas. b) Never fill con tain ers in side a ve hi cle or on a truck or trailer bed with a plas tic liner. • Be fore clean i ng, re pair in g, or in spe ct ing, Al ways place con tain ers on the ground make cer ta

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OWNER'S WAR NING - Your Re spon si bil i ty: SAFETY LA BEL MAN UAL Re strict the use of this power ma chine to per sons who read, un der stand and fol low the warn ings and in struc - tions in this man ual and on the ma chine. SLOPE GAUGE (Keep this sheet in a safe place for fu ture ref er ence.) 6 o F O L D

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It is suggested that this manual be read in its 2 Lift lower han dle. entirety before attempting to assemble or operate. Keep this manual in a safe place for 1 Move 3 Lift future reference and for ordering bag up per replacement parts. away. han dle. This unit is shipped WITHOUT GASOLINE or OIL. After assembly, service engine with gasoline and oil as instructed in the separate engine manual packed with your unit. NOTE: Ref er ence to right or left hand Fig ure 1 side of the mower is ob se

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Small Wing Nut Upper Hole Lower Handle Carriage Starter Drive Adjuster Bolt Handle Block Bolt Rope Gu ide Wing Nut Weld Pin Fig ure 5 Place t he hairpin clips in the inner hole. Soft Grass Bag Fig ure 4 NOTE: Make cer tain the grass bag is •In sert the car riage bolt, in cluded in the turned right side out be fore as sem bling hard ware pack, in the up per hole on the (warn ing la bel will be on the out side). han dle mount ing bracket (car riage bolt must •Place bag over frame (black

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CONVERTING TO MULCHER Rear Discharge Door • Re move the grasscatcher. • If the unit was set up for side dis charge, lift the hinged mulch ing plug on the side of the deck and re move the side dis charge chute. Lower the hinged mulch plug. See Fig ure 8. Pivot Rod CAU TION: Do not run your lawn Grass mower with out chute de flec tor, Catcher mulching plug or an ap proved grass catcher in place. The de flec tor will de flect a pro jec tile Fig ure 7 thrown by the blade into the lawn. FINAL ASSE

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Starter Rope Drive Clutch Control The starter rope is at tached to the han dle. Stand be hind the unit and pull the starter Blade Control rope to start the unit. Handle Throt tl e Con trol Recoi l The en gine is equipped with a con stant Starter speed throt tle which is set at full throt tle for max i mum en gin e and cut ting per for mance. Cut t ing Height Ad just men t Le ver These le vers are lo cated on each wheel and Grass they are used to ad just the cut ting height. All Catcher four

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stick to the un der side of the deck pre vent ing NOTE: The blade con trol handle mu st proper mulching of the grass clip pings. be de pressed in or der to op er ate the unit. Re lease the blade con trol han dle •Cut no more than 1/3 the length of the to stop the en gine and blade. grass. The rec om mended cut for mulch ing is 1/3 the length of the grass. Ground speed TO STOP ENGINE will need to be ad justed so the clip pings can • Re lease the blade con trol han dle to stop the be dis perse

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ADJUSTMENTS LUBRICATION CAUTION: DO NOT AT ANY TIME CAUTION: DISCONNECT SPARK MAKE ANY ADJUSTMENT TO PLUG WIRE BEFORE SERVICING LAWNMOWER WITHOUT FIRST STOPPING THE ENGINE AND WHEELS - Lu bri cate the ball bear ings (if so DISCONNECTING THE SPARK equipped) in each wheel at least once a sea - PLUG WIRE son with a light oil. Also, if the wheels are re moved for any rea son, lu bri cate the sur - Adjusting Cutting Height face of the axle bolt and the in ner sur face of •Stop mower and dis con nect

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WARN IN G: When re mov ing the cut - ting blade for sharp en ing or re place - ment, pro tect hands by us ing heavy gloves or a rag to grasp the cut ting Adapter -Pulley blade. Assembly •Re move the bolt which hold the blade adapter-pul ley as sem bly to the en gine crank - Blade shaft. Re move the pul ley as sem bly and the Blade Bell bell sup port from the crank shaft. See Fig ure Support 13. • Re move the blade from the blade adap tor and Hex Bolt pul ley . Installing the blade • Be fore re

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•Re move the idler from idler bracket us ing 7/16” wrench and socket. See Fig ure 14. Idler Bracket •Re move the belt from the trans mis sion. See Fig ure 1. Drive Belt •Re move the belt from the en gine pul ley and around the blade. See Fig ure 15. • Re as sem ble in re verse or der with new belt. Bolt Spacer NOTE: Be gin idler re as sem bly by in sert - ing bolt up through the idler bracket Lock nut hole. Belt Keeper Pulley • Ad just the Drive Clutch as in structed in "Ad - just ing Drive Clu

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TROU BLE SHOOTI NG PROB LEM POS SI BLE CAUSE( S) COR REC TIVE AC TION En gine fails to start 1. Blade con trol han dle dis en - 1. En gage blade con trol han dle. gaged. 2. Spark plug wire dis con nected. 2. Con nect spark plug wire. 3. Fuel tank empty, or stale fuel. 3. Fill tank with clean, fresh gas o line. 4. Blocked fuel line. 4. Clean the fuel line. 5. Faulty spark plug. 5. Clean, ad just gap or re place. 6. En gine flooded. 6. Wait a few min utes to re start, but do not prime. En gine run

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REPLACEMENT PARTS/PIÈCES DÉTACHÉES En gine Shroud (not shown) 751B699869 with screw 710-1256/ Capots de m oteur (non illustrée) 1 751B699869 avec vis 710-1256. 84 3 79 85 7 82 48 19 8 17 19 14 49 23 13 15 42 62 19 16 63 64 6 71 44 22 19 69 20 66 43 30 52 28 26 80 21 18 72 27 25 68 81 51 11 5 57 76 78 43 59 3 4 26 26 2 73 24 31 26 55 35 26 36 53 56 57 58 12 28 31 33 29 60 31 32 40 53 34 61 54 65 9 37 67 47 46 10 39 38 45 41 77 16

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REF PART NO. NO. N° DE N° DE RÉF PIÈCE DE SCRIP TION DE SCRIP TION 1 731-2647 Drive Con trol Han dle Poignée de commande d’embrayage de l’entraînement 2 710-0599 Hex Wash S-Tapp Scr 1/4-20 x .50 Vis autotaraudeuse à rondelle hex. 1/4-20 x 0,50 3 736-0270 Cupped Washer .265 ID x Rondelle creuse 0,265 DI x 0,75 DE .75 OD x .062 x 0,062 4 17032A Chute Hinge Charnière de déflecteur 5 732-1014 T or sion Spring Ressort de tor sion 6 710-0809 Hex TT Scr 1/4-20 X 1.250 Vis autotaraudée 1/4-20 X 1,250 7

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REF PART NO. NO. N° DE N° DE RÉF PIÈCE DE SCRIP TION DE SCRIP TION 49 736-0451 Sad dle Wash. .320 ID x .937 OD Rondelle selle 0,320 DI x 0,937 DE 50 710-0606 Hex Scr 1/4-20 x 1.50 Vis à tête hexagonale 1/4-20 x 1,50 51 710-1652 Hex Wash Hd TT Scr. 1/4-20 x .625 Vis taraudée 1/4-20 x 0,625 52 687-02068 RH Han dle Bracket As sem bly En sem ble de sup port du guidon CD 52 687-02069 LH Han dle Bracket As sem bly En sem ble de sup port du guidon CG 53 715-0221 Pin Goupille 54 736-0474 Flat Washer 1.5

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Model/Modèle Shroud/Capot Hard ware/Q uincaillerie 12A-463E500 751A1432613 7510042823 12A-465D515 751A1433513 7510042823 12AD466A563 751B699869 710-1256 12A-558O552 751B281440 710-1256 12AD565C501 731-04525 7510042823 12AD569R565 751B281440 710-1256 19

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