Руководство по эксплуатации Sun Lawn MM-2

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Sun Lawn MM-2

Устройство: Sun Lawn MM-2
Категория: Косилка
Производитель: Sun Lawn
Размер: 0.54 MB
Добавлено: 3/5/2014
Количество страниц: 10
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Краткое содержание
Краткое содержание страницы № 1

Owner’s Manual

Manual Reel Mower
(Model MM-2)

Краткое содержание страницы № 2

Table of Contents Welcome ............................................................................1 Warranty ............................................................................1 Use of This Product ..............................................................1 Assembly ............................................................................2 Parts List ....................................................................2 Assemble Handle Section .........................

Краткое содержание страницы № 3

Owner’s Manual — Sunlawn MM-2 WELCOME Congratulations on your purchase of a Sunlawn mower. This and our other Sunlawn products originate from our commitment to conscientious gardening solutions. Please use this manual as a reference. WARRANTY Sunlawn, Inc. (the Manufacturer) guarantees this product for private use for a period of 2 years from the date of purchase. This guarantee applies to all serious defects of the product which can be proven to have been caused by

Краткое содержание страницы № 4

Owner’s Manual — Sunlawn MM--2 ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST 1. Handle top section 16. Roller screw (2) 2. Handle grip 17. Cutting bar 3. Handle mid section 18. Cutting bar secure bolt (2) 4. Handle lower section 19. Cutting bar adjusting 5. Handle bolt (4) [A] bolt (2) 6. Handle wing nut (4) [A] 20. Cutting bar spring (2) 7. Handle spacer [B] 21. Wheel (2) 8. Handle cotter pin [B] 22. Wheel spacer (2) 9. Adjustment knob [B] 23. Wheel clip (2)

Краткое содержание страницы № 5

Owner’s Manual — Sunlawn MM-2 ASSEMBLE THE HANDLE SECTIONS 1. Set the cutting height to the highest setting as shown below. This will make it easier to attach the lower handle section. a. Loosen the two large black knobs [Part # 9], one on each side of the mower body, to allow movement of the height adjustment arms [Part # 11]. NOTE: the handle is mounted to the adjusting arms and thus moves with the arms. b. Set the height to the highest setting and re-tighten the black knobs.

Краткое содержание страницы № 6

Owner’s Manual — Sunlawn MM--2 1. Loosen the two large black knobs [Part # 9], one on each side of the mower body, to allow movement of the height adjustment arms [Part # 11]. (This is the same movement used to attach the handle.) NOTE: the handle is mounted to the height adjustment arms and thus moves with the arms. 2. Set the height, using the scale on the back of the adjusting arms to the same setting on both sides and re-tighten the black knobs. The mower is now ready to mow at

Краткое содержание страницы № 7

Owner’s Manual — Sunlawn MM-2 1. Mowing wet grass causes an uneven cut and can cause damage to the electrical components of the mower. 2. Do not mow when it is raining. ! WARNING • Before starting the mower, check within the blade area for any foreign objects and remove them. • Do not operate the mower on areas other than turf surfaces. The mower should be sitting upright on a level part of the lawn before starting operation NORMAL MOWING To obtain a cle

Краткое содержание страницы № 8

Owner’s Manual — Sunlawn MM--2 Mow using the same procedure as for normal mowing (described above). MOWING: GENERAL INFORMATION THE 1/3 RULE This is the key to enjoyable mowing and a healthy lawn. 1. The lawn should be mowed regularly, at least once a week during the growing season. 2. Be guided by observing the lawn and taking care not to remove more than 1/3 of the total height of the turf at any mowing. 3. Following this rule will stimulate

Краткое содержание страницы № 9

Owner’s Manual — Sunlawn MM-2 If the lawn is overgrown (to higher than 4 inches) it may be advisable to use a brush cutter to remove the excess turf mass before resuming mowing at normal heights. MAINTENANCE CLEANING After using the mower, clean with a moist cloth. Spray the cylinder and cutting bar with silicon spray lube. GENERAL MAINTENANCE Regularly check to insure that all bolts, nuts, and screws are tight and that the mower is in good working order. Worn out and

Краткое содержание страницы № 10

Owner’s Manual — Sunlawn MM--2 2. Make the same adjustment at the other end of the cutting bar. 3. Now check the adjustment using the small 0.05mm/0.002 inch gauge (silver strip) supplied with the MM-2 (or any 0.05mm/0.002 inch feeler gauge). If the gauge is held by the cylinder blades but the cylinder and cutting bar are not touching then the adjustment is correct. 4. The blades may also be tested by inserting a piece of paper vertically into the blades w

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