Руководство по эксплуатации Scotts SP6211

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Scotts SP6211

Устройство: Scotts SP6211
Категория: Косилка
Производитель: Scotts
Размер: 9.76 MB
Добавлено: 3/3/2014
Количество страниц: 44
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Краткое содержание
Краткое содержание страницы № 1

21-Inch Walk-Behind Rotary Mowers
SP6211 and SP6213
OMGC00390 K9
North American Version
Litho in U.S.A.

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INTRODUCTION Introduction Thank You for Purchasing a Scotts Product We appreciate your business and wish you many years of CAUTION: Avoid injury! safe and satisfied use of your machine. This symbol and text highlight potential hazards or death to the operator or bystanders may occur if the hazards or procedures are Using Your Operator’s Manual ignored. This manual is an important part of your machine and IMPORTANT: Avoid damage! This text is used to should remain with the machine when you sell

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PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Product Identification Record Identification Numbers If you need to contact an authorized Scotts servicing dealer for information on servicing, always provide the product model and serial number. You will need to locate the model and serial number for the machine and for the engine of your machine and record the information in the spaces provided below. A B MX1575 DATE OF PURCHASE: _________________________________________ DEALER NAME: _____________________________________

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents Contents Safety .....................................................................................................................................................................................1 Operating................................................................................................................................................................................5 Replacement Parts.............................................................

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SAFETY Safety Safety-Alert Symbol DANGER: KEEP HANDS AND FEET AWAY FROM Read and recognize safety information. Be alert to the CUTTING BLADES potential for personal injury when you see this safety-alert symbol. On your machine safety labels, the words DANGER, WARNING, and CAUTION are used with this safety-alert symbol. DANGER identifies the most serious hazards. In this manual, the word CAUTION and this symbol call attention to safety messages. Machine Safety Labels DANGER:ROTATINGBLADE DO NOT P

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SAFETY mulch guard, side discharge chute or grass bagging Certification Label system fastened in place. The OPEI label on your mower indicates that this model has been certified by an independent laboratory for compliance with American National Standard B-71.1, “Safety Specifications” for Power Lawn Mowers, Lawn and Garden Tractors, and Lawn Tractors. SAFETY Operate Safely DANGER:ROTATINGBLADE  Stop engine before opening safety door and clearing bagging chute. THROWN OBJECTS  Inspect machine b

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SAFETY Rotating Blades are Dangerous - Protect Wear Appropriate Clothing Children and Prevent Accidents  Wear close fitting clothing and safety equipment appropriate for the job.  Do Not operate the equipment when barefoot or wearing open sandals. Always wear substantial footwear.  Loud noise can cause impairment or loss of hearing, wear asuitableprotectivedevicesuchasearplugs. Practice Safe Maintenance PROTECT CHILDREN:  Never assume that children will remain where you last saw them. Childr

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SAFETY Avoid Injury from Contacting Blade Handling Fuel Safely Fuel and fuel vapors are highly flammable: Before you unplug or adjust machine:  STOP the engine.  DO NOT refuel machine while you smoke, when machine is near an open flame or sparks, or when engine  Wait for blade to STOP. is running. STOP engine.  Keep hands, feet and clothing away from blade when  Fill fuel tank outdoors. engine is running.  Prevent fires: clean oil, grease and dirt from machine. Clean up spilled fuel immedi

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OPERATING Operating Handle and Cutting Height Controls Engine Controls A B A B A C MX1568 C A - Primer Bulb M96540 Handle Controls A - Fold Handle Knobs B - Handle Height Knobs A C-CuttingHeightLevers ADJUSTMENTS D B C Adjusting Cutting Height M93034 CAUTION: Avoid injury! Before you adjust cutting height: A - Blade Control Lever STOP ENGINE. B - Traction Clutch Lever C - Starter Handle NOTE: Adjust both levers to same height except for D - Travel Speed Lever (SP6213) LOWEST cutting height (A).

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OPERATING Adjusting Handle Height Upper Handle: E D F C NOTE: Upper handle height can be independently G B adjusted to two positions. A A M87101 B Key Cutting Height Adjustments In mm (Inches) (A) 25mm(1in.) M92146 (B) 38 mm (1-1/2 in.) 1. Remove knob (A) and bolt (B) from each side of upper (C) 50mm(2in.) handle. (D) 64 mm (2-1/2 in.) 2. Move handle to desired height. (E) 75mm(3in.) 3. Install bolt through matching holes in upper and lower handles on each side. (F) 90 mm (3-1/2 in.) 4. Install

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OPERATING CAUTION: Avoid injury! WHEN ENGINE IS RUNNING, BLADE IS TURNING. H Keep hands, feet and clothing away from the blade. F G M96559 B 3. If bag prevents lowering of handle, remove clip (F) to remove rod (G). Remove rod from lower position (H) and insert in upper position as shown to lengthen bag. 4. Tighten knob (C) on each side of handle. M93034 Starting Engine 2. Hold blade control lever (B) against handle. CAUTION: Avoid injury! Engine exhaust fumes can cause sickness or death. Run e

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OPERATING To change travel speeds: (SP6213) Forward Travel NOTE: Mower travel speed can be changed when the To Travel Forward: traction clutch lever is engaged and the mower is moving forward. A A M93034 M93035 Pull and hold traction clutch lever (A) against upper handle.  Raise or lower speed control lever (A) to engage desired To Stop Forward Travel: gear. NOTE: Rear wheels will make a clicking noise when mower is pushed forward. This indicates that the drive train is operating correctly. Sto

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OPERATING Using Side Discharge Chute Using Grass Bag CAUTION: Avoid injury! DO NOT operate mower CAUTION: Avoid injury! DO NOT operate mower unless grass bag assembly, side discharge unless mulch guard, side discharge chute or chute or mulch guard is in place. grass bag and bagging chute are in place. BaggingchuteMUSTberemoved andmulch 1. Release blade control lever to stop engine. guard secured in place when grass bag is not being used. NOTE: Bag may wear and deteriorate. Check condition of b

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OPERATING When you mow an area for the first time, travel SLOW and cut HIGH so you can: IMPORTANT: Avoid damage! DO NOT leave clippings in bag:  Learn the terrain.  Moisture may damage bag.  Learn the best mowing pattern.  Damp clippings are a fire hazard.  Help prevent hitting objects hidden in the grass. Try to mow grass only when it is dry: Wet grass may plug  Clean bag often with water from garden hose, from mower and leave a trail of grass clumps. outsidetoinsideofbag.Let bagdrybefore

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OPERATING sunlight in Fall to help store food for Winter. A thick layer of mulched leaves can prevent sunlight from getting to grass andsmother it.You mayhavetomow withgrass bagto remove this layer. Mulch leaves only when they are dry. Mulching wet or damp grass or leaves may cause problems:  Clippings and leaves may build up on the underside of the mower deck.  Cut grass and leaves may form clumps.  Leaves may not be cut into small bits.  Engine will work harder and use more fuel.  Clean u

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REPLACEMENT PARTS Replacement Parts Service Literature If you would like a copy of the Parts Catalog or Technical Manual for this machine call:  U.S. & Canada: 1-800-522-7448.  All Other Regions: Your John Deere dealer. John Deere Quality We recommend John Deere quality parts and lubricants, available at your authorized Scotts servicing dealer. Part numbers may change, use part numbers listed below when you order. If a number changes, your dealer will have the latest number. When you order par

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SERVICE INTERVALS Service Intervals Service Intervals Please use the following timetables to perform routine maintenance on your machine. Service procedures included in this manual but not on this chart are to be performed on an as needed basis. IMPORTANT: Avoid damage! If you operate mower in extreme heat, dust or other severe conditions, service more often than shown below. Before Each Use  Check oil level. After Each Use  Clean the mower. First 5 Hour  Change engine oil. (Break-in)  Lubri

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SERVICE Service Engine Oil Engine Warranty Maintenance Statement Maintenance, repair, or replacement of the emission control devices and systems on this engine, which are being done at the customers expense, may be performed by any 50° C 122° F nonroad engine repair establishment or individual. Warranty repairs must be performed by an authorized 40° C 104° F Scotts servicing dealer. 30° C 86° F 20° C 68° F Adjusting Carburetor NOTE: Carburetor is calibrated by the engine 10° C 50° F manufacturer

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SERVICE IMPORTANT: Avoid damage!  Change oil after first 5 hours of operation.  Change oil while engine is warm. A  If mower is not operated 25 hours during the mowing season, change oil before storing mower.  Help prevent air cleaner damage and hard starting, turn mower onto the LEFT side when servicing. MX1567 NOTE: Two different methods can be used for changing the engine oil. Both options are acceptable 2. Turn oil dipstick (A) 1/4 turn counterclockwise. Remove service procedures based o

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SERVICE B CAUTION: Avoid injury! Fuel is highly flammable. Prevent fuel from contacting hot surfaces: DO NOT drain fuel tank. Run engine until fuel tank is very low or empty before turning mower on side to change oil. 7. Turn mower onto its LEFT SIDE. 8. Allow engine oil to drain from the dipstick filler tube location into the drain pan. M87113 9. After oil has drained, return mower to an upright position. 4. Remove drain plug (B) from underside of mower using a 10.Remove plastic drain tube. Cl

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