Руководство по эксплуатации Exmark Turf Tracer S-Series 312

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Exmark Turf Tracer S-Series 312

Устройство: Exmark Turf Tracer S-Series 312
Категория: Косилка
Производитель: Exmark
Размер: 3.2 MB
Добавлено: 11/4/2014
Количество страниц: 52
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Exmark Turf Tracer S-Series 312 Руководство по эксплуатации - Online PDF
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Краткое содержание страницы № 1

For Serial Nos.
312,000,000 & Higher
Par t No. 4501-049 Rev . A

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T his spark ignition system complies with the Canadian standard ICES-002. Ce système d’allumag e par ètincelle de vèhicule est confor me à la nor me NMB-002 du Canada K eep this engine Owner’ s Man ual with y our unit. Should this engine Owner’ s Man ual become dama ged or illegible, r eplace immediatel y . R eplacements may be order ed thr ough the engine man uf actur er . Exmar k r eser v es the right to mak e changes or add impr o v ements to its pr oducts at an y time without incur ring an y

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Introduction CONGRATULATIONS on the purc hase of y our Exmark Mo w er . T his product has been carefully designed and man ufactured to gi v e y ou a maxim um amount of de pendability and years of trouble-free operation. T his man ual contains operating, maintenance , Figure 1 adjustment, and safety instr uctions for y our Exmark 1. Model and serial number location mo w er . BEFORE OPERATING Y OUR MO WER, CAREFULL Y READ THIS MANU AL IN ITS Model No. ENTIRETY . By follo wing the operating, mainte

Краткое содержание страницы № 4

Hy dro Dri v e Linkag e Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Contents T rac king Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Hy dro Pump Spring T ension Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 PTO Safety Switc h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Safety .

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Safety Safe Operating Practices Safety T raining Safety Alert Symbol W hat is LPG? LPG stands for liquefied petroleum T his la wn mo w er meets or ex ceeds the B71.4 g as and is more commonly called propane . LPG is specifications of the American National Standards a liquid fuel that is stored in a tank under pressure . Institute in effect at the time of production. Before the liquid lea v es the tank, it is con v er ted into a v apor . Since LPG is stored as both liquid and g as , Exmark design

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Safety • W ear appropriate clothing including safety glasses , DANGER substantial footw ear , long trousers , and hearing LPG fuel is extr emel y flamma ble and v apor s protection. Do Not operate when barefoot or ar e explosi v e. when w earing open sandals . Long hair , loose clothing or jew elr y ma y g et tangled in mo ving A fir e or explosion fr om LPG fuel can bur n par ts . y ou, other s, and cause pr oper ty dama ge. • Nev er smok e ar ound tank(s) and stay CAUTION a w ay fr om an open

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Safety functioning properly . Do Not operate unless they DANGER are functioning properly . LPG fuel is extr emel y flamma ble and v apor s ar e explosi v e. Inspection • In case of fir e tak e the f ollo wing steps: It is v er y impor tant to c hec k the LPG tank and 1. If y ou can safel y do so, stop the flo w of components for w ear or leaks . gas as quickl y as possible. Nev er put Important: Nev er check f or leaks using an open out flame unless gas can be shut of f. flame. 2. Notify the Fir

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Safety – Inspect the LPG tank and the fuel connection Operation joint for leaks . Use the follo wing procedure belo w to detect leaks: W ARNING ◊ Apply an appro v ed leak detector solution, Operating engine par ts, especiall y the muf fler , obtained from a trained and qualified LPG become extr emel y hot. Sev er e bur ns can occur distributor , or a thic k non-ammonia soapy on contact and de bris, such as lea v es, g rass, w ater solution (50% non-ammonia soap br ush, etc . can catch fir e. and

Краткое содержание страницы № 9

Safety damag e and mak e re pairs before restar ting DANGER and operating the mo w er). Operating on w et g rass or steep slopes can – Before clearing bloc kag es . cause sliding and loss of contr ol. Loss of contr ol and/or loss of operator's f ooting could r esult in a – W henev er y ou lea v e the mo w er . f all with an ar m or leg getting under the mo w er • Stop engine , w ait for all mo ving par ts to stop , and or engine deck which may r esult in serious injur y , eng ag e parking brak e

Краткое содержание страницы № 10

Safety • K ee p engine and engine area free from before connecting or disconnecting from batter y . accum ulation of g rass , lea v es , ex cessi v e g rease W ear protecti v e clothing and use insulated tools . or oil, and other debris whic h can accum ulate in these areas . T hese materials can become DANGER combustible and ma y result in a fire . Charging or jump star ting the batter y may • Let engine cool before storing and Do Not store pr oduce explosi v e gases. Batter y gases can near fl

Краткое содержание страницы № 11

Safety W ARNING R emo ving standard original equipment par ts, or using non-Exmar k r eplacement par ts and accessories may alter the w ar ranty , traction, and safety of the machine. F ailur e to use original Exmar k par ts could cause serious injur y or death. R eplace all par ts including , but not limited to, tir es, belts, and blades with original Exmar k par ts. W ARNING Hy draulic fluid escaping under pr essur e can penetrate skin and cause injur y . F luid accidentall y injected into the

Краткое содержание страницы № 12

Safety Safety and Instructional Decals • K ee p all safety signs legible . R emo v e all g rease , • New safety signs ma y be obtained from dir t and debris from safety signs and instr uctional y our authorized Exmark equipment dealer or labels . distributor or from Exmark Mfg . Co . Inc . • R e place all w or n, damag ed, or missing safety • Safety signs ma y be affix ed b y peeling off the signs . bac king to expose the adhesi v e surface . Apply only to a clean, dr y surface . Smooth to remo

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Safety 103-2076 1-553049 98-5954 103-2103 103-1798 103–2242 103-1976 13

Краткое содержание страницы № 14

Safety 103–2243 109-9875 103-4935 109-3148 1 16-0404 109-9870 14

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Safety 1 17–2718 109-9906 15

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Specifications Specifications Model Numbers Serial Nos: 312,000,000 and Higher TTS600PKAE483 Systems Note: Use of a “forklift” type liquid withdra w al tank will result in icing or freezing of the LPG regulator and prev ent the engine from operating . T his ma y Engine also result in per manent fuel system damag e and the • Engine Specifications: See y our Engine Owner’ s release of highly flammable propane liquid or v apor . Man ual • Engine Oil T ype: Exmark 4–Cycle Premium Electrical System E

Краткое содержание страницы № 17

Specifications • Hy draulic Oil: Use Exmark Premium Hy dro Oil. • Mulc hing Kit: Optional • Hy draulic Oil Capacity: 2.4 qt. (2.2 L) • Bag g er : Optional • Hy draulic Filter is re placeable car tridg e type . P/N 109-4180: 25 microns , 10 psi b ypass Dimensions (Summer use abo v e 32°F (0°C)) P/N 1-523541: 40 microns , 18 psi b ypass (Winter Overall W idth: use belo w 32°F (0°C)) Deflector Up 48.1 inc hes (122.2 cm) • Speeds: Deflector Do wn 58.25 inc hes (148.0 cm) – 0-6.2 mph (10.0 km/hr) for

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Product Overview T orque Requirements Product Overview Bolt Location T orque Cutter Housing Spindle 140-145 ft-lb Nut (190-197 N-m) Blade Mounting Bolt 55-60 ft-lb (75-81 N-m) (lubricate with anti-seize) 30-35 ft-lb (41-47 N-m) Engine Dec k/Mo w er Dec k Suppor t Mount Bolts Anti-Scalp R oller Nyloc 30-35 ft-lb (41-47 N-m) Nut See Figure 9 Anti-Scalp R oller W hizloc k 30-35 ft-lb (41-47 N-m) Nut See Figure 9 Engine Mounting Bolts 15-20 ft-lb (20-27 N-m) W heel Lug Nuts 90-95 ft-lb (122-129 N-m)

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Operation as sho wn in Figure 4 , and the dri v e lev ers are released, Operation the dri v e wheels are eng ag ed in the forw ard direction. Note: Deter mine the left and right sides of the Squeezing the left hand and/or right hand lev er mac hine from the nor mal operating position. causes the left hand and/or right hand dri v e wheel respecti v ely to slo w do wn, stop , or rev erse , de pending on ho w far eac h dri v e lev er is “squeezed”. Squeezing Controls the dri v e lev ers bey ond the

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Operation eng ag ed. T he unit m ust be tied do wn and brak e T he knob can be adjusted so that mac hine will “trac k” eng ag ed when transpor ting . straight ahead with the dri v e lev ers released. T he park brak e m ust be diseng ag ed to mo v e speed PT O Engagement control out of neutral or engine will kill. Located on the left side of the upper handle . F or man ual star t engines: T he park brak e m ust be diseng ag ed before the PTO is eng ag ed or the engine T o eng ag e the blades , pu

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