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perator s
P R 0 F E S S I 0 N A
28 HP, 54" Tractor
Electric Start
Model No. 247.28984
= EspaSol, p. 62
This product has a low emission engine which operates differently
from previously built engines. Before you start the engine, read and
understand this Operator's Manual.
For answers to your questions about
this product, Call:
Read and foJlow aJJSafety
RuJes and instructions before
operating this equipment.
CraftsmanTractorHelp Line
5am = 5 pro, M
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Warranty Statement .......................................................... 2 Service and Maintenance .............................................. 19 Safety Instructions ............................................................ 3 Off-Season Storage ........................................................ 30 Slope Guide ....................................................................... 8 Accessories and Attachments ........................................ 30 Safety Labels ............
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Thismachinewasbuiltto beoperatedaccordingto the safeopera- Thissymbolpointsout importantsafetyinstructionswhich,if not tion practicesinthis manual.As withanytypeof powerequipment, followed,couldendangerthepersonalsafetyand/orpropertyof carelessnessorerroron the partof the operatorcan resultin serious yourselfandothers. Readandfollowall instructionsin thismanual injury.Thismachineis capableof amputatingfingers,hands,toes beforeattemptingto operatethismachine.Failureto complywith andfeetandthrowin
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• Slowdownbeforeturning.Operatethe machinesmoothly.Avoid SLOPE OPERATION erraticoperationandexcessivespeed. Slopesarea majorfactorrelatedto lossof controlandtip-over Disengageblade(s),setparkingbrake,stopengineandwaituntil accidentswhichcan resultinsevereinjuryor death.Allslopesrequire the blade(s)cometo a completestopbeforeremovinggrass extracaution.Ifyoucannotbackupthe slopeor if youfeel uneasyon catcher,emptyinggrass,uncloggingchute,removinganygrassor it, do not mowit. debris,or makinganyadju
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CHILDREN SERVICE Tragicaccidentscanoccurifthe operatoris notalert to the presence SafeHandlingof Gasoline of children.Childrenareoftenattractedto the machineandthe mowing Toavoidpersonalinjury orpropertydamageuse extremecarein activity.Theydo notunderstandthe dangers.Neverassumethat handlinggasoline.Gasolineisextremelyflammableandthe vaporsare childrenwill remainwhereyou lastsawthem. explosive.Seriouspersonalinjury canoccurwhengasolineis spilled • Keepchildrenout of the mowingareaand inwatchfulc
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General Service • Donot changethe enginegovernorsettingsorover-speedthe engine.The governorcontrolsthe maximumsafeoperatingspeed • Never run anengine indoors orinapoorly ventilated area. Engine of the engine. exhaust contains carbon monoxide, anodorless, and deadly gas. Maintainor replacesafetyandinstructionlabels,as necessary. • Before cleaning, repairing, orinspecting, make certain the blade(s) and allmoving parts have stopped. Disconnect thespark • Observeproperdisposallawsandregulationsfor g
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SAFETY SYMBOLS Thispagedepictsanddescribessafetysymbolsthatmayappearonthis product. Read,understand,andfollowallinstructions on the machine beforeattemptingto assembleandoperate. READ THE OPERATOR'S MANUAL(S) Read, understand, and follow all instructions in the manual(s) before attempting to assemble and operate DANGER-- ROTATING BLADES Never carry passengers. Never carry children, even with the blades off. 0 DANGER-- ROTATING BLADES Always look down and behind before and while backing to avoid
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SLOPE GUIDE (.... "'O Or) C;) (=) C3, (== CL) %,==,= (1) c_3 (1) }==== C) _== & 1>-. 03 E c_3 x o %,==,== C) _r cL (1) 03 cL }=== (1) o co Dm m_ _== }==,== I "_--- (D C) 03 O I v_ (=3 i _2 c_3 I }==== I C) I --_ o I ! I l }=.== l m l cz o l (=) _r l }==== l G.) 0 c l 03 "o 1> l 0_3 E _== I I Q o _E (3) OO (-" 03 _== 8 o_ CZ3cL I C:) o__ I _= _== I _._o 0_3 o =,F=_ I I 03 o 8
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WARNING This symbol points out importantsafety instructions which, if not followed, could endanger the personal safety and/or property of yourself and others. Readand 1. DISENGAGE BLADES/PTO, (POWER TAKE OFF) 2. ENGAGE THE TRACTOR'S PARKING BRAKE. ROTATING BLADES CAUSE follow all instructions in this manual before attempting 3. ACTIVATE THROTTLE TO RUN SETTING, (MAN. SETTING NOT RECOMMENDED). _HEN CHI_REH OR OTHERS ARE 4. TURN KEY TO START ENGINE, AFTER START RELEASE KEY. to operatethis machine.
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TRACTOR SET-UP Shipping Brace Removal Moving The Tractor Manually Yourtractor'stransmissionis equippedwitha hydrostaticreliefvalve Makesurethe gardentractor'sengineis off, setthe parkingbrake for occasionswhenit is necessaryto movethe tractormanually.Open- and removethe ignitionkeybeforeremovingthe shippingbrace. ingthisvalvepermitsthe fluidin the transmission to bypassits normal route,allowingthe reartiresto "freewheel." Toopenthe hydrostatic 1. Locatethe shippingbrace,if present,andwarningtag
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Connecting the Battery Cables Checking Tire Pressure Batteryposts,terminals,andrelatedaccessoriescontainleadand Neverexceedthe maximuminflationpressureshownon thesidewall of the tire.Do notoverinfiatetires. Checksidewallof tiresfor maxi- leadcompounds,chemicalsknownto the Stateof Californiato cause cancerandreproductiveharm.Washhandsafterhandling. mumpsi.Equaltire pressureshouldbemaintainedat all times. The tiresonyourtractormaybeoverinfiatedfor shippingpurposes. Reducethe tire pressurebeforeope
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Gas and Oil Setting the Deck Gauge Wheels and Roller Movethe tractoron a firmandlevelsurface,preferablypavement,and The fueltank islocatedunderthe hoodand hasa capacityof two proceedas follows andthree-quartersgallons.Removethefuel cap by turningitcounter- clockwise.Useonly clean,fresh(nomorethan30 daysold), unleaded 1. Selectthe heightpositionof the cuttingdeck byplacingthedeck gasoline.Fillthe tankno higherthanfour inches belowthetop of the lift leverinthe normallydesiredmowingheightsetting(an
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f Systems Indicator Monitor ignition Switch FuelTank Cap Module Throttle PTO(Blade I Knob Fuel LevelIndicator DrivePedal Brake Pedal Parking Brake/ Pedal Cruise Control Lever Lift Lever Seat AdjustmentLever Cup Holder" \ Figure6 THROTTLE CONTROL LEVER GardenTractorcontrolsandfeaturesare illustratedin Figure6 and describedon thefollowingpages. The throttle/chokecontrolis locatedonthe left sideof NOTE: Referencesto the rightor Idt sideof tractorarefromthe the tractor'sdash panel.Thislevercontrolst
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DECK LiFT LEVER SYSTEMS INDICATOR MONITOR/HOUR METER LCD Foundon yourtractor'srightfender,the decklift leveris usedto changethe height Whenthe ignitionkeyis of the cuttingdeck. Touse,movethe lever rotatedout of the STOP 0 to the left,then placeinthe notchbest positionbut not intothe START suitedfor yourapplication. position,thesystem'sindicator monitordisplaysthe battery's IGNITION SWITCH MODULE output,in volts,on its LCDfor I Tostart theengine,insert the keyinto approximatelyfiveseconds, the ig
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PTO / BLADE ENGAGE KNOB PTO Activatingthe PTOengagespowerto the cutting deckorother (separately available)attachments. Pulloutwardon the PTO/BladeEngageknobto activateit.Pushthe PTO/Blade Engageknob inwardto disengagethe powerto the cutting deckorother (separately available)attachments. NOTE:The PTO/BladeEngageknobmustbe in the disengaged(OFF)positionwhenstartingthe OFF ON engine. PARKING BRAKE/CRUISE CONTROL LEVER Locatedinthe centerof the tractor'sdash panelbelow the steeringwheel,the ParkingB
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SAFETY iNTERLOCK SWITCH ES STOPPING THE ENGINE Thistractoris equippedwitha safetyinterlock systemfor the protection of the operator.Ifthe interlocksystemshouldevermalfunction,do not Ifyou strikea foreignobject,stopthe engineanddisconnectthe operatethe tractor.Contacta Searsorotherqualifiedservicedealer. sparkplugwire(s). Thoroughlyinspectthe machinefor anydamage. • The safetyinterlocksystempreventstheenginefromcrankingor Repairthedamagebeforerestartingandoperating. startingunlessthe parkingbrake
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REVERSE CAUTION MODE DRIVING ON SLOPES The REVERSECAUTIONMODEpositionof thekeyswitchmodule Referto the SLOPEGUIDEon page8 to helpdetermineslopeswhere allowsthe tractorto beoperatedinreversewiththe blades(PTO) you mayoperatethe tractorsafely. engaged. NOTE: Mowinginreverseis not recommended. Donot mowon inclineswitha slopeinexcessof 15degrees(a rise approximately2-1/2feetevery10feet).The tractorcouldoverturnanc causeseriousinjury. Useextremecautionwhile operatingthe tractorin the REVERSE CAUTIONM
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Cruise Control MOWING Neverengagethe cruisecontrolleverwhiletravelingin reverse. To helpavoidbladecontactora thrownobjectinjury,keepbystand- ers,helpers,childrenand petsat least75feetfromthe machinewhile Tosetthe cruisecontrol: it is in operation.Stopmachineif anyoneentersthe area. 1. Slowlypressthe upperportionof thedrive pedalwithyour right footuntilthe desiredspeedisachieved. The followinginformationwill behelpfulwhenusingthe cuttingdeck withyourtractor. 2. Lightlypressthe parkingbrake/cruise
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Beforeperforming anytypeof maintenance/service, disengage all Followthe maintenanceschedulegivenbelow.Thischartdescribes controlsandstoptheengine. Waituntilallmovingpartshavecometo serviceguidelinesonly.Usethe ServiceLogcolumnto keeptrack acompletestop.Disconnect sparkplugwireandgroundit againstthe of completedmaintenancetasks.To locate the nearest Parts & engineto prevent unintended starting.Alwayswearsafetyglasses during Repair Service Centeror to scheduleservice,simplycontact 1-800-4-MY-HOME®
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NOTE: References to the rightor leftsideof tractorarefromthe NOTE: Ifthere is too muchtensionon thebelt for it to be easilyre- viewpointof theoperatorfacingforwardfromthe tractorseat. movedfromtheelectric PTOclutch,cardully inserta 3/8" driveratchet wrench(setto loosen) intothe squareholefound inthe Idt-handdeck CUTTING DECK REMOVAL idlerbracketand pivotit towardthe tractor'srightsideto relievetension To removethecuttingdeck, proceedas follows: on the belt.SeeFigure11. 1. Placethe PTO/BladeEngag