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ThinkS tation
Har dwar e Maint enance Manual
Machine T ypes: 7782, 7783, 7821, 7823, and 7824
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ThinkS tation Har dwar e Maint enance Manual Machine T ypes: 7782, 7783, 7821, 7823, and 7824
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Not e Befor e using this information and the pr oduct it suppor ts, be sur e t o r ead and understand Chapt er 2 “Safety information” on page 3 and Appendix A “Notices” on page 161. First Edition (May 2011) © Copyright L enovo 2011. LIMITED AND RES TRIC TED RIGHT S NO TICE: If data or softwar e is deliver ed pursuant a Gener al Ser vices Administr ation “GSA ” contr act, use, r epr oduction, or disclosur e is subject t o r estrictions set for th in Contr act No. GS-35F-05925.
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Contents Chapt er 1. About this manual . . . . . 1 Exiting the Setup Utility pr ogr am . . . . . . . 40 Impor tant Safety Information . . . . . . . . . . 1 Chapt er 7. Configuring RAID . . . . . 41 Impor tant information about r eplacing RoHS compliant FRUs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 RAID L evel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Configuring the syst em BIOS t o enable SA T A RAID Chapt er 2. Safety information . . . . . 3 functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Gener al safety . .
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K eyboar d and Mouse . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Updating (flashing) the BIOS fr om a disc . . . 157 Adapt ers and miscellaneous FRUs . . . . . . . 142 Updating (flashing) the BIOS fr om your oper ating syst em . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 P ower Cor ds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Recovering fr om a POS T/BIOS updat e failur e . . 158 Recover y discs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 P ower management . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 W indows 7 P r ofessional 64 Recover y CD . . 150 Aut omatic con
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Chapt er 1. About this manual This manual contains ser vice and r efer ence information for ThinkS tation® comput ers list ed on the fr ont cover . It is int ended only for tr ained ser vicers who ar e familiar with L enovo® comput er pr oducts. Befor e ser vicing a L enovo pr oduct, be sur e t o r ead the Safety Information in Chapt er 2 “Safety information” on page 3 . Chapt er 8 “S ympt om-t o-FRU Inde x” on page 43 and Chapt er 11 “ Additional ser vice information” on page 157 ar e not speci
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Not e: RoHS and non-RoHS FRU par t numbers with the same fit and function ar e identified with unique FRU par t numbers. L enovo plans t o tr ansition t o RoHS compliance well befor e the implementation dat e and e xpects its suppliers t o be r eady t o suppor t L enovo's r equir ements and schedule in the EU . P r oducts sold in 2005 will contain some RoHS compliant FRUs. The following stat ement per tains t o these pr oducts and any pr oduct L enovo pr oduces containing RoHS compliant par ts.
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Chapt er 2. Safety information This chapt er contains the safety information that you need t o be familiar with befor e ser vicing a comput er . Gener al safety F ollow these rules t o ensur e gener al safety: • Obser ve good housek eeping in the ar ea of the machines during and aft er maint enance. • When lifting any heav y object: 1. Ensur e you can stand safely without slipping. 2. Distribut e the weight of the object equally between your feet. 3. Use a slow lifting for ce. Never move suddenl
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Impor tant: Use only appr oved t ools and t est equipment. Some hand t ools have handles cover ed with a soft mat erial that does not insulat e you when working with live electrical curr ents. Many cust omers have, near their equipment, rubber floor mats that contain small conductive fibers t o decr ease electr ostatic dischar ges. Do not use this type of mat t o pr ot ect yourself fr om an electric shock. • Find the r oom emer gency power -off (EPO) switch, disconnecting switch, or electrical o
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Safety inspection guide The int ent of this inspection guide is t o assist you in identifying pot entially unsafe conditions on these pr oducts. Each machine, as it was designed and built, had r equir ed safety it ems installed t o pr ot ect users and ser vice personnel fr om injur y . This guide addr esses only those it ems. However , good judgment should be used t o identify pot ential safety hazar ds due t o attachment of featur es or options not cover ed by this inspection guide. If any unsa
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• W ear a gr ounded wrist str ap against your skin t o eliminat e static on your body . • P r event the par t fr om t ouching your clothing. Most clothing is insulative and r etains a char ge even when you ar e wearing a wrist str ap. • Use the black side of a gr ounded work mat t o pr ovide a static-fr ee work sur face. The mat is especially useful when handling ESD-sensitive devices. • Select a gr ounding syst em, such as those list ed below , t o pr ovide pr ot ection that meets the specific
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• When possible, use one hand only t o connect or disconnect signal cables. • Never turn on any equipment when ther e is evidence of fir e, wat er , or structur al damage. • Disconnect the attached power cor ds, t elecommunications syst ems, networks, and modems befor e you open the device covers, unless instruct ed other wise in the installation and configur ation pr ocedur e s. • Connect and disconnect cables as described in the following tables when installing, moving, or opening covers on th
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≥18 kg (37 lbs) ≥32 kg (70.5 lbs) ≥55 kg (121.2 lbs) C A UTION: Use safe pr actices when lifting. C A UTION: The power contr ol butt on on the device and the power switch on the power supply do not turn off the electrical curr ent supplied t o the device. The device also might have mor e than one power cor d. T o r emove all electrical curr ent fr om the device, ensur e that all power cor ds ar e disconnect ed fr om the power sour ce. 8 ThinkS tation Har dwar e Maint enance Manual 2 1
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Chapt er 2 . Safety information 9
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≥18 kg (37 lbs) ≥32 kg (70.5 lbs) ≥55 kg (121.2 lbs) PERIGO 10 ThinkS tation Har dwar e Maint enance Manual 2 1
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A corr ent e elétrica pr ovenient e de cabos de alimentação, de t elefone e de comunicações é perigosa. P ar a evitar risco de choque elétrico: • Não conect e nem desconect e nenhum cabo ou e x ecut e instalação, manut enção ou r econfigur ação dest e pr odut o dur ant e uma t empestade com r aios. • Conect e t odos os cabos de alimentação a t omadas elétricas corr etament e instaladas e at err adas. • T odo equipament o que for conectado a est e pr odut o deve ser conectado a t omadas corr etam
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• Não r emova as tampas. A r emoção das tampas de um pr odut o a laser pode r esultar em e xposição pr ejudicial à r adiação de laser . Não e xist em peças que podem ser conser tadas no int erior do dispositivo. • A utilização de contr oles ou ajust es ou a e x ecução de pr ocediment os difer ent es dos especificados aqui pode r esultar em e xposição pr ejudicial à r adiação. PERIGO Alguns pr odut os a laser cont êm diodo de laser int egr ado da Classe 3A ou da Classe 3B. Obser ve o seguint e: R
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Chapt er 2 . Safety information 13
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14 ThinkS tation Har dwar e Maint enance Manual 2 1