Руководство по эксплуатации Bosch Appliances 0

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Bosch Appliances 0

Устройство: Bosch Appliances 0
Категория: Домофон
Производитель: Bosch Appliances
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Добавлено: 4/11/2013
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DCN Next Generation

en Software User Manual
LBB 4173/00

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About this manual Manual conventions This user manual is divided into five chapters. For clarity this user manual uses consistent styles, Chapters 1 and 2 provide background information symbols and typographical conventions. They are: and chapters 3 and 4 provide detailed user information and chapter 5 provides general i Note information as follows: • Chapter 1 - Intercom - containing a brief General notes are contained within rules and overview of the Digital Congress Network Next

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DCN Next Generation Intercom en | 3 Table of contents 1 Intercom .........................................................................4 1.1 About Intercom ........................................................ 4 1.1.1 What is Intercom?................................................... 4 2 Getting started ............................................................5 2.1 Starting Intercom..................................................... 5 2.1.1 The Startup screen ..........

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DCN Next Generation Intercom en | 4 1 Intercom i Note It is not possible to start Intercom if 30 or more language channels have been selected in the System Installation module. 1.1 About Intercom 1.1.1 What is Intercom? The Intercom module is one of the software modules designed for monitoring and controlling conferences and discussions using the contribution equipment. Intercom provides a means of setting up and controlling intercom calls between delegates, chairmen and inte

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DCN Next Generation Intercom en | 5 The software uses two user-created files that contain 2 Getting started important information about the installed hardware configuration and about delegates’ names. These files are: • Installation file - containing information about 2.1 Starting Intercom channel assignment and the numbers that have been assigned to all microphones connected to 2.1.1 The Startup screen the system. These seat numbers are assigned The Intercom program is started fro

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DCN Next Generation Intercom en | 6 • Keyboard • Select the ‘Help’ menu and click on ‘Procedures’. • Commands A list of topics is given. For more information on any • Procedures topic contained in the list: • Glossary • Using Help • Click on the required topic in the list. • About Intercom. A list of options for the selected topic is given. For more information on any option contained in the list: 2.2.2 Index • Click on the required option in the list. To access the index: An o

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DCN Next Generation Intercom en | 7 Figure 2 The ‘About Intercom...’ window To remove this window: • Click on the ‘OK’ push button. Bosch Security Systems B.V. | 2005 January | 9922 141 70371

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DCN Next Generation Intercom en | 8 3 Preparing for a conference i Note The number of available lines depends on the number of intercom lines specified using System Installation. When no channels are 3.1 The main window assigned for intercom purposes, the Intercom The Intercom main window is used to display software module cannot be used. incoming intercom calls from delegates, chairmen or interpreters, to select a destination for the calls, and The information displayed in th

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DCN Next Generation Intercom en | 9 title, displayed in the menu bar. The full list of menu options is as follows: i Note File Edit Settings Help Clicking on ‘Cancel’ closes the dialogue box New… Links… Ring Tone Index… without initiating commands and/or changes. Open… Intercom Activity… Keyboard This applies to all dialogue boxes in the Save Commands Intercom program. Save As… Procedures Delete… Glossary If you have requested to open a new intercom file

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DCN Next Generation Intercom en | 10 can be displayed, a scroll bar is provided. The following dialogue box appears: To open an intercom file: • Click on the name in the list. • Click on the ‘Ok’ push button. If you have requested to open a new intercom file before saving a current intercom file that has been changed, a warning message with the following text is displayed: ‘Changes have been made to .’ ‘Do you want to save?’ Figure 6 The ‘Save As’ dialogue box • Click o

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DCN Next Generation Intercom en | 11 • ‘Search’ radio buttons, push button and edit box • Click on the name in the list. • ‘Special Links’ list box • ‘Delete’ push button • Click on the ‘Delete’ push button. • ‘OK’ and ‘Cancel’ push buttons Another dialogue box will appear, with the text: ‘Are you sure you want to delete file Determining where the special link begins This option allows you to select a delegate, chairman ’ or interpreter who can initiate a special intercom

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DCN Next Generation Intercom en | 12 Search • Click on the ‘Search’ push button. This option allows you to conduct a search for a Once the search is completed, the list box displays all particular delegate, chairman or interpreter. There entries corresponding to the input details. You can are two ‘Search’ radio buttons, a ‘Search’ push button select the desired entry by clicking on it. and a list box: Determining who the special link goes to This option allows you to select a deleg

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DCN Next Generation Intercom en | 13 To disable logging again: 3.4 Specifying intercom settings You can specify intercom-related parameters using • Click on the ‘Off’ radio button. the ‘Settings’ menu. The ‘Settings’ menu is accessed The ‘Send To File’ edit field allows you to specify the from the main window, and has two options: destination file of the logging activity. You can enter • Ring Tone a file name, which must be a valid MS-DOS name no • Intercom Activity longer than eig

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DCN Next Generation Intercom en | 14 4.1.1 Routing incoming intercom calls 4 Intercom activity during a If the call is a request from a user to speak to another user, you must call up the main window in order to conference route and connect the call. To do so: • Click on the ‘Connect To...’ push button. 4.1 Handling incoming intercom calls The ‘Connect Request’ dialogue box disappears and When an intercom call is made to the operator by a the following dialogue box appears: user (i.

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DCN Next Generation Intercom en | 15 no screen line has been specified. Whether the seat number or screen line is displayed first depends on i Note which ‘Search’ mode has been selected. When ‘Interpreters’ is selected, a ‘Search’ can only be carried out to locate interpreters, and If ‘Interpreters’ has been selected, the ‘Connect To’ list can therefore only be done by ‘Numbers’, box will display a list of all interpreters who can where numbers is ‘Booth , Desk ’. receive

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DCN Next Generation Intercom en | 16 To connect: If you wish to change your selection, simply repeat the procedure. • Click on the ‘Connect’ push button. For more details on conducting a search for a If the connection is successful, the text beneath the particular delegate or chairman, please refer to page ‘Connect’ push button will be updated so the number 15. of lines available is reduced by one. The Intercom application will be automatically iconized. Connecting the call Once

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DCN Next Generation Intercom en | 17 To select the intercom activity file for printing: • Click on the Intercom icon. • Click on the arrow button on the right-hand side of the ‘Name’ entry field. A drop-down list of files i Note appears. If an intercom call is made by a delegate, • Scroll through the list and click on the required chairman or interpreter, Intercom will file. The filename appears in the entry field. automatically re-open and a message will appear on-screen. For

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DCN Next Generation Intercom en | 18 Bosch Security Systems B.V. | 2005 January | 9922 141 70371

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For more information please visit www.boschsecuritysystems.com © 2005 Bosch Security Systems B.V. Data subject to change without notice January 2005 | 9922 141 70371

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