Руководство по эксплуатации Philips SHB6111

Руководство по эксплуатации для устройства Philips SHB6111

Устройство: Philips SHB6111
Категория: Наушники
Производитель: Philips
Размер: 1.08 MB
Добавлено: 10/5/2014
Количество страниц: 19
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GB Bluetooth stereo headset

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Table of contents 1 Impor tant 3 9 Using y our headset with 1.1 Hearing safety 3 y our mobile phone 13 1.2 Electric-, Magnetic- andElectr omagnetic 9.1 Connecting to yourmobile phone 13 Fields(“EMF”) 3 9.2 Operatingy our headset 13 1.3 General maintenance 4 1.4 Disposalof y our old product 4 10 W earing y our Bluetooth ster eo 1.5 Remove theintegrated batter y 4 headset 15 1.6 Notice for the EuropeanUnion 5 1.7

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1.2 Electric-, Ma gnetic- and 1 Important Electr oma gnetic Fields ( EMF ) 1 PhilipsElectr onics manufactures and sells 1.1 Hearing saf ety many products targeted at consumers, which, like any electronic apparatus, in general Dang er have theability to emit and receiveelectr o- To avoidhearing damagelimit the time youuse magnetic signals. the headphonesat high volume and setthe  Oneof Philips leading BusinessPrinciples

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1.3 General maintenance 1.5 Remo v e the integrated batter y T o a v oid dama g e or malfunction: If iny our countryther eis no collection / • Do not expose the headset to excessive heat. recycling system for electronic productsy ou • Do not dropy our headset. canpr otect the environment by removing • Do not allow your headset to be submerged andr ecyclingthe batterybef ore disposing the in water. headset. Please take the battery to abatter y • Do no

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1.6 Notice f or the Eur opean Union Hereby,Philips ConsumerLif estyle, BG P&A, declaresthat this Philips Bluetooth headset SHB6111 is incompliance with the essential requirements andother relevant provisionsof Directive1999/5/EC . Check the root folderof your userman ualCD oran addendum sheet forthe Declaration of Conformity. 1.7 T rademarks Trademarks are the propertyof K oninklijke PhilipsElectr onicsN.V . orthe

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2 What’sin the box: Bluetooth headset USBcharging cable Quickstar t guide CDwith user man ual Bluetoothm usic/ v oice adapter 3 Whatelse y ou’llneed: F or wir eless handsfr ee comm unication: • The Bluetooth headset profile (HSP)or the F or use with a mobile phone: Bluetooth Handsfree profile(HFP). A mobile phone that isca pable ofBluetooth stereostr eaming, i.e. thatis compatible with the F or wir eless ster eo listening: Blue

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4 What you can do with your headset andBluetooth music/ v oice adapter With y our Philips headset y ou can: • Lead wireless hands-freecon versations • Wirelesslylisten to music • Wirelessly control music • Switchbetw een calls and music With y our Philips USB Bluetooth m usic / v oice ada pter y ou can: • Enablecompatible PC’s withBluetooth wireless technologyf orm usiclistening and VoIP communication.  ENGLISH

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5 Overviewof y our Bluetooth stereo headset and USB Bluetooth music /v oice adapter Bluetooth ster eo headset VOL – VOL + Charging soc ket OptiFit ear loop adjustment LED indicator ligh t Microphone Bluetooth m usic / v oice ada pter LED, Pair & Connect button 

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inthe “Sound Playback” and “SoundRecor ding” 6 Install andconfigure the fieldswith “PhilipsSHB6111 Bluetooth music / voice adapter”. Alternativelyy ou canunplug the USBBluetooth music / Bluetooth music / voiceada pter and plug itinto theUSB port again toachie ve the same effect. voice adapter Configure Skypeor other VoIP applications to usethe Bluetoothm usic / voice adapter: Noseparate software is requiredto installthe B

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7.2 P air y our headset 7 Getstar ted YourBluetooth stereoheadset mustbe paired toy ourBluetooth ada pter andmobile phone 7.1 Charg e y our headset before connectingand using it with that device for thefirst time . “Pairing” will establish aunique Beforey ouuse y our headsetf orthe firsttime , encryptedlink betw een your headsetand USB charge thebatter y for 6 hours for optimum adapteror mobilephone . batter

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7.2.2 P air y our headset with y our mobile phone Makesur ethe headset is charged, your mobile phone isturned on and itsBluetooth f eatureis enabled. Checky ourphones user guide to learn howto turn onBluetooth on y ourphone . 1 With theheadset turned off, press until theLED startsblinking r edand blue alternately. Theheadset will remain in “pairing mode”f or5 min utes.  Pairing typically involves af e

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9 Usingy our headsetwith your mobile phone 9.1 Connecting to y our mobile phone Turn on theheadset bypr essing untilthe LED lightsup . Onceturned on theheadset will r e- connectautomaticall y to the last device itwas connected with. If thelast connected deviceis nota vailablethe headsettries to r econnect to thepen ultimatede vice thatwas connected to theheadset. If youturn the mobile phoneor itsBluetooth

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The table below shows how to operate your headset: In order to: Do this: Sound and LED indicator feedback Enter pairing mode Press until the LEDstar ts Alternatingr ed /blue flash blinking red/ bluealternatel y Turn headset on Press for 2 seconds •3x red flash: batteryis lo w. • 2x redflash: > 25% of charge remaining. • 1x blueflash: > 50% of charge remaining. Turn headsetoff One long beep Hold for min. 4sec Play/ Pause music Tap Stop music Tap and

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10 Wearingy ourBluetooth 11 Usingmore of your stereo headset Bluetoothstereo headset TheOptiFit neckband f eatures anerg onomically optimized hinge, carefullyplaced in the center 11.1 Learn about the battery status of the ear shellf or optimum wearing comfort. Thisoptimized fit also r esultsin ideal sound Immediatelyafter turning theheadset on, the performancedue toperf ectspeak er placement LEDwill indicate the b

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11. Learn about simultaneous use for 11. Learn about FullSound voice and audio FullSoundis a smartdigital sound enhancement YourBluetooth ster eoheadset can connect to algorithm, which runson a powerfulpr ocessor • oneBluetooth audiode vice(suppor tingthe insidey ourBluetooth headset. A2DPand AVRCP Bluetooth profile) and • oneBluetooth communicationde vice Itr estoresand enhancesbass, treble, stereo (supporting HFPor H

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12 Technicaldata • Upto 14 hours of pla ytimeor talk time • Upto 300 hours of standby time • Typicaltime fora full charge: 4hours < • RechargeableLithium-P olymer battery (360mAh) • Headset: Bluetooth 2.0+EDR, Bluetooth music/ v oice adapter: Bluetooth1.2 Profilesuppor t: Bluetooth ster eo (A2DP – Advanced Audio Distribution Profile), Audio VideoRemote Contr ol Profile (AVRCP), Headset (HSP) and HandsfreePr ofil

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13 Frequently asked questions Bluetooth headset does not s witch on. Audio quality when str eaming fr om phone Battery is verylo w. is v er y lo w or audio str eaming does not Chargey ourBluetooth headset. w ork at all. Phonema ynot be A2DP compatibleand only support (mono)HSP/HFP . No connection to mobile phone . Checky ourphones compatibility . Bluetooth disabled. Enable Bluetooth on your mobile phone and turn the headseton after turning on the phone

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2008 © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. All rights reserved.

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