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Contents Introduction................ 4 Contents of this Package.......... 5 Cautionary Notes .............8 Positioning of the Headset......... 10 Changing the EarTip............12 Charging the Headset ........ 12 Turning On/Off the Headset........13 DigitalVolume Control...........14 Pairing the Headset............15 Multiple Pairings..............16 Features for Bluetooth Headset Profile ...18 Features for Bluetooth HandsFree Profile . . 19 Call State ................24 Low Battery State.....
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TM L-E-A-P Feature (Model Z-470)......25 Hi-Fi MusicAudio Input (Models Z-350 and Z-470)........26 Graphic Equalizer.............27 Minimizing Power Consumption ......36 Troubleshooting..............37 LimitedWarranty.............38 SafetyWarnings..............41 TM ® Trademarks and RegisteredTrademarks . 41 FCC Notice ...............42 EU Notice ................43 Specifications...............43 Gennum Contact Information .......44 © 2005 Gennum Corporation All rights reserved Page 3
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Introduction TM ® The Z-E-N Models Z-280, Z-350 and Z-470 headsets use Bluetooth wireless technology to connect to phones or other devices,which support the headset or handsfree profiles. While connected to your phone (Phone Mode),youcanmakeandreceivecallsusingtheheadset,includingusingvoice control features if your phone supports this function. All models allow the usertocustomizethereceivephoneaudiousinga5-bandGraphicEqualizer. In addition, the user is also able to increase the volume level of
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ContentsofthisPackage TM 1 Z-E-N DigitalWirelessHeadset 1 MiniBagofReplacementTips 1 InstallationCD 1 User'sManual 1 FittingGuide 1 AudioInterfaceCable 1 ACWallCharger © 2005 Gennum Corporation All rights reserved Page 5
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EARHOOK PINCH BUTTON SIDEBUTTON BLUE INDICATOR EARTIP LIGHT Page 6 © 2005 Gennum Corporation All rights reserved
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StoragePosition Rotate the flexible arm upwards into the upright position as shown in the photograph for storage. CautionaryNotes Significant flexibility has been designed into the flexible arm to allow the headset to comfortably fit a variety of ear shapes and sizes;however some caremustbetakeninmanipulatingtheflexiblearm Failure to observe the following cautionary notes could irreparably damage yourheadsetandvoidyourwarranty Page 8 © 2005 Gennum Corporation All rights reserved
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NOTE: Do not attempt to NOTE: Only forcibly rotate the rotate the flexible arm below flexible arm the body of the above the headset or body of the irreparable headset damage will occur NOTE: Only stretch the flexible arm out NOTE: sufficient to Do not stretch the flexible position on arm out to the position the ear shown or continuously manipulate the arm outwards and inwards or irreparable damage will occur © 2005 Gennum Corporation All rights reserved Page 9
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PositioningtheHeadset Itisrecommendedyoustandinfrontofamirrorwhentryingtofittheheadsetfor the first time. You can fit the headset on either the left ear or right ear by first rotatingtheflexiblearmoverthetopoftheheadsetontotheleftsideorrightside respectively. Grasptheheadsetbetweenyourthumbandindexandmiddlefingers asshown. Positionthebodyoftheheadsetoverthetopoftheearandinsertthe eartipintotheear. Rotatetheheadsetuntilithooksintopositionoverthetopof yourear. Iftheeartipisnotsnuglypositionedinyou
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NOTE: the arm is made from a flexible rubber material throughout its entire lengthandismeanttobeadjustable. Pleasepositionthearmintheshapedesired, togetthemostcomfortablefitforyou. PositioningTip Toobtainthebestpossibleresultswithyourheadset,itisimportanttoensure thattheeartipisinsertedsnuglyintotheear. Asnugfitwillprovidethebest possible sound quality as well as good isolation from external background noiseallowingyoutoheartheincomingcallmoreclearly. Aproperfitcanbe obtainedbyapplyingpressureto
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ChangingtheEarTip With one hand,firmly graspthe end of the ear tip between yourthumb and indexfinger. Similarly,withtheotherhand,grasptheendoftheflexiblearm. Removetheeartipwithagentletug. Toreplacetheeartip,reversethisprocedurebyaligningtheholeintheeartip andpushingitontheendoftheflexiblearmuntilitisfirmlyseatedinposition. ChargingtheHeadset The headset contains a rechargeable battery and must be charged before use Turn the headset off Insert the headset charging plug into the charging port
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headset Plug theAC power adapter into an electrical wall outlet If charging is required,the Blue Indicator Light will turn on indicating charging is in progress (if the Blue Indicator Light does not turn on,the headset is already fully charged) The Blue Indicator Light will flash when charging is complete If left plugged-in,the Blue Indicator Light will eventually stop flashing (Charging is automatically stopped in order to protect your headset) TurningOn/OfftheHeadset To turn ON the hea
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To turn OFF the headset,press and hold the SIDE button until you hear 4 beeps. ReleasetheSIDEbuttonandyouwillhearaquickseriesoftonesgoing fromhightolowpitch. Ifyouarenotwearingtheheadset,pressandholdthe SIDEbuttonfor4flashesoftheBlueIndicatorLight. DigitalVolumeControl Withtheheadsetorientedupright, Rotatethevolumecontrolknobupwardstoincreasethevolume Rotatethevolumecontrolknobdownwardstoreducethevolume Youwillhearabeepwhenyouhavereachedthetopendorbottomendofthe volumerange. NOTE: Whenonacal
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TM L-E-A-P 2orPhone)isentirelyindependentsochangingthevolumeinone mode,willnotaffecttheothermodes. NOTE: Donotinitiallyturnthevolumecontroltomaximumuntil youbecomefamiliarwiththevolumelevelsanddeterminewhatis mostcomfortableforyou PairingtheHeadset Youmustsuccessfullycompletethefollowingpairingproceduretoallowthe headset and your phone to communicate. The phone and headset will remainpaireduntilthepairingisdeletedfromthephonethroughthephone menuoptions. Turn on the Bluetooth function on your p
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Followyourphone'spairingproceduretopairitwiththeheadset Whenfound,theheadsetwilldisplayas“Z-E-N”onyourphone. When asked for the passkey,password or pin code,enter on thephone'skeypad:0000 If pairing is successful, your phone will display a “pairing successful” messageandtheBlueIndicatorLightwillturnoff. Ifyouarewearingthe headset,youwillheara'pairingsuccess'melody Depending on your phone model,you may have to initiate a Bluetooth Connection. This can be achieved by selecting 'connect t
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movetheheadsetfromonedevicetothenext,usethefollowingprocedure: Turnofftheheadset Turnoffthephoneordevicetowhichitiscurrentlyconnectedor,turn offtheBluetoothfunction,orselect“DisconnectZ-E-N”manuallyfrom yourphone'smenuoptions Turn on the new phone or device you want to now connect with the headset. You must have previously paired the headset with this phone ordeviceasdescribedinthepairingprocedure Turnontheheadset Dependingonyourphonemodel,youmayhavetoinitiateaBluetooth Connectionusing
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FEATURESFORPHONESSUPPORTINGTHE ® BLUETOOTH HEADSETPROFILEONLY IfyourphoneonlysupportstheBluetoothHeadsetProfile,thenthefollowing featuresareavailable. AnsweringaCall If your headset is linked to your phone, then with an incoming call,you will hearaseriesofringtonesintheearpieceoftheheadset Toanswerthecall,brieflypressandreleasetheSIDEbutton. EndingaCall Toendthecall,brieflypressandreleasetheSIDEbutton. MakingaCall Dialthenumberyouarecallingonyourphone'skeypadandthecallwill beautomaticallyt
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the call from your phone to the headset,press and hold the PINCH buttonuntilyouhear1beep,thenimmediatelyreleasethebutton Mute/Unmute Whileonanactivecall, ToMUTEthecall,brieflypressandreleasethePINCHbutton. Youwill hear1beepfollowedbyperiodicbeeps,indicatingtheheadsethasbeen muted ToUNMUTEthecall,brieflypressandreleasethePINCHbutton. The periodicbeepswillstop,indicatingthatthecallhasbeenun-muted FEATURESFORPHONESSUPPORTINGTHE ® BLUETOOTH HANDSFREEPROFILE IfyourphonealsosupportstheBluetoothHan
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Toanswerthecall,brieflypressandreleasetheSIDEbutton. Ifyourheadsetisnotlinkedtoyourphone,youwillnotheartheringtonesin yourheadset,howeveryoucanstilltransfertheincomingcalltoyourheadset at any time by by pressing and holding the PINCH button for 1 beep. It may takeafewsecondslongertotransfer. EndingaCall Toendthecall,brieflypressandreleasetheSIDEbutton. MakingaCall Ifyourheadsetislinkedtoyourphone, Dialthenumberyouarecallingonyourphone'skeypadandthecallwill beautomaticallytransferredtothehe